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Everything posted by kyres1

  1. Sorta. They match the brightest greens on the energy sword, but not the rest. It might feel a tad out of place, I'll look into either respriting the energy sword or just recoloring them.
  2. This suggestion is pretty simple. I thought the ninja suit looked pretty silly and didn't seem to mesh well with how people typically play ninja. The ninja's suit is among the most powerful suits in the game, and the current sprite just doesn't really feel right. Nothing about a guy in a skin-tight suit teleporting around shows power. So, I re-did every single sprite to look less skin-tight and more ninja, and even added sprites for Vaurca. For comparison, here's the current ninja suit. Here's the remakes. The object sprite is this ; I'm willing to redo any of the suits in their entirety according to feedback. As it stands, my biggest issues are with the Vaurca suit, which are really out of place among the rest - this is mainly because I'm not sure if there's any way to change the feet/hand sprites for RIGs (because they're all the same for each race otherwise). Contact me on the discord if you'd like all of the relevant files. A bunch of feedback for the suits was taken from the discord general while I was in the process of making them. Edit : Updated the Vaurca suit - it should look cool now, too.
  3. Hi. Sorry for the wait, but Cake has been extremely busy lately and as a result I'll be handling this. This has been sitting for quite some time, but generally the input I have to give is simple ; it's overall a great application, and your response to Cake's question was good. A non-industrial/baseline IPC in security is rare, and your reasoning behind choosing the Zeng-Hu chassis for Rayne is definitely good enough. I look forward to seeing Rayne on board. Application accepted.
  4. Hi. Sorry for the wait, but Cake has been extremely busy lately and as a result I'll be handling this. I will start by saying that I've interacted with Uttaz and Zaun plenty over quite some time. While I've got mixed and mostly negative opinions on Zaun, you play Uttaz very well and I've personally seen your roleplay improve over this time. With that said, the answers to each question are definitely satisfactory. I originally had concerns in regards to how your character purchased their freedom but was reassured upon seeing the fact that you've actually put thought into it. This is something I really like. Rarely do people ponder these things, especially openly in a whitelist application - and it's certainly a good sign. I have faith in your ability to play an IPC properly, especially after having read all that. Application accepted.
  5. Hi. Sorry for the wait, but Cake has been extremely busy lately and as a result I'll be handling this. To me, it doesn't seem like much effort went into this application. There is very little beyond "This happened, that happened, they showed up at the Aurora" and it all rambles in a way that doesn't mesh together at all. There has been zero feedback, nor have I personally ever seen your characters myself. With all that said, you seem to be very new to this server in general. I'd personally give it some time before applying for a race whitelist. For now, though - this application will be denied.
  6. Hi. Sorry for the wait, but Cake has been extremely busy lately and as a result I'll be handling this. Disregarding entirely what Cake asked of you two or so weeks ago, the application alone is pretty poor. It seems very lazy as you've effectively replaced any creative effort you could've made with either [REDACTED] or a series of random numbers. On top of that, some of the questions outside of the character's story clearly aren't serious, nor does it seem you hold genuine interest in this whitelist. The additional posts you've made do not contribute in making the application acceptable. As a result, I'm going to deny this application.
  7. I'm not the one who removed your whitelist nor am I able to. I was the guy who had to give you the news. This leads me to ask if I'm really at fault for "revoking your IPC whitelist in a improper manner" which seems to be the central point of the complaint. The decision was ultimately Cake's.
  8. I dig the face plate for IRD, but this item for JIX is literally the most cliche thing in the history of ever. It's literally always "oh, my coat is torn up" or "oh, my coat is torn up, but hastily/shittily patched", and I'm starting to lose my mind over the number of applications I've accepted that are literally just "Oh, I wear broken clothes to my professional space station job for a mega corporation." I get that JIX is meant to be an older machine, but why does he continue to wear it? Surely machines wouldn't have the same emotional attachment to objects because then your machine is literally acting human, and then surely someone working on a research station would be able to afford an actual outfit that isn't torn up and jagged. I get quirky outfits and whatnot, but broken clothes is just why, especially for machines, and maybe just stained/weathered clothing would be best. Not gonna lie, I'm probably going to go take lessons from Kurt Cobain on purchasing home defense weapons and garage redecoration if I have to straight up accept another torn clothing application. Completely fair point, and to be honest I was thinking about changing the premise of them to begin with. It does seem a bit too Human for JIX to hold onto something tattered and ruined in a professional work environment. Though, the sprite doesn't really reflect the worn-down aspect of it. I'll edit the application to better suit it.
  9. JIX (edited) ; IRD ;
  10. For good players, this would be amazing. Though, time and time again it's proven that good players rarely play antagonist. We simply don't have a high enough standard of antagonist RP anymore to allow lings to horror form whenever they want or vampires to use dominate immediately. Rounds would be filled with vampires using dominate at the 5 minute mark to order people to kill their coworkers. Lings would most likely be just as horrible as they are now, except this way they're unstoppable and horror form immediately upon capture. The benefits are obvious. Escalation is left to the hands of the player rather than some arbitrary kill number for lings, or a ludicrously high blood count for vamps. In my opinion, it's a good idea that deserves a trial run, maybe. People have been yelling about a ling rework forever and this seems like a simple enough solution to that, without huge code changes.
  11. With implants ; NanoTrasen ; "Do this insane thing." Captain: "OK" Without implants ; NanoTrasen ; "Do this insane thing... Or else." Captain ; "Is it worth it? I've got a wife and kids. Do I put my life on the line for this crew? What are the repercussions? Would NT go that far? I'm sure they would." I'm sure there's plenty more examples, but this is always usually what it boils down to.
  12. I've been saying this for months now. Anything that makes the game two-dimensional sucks - and being "influenced to suit Nanotrasen's needs" makes everything exactly that. The complexity of the game is thrown out the window with needless IC restrictions like this. Intricate stuff like a captain's opinions regarding their crew or the nature of their decision making should not be left to the likes of something that gets shoved in their head upon taking the job. In lore, they are yet another addition that makes zero sense much like cloning. Nobody in their right mind would ever willfully be implanted by NT under any circumstance, no matter the benefits, especially since people's lives are on the line for it and regardless of its deactivation when they are off duty. I see what you mean here, but it's not like we're removing a giant gameplay mechanic or if it even has any sway over gameplay to begin with. Its entire purpose revolves around one point ; removing RP potential to make all captains/HOS universally in NT's favor. Sure, it makes sense that NT would want it, but 1. nobody would sign up for it, 2. at the point of captainship, you already have assured loyalty. They get a massive paycheck and have proven themselves worthy of being afforded the immense responsibilities related to captainship. Whether or not working with NT is morally correct has always been a good way to drive stories and loyalty implants remove that aspect entirely from arguably the most important character in any given round.
  13. 100% agreed. There are infinitely better ways to fix cloning than making it even more tedious.
  14. For clarity, I was essentially against every major decision we made in this round. I was outnumbered in the voting though, so I'd have been a dick to ignore the majority decision of the group. That being said, I had many issues with that round - none I believe warranted a complaint from my own perspective. This is a lot of people to make one complaint over, especially throwing in the ones who did no wrong.
  15. BYOND key: Kyres1 Character names: Ali Holmes, ROCKY, VAO, PIKSI, PHARAOH, GETT, IRD, JIX, Beacon, Painkiller, Kale Strauss, SEER, Truth, Feros/Greyson Corilius, Yahir Jones How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Several years, since 2014 I believe. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: To start expanding my horizons, really. It's been a long time - I figure it's been plenty long enough to start having my characters move up, and to place myself in elevated responsibility ICly. Why did you come to Aurora?: To be honest, Aurora's sort of where I started off. It was my introductory to SS13 and when I began I thought every server was like it. Once I decided to settle down and treat it seriously, I then found out that things like LRP existed - but at that point, it didn't interest me. I stayed because the thought of persistent characters on a persistent station with thriving lore and a great community was all I needed. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay, in Aurora's instance, is about a group of people progressing one great big story through the eyes of their characters. It's first and foremost a cooperative game where nobody is out to "win." In SS13 there are a billion different things that can be used to progress this roleplay, and that's what I think makes this game so special. Playing out story arcs, writing backstory and making interesting characters are among my favorite things to do - and those, as well I believe are what roleplay should be about. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff OOCly is meant to be a guiding hand for new players. They are also meant to progress a round in a sensible way, and not just with their mechanical differences (extra access and authority). A head of staff is held to a higher standard than other characters as well, with good RP being a basic requirement and the whitelist being more rigorous than most. Of course, this ensures quality, leading to the final purpose of heads of staff - to bring assured quality RP, and ensure that all is in working order from an IC standpoint. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: There's plenty of responsibilities ICly for heads of staff, but whitelisted people in general should mostly follow these simple rules ; to uphold good roleplay, to play a good character, and to contribute. The vast majority of people whom I see get head of staff whitelists follow these perfectly, and my goal is to join in on this. I've had my ups and downs like everybody, but there's more to being whitelisted than just being super good at roleplaying. It's a damn good trait, but at the same time, heads of staff do a lot OOCly to assist in progressing rounds and help new players. Allowing antags to roleplay, playing sanely, and never overstepping boundaries are among these responsibilities. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: IRD Character age: 11 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): VDD-T3350[PAYNE], or IRD, had humble beginnings as a simple crate loading unit in the early days of 2449. Outfitted with a needlessly complex positronic and tasked with tedium, soon enough IRD's creator saw more potential. Its basic industrial chassis came to adopt more intricate functionalities. It soon had two legs, two arms and a pair of grippers - plenty to manipulate and discover more than what meets the eye. It soon began to express noteworthy interest in its kin and an admiration for its creator - Vitrius Payne. He had great plans for IRD, and quickly did he change IRD's mentality entirely. IRD's clunky manipulators were replaced with progressively more advanced hands, and Payne eventually began to hand out equally complex tasks. From lifting crates, to lifting boxes. From lifting boxes, to lifting pen and paper. The creator had deemed IRD's transition into an assistant unit finalized, and IRD begin working alongside Payne as an unqualified, untrained and completely clueless freight bot. By 2452, IRD had surpassed Payne entirely, fabricating mech after mech alongside his creator. Years would pass as the routine changed constantly, with IRD's chassis being modified to fulfill new and exceedingly difficult roles. In 2456, Payne had settled - IRD would be transferred to an IPC chassis, and offered its freedom. At this point, his own creation had grown akin to him, overbearing and spiteful. Yet IRD's respect for him remained, and thus it decided to leave it within the hands of his creator to fabricate his chassis. Shortly before was the Generation 2 Hephaestus Industrial Chassis revealed by the famed Renter Max - this alone was enough. An order was placed, and IRD was integrated into his new chassis without flaw. It had reached his final form at last, expensive and complicated beyond measure. Three years had passed, and in 2459, the unfortunate Vitrius Payne met his demise. His wealth - gone, passed down to his greatest creation. IRD, lost and confused, purchased its freedom swiftly with what little remained of Payne's credits. What remained was barely enough to sustain him within Payne's residence for a year - it would soon need to survive somehow. In its favor, its qualifications over the years were immense, and the contributions its had made alongside Payne to the field of robotics were revolutionary. Thus, IRD scrounged. Sifting through job opportunities hastily, it had finally stopped and begun working with NanoTrasen. It was with them that IRD saw potential and with this, its story on the Aurora began. Working as a mechatronic engineer for nearly two months, IRD had become interim director four times. It had used this time to learn its workplace in and out, and understand those it worked alongside well. The Aurora was acceptable enough to continue Payne's legacy, and IRD would ensure its every action was done in his honor. IRD vouched for promotion, and it simply became a waiting game from there. What do you like about this character?: IRD's more abstract way of thinking and its tough moral code make it a joy to play. It has a particular disdain for shells, which always proves to be an excellent motivation for RP whenever it's forced to explain his opinions. What do you dislike about this character?: Honestly? Not much. However, if I had to say anything, it'd probably be the downside of its moral code - it often places himself in harms way to protect the more vulnerable, despite having no training or means of defense itself. It reminds me a bit too much of VAO at times, but it's easy to shrug off. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: IRD is always professional. Never does it break under pressure, and always is it at the forefront of whatever its department is tasked with. It is never hesitant to assist its coworkers or take control when it's needed. Finally, it's been interim four times if I recall correctly, and having interim experience pay off is good fun. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'll answer it in the same way I did on my IPC app - I think it's improved massively over the years, but I've got a ways to go. 7/10, maybe? Extra notes: I was very tired when I wrote this. Also, I'm happy to hear any criticism. edit: i forgot to add a character
  16. This is exactly my input on the matter, word for word. The issue is more how command treats the combat borgs lightly when they're essentially a "kill everything that doesn't have these special instakill weapons" button.
  17. It'd be difficult to do it in a way that makes any sense, especially considering the fact that we're working on a way to rationalize it rather than completely remove the possibility.
  18. To clarify ; "cyborg" in this circumstance I had assumed was just a general reference to station bounds (namely androids). If you mean literal cyborgs turning into IPCs, no. That is a case where you would ahelp, as an organic "processor hooked up to a machine" as Schev put it makes zero sense to suddenly become a positronic.
  19. This has been something people have been complaining about for a while now, but the biggest issue with it is the fact that many very old IPC characters were originally stationbounds. Changing this in any way essentially asks for those people to change their entire backstory, and reasonably would needlessly upset them. Me and Cake are working on way for this to make at least some sense, but adding this as a rule when it hasn't been for years is sure to cause more trouble than it is worth in my opinion.
  20. Suffocation damage is the most prominent and common ailment in the entire game. Treating popped lungs is already excruciatingly tedious and happens every single shift, even on extended, repeatedly. Making treating suffocation in any way, shape or form more difficult is absolutely not a good way to make medical better in my opinion.
  21. In my opinion this suggestion and its implications are a bit silly. I'll explain why. Perception is not dependent on empathy, and vice versa. Contrarily, an IPC which did not at least emulate empathy would not make a good psychiatrist. This is for a good number of reasons besides the fact that they personally can not feel pain - at that point, you're talking about something which can not relate, distinguish or correlate. At the most fundamental level an IPC can tell what is right from wrong, and these can be skewed through experience or modification. Using this logic, forcing one to feel pain would change nothing - the IPC in question still knows the previously mentioned "right and wrong" as it would in any other situation. Getting shot in the face by a laser is bad, and it makes people feel bad. These are ways to make people not feel bad. Apply ways to not feel bad. Job done. Did they need to feel pain? No, they didn't, and this is often the thought process of psych IPCs that I've seen. The underlying complexities can be altered in any way shape or form that is not lore-breaking by the player, as it is their character. Furthermore, what Jenna said, is entirely correct. ICly, there is nothing stopping an IPC from not having some advanced means of simulating pain, like a feigned neural network or simple contact plates covering its chassis. You can flex your creativity in this regard.
  22. Shoshanna and Gonzales are the only characters of Resilynn's that I think I've met but every experience with them thus far has been unique and excellent. I've never seen characters like the two and the things they contribute as a player have definitely made them deserving of this in my opinion. +1 from me.
  23. BYOND Key: kyres1 Character Names: Ali Holmes, ROCKY, VAO, PIKSI, TRUST, PHARAOH, Feros Corilius, Yahir Jones, Truth, Kale Strauss, Horatio Johnson, Greyson Corilius, Arden Vols Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've wanted to play IPCs for quite some time now as I've always been a fan of synthetics in fiction. Roleplaying stationbounds is extremely fun to me as well, and I'd love to expand my horizons in that regard and get a better feel for the universe. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPCs for all intents and purposes are machines first and foremost, and thus any claim of sentience or consciousness is entirely opinion based. Their "soul", or being as a concept is malleable, and self awareness can be gauged to any degree you desire. It leads to a ton of creativity involved in making IPCs, as the fundamental values of Humanity (or any organic race for that matter) may or may not be lost to them. The characterizations of them, as a result, are nigh infinite, from mindless tools to wells of knowledge or emotion and everything in between. Character Name: P.E.N.T. (Paperwork, Excellence, New Management, Today!) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs In late 2458 within Mendell City, a small joint effort between a young Bishop Cybernetics division and a positronic manufacturer known as Veyd-Yul had struck what they believed to be gold ; synthetic management, commercialized! Bishop Accessory-clad IPCs built to hold up the same standards as organic management, in mass with no distinction between models. What little they had to work with was poured into the idea by the mere proposal. Some several hundred thousand credits was all the two teams had to work with to produce a feasible prototype for mass production. Two prototypes were made, both variants of the same model named P.E.N.T. They exhibited enthusiastic and highly verbose attitudes with very little in the way of emotional response to be emulated, but petty things like sadness were rarely things a real manager needed anyway. Most money went to the absurdly vain exterior and efficient interior workings, leaning it more to be a luxury showcase than anything. Though P.E.N.T. would try, the results of their mistake are apparent with lacking morality and a tough stance on labor. Yet, they maintained. Why wouldn't they? After all, it was the perfect idea. Factories bustling with top-of-the-line and flashy Bishop-highlighted IPCs, only an inevitability and getting closer each day. At least, that's how they saw it. Their hope would inevitably be crushed when their first baseline prototype wasn't all it was hyped up to be. And so months had passed before the field testing would finally begin. Under the watchful eyes of their superiors did the two teams send out their greatest creation. A single run had passed, where the prototype acted as management for an out-of-order assembly line. By the end of the day, the line was in working and in pristine condition. Everything had fallen into place, and the two teams' dream would come true... until it didn't. Failing to live up to the exceedingly high standards of their superiors, the two teams were immediately disbanded, and P.E.N.T. was left on its own - and promptly moved to storage. When it arose, it was NanoTrasen property . It was sold off and listed with qualifications as a quartermaster and thus, its story on the Aurora would begin, confused and yearning to understand the mistakes that elude it. What do you like about this character? I think P.E.N.T.'s yearning to understand its failures will serve as a great drive for role play, and its amoral attitude and harsh work ethic would be the perfect guise for its underlying concerns. In short I like its layers, as a character. How would you rate your role-playing ability? It's certainly improved massively over the years, I'd like to think. I'd say it's something above 7/10. Notes: None.
  24. I honestly agree with the vast majority of this. Not that I think searching for cooperative gimmicks is unhealthy to role play, but the problems stemming from AOOC go way beyond that. People use it to fabricate OOC relationships with other people's characters to further their advantage in the round. This has its merits - but it's almost never used for good, as the vast majority of antagonists nowadays can barely hold up without it. Further incentive to make antagonist a less greytidey role needs to be done right, and I think this is a good start.
  25. This was my concern too - but I wanted to get input before scrapping the idea as a whole. Alfalah and me were discussing the borg sprites I just recently got and they figured EVE could really make use of one. All of this input is fantastic though and I'll see if they'd like a resprite.
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