Lets keep this short.
I was accusing characters of sexual harrassment, not players. I was saying their characters were engaging in sexual harassment that were making me and other users uncomfortable. For the most part I didn't mention most names, I was just saying "this is happening in the community and it needs to stop." because I would've made a player complaint if I had an actual case fro someone sexually harassing me. I had proof that people were doing this, players had proof that people were doing this. The thing that was argued in the thread was intent which is why staff picked the solution of just reminding players "hey don't roleplay too hard." and made that announcement. I'm pretty sure I made this very clear because I repeated myself like 5 times when saying all this.
As for the post you made, it was super aggressive to the point that it was actually deleted by staff. I remember now that it included the terms "Stop posting." and "You're full of bullshit." and was 3 sentences or less. I know it was deleted by staff because I now remember that I asked you nicely to please treat me with more respect and that post was deleted by someone other than me. I didn't get a warning for it, and given my experience of the forums with asking people to please not be rude, I know that posts in response to rule breaking replies are also deleted. Unless I'm having a fever dream, or somehow your post wasn't bad yet you convinced staff to delete it anyways, I'm pretty sure you said some bad things.
Your characterization is not an invention. I recall you straight up saying to me that you like to analyze people and you even gave an unsolicited analysis of me. I believe that this was discussed in one of my player complaints about you and the reason why I didn't think you had good intentions when dealing with people.
And also now that concerned user has been upgraded to very concerned because he now actually pointed out that you literally asked for people to come forward with examples in the first part of your second post that neither of us read somehow.
I act on a good faith basis. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong and I'm going to make that claim until the day I die. As you pointed out, I have no issues with my roleplay, I don't metagrudge, I don't grief or intentionally rile people up, and I don't disrupt the round and go out of my way to improve it. I've contributed to the server for 2 years, even became a dev, but resigned because I didn't have the fortitude to deal with it and it was clear that no one liked my ideas.
If I was acting on a bad faith basis I would be posting a play by play on reddit. They'd eat the fuck up out of proof out of this because to them it's "furries are trying to molest players on an HRP server and staff justify it" considering their response to furries. I wouldn't get banned for it either because I've been told countless time that conduct on reddit doesn't matter to them considering that I've had to deal with you on reddit several times where you made posts on reddit that would've gotten you banned on the forums. If I was acting in bad faith, on all my staff complaints I would be going "BAN HE", but instead the closest thing to it is "Hey can you look into this situation, I think it breaks rule X and isn't appropriate for this server."
My only issue is that I give a shit. Given a shit about something, in the 21st century, is now mistaken as having bad intentions so I somewhat understand it despite myself rarely having this mindset. Then again, I have the opinion that most people who tell me to stop giving a shit about issues on the server are involved in causing issues to the server so I don't know if I have the best opinions, but I digress.
My intentions are good. My executions are usually poor. If I wanted AuroraStation to crash and burn, I wouldn't be bringing up issues and instead smiling when people complain. Like I don't mean to brag, but many of the issues that I have brought up in the past are currently being brought up now so that probably means something.