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Everything posted by Jennalele

  1. The engiborg light replacer is more often used for building new rooms with new lights altogether than it is for replacing blown-out lights.
  2. Application accepted as of January 26th, 2017. Welcome aboard. Locking and archiving.
  3. Honestly, I've loved every character of Matter's I've interacted with. His characters are dynamic, different, and it's always very, very fun to play with him. Earlier today, as a traitor AI, we had frequent conversations with him as Matthew. Moral debates, intellectual back and forths. It was great seeing him get so into his role and becoming so concerned for SCORPIO as she slipped down a dangerous path. I'm 1000000% for him getting head whitelist.
  4. Both of these are interesting ideas. Definitely better than a blatantly obvious glow.
  5. Please god yes. The day a roboticist can see my IPC records is the day I'll die happy. Sieverts needs it. Decanus needs it. Fuck. Even Inic needs it.
  6. I actually like the idea of adding it to the swat gear. Either the chestpiece or helmet, though the helmet would remove it from IPCs as our poor asses overheat.
  7. Just disable the cameras. Its not all too hard. If you want to be sneaky, work for it. Gimping the AI because you don't know how to work around it is dumb.
  8. HOKAY. I think theres a pretty simple solution to this. If its his attitude towards the vote calls you folks seem to take issue with, can Hunter here agree to toning down said attitude? If so, problem solved. There's nothing wrong with calling the vote at 2hrs.
  9. Not gonna lie. The minimalistic and non-apologetic attitude you seem to be carrying about this does not put you off on a good start, at all. These appeals are meant to convince us that you've changed and are willing to work with us to prevent those mistakes from happening again. What I'm seeing off the bat really doesn't help your case. I mean. Reason of ban: "Being a really, really good powergamer." Really? That doesn't seem like you're very sorry for whats happened in the past, or that you really care all that much about this appeal. Try again.
  10. I'd also note that he seems to have random and incredibly poorly-portrayed "PTSD episodes" whenever he seems to be OOCly bored by the round. His behaviour is honestly flat-out embarassing for me to watch at times.
  11. Coalf, by what Canon meant was: Unathi have a language like Siik'tajr, it's called Sinta'azaziba. It's partially signed, partially verbal.
  12. This isn't SOLELY about this round, however, this was just one particular example of many detailing Xander's head of staff play. Nearly everyone on this thread has a very clear issue with him.
  13. It was tagged. Besides, it would be incredibly bad rep if someone found out that an NT captain fumbled that bad. There were a hundred different ways to go about that and convey that he was anti-synth that wouldn't immediately put the boot to the gimmick.
  14. BYOND Key: aimlessAnalyst/Jennalele Game ID: bMr-dAeZ particularly, however, this is a LONG standing issue. Player Byond Key: XanderDox Staff involved: Alberyk Reason for complaint: Absolutely terrible Command play, refusal to progress rounds for antags, very similar characters, and a slew of other bull. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, but nothing was done. To complaints we go. Approximate Date/Time: This has been ongoing for a long-ass time. Alright. I'll start with the general. I'm honestly kind of sick of playing Command when Xander is around. Every character I have seen is a general copy of the same "holier-than-thou" attitude, "my word is the law", and generally being incredibly obtuse and in-the-way. This is by far /not/ the first time I have witnessed conflicts straight up shut down (or worse, made even worse) by Jester Stamos barging his crotch into the midst of things and trying to strong-arm everyone into his "Nope, we do this my way, I am the captain and everyone else can fuck off" attitude. That aside. This round was in and by far the worst round I've ever bloody played on Aurora. To the point I had to step back, breathe, and remember why I even bother. So. It's heist. Right? Our gimmick is the whole "Runaway synth" shebang. I get to be the synth. I get teleported onto the station near arrivals, in absolutely shit condition. I've had one of the heisters actually remove one of my arms beforehand, gave myself an assload of burn damage, you know, made myself look as beat-up and broken as I was supposed to be for the gimmick. And things are going smoothly at first. Get some people's attention, a borg or two. They start trying to patch me up a little. Then the heisters start talking on the radio, and ask if a robot showed up here. Stamos asks them what they want to do with it. I'm not sure what happened between here and the next two minutes, because I was shuffled off to Robotics, and didn't have a headset to hear comms. So as I'm being repaired, I'm explaining my story, ICly, to a cyborg and the roboticist, and the warden, Adolph. Suddenly, the Captan bursts in and announces that he's giving me back to the heisters. This strikes me as odd, for multiple reasons: 1: The damages the IPC had taken. They were immense. Incredibly immense. About-to-be-scrapped immense, two steps from exploding into bolts. And it was terrified. In fact, it had repeatedly claimed that the heisters weren't its legal owners, that they were trying to scrap it. All identifying information had been forcibly ripped out of the IPC- Memory banks, half it's tag was scoured away, it looked like it had escaped a chop shop, which it had. 2: There was no way for the heisters to accurately prove ownership at this point, as they hadn't docked. The Captain was taking their shaky word as god's written law, even though all they had apparently given was the IPC's name, which anyone could have seen from glancing at their tag. Despite the people in robotics and the IPC itself trying to explain what had happened, and that they shouldn't give the IPC up, Jester really didn't seem to care. In fact, when I mentioned in LOOC that this would pretty much end the round, I got this beautiful gem: Line 2908: [18:49:29] bMr-dAeZ OOC: (LOCAL) Jester Stamos/XanderDox : I am not a government employee and have no responsbility to enforce the law upon external factors or defend your rights. Line 2939: [18:50:00] bMr-dAeZ OOC: (LOCAL) Jester Stamos/XanderDox : I have no obligation to abandon my character for the sake of your game??? My character is doing what he would do, the logical thing. Line 2951: [18:50:13] bMr-dAeZ OOC: (LOCAL) Jester Stamos/XanderDox : If you weren't a synth it'd be different, but you choose to be a literal piece of property with zero rights Line 2980: [18:50:34] bMr-dAeZ OOC: (LOCAL) Jester Stamos/XanderDox : I'm keeping it going in my own way. Line 2990: [18:50:45] bMr-dAeZ OOC: (LOCAL) Jester Stamos/XanderDox : I have no responsibility to serve antags. This, in my belief, is wrong. Stamos was very clearly attempting to just get this over with in the quickest and least-hassled way he possibly could, and mentioned it over radio several times, not really caring for whether or not the IPC really was legally theirs. In fact, even after I ICly suggested simply keeping my brain with them and turning it in to the mendell police to be PROPERLY handled, he said no, in favour of handing me back to the antags 5 minutes later. In fact, multiple times, Xander attempted to shut down the round. The first was when he got in between the heisters, security and the people trying to save me, and simply threw me at the heisters. Admin intervention was required to keep the round going; Alberyk spawned carp to keep us inside, and then made several of the protesters Revolutionaries in an attempt to overthrow the captain. Line 3591: [18:57:31] bMr-dAeZ SAY: XanderDox/(Jester Stamos) : (Ceti Basic) It is not my job to enforce the law, or property rights of non-NanoTrasen property. Imagine the fallout if this got out into the public? What if they had actually been pirates? "NanoTrasen Captain accidentally hands over a $3000 machine to pirates because he didn't want to deal with the stress of having actual obligations!" It isn't just this round, either. Xander has made a regular habit out of being the most obtuse, difficult to work with head of staff that I've ever played with, and honestly, when half of command groans or laments when they see his characters join, there's a serious sign that something's wrong and needs to change. I think that Xander needs to understand that it is ABSOLUTELY the job of command to help keep a round going, and that shutting down antags out of sheer "I don't want to deal with it" laziness is unacceptable.
  15. Kitty her name is Vera, shes an asshole, I love her
  16. God bless the spam bots
  17. Or god, at least make them a little less fucking ugly. I'd LOVE to make Sieverts or Decanus industrial, but holy balls that chassis is just butt-fuckingly ugly, you'd have to shoot me before I'd ever willingly choose it. :C Some choice in chassis appearance would be nice, really.
  18. If I can add, you still seem to be taking this with a pretty poor attitude. You were not memorable for good reasons. You have not shown us any proof that you have seriously changed, except an inkling of grammatical improvement, which does not speak for your actions much at all. We need guarantee here that you're not going to screw this up again. And given your late history of rejoining just to grief or troll, that guarantee needs to be pretty damn strong.
  19. My issues are your disposition when I was speaking to you, your lack of explanations (all you said was "its not gonna blow up," repeatedly, despite being asked to explain what, exactly, you did, step by step,) and your history of notes. Furthermore, acting like an entitled retail customer is going to get you nowhere. The "I'll take my business elsewhere!" tactic of trying to leverage unbans.... Honestly? Only encourages us to leave the ban applied. Do not pass go, do not collect 100 dollars. Try again.
  20. Just wanna bring attention to a super old accepted canonization thing. I'd appreciate seeing this worked into the new lore: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=1346
  21. The note that was referenced here was this: "Joined as "Justice Goon". When asked to change his name, he was rude, hostile and constantly challenging the staff speaking to him. Continued to give pasive aggressive remarks, and kept giving joke names." With this in mind, boy howdy has it ever been a long time since that ban, over a year and a half. I'm willing to give you another chance on the assumption that you've changed and cleaned up your act. You will be on watch, obviously, and expected to act like any other member of the community, but I see no reason to leave you banned. Just one thing; Please stick to one Ckey. Multikeying is acceptable under certain and specific circumstances, but in your case, it was used for ban evasion and general fuckery. I expect you to know better now.
  22. Trial moderatorship initiated on 24DEC2016. Trial will remain open for one month, and be submitted for review on 24JAN2017. Merry Christmas.
  23. Wasn't that Delta? bless.
  24. On the contrary, that isn't how meds work at all. If anything, such might alter and worsen hallucinations and schizophrenic episodes. Taking speed and ritalin to stop your LSD trip is a recipe for a bad time.
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