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Everything posted by Itanimulli

  1. More seriously, I think most of my characters have more or less enjoyed her presence.
  2. Darn. This would have been a good point to showcase how certain characters act under the influence of totally no the syndicate's beginnings.
  3. Jesus Christ- I'm not crying, it's just raining around my eyes. Screw you and these feels. ...+1...
  4. BYOND Key: itanimulli Character name: Decisive Resolve Item name: Resolve's identity kit. Treads, projector, hoodless poncho, and communication array. Why is your character carrying said item to work? Whew, this is gonna be a long one. This character's been in the background for a long, long time. Read this so y'all know I ain't yanking this out my buttcrack. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=10594&p=94290#p94290 This over-lays the majority of the project both Aegis and Resolve come from; I've had this in planning for a long time, now. Previously under a different name, Resolve had a very troubled developmental cycle. In the first two rounds I played her, she burnt herself out trying to beat someone in a thunderdome match. Now essentially a piece of junk, Aegis bought her on credit, and essentially put her into a storage unit until he could figure out what to do with such a decrepit frame. He then sold her for the same price he bought her for, directly to NT. NT priced her much higher than aegis sold her for; his initial idea was to sell her and then give her the money he earned from the sale, but that barely covered the price of the initial repair. Thus, she's now essentially owned by NT. With that being said, both IPCs in the "Objective Guardian" project have come into the hands of NanoTrasen, both now working sheerly to own themselves. At least they're finally on the same station. Now that she's once more online and kicking, Resolve's determined to make her mark in a much more positive light; part of the programming was to become a trustworthy, dependable beacon for others to rely on, amongst other avenues. Said other programming functions were more or less left in the dust of Resolve's big repair. Like aegis, she had a variety of items that would be special to her that extend from the little project that the interns worked on. Chief amongst them would be Cassidy Finch's hoodless poncho, given to Resolve midway through the project more or less as decoration. It isn't worth much, but it's memory of the first gift Resolve can say she's received. Second and third are the items she was tested with; one being a more ergonomic antennae for Resolve to make use of, and the other being the other big-deal of the experiment: resolve's model of the Hephaestus Experimental Projector. Being useless to literally anyone else in the universe, it stands as a piece of Resolve's identity that cannot be stressed enough in importance. It became what Resolve saw in the mirror for almost a year straight during the lifetime of the project. The treads are just rubberized soles on the bottom of resolve's actuators. Make her feet sound like shoes. Tap tap tap. Item function(s): Antennae: It's a headset resprite. Treads: They are shoes that fit the overall look I'm trying to achieve. Projector: This would be basically an officer's uniform. However, experience with aegis has let me know that it would be a good idea to have a version that can be worn in any scenario. Thus, I'd give it a different sprite when in a rolled-down state, that essentially removes the officer's uniform but keeps the other properties the projector puts out. Essentially, I still intend to play resolve, even when the security slots are filled. I intend to commit to her as a character, much like I have with Kiiv and COFFIN. Poncho: This would be a regular poncho, but without a heat variable(?) so as to be suitable for constant IPC wear. I reckon it might have a pocket or two, but I suppose that's at alb's discretion. Item description: Antennae: Collapsible spherical antennae designed to interface with an IPC. On it, in permanent marker, are the words: "Cody Brickstend was here" is immaculate, tiny handwriting. Treads: Clip-on rubber treads, for that extra grip. Designed for an IPC. Poncho: A decorative synthleather covering. Probably isn't the best for rain. On the shoulder's edge is a small, paper tag, that reads: "Cassidy Finch was here" in sloppy handwriting. Haphaestus Experimental Projector: A flashing device seemingly attached to an officer's corporate security uniform. On the side of the casing are the words: "Brickstend," "Dernestess," "Jastovski," and "Finch." Item appearance: See: .dmi files. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Humans tend to latch on to what is familiar, and (in my own opinion) the eyes of a Hu model look a bit to harsh for the method I wish to use Decisive in. She is meant to be a expert in diffusing situations, and goes out of her way to talk to the rest of the crew. The point of both aegis and resolve are as officers people can go to, to solve even the smallest of issues, and both will go out of their way to help, as long as there isn't a more pressing emergency at hand. Resolve can also do this faster; she can be called on to actually respond to a situation at hand. Aegis is more on the patient, defensive side of things, often remaining with the majority of the crew as a big, mobile shield. A visual difference can go a long way to stimulate rp. I've learned that with Aegis, I've learned that with Kiiv. Kiiv is an especially big point, as the first thing they see is the big, red dominion coat. And then the rp rolls in from there. Additional comments: I've built this upon both experience with Aegis and IC character relations. Mostly to my own. It's neat to bring this character back, because previously, I'd no clue how to make her into her own thing. I also spent a few rounds getting her personality down. Making sure that she could stand on her own and at least provide favorable interaction via her own mannerisms. cloak.dmi DeciR.dmi headphones.dmi
  5. Can't get behind a borg that looks like a human. First sprite? Yeah. IO sprites? Nah. I liked the initial concept, but now it feels like too much is going on.
  6. 1) The species selection screen is literally a non-issue, unless for some reason it causes issue in code that you simply don't want to deal with. You click species. You scroll through the species. You pick the species. No one complains about there being hair bloat. 2) Idk what this is. 3) Why the heck would there be *any* space adapted Taj? Space adapted unathi?
  7. This, perhaps. But then that might get into the issue of faction specific colors. NOt exactly necessary, but definitely a nice touch.
  8. The species already exists in the code. That was the point of that statement and the statements of many others before me. Don't cuss at me bruv, I'm not your bitch-mate. If we're going by this new lore, spacers have been alive for 300 years indeed, adaptation would not need to be inherited; you'd just grow up with it. Reminder that aggressive adaptation, however, is possible, and passable into a species. I'm not falling into you're overly petty ad-hominem schemes. All of the sense is there, you just need to make it a tad more common. I'd more or less say that they'd like the ability to *exist* within gravity, not necessarily make full use of it. This is my own attempt to make sense of what's been given here; specially made devices to allow them to work in environments others already freely exist in.
  9. I don't see all the outrage against this. It seems neat, and extremely lore-friendly. Even within *one year* in space, bones become weaker and bodies change. This is 300 years of that. It's hilarious to see people claim bloat when the only new thing is the rig itself; the 'always suited' aspect is in itself a fun aspect to begin with. Ironic how if a new faction isn't for some reason completely against what the original faction stands for, they got no support.
  10. But yeah I want this. More important, I want humans with gosh dang augments, but that's not the point of this thread. It's also neat to see a species with definitive equipment.
  11. Other species wouldn't have it because taj and unathi literally just (relatively speaking) got to space, and skrell just likely wouldn't care to have an entire contingent of them become nomads. Skrell are way more social than humans.
  12. Fair enough.
  13. I suggest swapping where chemistry and that extra table space are, perhaps. Otherwise...yes, yes, please yes. I've always be frustrated by the fact that RnD is literally the smallest area in a research facility and even though NBT is coming...whenever the heck it comes. Also, now a random guy failing to keep his experimental super-k'ois in check won't put the entire central concourse in danger and derail every other scientist in the area. All I got to say in 'caution' is that I hope this doesn't do anything weird like with the missing tile on the sec sublevel, even though if it does, it'll get fixed.
  14. I mean I really don't want this to go through until that pr is also ready to go through. Or both in the same pr, if possible.
  15. I can support this only if rigs can be made readily available. Taking away the sheer versatility rigs are SUPPOSED to have in the first place kind of defeats the point of having them. It's not like they're exactly numerous, either.
  16. 2nd option. No sense in having cyborgs if you can't service them in the first place. Equally less sense having cyborgs if the only people on-station are like 4 assistants a chef a HoP and the rest are a somehow completely full security roster. Just have it be an RnD thing that requires metallic hydrogen. It's never fricking used anyhow. Then again, first option sounds fun as hell, and it might help keep malf from always turning into "How fast can you start the core seige after killing all the borgs?" the moment someone decided they don't like the gimmick. Alternatively, Alb, the station could get "defense" cyborgs instead. Use some sort of stun weapon and a limited lethal, but focus on the use of sheilds and area denial. They should be more akin to something used to secure crew, or provide a line of defense. Currently combat cyborgs are more of a middle finger to those last few heisters/mercs struggling to survive on-station. Fun when you're traitor, though, because you have a chance to multiply your own forces.
  17. That is neat, but the title scared the absolute beans out of me.
  18. Does this mean we can drill upwards?
  19. Hmm today I will


    Wait three more god damn months for shallow denial.

  20. This is ss13. Mobility is nearly everything. If durability on paper were the key to success, G2s would be horribly overpowered.
  21. Again, however, 9/10, the hardsuited individual wins.
  22. Rebumping because I really want this to happen.
  23. Really don't like this change. -1.
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