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Everything posted by LordFowl

  1. Considering chemistry can already create explosions that violate the maxcap limitation, I don’t think the change is as revolutionary as you believe Burger.
  2. I prefer the aesthetic currently used by xenoarchaeology suits. The expedition suit looks like something you’d find in a cereal box.
  3. As I stated in my application, and as you highlighted, I recognize that a certain abrasive nature created difficulties in the past, but I think you've misdiagnosed it as a result of a lack of respect. I don't really think there's anyone on this server that I actively or even passively think to myself "I don't respect this person" (Except for Burger, of course). I think most incidents nowadays are just a result of a certain scientific casualness. It's less a matter of respect vs lack of respect, and more a matter of professional environment, which is to say that general chat is shitpost central. As I mentioned in the application, I think my experience as an active developer illustrates a development in this regard - I take my duties professionally, and act professionally in official dev channels, and when I act as a bearer of official dev news or try to convey the dev teams opinion - you've seen a bit of this recently in regards to the NBT project, but I can understand if you have a little doubt in that regard since naturally the bulk of this behavior takes place behind closed doors. I would also say that I definitely put in a fair bit of effort in trying to improve the system, instead of letting things pass. And this last bit I think is most important contextually. When I was loredev things were a lot different, and over the time that I was preparing to leave and now, things have changed a lot. I'll be honest and say that I really can't remember the context for most of my abrasions, but I do remember that it was less that I did not respect any individual loredev, and more that the system abraded me, and I was unwilling to try and speak up about my faults with it, or try and change it. A lot of loredevs were inactive back then, it was harder to communicate ideas, and there was a certain feeling of "possessiveness" that each loredev felt regarding their spheres of infliuence. The Discord was not very old at all and wasn't used nearly as much, and things altogether were rather disorganized. A lot of that has changed, but even in the cases where the situation hasn't changed, my perspective on how best to handle the situation has. Hoping everything sorts itself out just leads to bitterness, which leads to argument, which leads to anger, which leads to hate, which ultimately leads to suffering. And I hope this isn't seen as me trying to butter you up for a toasty banquet, but I hope that you do not think I don't respect you, Jackboot. While I won't lie and say that there aren't moments that I doubt specific actions you take, and we're certainly not star-crossed lovers, I simply am obliged to respect you for the consistent effort you've put into this project over such a long period of time. As someone who's been developmental staff for multiple departments, and even then not in a significant position of leadership, this is to me a most impressive feat. Plus, I do quite like (most) of your work.
  4. Because it is a project.
  5. His comment was only made in response to a comment that suggested otherwise. Regardless, meta-discussion regarding the various efficacies of political maneuvering to ensure your idea is most successful is out of the scope of this feedback thread, which is about parapens.
  6. I will admit that adjusting the Skrell mechanically is not my top priority, and I at this point only have some nebulous ideas. It's a tough cookie, because some of their most obvious mechanical hooks (empathy, telepathy) are a real bitch to implement in-game. Altogether I want to give them a similar in-depth treatment I gave Vaurca, avoiding such traps as just changing their resistance values, or their speed. It's quite likely. There's nothing I like more than adding organs. For example, if I did ultimately settle on an implementation of Skrellepathy, you can bet your ass I'd be tying it to an organ. Beyond this, I might implement some of the genetic/cybernetic modifications that the lore talks about on a subdued level. I will look into deepening the growing antipathy between the two nations. To the Skrell, Tau Ceti is a threat, a bastion of unrestricted synthetic development spearheaded by negligent capitalism. Unlike the Sol Alliance, the Skrell economy is strong enough that they can really consider taking NT up to bat. I probably won't stop shitposting in general chat, but I strive always to behave professionally in professional environments. I hope that the dev team can testify for me here when I say that this "tsundere" behavior as you say is not particularly prevalent in the dev channels. When we have a mission to accomplish, my first priority is that mission.
  7. Ckey/BYOND Username: LordFowl Position Being Applied For (Species Maintainer, Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Skrell Lore Developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I contributed a little bit to Vaurca lore, and like to think myself as well-versed in every species' lore, and more than willing to offer my consultancy on it to anyone that asks. I've done work both graphically and literally, IC and OoC, drafting things such as star maps, newspaper posts, and wiki articles. Link to Essay: I ultimately wrote two essays because I was unsure of the specific criteria that Mofo expected. One essay deals with historical events, and the other outlines culture/society. These are two of the three pillars of lorewriting in my mind (The third being action - what a species is actively doing and contributing to the moving galaxy). I'm sorry if this seems like over-achieving - I originally wrote the historical essay, but after re-reading the essay prompt wondered if a cultural essay was more appropriate. Historical essay; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yo3h9i_Tvu1brIslzjZo-Dcm7fVvuX3dRUomBpZGyo4/edit?usp=sharing Cultural essay; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1darKls3EtLKewDtU3mGLDjXFQ_8KoN2EtGhZe1AfYgI/edit?usp=sharing Article on Federation navy; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cuMpbIphIJtKYOrFYhaxUQ-18InU4Bcbe6S6sq6HKmE/edit?usp=sharing Examples of Past Work: Check the Vaurca wiki. I wrote a lot of it (Although Bygone has done an excellent job writing the rest of it, along with all the numerous supplementary wiki pages, and altogether finishing what I started.) Beyond that, I wrote a number of articles for the Mendell City Bugle which I'm a little too lazy to link directly right now, but roughly from page 6-12 was my timeframe, if I recall correctly. Generally my works have been regarded pretty well. I also wrote an in-depth bio for both my Tajara and Unathi whitelist applications, which I personally am rather proud of. Additional Comments: This may seem a little strange, considering just yesterday I created a PR that sought to delete. I originally did not want to apply for the Skrell loredev because I believed that my previous experiences with the lore team would inhibit my ability to work, but I was convinced otherwise by certain individuals. I want it to be understood that this isn't a meme or a joke (Oh! His first act as Skrell loredev is just going to be removing Skrell!). I do like Skrell lore, and I do think it has a lot of potential. Which is why I think they should be removed if they don't have a loredev - I don't want to see all that potential rot away. I hope I'm not seen as a hypocrite. Regarding my previous experiences with the lore team, I served about a year as the primary lore developer for the Vaurca (Back in my day we didn't have lore deputies!). I did a lot of work, and yet had a lot of work to do. I had some issues with how things were handled, and this caused a little jading and probably some immature behavior. But I always worked hard (at least I think so) to try and change the things I saw that were wrong, instead of just complaining about them. Ironically (Or maybe not, depending on the current definition of irony), my biggest problem with the lore team back then was the inactivity of the Skrell lore, due to certain hooks I wanted to combine with the Vaurca lore. Funny how things end up, isn't it? Finally, before I move on to the whole "What shall I do should you grant me this honor"-bit, is that I understand that there is currently a Skrell lore deputy. I don't want to change that, nor uproot their responsibilities. I have my weaknesses, and lore deputies have the potential to round out my weaknesses with their strength. I'd like to think that my lore deputy would enjoy relative autonomy in plying their strengths, and am hopeful that we can reach a co-operative work relationship without much if any struggle. Now, onto the "what are your intentions with my daughter" skit. What do I intend to do with Skrell? Well, as far as I am concerned, Skrell are a pretty robust species. For all of his problems, Loow did a damn good job with them. They're not done yet, though. I want to build and refine with what I've been given, resolving some contradictions, enhancing some elements, loudening some subtleties and quieting down some obvious bits. I want to put a greater focus on historical events, both involving the Glorsh Rebellion and events that came before/after. History repeats itself after all, and how can we say what the Skrell will do now when we don't really know what they've ever done? I want to make Skrell history more personal and more detailed. I want to outline some of the more esoteric concepts that plague Skrell culturally/societally. I want to add more nuance to their society, and I want to tighten up their culture. Things like naming schemes, religion, government, and daily life need expanding on. The building blocks are here already. I just need to set down the paver. I want to involve Skrell with the lore. This is, in my mind, one of the greatest failings of Skrell lore. They don't do much. Skrell have a lot of potential to involve themselves. We dabble here and there, with the Elyran arc and the Second Antag Contest, but we never go the full mile. I want to bring them the full mile. In terms of specifics, I am also interested in fleshing out the Glorsh Rebellion and Glorsh-Omega itself. Glorsh-Omega is arguably the most important figure in Skrell lore, and the current lore currently treats them more like mecha-hitler than anything else. I want to add some ambiguity - while Glorsh certainly committed atrocities, it had an ultimate purpose, and was not killing people randomly. Glorsh's objective was not wiping out the Skrell, and it had an ultimate design for them. I'd like to explore this angle, while naturally not just up and giving out an answer. I am considering plot arcs involving the Skrell and Dominia, plot arcs involving the border between the Skrellian Frontier and the Human Frontier, continued arcs involving the C'thur, and more. I want to outline the Skrell as a nation experiencing a sort of insidious decay. The reduction in their numbers has forced them to shrink down their once rapidly expanding space empire. Their lives have been corrupted by an unarguably dark time, and they are now a more cautious and wiser species due to it. I want to describe daily life both within the Jargon Federation and without it. I want the Skrell to have an impact, instead of just sitting in the corner, spectators to their own ball game. Naturally, as an actual coder (I like to think), I am also going to give Skrell more mechanical clout. I did much the same for the Vaurca, and will do it again.
  8. "More than half" is a pretty gross over-statement. Issuing two messages a round is also really not necessary. Players will see plenty of helpful tips as they play the server - they do not need to see them all at once.
  9. If you are creating a thread for feedback on a PR you've already submitted or plan to submit, it belongs in the projects forum.
  10. Voting for dismissal. An instant-stun (even if balanced by stunning the aggressor) is not really desirable. Even similar moves in grabfu require you to grab your target beforehand. Simply running up to someone and stunning them thereby, as defined by the original post, will only serve to enhance disparities between equipment (if you have heavier armor you win vs. an opponent that has light armor) and numbers (if you're outnumbered you lose. even if it's just a civilian someone can just instantly run up to you and you're stunned). Ultimately stun mechanics, instant or otherwise, should be more complicated than just running up and making contact with someone. Not to mention that your "hilarious" situation of people instantly stunning each other because they were running in the halls sounds quite the opposite of hilarious to me. Soon we'll have to code in hall monitors.
  11. I do not know why everyone thinks there will be a ship that we divide the crew 50-50 on. That would be bad for gameplay. The current plan is to keep everyone on the same place, e.g. they will all be on the colony. This is the only passage that mentions a ship, and as you can say it states we're planning on dropping the ship idea.
  12. Voting for dismissal. This is not Daycare Simulator. Having an abundance of children on-board will only result in degradation of RP and patience as security will have to herd these cats. Restricting the rate of children requires either absurd code overhead (How exactly are we to gracefully implement a system where one player can only join if their daddy is on too?), somewhat ridiculous whitelists (Come to Aurorastation, where you can apply to be a 7 year old!), and other such silly implementations. Not to mention that no matter how you feel about the cultural hypocrisy behind the decision that it's okay to show a grown man exploding into gibs but not okay to show a child exploding into gibs, our server is not a platform for enacting societal change. Just like we do not allow ERP even though we allow people to take their clothes off, allowing children would just be opening another can of worms.
  13. Voting for dismissal. Suit sensors are tied to a specific machine in the telecomms network (that is not the same one that routes radio messages), so in effect this suggestion already exists.
  14. This all sounds like a lot of hassle and hoops for maint drones to have to jump through just to do their job. Trying to rules lawyer it in such a way that the maint drone is at fault for repairing something because doing so somehow is in violation of their laws will just inevitably lead to larger and larger daisy chains of discontent. If you break a camera as an antagonist, you should expect someone to repair it. Same with venting a corridor, or breaking into a department. It doesn't matter if they're an engineer, a cyborg, or a maint drone. Repairing something that someone has broken is not interfering or interacting. It is their job. Maint drones are only in violation of their laws and thus the rules in two cases; 1) They are actively communicating with non maint-drones 2) They are actively preventing antags from operating (they key word here is prevention). A maint drone repairing an antag's damage is not interference. A maint drone building a wall in front of an antag to prevent further damage is. Ultimately, you seem to be unaware of what maint drone laws actually are. They are not lawed against " interference", but against interaction. Nowhere in these three tenets do I find any credence that the idea of a maint drone repairing an antagonist's actions, even if it's immediately afterwards, is rules lawyering, or against the spirit of their laws. It is only in the broadest possible definition of the term interacting that is it possible that drones could be in violation, and in applying this term drones would pretty much always be in violation.
  15. Not too keen on the idea as a whole. Adding it to wizard just seems like a hamfisted idea. Adding it to mining seems like its out of the blue. To be honest our server culture is not like /tg/'s where these giant 128x128 megafauna could ever really fit in. Personally a battlemonster's type wizard would be better off with a variety of utility based cards and minor summons instead of one or two big "fuck you station" summons.
  16. The sudden implementation of consistent feedback threads (including an announcement regarding their purpose of heightening community/developer), the implementation of server-based polls regarding particularly contentious PRs, and the implementation of a contributor reviews (also announced on the discord) didn't tip you off? As far as I know you are correct in that no connection between these developments and the initial PR was made, but no connection needed to be made; 1) As I said, the PR and resulting controversy were not the sole impetus for these developments. They just served as further encouragement for their implementation. 2) Even if it was, linking the PR to the developments would not be necessary. The feedback threads and etcetera are designed to prevent and alleviate future misunderstandings, not to try and justify past ones. I mention it now only as a matter of history because I assume most of the kneejerk opinions on the incident have died down. By clearly demarcated I mean that it was clearly indicated in the code and subsequently pointed out in a review comment. The issue was forgotten by reviewers (which is an error) when the more pressing issue of availability of the item was raised. But that does not mean that the review was not clearly demarcated. All reviews are written in plain english. They require 0 code literacy to read, and anyone of the community who wishes to be interested in the developments of the server should read them, as they often provide insight on the PR from the perspective of the person who did not write the PR nor write the feedback thread. When a feedback thread links to a PR, and even says in the feedback thread; "read the PR for more information", and then in the PR discusses the impact on hunger (as was the case for the specific incident highlighted here), I see no difference between posting the PR's synopsis in the forum and posting the PR's synopsis in the GitHub. By providing a direct link to the two you have effectively done so, and unless people are willfully ignoring the GitHub synopsis' (Which is frankly hard to excuse, considering they are in plain English) then I don't know what to say for them except that they reap what they sow. Especially when the opening post of a feedback thread is just a link to the PR's (in-depth) synopsis. I find no fault in Burger's presentation of his PR (without going into detail about the merits of the PR which except for rhetorical purposes are irrelevant). His synopsis was clearly laid out and went over the major mechanical features in-depth (including the specific feature you find issue with). If nobody pointed out their problem with this feature the onus is on them, as Burger made no attempt to conceal or misdirect or even miscommunicate his intentions. The meme is cute, and my saying this will probably be interpreted as another "outrageously unjustifiable attack on the community", but the community is a little out of touch. (And at this point the use of the word "community" is very tenuous, as Schev points out the community is far more diverse than is typically presented in these arguments.) If the community wants to be deeply involved in the developments and current events regarding their server, that is fine. I encourage it. It is citizen politics on a naturally greatly reduced scale. But just like in citizen politics, the community needs to show a little commitment. As I said, the road is two-way, and the developers have made a great effort in reducing the obscure, arcane, and eldritch principles of the code down into the common denominator of base English. It is too much of me to expect even the most dedicated of the average community member to have to learn code to be able to participate in discussion of its impact. It is not too much of me to expect them to learn English. You yourself have stated that you've read every single one of the relevant PRs. This is not a distinction - it should be expected, and we cultivate this expectation by demanding that every feedback thread links directly and visibly to the relevant PR, and vice versa. If people are not seeing what goes through on the Github (which is linked in every feedback thread), then they are willfully ignoring the Github, and showing a rather severe lack of dedication to the notion of them shaping server developments. I am sorry if this opinion makes it seem like I am some sort of sneering asshole who looks down upon the community, because that is not my intent. I don't think I am asking to much. The links are provided, and the synopsis page of the GitHub is not complex. Copy-pasting every review and every update to the forum is unnecessary when the links are clearly provided. Even your request for some ultimate statement on each PR explaining why it was approved and merged is often satisfied on many PRs when the final approving review is given (Although this is not mandatory). Trite, copy-paste posts planted at the end of every discussion thread saying in so many words "Dear, community. This feature is being tested. Your feedback is being listened to!", as you suggest, achieves nothing, even if it makes people feel a little better. If you personally require this assurance, then allow me to provide it here and now only once, without filling the projects subforums with it; Features get tested. Your feedback gets listened to. Sometimes feature testing is poor or spotty. These issues are quickly rectified and patched to master. Sometimes feedback gets tangled up, and sometimes we have to just say no. The first is inevitable but a learning experience. The second is just a reasonable outcome in every discussion. Let me clarify that I have no hostility towards you. The only hostility I have is towards the notion that "developers ignore feedback!" or "the developers don't change their minds" or any imaginable permutation of those ideas. I am hostile towards these notions because they're just wrong. Developers have showed consistent and evolving commitment in their efforts to both include the community in development (via greater recognition of contributors as collaborators and involving them in the review process) and present development in such a way as to allow the community to discuss it (via feedback threads that link directly to the relevant PR and on-server polls regarding particularly contentious PRs.) These developments are still on-going. The developers are dedicated to their bit. I really don't know how to break the issue down Barney-style any better than we've done so far. What could be simpler and more direct than an actual direct link to the PR in the highly visible and categorized feedback threads that are accessible to everyone on the forum without any attempt at camouflage? What could be more comprehensive than every PR synopsis and every review being written in English, with code-jargon restricted only to comments reviewing jargon filled code itself?
  17. Except that none of the dungeons Burger originally proposed were implemented, and indeed Burger only contributed towards creating the general framework and currently the only extant dungeons are ones Alberyk designed with the community feedback listed in the thread? You seem to be confusing "I don't like these changes" with "The devs ignored community feedback! What bastards!". If you want to further refine the dungeon pool the ability to do so is in your hands, either via contributing your own designs with Github/Suggestions forums or criticizing existing designs. To say that the feedback was utterly pointless and completely ignored is, to be quite frank, absolute bullshit. The Loredevs specifically requested these changes. As developers we like to try and make sure the game actually follows the lore when it is possible for us to do so. If you have a problem with how loredevs conduct their lorewriting then you can speak to them. As far as I know, they are not beholden to a community vote for every change to the lore they make. What old hat. To try and use this incident as an indictment against the PR-Community relationship is a little narrow in perspective, considering that this specific incident kicked off many of the reforms currently implemented today in the PR process (feedback threads, potential for server polls, etc,.). Which is not to say that this incident was the sole source of these changes - many of them had been in the works beforehand, and many still are. The energy boosts provided by Zo'ra soda were clearly demarcated in the original PR. I raised a question about their balance, but discussion was soon overriden by the other prevalent problem which was their wide availability. Sometimes things slip through, which will be discussed in my final point. Really? You're using a PR that has not been reviewed yet, much less merged, as an indictment? Okaaay. Not to mention, how is it an indictment that a specific part of the PR was noticed? And how can you say that it would have slipped in without being noticed? You're taking a pretty big leap here. Not to mention that it's mentioned in the fucking PR exactly what it does, including the hunger reactions, As I mentioned in the Zo'ra Soda point, sometimes things slip through. Nothing is ever perfect on the first release. But to say that this imperfection is the result of Devs completely ignoring community feedback? This is just wrong. There's no other way to put it. Devs have listened to community feedback every single time it was offered, and in many of these cases community feedback was incorporated. It is an evolving process that requires continual input from both sides. Nothing is ever "silently slipped in". Every change is reviewed on the Github, merged via the gitbot (which is announced in the Discord), and logged on the changelog. The reasons for merging, and indeed the entire review process, is publicly available on the Github. You do not even need to be Github literate to read it, as the PRs are announced on the Discord. The meat of this post (That developers state publicly when a "contentious" PR has been merged, and provide reasoning for it) already exist. The community at this point is just obstinately refusing to read them. There is no "illusion" to the input the community provides. I'm sorry. This is just not a thing. Feedback threads are not a magic show, and developers are not some conjurers of cheap tricks. As a final point, something that I have noticed and that this post certainly demonstrates, is that the community can sometimes be a little illiterate when it comes to reading pull requests. Developers have long abandoned the notion that the community will be able to read the code, or even to navigate the Github proficiently, which is fair. But when a feedback thread links directly to the Github PR in question, and all of the important components (synopsis, reviews, heated shitposting, discussion) is written in plain English (As was the case for at least 2 of the points raised above, the Zo'ra soda PR and the Thirst pr), then it's not the developer's fault that the community as a whole (or more typically a vocal minority) fails to interpret. It is a two-way road.
  18. Voting for dismissal. A run of the mill explosion with radiation damage is enough incentive to keep the engine running without encouraging purposeful delamination by bored engineers. Not to mention if everyone is using supermatter engine the law of probability would indicate the universe would already be fucked by these xenos. If you want to derail the round dramatically you will need to put some more effort into it.
  19. This thread is about removing the ability for the stun baton to one hit stun. This change has been put into the implementation track. This thread is not about antagonists, shitsec, the flash nerf, changelings, what it means to roleplay, what it means to be, etc., If this continues I can only assume that nobody has anything constructive to add on to the original topic, and will just lock the thread for archival purposes.
  20. Voting for dismissal. If someone is inactive the crew manifest will list them as such eventually. 10 minutes may seem a little long but it in my opinion provides enough room for appropriate ambiguity. Beyond this there are other mechanics for identifying yourself as SSD/AFK in an OoC manner (SetPose and the automatic SSD timer that shows up in Examine).
  21. Implemented in; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5239
  22. The stun baton's stun is modified by the siemens_coefficient of the target zone, which is affected by clothing. If stun batons are 1 hit KO'ing you in the head, then start wearing hats+masks.
  23. No.
  24. In terms of lore, there is 0 distinction between IPCs and Borgs beyond that "Uhhh....they're different!". There is no reason why an IPC chassis could not behave like a borg chassis, and indeed vice versa. They are just physical shells. That said, if you want to play a borg with hands, then you should just consider getting an IPC whitelist. The limitations of borgs and IPCs are at least somewhat designed to follow a certain direction.
  25. Please do not post a suggestion unless it follows the posting format provided in the original post.
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