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Everything posted by SierraKomodo
It's been attempted. People still metagamed it then threw a fit about CCIA supporting antags. Never again.
Just about every instance of that, or the issue of a captain overstepping his bound while not currently serving as captain, almost always occur during or due to antag action which makes it so CCIA can't do anything about it outside of that one round.
It's not just about the nuke. People who had captain characters playing as non-captains used that as a reason to have immediate authority when there wasn't a captain around, even though they weren't assigned as the captain for that shift.
Implausibility of learning skills ICly / actual difficulty of station jobs
SierraKomodo replied to Fiskap's topic in General
The way I see it, barring security cadet which canonically is just a 1 month academy course type thing.. The intern/apprentice/etc positions would be for people who are in the later phases of their education and need to get X years of internship or residency in order to graduate as per the college's requirements. In the case of engineering apprentice, it may also be someone who instead of going through traditional schooling, is undertaking some form of equivalency exchange through the Apprentice/Journeyman/etc ranks -
I have to disagree with this idea from a different point of view: Antagging. There have been plenty of antags that steal the captain's id and/or modify their and their buddy's ID cards to get full access. This would severely limit that access the antags get, specifically when you're blocking certain areas like tcomms, recalling emergency shuttles, or the ID console.
Implausibility of learning skills ICly / actual difficulty of station jobs
SierraKomodo replied to Fiskap's topic in General
To add on to what TT said, another IRL example: You have a factory with various employment positions including: Engineering level positions (operation of machinery, putting shit together, etc), security level positions (Night watch, guard, etc), maybe even basic medical (First aid responder in case someone gets their arm stuck in a machine). This factory will have people installed in all three positions, alongside supervisor/management positions. Now, security and engineering level positions would have apprentice/entry level jobs that's basically 'Walk this route and report anything suspicious' or 'use this machine, press these buttons and follow this guide'. Just because it's stupidly easy to do either job doesn't mean people will be hired on and actually do both tasks. If you're hired as a button-pusher, and you're instead wandering around the factory, you're gonna get fired. If you're hired to patrol and you start pushing buttons on a machine, even if it's as per a guide, you're gonna get fired. -
Implausibility of learning skills ICly / actual difficulty of station jobs
SierraKomodo replied to Fiskap's topic in General
In fact, to build upon my last post with an example from one of my characters: Ziva Ta'kim. Ziva's a mechatronic engineer, which puts her in robotics. Alot of people assume she knows robotics as a result of that (And probably because her cousin is Karima). Does she? Nope, not diddly squat beyond engineering-grade maintenance such as fixing wiring or doing chassis repairs. She also knows how to replace and install specific modules, but only because that (Rather basic) information was provided to her by her cousin and 'Robotics for DUMMIES' guides she's read. This makes her an amateur at robotics in my books. Now, if we get into mechs, that's an entirely different ballpark for this character She already has a degree in engineering itself, has experience working on shuttle craft, stations, and mechs, and could break down and put together a mech on her own without too much trouble (It'd be like a gun expert breaking apart, cleaning, and putting a rifle back together without needing to following a step-by-step guide, or a car enthusiast rebuilding an engine on a frame). This makes her an expert at heavy machinery. -
Implausibility of learning skills ICly / actual difficulty of station jobs
SierraKomodo replied to Fiskap's topic in General
Alot of this I think could be looked at similar to an employee who doesn't know diddly squat about computers working in an office on a computer. You can be taught how to do specific tasks, but anything outside of that specific task and you're lost and need constant guidance. I actually have a coworker like this so I think I've got some good first hand experience on how this would actually be portrayed. Said co-worker even bugs me for the exat same task/issue multiple times even though it's already been explained about.. 20 times now. Yeah, it's annoying, but it's expected when someone is new to something and worried about one mistake ruining everything. Also: This coworker has been doing this job for 2 years now and still asks questions.. Some examples from your post: Your character was specifically taught the steps to set a SMES for outpost solars. So, you now know how to turn input/output on/off, and change the input/output levels. Your character wouldn't know much if anything else about how to operate the SMES, what all those other fancy buttons do, what power levels are ideal and when, why certain power levels are ideal, how to optimize the SMES, etc etc. And that's not even getting into dismantling and upgrading the parts. Same thing as above. This is, relatively speaking, actually really simple when you think about it. You turn a valve to a specific value as defined in your training, you perform a specific task on the console. Any other tasks that console can do? You're clueless on those. Why do you set the valve to that specific value? What does that actually do to the pipes? You're also clueless, you just know that's what you have to do. To emphasize: Knowing how to do a specific task, and understanding a specific task, are two entirely different things. Any amateur can do something if given step by step instructions, but you'd need to be more of an expert to /understand/ the process you're following and be able to deviate from it to get better performance out of the equipment. -
Admins have determined security that do things like this is an OOC issue and needs to be ahelped. As such, closing the IR.
SpaceBacker: The Family of the Tau Ceti Faithful
SierraKomodo replied to Jboy2000000's topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
A donation without a message was posted for 300 credits from 'Z.Ahmad'. -
I have my own 'random character generator' text document I use for randomizing just about everything for a character (Albeit it comes up with more sensible stuff than pasty-white blue haired vegeta with purple eyes). Sometimes these randomized characters are only played once or twice (Titus Young II as an example), sometimes they become characters I play regularly (D'ar'rhe Mia'asika'zar).
[Resolved] Staff Complaint: Garnascus and AimlessAnalyst
SierraKomodo replied to Araskael's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Well, with that in mind, I'd say how Garnascus handled the situation is fine. Unidentified person in a breacher suit with lasers shooting up your inner chamber and blowing holes in the doors definitely warrants stopping him as per law 4, and law 2 wouldn't apply since he couldn't be ID'd as crw. -
ESRA's custom AI core Mk2: Howdy Pardner Edition
SierraKomodo replied to CakeIsOssim's topic in Completed Items
What happened to the polandball faces? -
[RESOLVED]Complaint about CommanderXor
SierraKomodo replied to Wesmas's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
As a note, CommanderXor was talking about adding Cane to a third department in OOC during a wizard round about 10 hours ago (I don't have the Game ID). -
Relax, while you drawing it was the inspiration, I don't need it for the item and any implementation would probably be at least somewhat awkward. Implementation wise, the easiest would probably just to have a link in the examine description
[Resolved] Staff Complaint: Garnascus and AimlessAnalyst
SierraKomodo replied to Araskael's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I'm gonna chime in here for a second and bring up the one thing that's standing out to me most about this: A lawed AI, without any law changes (As evidenced by what both of you have posted), killed a /traitor/ (Implying its a crewmember), and used 'following law 4' as the reason for it. You directly violated law 2 in the process of doing so, by causing lethal harm to a crewmember. Unless interpretation of the laws has changed again, this violates the currently standing 'If an action would violate laws, you cannot take that action, period' (Which is something I have been bwoinked for in the past. I've also been bwoinked for not saving someone who was suffocating because opening the door would have vented about 8 other people, but yeah). -
Maybe I should just write up another PHP script to handle this stuff.. Should be relatively simple.
Let the thread die already.
[CLOSED] IR: 10/18/2458, Jyllian, Derek - Warden
SierraKomodo replied to Damarik's topic in Closed reports
Reporting Personnel: Samantha Black Rank of Reporting Personnel: Chief Medical Officer Game ID: beYkXf Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Ka'Akaix'Theth K'lax, Xenobotanist: Offender (LordRaven001) - Peaches, Xenobiologist: Offender (NWG1995) - Brianna Collins, Nurse: Witness (synnono) - Stephanie Moore, Biomechanical Engineer: Witness (Whiterabit) - Dylan Sutton, Head of Security: Witness (SirCatnip) Time of Incident: ~7 AM Real time: ~1400-1420 EST, October 25, 2016 Location of Incident: Medbay, Xenobotany, Common Channel Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: During the shift, some time after I arrived, the xenobotanist vaurca Theth K'lax was detected on sensors with increasing toxins. It came to medbay and, during treatment, admitted that it had purposefully overdosed itself on drugs (Ambrosine in particular was mentioned). Upon finishing its treatment, it stated it was going back to the xenobotany lab to overdose again. I informed it that if it did this, I would have security detain it for drug abuse and wasting medical resources. It stated that would not stop it. Barely five minutes later, it was showing toxins on sensors again. An officer was also wounded in space due to space carp - I prioritized my only available responder, a law bound synth, to the recovery and treatment of Sanu'dra. Theth appeared to receive treatment in robotics. It was then dragged into medbay by an IPC named Peaches, whom demanded we treat the vaurca for a 'disease'. This supposed disease was the vaurca's apparent addiction to drugs. As my nurse, Collins, informed them both, medbay is not equipped to treat diseases, and we did not have a psychiatrist on board. As the vaurca had already been treated and showed no toxins, I told the IPC to take the vaurca to the brig to be processed for drug abuse. It refused, demanded we treat the 'disease', then proceeded to insult me in person and on radio by calling me a 'cunt', telling me to 'fuck off', and other unprofessional terms. The vaurca joined in on the insults on common. I did call for security to medbay to deal with these two, but nobody arrived despite being told by Sutton an officer was inbound, I suspect due to the higher priority issue noted below. Peaches dragged the vaurca out of medbay, and we didn't hear from either of them again. As a note, while monitoring sensors, I noticed the vaurca's toxin levels increasing again, just before he entered cryogenic storage. Nurse Collins was sent to treat the vaurca again before it went under. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Dylan Sutton, Head of Security (SirCatnip) Actions taken: - No actions taken against Theth as he went to cryogenic storage shortly after the incident. - Security became distracted with a higher priority issue (Antags happened) and couldn't deal with Peaches as a result. (OOC: Also, Peaches got spaced not long after, which naturally isn't canon) Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank)