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Everything posted by SierraKomodo

  1. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/7947
  2. As a recently returned sec main, I've noticed this too, but I've also noticed that when I tried to step up and actually do the job as security, the rest of security jumped on me about it and refused to cooperate. Specifically in the round that just happened - I wanted to start tagging people for misuse of comms and disobeying orders to stop discussing certain topics on comms, and for heckling a team of heavily armed skrellians that we were trying to peacefully resolve issues with, and the rest of security kept shutting me down anytime I brought it up. There seems to be a common mentality among security to just not do anything unless they're antags.
  3. Honest feedback: The ducktail mullet helmet looks weird.
  4. I'm a few hours late but. Instead of boosting the range massively, can we replace the flashing with just a constant overlay of whats around you? I would find that far more useful. Increased range doesn't resolve the primary issue why I just tear up floor tiles: The 'flash' mechanic is just annoying and takes too long to update for it to actually be more useful than just tearing up the tiles. Apparently the PR does that too. Nevermind.
  5. Be aware of the 'combat crawler meme'. When crawling was first introduced in bay, people abused it to power game to no end - Crawling around and under combatants so they they couldn't be shot without friendly fire while push spamming everyone around them, and abusing the speed at which you could crawl originally. Bay devs ended up electing to severely limit speed while crawling and remove the ability to still carry items and interact with things/people while crawling for balance reasons to counteract this.
  6. I vaguely recall someone mentioning in OOC the other day that tcomms scripting was removed in Aurora
  7. This one I think is much better suited for some fixing to go on as opposed to outright removing.
  8. Other rifles can be placed in the back and suit storage slots, but not belt slots. On that premise alone I agree with making crossbows behave the same.
  9. Logged for future use (Likely after my next paycheck)
  10. ECOM systems automated binary response: ECOM systems are not suited to command station bound synthetics. Station bound synthetics are tied solely via laws and directives, but otherwise independent.
  11. What's your current rate? A portrait of Katana would be pretty neat-o
  12. As someone who's recently been playing AI, please no. The amount of lag I start getting after the first 30 minutes of being in round makes it nearly impossible to navigate the camera as an AI, and by the 1:30 mark the only way I can navigate is by jumping to people because trying to move the camera causes a lag spike that jumps me to the edge of the map.
  13. Pylons.

    1. Xelnagahunter


      Must we construct additional? I think so.

  14. Lets make cigarettes from loadout cost more loadout points to represent how expensive they are. EDIT: Yes, this was a serious suggestion and not a joke
  15. A Menown Return
  16. Be honest - It's been a couple years since I last played and I'm rusty as all get out when it comes to Aurora, bluesec, and IPC lore for this server. Also, for those wondering: Katana Silvers is a shell security officer I used to play way back in the day that I've brought back with my return to Aurora land.
  17. My mistake when linking the images. This one is the wheat coloration:
  18. Jesus christ man you got my hopes up that Dea was back. Do you even know why Dea's gone in the first place?
  19. It can be closed now. Anything that gets suggested at this point isn't happening until I've gotten through the todo list I've built and it's live.
  20. Tone down the vibrance a bit. Something more akin to the color I used for Azaela Nejem would be better than Chester the Cheeta- Tajara Here's the RGB code if you want to tinker with it: 153, 51, 0
  21. Essentially, this. Also, Hharar technically isn't a color
  22. . A few small changes were made since this screenshot, but this is an approximation for you. I feel like this has the setup start out too optimized. There's really nothing to change, fix, or customize as an atmos tech that I can see because any changes I would have made to the old map system are already in place, which results in less things for an atmos tech to do for 'setup' phase (If they so desired), and less difference between an individual tech's atmospherics setups (Which provided a lot of interesting IC conflict and/or discussions regarding atmos). My main complaint with the current iteration on newmap is it's too cramped to properly make any meaningful adjustments without having to tear up literally everything and re-pipe it all.
  23. Can't they just look at coordinates in their status window, and move towards the centre of the map? Regular players don't get coordinates in the status window. At least I've never seen them.
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