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Everything posted by SierraKomodo

  1. Something like a five minute cooldown between calling the emergency shuttle could work.
  2. Also, I feel like most people are never on run unless its very intentional in a combat situation, while people occasionally go into harm intent to avoid being pushed and the like. I go into run whenever it'd make sense for my character to be sprinting. I.e. running away from or to something in an emergency, or just trying to catch up to someone because they're strangely incapable of walking and talking at the same time.
  3. I'd request a contingency be implemented alongside this to check if the online staff are actually active; There's been many an occasion where we have one or two staff 'online' but no response to an ahelp for upwards of 45 minutes.
  4. Any chance I can get a look at the new atmospherics mapping that I was told is coming? The current setup leaves a lot to be desired and was a right pain in the ass to optimize.
  5. I'm in support of adding welding goggles, with job restrictions in place (Robotics, engineer, atmos tech {Disposal pipes require welding to install/remove. Atmos techs are in charge of disposal pipes.} only. I can't think of any other roles that need it). Specifically in regards to species, with the way a standard welding mask is made, it honestly makes sense that tajara and unathi would prefer welding goggles (Or, realistically speaking, wouldn't even be able to wear regular welding masks - I'd even suggest making that mechanically enforced ;P)
  6. In my half-asleep stupor, I've thought of a compromise between what Mofo wants to accomplish and my own concerns with this system. Implement the lore restriction on being within 20 or 30 points of any of the ethnicity's listed colors. But also allow a sort of pseudo-approval process for colors that fall outside of these numbers for specific cases (Including grandfathering in previously accepted tajara, or cases of cross-ethnicity characters with a fur color somewhere between A and B). I'm too tired right now to properly put together examples and would probably forget this idea by the time I wake up tomorrow, but hopefully the idea comes across in a somewhat understandable manner
  7. To try and help visualize things and what not, I went ahead and got screen caps of the colors listed on the wiki, and of my own tajaran characters for comparison and such. From the wiki itself: Hharaar: Zhan-Khazaan: Njarir'Akhran: M'sai: And now my (current) characters, with a note on their ethnicities:
  8. This is essentially how I figured it worked, back when I was making my tajara characters. I based things off the provided colors (Less by number and more by 'Ok, this is orange. This is brown.' etc etc, and used some level of RNG to select colors for some of my characters (Upwards to 20 points in either direction in the R, G, and B categories). Also keep in mind I have a few characters that aren't a pure bred ethnicity. Miraj, for example, is half njarir and half hharaar. Her fur color (Peach) is a mixture of a hharaar's lighter brown, almost tan and a njarir's more colorful coat. I personally tried to avoid just outright copy+pasting the colors from the wiki, because fur colors/tones would be slightly varied. We don't have 4 exact skin tones for humans, or 8 exact fur colorations for cats irl. Also I don't think you've ever brought up an issue with any of my characters, fur color wise, despite the fact that none of them would fit the requirement you're proposing for deviation from an approved color.
  9. DISCLAIMER BEFORE YOU READ THIS POST: Whether or not this module actually goes live on the web interface depends on if I can get it to a valid, working state before busy season with my job kicks in, and if Arrow and Skull accept it in the completed state that I'll present to them when it's done. With that in mind, this may not necessarily actually ever go live, dependent on circumstances. --- I'm working on adding a records generator module to the web interface to replace the now defunct one I'd written up a few years ago. For those who are un-aware, the records generator was essentially a series of form fields that you could enter data into, which would then be presented in a nice, formatted, slightly fluff-ed up bit text you could paste into your character's employment, medical, and security records, and a version that could be posted on the forums with bbcode formatting. It also served the purpose of giving players some prompts for what kind of information should be included (I.e., prior surgeries or prescriptions for medical records, qualifications [AKA, ICly formatted version of your skills menu] for employment records, etc etc) I'm also planning on setting up a system for 'templates' where there's the option to use the records format I developed with my original generator (Example), using the ones from Baystation (link), or using the ones Muncorn posted up (Link) You can see my plans and progress here: https://github.com/SierraKomodo/Web-Interface/projects/1 If there's anything you guys want to suggest/request that I include with this module while I'm working on it, I'm open for such ideas and ask that you post said ideas as an issue here (Be sure to check and make sure it hasn't already been suggested - Check closed issues as well): https://github.com/SierraKomodo/Web-Interface/issues You can also just post your ideas here and I'll copy over the ones I'll be implementing, but it's far easier to keep things organized on github's system.
  10. Thralls tend to turn this into team. j/s.
  11. As a note, baystation actually has this implemented already. May want to take a look at their manifest code.
  12. I can't speak for the rest of the complaint, but I was able to find your post by checking the 'User Posts' link in your profile. It's in the Applications Board > Developer Applications section. Here's a direct link: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=7932&p=76318#p76318
  13. Reporting Personnel: Azaela Nejem Rank of Reporting Personnel: Internal Affairs Agent Game ID: bNY-ahfX Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Note: Admins wouldnt give me ckeys, told me CCIA can obtain them. - Manfred Hayden, Chief Engineer: Offender - Kaden Garret, Security Cadet: Victim/Witness (The cadet that was sent to break up a fight alone) - Zack Rathen, Security Officer: Witness (Was not present at the time of the incident, but was asked to handle the fight by Agent Nejem) - Annabelle Sovno, Captain: Witness (Present when the cadet was given the order by Manfred) - Phoebe Essel, Chief Medical Officer: Witness (Overheard the radio conversation) - Ickthar Slithiss, Head of Personnel: Witness (Overheard the radio conversation) Time of Incident: Real time: April 13th, 1 AM, GMT Location of Incident: Bridge Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X]Other Overstepping authority (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Manfed Hayden, while in the bridge as a search warrant was finished, specifically requested a security cadet from the personnel present (Note, there were officers and forensics staff present as well). This cadet was then instructed to go break up a fight between two janitors in the port section of the station. Agent Nejem proceeded to remind Hayden that sending cadets alone to handle any incidents is against protocol, he responded that he's not security, and that he planned to go after the janitors with a plasma cutter when the cadet was inevitably overwhelmed. He was then asked to let security handle incidents properly and safely, and did not reply. Agent Nejem found the nearest officer - Zack Rathen - and requested he handle the incident before it went bad for the cadet or Hayden. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Captain Sovno was a direct witness to the incident in question. Actions taken: Manfred Hayden was spoken to over command by Agent Nejem. He did not appear receptive to the conversation. Officer Rathen was sent by Agent Nejem's request, in place of the cadet going alone. No other actions appeared to have been taken. Additional notes: OOC NOTE: The janitor fight itself /was/ antag related. However, this specific incident is separate enough to be valid in my opinion.
  14. Reporting Personnel: Azaela Nejem Rank of Reporting Personnel: Internal Affairs Agent Game ID: bNY-ahfX Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Note: Admins wouldn't give me ckeys, told me CCIA can obtain them. - Cain Darktwater, Scientist: Offender - Annabelle Sovno, Captain: Witness - Ickthar Slithiss, Head of Personnel: Witness - Phoebe Essel, Chief Medical Officer: Witness for second incident (Was not on shift for first incident) - Maxine Burgess, Bartender: Witness (OOC note: This character was an antag, but the incident isn't antag related) Time of Incident: Real time: April 13th, 1 AM, GMT Location of Incident: First incident, bar. Second incident, NTCC Odin Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X]Other Violation of Station Directives (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: FIRST INCIDENT: Reports were received over the command channel that Cain Dartkwater brought an experimental device outside of research and activated it in the bar, producing some form of portable shield. Agent Nejem conferred with Captain Sovno, and determined this was done without authorization. Captain Sovno dispatched security to handle the situation. SECOND INCIDENT: Agent Nejem personally witnessed this device being brought onboard the NTCC Odin during a crew transfer, and subsequently activated in a location that blocked off the bar area's doors. Captain Sovno was again queried if this device was authorized to be used outside of research, and once again stated it was not. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Lack of authorization was confirmed with Annabelle Sovno in both instances Actions taken: First incident, security was sent to speak with Darktwater. Whether or not this actually occured is unknown. No actions were taken for the second incident. Additional notes: The device appears to have been completely harmless, as it appeared to only generate a small, portable shield, but this is not confirmed.
  15. I'm going to counter that by quoting a statement I've been given by Garnascus in the past:
  16. Precedence: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/issues/1957
  17. Giving security access to view CCIA actions on security records consoles (Just like they're currently shown in employment records) would make sense and be helpful in enforcement of certain types of actions such as injunctions, and as a record of 'Hey, this person has a warning for doing XYZ. And they're doing XYZ now. Maybe we should report that to CCIA', as well as other situations where it'd be helpful for security to be aware of such actions (Mainly, it's so that security can actually enforce these things in-round by being aware of them without needing a head of staff to relay the information off an employment record console).
  18. I'd be willing to see how this goes in practice, and provide feedback afterwards.
  19. I think this ruling pretty much covers that.
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