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Everything posted by Killerhurtz

  1. I see no reason to not approve this application. Approved.
  2. I see no reason to deny your application. Approved.
  3. Wow. I just want to say, I really appreciate the thoroughness of the understanding of this server's Dionaea lore. 100% approved. Do the trees proud.
  4. That's a lovely application. I don't remember last time someone wrote something so poetic. While I have no problem approving your app, I would invite you to actually READ the wiki entry for Dionaea regardless - you might find some things you weren't expecting.
  5. That's hilarious. I love it. Also not gonna lie, Fronds is close enough to another character name that I pictured a Dionaea going EYYYYYYY Anyhow. Approved. Do me proud.
  6. ...I'm sorry, but. I'm going to have to deny this application. First, "got a quick look through it" isn't really good. Second, what you wrote for the application is very very barebones. Third, you actually stole the backstory of what is basically the most recent approved whitelist, and didn't even try to hide it. You're going to need to show some more interest if you want to play Dionaea. Closing. Feel free to apply again later.
  7. Hello hello! Absolutely LOVE this application. Ornias has it mostly spot-on - though more precision on the last part: it IS up to player interpretation to set a talking speed for their character. Though talking quirks (like slow or incorrect pronunciation) are encouraged. That being said, approved. Anyone that can make a meme something legit deserves a shot.
  8. Oh god I'm late. At any rate, approved. Enjoy, and keep cool!
  9. Unfortunately, for several reasons, this explanation of Bluespace does not fit either current or future planned lore, and must be declined. However, your interest in properly defining Bluespace has been noted and I will be sure to use this as a weapon against Boots to do it forward a proposal more in line with our lore to fill the niche you've pointed out needs filling. Thank you for your application, though. Happy trails! Closing.
  10. Awesome. I'll be in touch very soon, once the selection process actually begins.
  11. Hello hello! I was recently appointed by Jackboot as the Wiki manager/overseer. It's way overdue for the Wiki to be fixed and all prettied up to actually make it useful. It is a rather large undertaking - and as such, I'll be looking for people to help making the wiki great again, since right now there is only one dedicated wiki developer. To apply, simply make a standard application - I'll be reviewing them and we'll go from there. As a wiki developer, you will: -Clean up the attic of the wiki (so many ancient articles that need updating or pruning...) -Correct pages -Help establishing a standard for the wiki -Keep everything updated and working -Work with the lore team to keep pages up to date and relevant -And many more fun tasks! Happy trails!
  12. Hello hello! Are you still interested in helping out?
  13. Hello hello! Are you still interested in helping out with the wiki?
  14. Hello hello! I'm honestly on the fence about your application. However I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I will be back on the 14th to review it - until then, please post a link to this app in the in-game OOC channel to get people vouching for your roleplay abilities. See you then. Happy trails!
  15. Closing and archiving.
  16. There is no set limit on gestalts splitting and merging. While a gestalt does tend to be a group consciousness, it is not a hive mind, and so splitting can occur just because two groups want to go their own way, or merge for utility functions. So it's perfectly reasonable that two gestalts working for NT would eventually split, and happen to merge with one another's parts.
  17. Hello again! I've officially approved your application, and put in the request for it to be applied (cannot do it myself right now). Should be done by morning. I'll be back to close and archive by then. Enjoy!
  18. Hello hello! Not bad. However I will refrain from fully assessing yet. I will be back on Wednesday, May 31st. Until then, you may post a link to this app once per round in the OOC channel of the server. Feel free to study the lore further as well, and if you have any questions whatsoever, I'm available on Discord - you can reach me through the server's player discord server. Happy trails!
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