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Everything posted by ThelonTV

  1. I haven't thought about applying for a whitelist, but I can kind of see why people get upset about something like this case. Just like writing an academic essay, it's very much dependend on who's grading it... So to give my 2 cents as a forum lurker, here's my suggestion for more transparency (if it's not already done internally): Make/handout something like this: > You (reviewers) could standardize certain categories like: Believability, Lore correctness, creativity and so on and also add a bonus category like feedback or personal interest or whatever. Then if the person applying got a good enough overall score they're accepted, if not, give them this and maybe a small period to change certain aspects. Alterantively it could be based on a point system. Creativity: 90/100, believability: 30/100.. average of 60, which usually is a pass. That sorta deal. Again, just a suggestion that would maybe bring more transparency into the whitelisting procedure; stuff like that can be easily automated, shared and archived in excel, just like the crew manifest (which is really awsome)
  2. [short comment solely focusing on a spelling mistake and disregarding any arguments of the essay]
  3. Yeah I mean the loadout augment, no yelling for now. The cost is up to the people balancing the game... I guess maybe around or a little less than the combitool?
  4. As of lately I have been wondering: pAIs and AIs can understand most if not all languages. Is that because they have some kind of language module installed lore-wise? Wouldn't it be possible for crewmembers to then also get said module (or a tuned down version) implanted in order to understand and/or speak more languages than what they usually can? So here's my suggestion: Add an augment that let's you understand and/or speak one more language of your choosing I'd love to hear your opinions on this!
  5. Has every OD cap been lowered? The option to buy a random chem beaker as antag should be more viable now! All I remember was buying that once or twice, only to realize, that the dosage was barely enough to get someone to OD on it... which was the only negative effect of the drug at the time
  6. Turning the AIs core into the room of a 14 year old
    Just like the other 3 events, I had absolutely 0 clue what even happened at any point of time BUT several tajarans canonically died so I'd give it a 100/100
  7. Every kitchen main ever
  8. Can confirm the lag, they DCed before and wrote about them in Looc
  9. I once played a ninja round with him and that's honestly why I have enabled antag now to begin with. They taught me, that you don't need to be a robust badass. You can also just have fun RPing, which they have nailed 100% Edit: Please don't play another stuck up serious HoP though; While still needed, we really have enough of those already
  10. Please, please, please make it so you can see /me if the person is within 1 tile range, even if they are not directly in your sight. What will happen to [Player1] slowly sneaks up to [Player2] and pokes them?
  11. I like the idea. After a treatment you could then bug your boss for some money IF the accident was work related.
  12. I mean our characters are all not perfect, so in my non-engineer opinion: Wouldn't an oopsie be even more lethal to someone that can't call for help over the comms?
  13. Thank you @Neude for taking the screenshots
  14. Was about to mention the RP believability part aswell, but yeah basically what you said
  15. Could be done before aswell, right?; uncloak, click, cloak Ninja game mode as a whole is incedribly ninja favoured IMO, which isn't necessarily a bad thing I believe if it comes to getting rid of true invisibility, it would be smarter to first try out giving cloaking and decloaking a cooldown, or make it gimicky so they have to throw a smoke bomb or whatever
  16. What does the vision cone have to do with ninjas? If you played it smart before you were invisible to the human eye 100% of the time; just because you can't look behind yourself doesn't mean that a, subjectively speaking, strong antag role needs to be nerfed?
  17. I've heard and played a lot of songs that sound fairly decent; Usually the pages providing the music sheets mention that the songs sound horrible on either a violin or a piano... It also has a lot to do with the songs BPM; I usually crank the BPM down if it doesn't sound right and that fixes it most of the times
  18. I vote Johan Wurst for RP president 2024 +1
  19. Cargo has got a lot of requests over multiple rounds for pianos and/or violins. Should be a pretty normal thing to be able to order compared to space guns and exotic animals right?
  20. Good eating habits, 9/10 chefs would recommend this customer
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