Your character does not seem to make sense. He is an edict breaker, but for some reason wears the Dominian cape, acts like one, and tries to relate with Dominians. He has a masters in civil (or was it mechanical) engineering, but for some reason, he works as a shaft miner (even though he'd be perfectly allowed to work in engineering), then, he wears clothing from Fisanduh?
For whatever reason, a masters in engineering, who is an edict breaker, that is totally cut off from his house, is somehow also rich enough to buy an IPC, that is also rich enough to maintain it (and the IPC appears in-game too as a miner to help you), even after he betrayed his nation and is wanted by it, and suddenly the SCC trusts them enough to be one of the people in command of its flagship.
All my ingame interactions have been marked by confusion, and a very pedantic sense of micromanagement. You, as a shaft miner, keep trying to enforce people to do menial, and useless tasks. I was busy talking (and roleplaying) with somebody in medical once, and you kept trying to annoy me to sort literally the most useless and trash items on the warehouse that nobody would use since it was lowpop. This is not a one-off example, and I could cite atleast three more instances of this happening, but I would rather not turn this into a rant. It's annoying OOCly, because hangar technician is meant to be a slow role and you are not even meant to manage other players as a shaft miner.
I am pretty sure you would not like it if I created a ops manager character right now, and forced your character to mine while you were speaking with other Dominians at the bar.
Furthermore, your behavior with other characters has been downright wack, threatening to beat people up over mere arguments and banter. I remember you going on common and asking "Commander... what is the time you get for assaulting someone?" when another hangar technician made fun of you. I don't think a member of command would do this. There are more instances of this behavior cited above in the comments.
I would not like a person who reminds me of annoying micromanagers (service managers) I have seen in command, to micromanage me and abuse your command position with arrest/IR spam. I really doubt you would act the same way with the people your character likes.
You don't have to impress me or whatever, but I would atleast like to see a new character in command. For now, this is a -1.