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Command Application (Charger10k)
Muncorn replied to Charger10k's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Definitely a +1 from me. One of the best writers/roleplayers I've seen both on Aurora and overall in my experience in roleplay, and just being around his characters has taught me a lot about how to better portray my characters ingame and out. I've talked with him a bunch about other aspects of the game; lore and roleplay as a whole as well, and there's no doubt that he's going to do just fine working in command. -
BYOND key: The Muncorn Discord name/id: Muncorn#5016 Borg / AI names: Archer Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Hadn't before applying here, have read it now and no new information gained, though I did notice it's been updated with the new laws. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I'm a big fan of playing AI, and it's currently the only thing I play apart from my main character as I've not gotten a second character started yet. It's a role I thoroughly enjoy doing, allows for lot of unique interactions and involvement in the station as a whole. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: To my recall, the only administrative action I've ever had is playing a wizard called Spess Wizwoz, and was told to avoid meme names. I cannot genuinely recall anything else, and at the least there's nothing recent or related to AI/Synth activity. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: I am fully aware.
In hindsight, maybe I overlooked the relevance of a second bartender slot. As a player I personally prefer working the bar solo, but I do get that lot of people will disagree on that. However the Barista role is unnecessary for sure, I've no doubt about that. I'm no mapper, though can happily agree that changing the bar and kitchen is a good move, lot of wasted space.
There are currently 2 slots for bartender, as well as 2 options for bartender: Barista and Bartender. The additions of both of these happened while I wasn't active on Aurora, but I've been made aware the reason for these being added, and I'm going to talk here about why those reasons are stupid. 1: Barista is a silly thing - The point of there being a bar; and thus a bartender; on the station is to supply the crew with drinks, alcoholic, juices or coffees, whatever they may be. A bartender, both in function ingame and as an actual role, can do all three of these. A Barista, by definition, only makes coffee. So what happened then, was people would join as Barista and refuse to serve alcohol (which makes up probably 70-80% of orders at the bar btw) and people would get annoyed. And so, the second slot for bartender was added. 2: 2 Slots is fucking painful - There is never, and I repeat never a situation as a bartender where two people are required to serve all the customers. And so what actually happens is you end up taking turns serving drinks (since there's also not enough dispensers or space for 2 people to work anyway) and one of you tends to do nothing. And that's on busy shifts. Everytime it is dead hour and there are 4 crew and another bartender joins, all I know is there is now an hour and a half of two people sitting doing fuck all instead of one person sitting doing fuck all. 3: The second slot's function breaks the rules - Wait a second? What's the purpose of the second slot? To make sure somebody can always serve alcohol. But I'm in lobby, how do I know if this barista already playing is or isn't serving alcohol anyway? Plenty do, so the only way I could know would be to know IC knowledge and use that to influence my character choice, which is technically against the rules. Not a big breach, but it's not good when the reason for a change in the code actively breaks them. Overall, Barista is a silly job to add, since unlike the more specific titles you see in the Scientists, Engineers and Doctors, it does nothing but make the job less useful for no good reason, and it then has to have a second slot just so it can remain relevant. Additionally, NT knows full well that alcohol is the most served drink at the bar, why'd they bother hiring baristas? They can just tell their bartenders to make fuckin coffee. Remove Barista, remove the second slot.
Decided to do the first work of a series I'm hoping to do. I'm aiming to teach myself as much of lore as a whole as possible, and while reading through it slowly is helping, best way to truly learn the lore is to immerse myself in it. And so, going to be doing a series of what are essentially biopics, the first of which is a trader's journal of a visit to Himeo. Didn't turn out exactly as I hope, all fair, more a mild character study than a dive into the details of a location, but hoping to expand and improve how I do these as I keep making them. The link below has comments turned on, so I'd appreciate them being left there for in the comments here, hope you guys enjoy. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fSJMMCrzoG3zIh_hfVg_yZrdctds3LRQxfwH8lqCBpA/edit?usp=sharing
[Accepted] FreshRefreshments Vaurca App
Muncorn replied to FreshRefreshments's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
It's doing that because you've put the text into a codebox. Just put it as plain text and it should work fine. You've also gotten rid of the formatting in the template given, which is an interesting choice. -
Gonna quickly say here, take the whole thing outside of the code formatting, it's awfully hard to read because of it and eliminates the point of the HTML coding built into the template. I'd also advise going through and having a quick spell and grammar check, as I'm not sure if the Nanotreason is a misspelling or a joke. I think a good idea to expand on the character; as we have fairly little here; would be to expand upon the reasons why you've included certain things here. Say why he took interest in combat engineering and force protection and all, it doesn't do much to just say he did, explain why and expand on it from there. The purpose of the application is to show the lore team that you understand both the race you're applying for, and that you have a well thought out and reasonable character, and while its easy enough to just spout out some random sounding terms and say he liked them, it means a lot more to associate them properly with the character. This point applies quite nicely to the final addition you have; why not tell us what sort of objects he collects, any personal favourites of his collection? As much as it may seem otherwise, the app is strong enough, and its clear enough you do have some genuine interest for the species, and just haven't quite been able to show it well enough. Add a little more flesh, and hope some people that actually know something about vaurca can ask you some questions that you can answer to set this a little more in stone.
[Accepted] Aptare's Skrell Whitelist Application
Muncorn replied to Aptare's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Reading this app, I'd gotten my hopes up mildly as I read your initial answers. You show fairly obvious interest in the species, and even note a personal reason for enjoying their culture and way of communication. I'm was afraid at first that this would just be another "Me but an alien" sort of character/self-insert type thing, and then I read the character description and those fears were worsened. People going through immense hardships is not unrealistic, nor is it a bad trait to have in a character, but every single point in this story strikes me as; "This character had it hard, and every time it got worse". Every single hardship leads into another revelation or another thing to go wrong, there is no gap, no twist, no normalisation, and we end up with just another character that's just; "Oh no, my childhood was quite bad, boohoo". I'd normally gloss it over a little as it seems he would be about 80 or so by the time you'd be playing him, and those bad times ended when the character was half his life ago. However, those latter fourty years take up about 10% of the backstory, and show full well it is not your focus with this character. I'm rambling, so I'll wrap up. This character is a stereotype; "Shit's happened" character that everybody has done at some point, and I know full well I have as well. Getting to the point you can make a character for yourself and know it's normal, and it's boring, is the point you're able to make good characters. I want to see that change, and maybe you'll disagree on my motif of making normal characters, maybe nobody will agree with me. But even so, it's a good first step to get away from mister hardknock-warble. Before I end, I do want to point out something that caught my eye the moment I saw the text on my screen. Heshi-Regluk Jrugl is an interesting name, as all three parts of it are taken from somewhere, either intentionally or no. Heshi is a noted persons in skrell history, and very similar to Heshyu. Regluk is a place on Jargon, which is a fine addition in its own right, and Jrugl is; obviously; taken from the Grand Chancillor. The name itself is fine, but from what I can see it's not overly creative. -
[Accepted]Resilynn's Skrell Application
Muncorn replied to Resilynn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm always skeptical of apps with the phrase; "I wasn't interested in playing this race until I had my idea for this character"; and having read through the app it's not much qualmed my skepticism. I see your character backstory and see the same problem many people have had in making skrell characters; including myself; in realising that Skrell are very different from humans, and then creating a skrell that's really interested in humans. It's been done in every way possible, and is a logical character to come out of someone new to the species but understanding of good rp and of the species' basic general personality. As always a somehow manage to keep a negative tone all the way through, and ultimately pointing out the good points would be disingenuous at this point. I like this app, despite what I've said, and I would not want to deny this app just off of those bad notes. What I think would be a good idea is for you to design a second character, or even just a character concept, for a different sort of skrell with little of the character's existence being reliant on humans. I don't care much what it is, I simply want to see if you can do something more than just a single skrell -
[Accepted] Riqpley_Dagasd's Skrell app
Muncorn replied to Lonely Caravan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Gonna give a quick bit of review, cuz' Loow got angry when I only put it in the lorechat. Your answers overall are fairly bare-bones, and your character is; with no intent to insult; obscenely boring and unoriginal. I'm reading through your character description and knowing full well at what points you stopped writing to check on the wiki's info. Nothing in this application or this character makes me believe you've put actual thought and consideration into Skrellian culture and being, all you have given us is descriptions and recounts of info from the wiki. I see no personal reflection on the species either from your perspective or from your characters. Take an example of your answer on: "Why do you wish to play this specific race"; you mention how they have a different way of thinking... That's it. You give no description of this different way, no aknowledgement that it exists and certainly no evidence of you putting it into use. I fully understand the need in these applications to put your knowledge about the species' lore to use, but there is similarily a need to show you actually understand the species, rather than just being able to spout facts and fit those facts into a carbon cut-out skrell character. I see no reason to deny this because of that, despite my negative tone. But I'd definitely like to see some work done on it. -
[Declined] Muncorn's Antag Lore Developer Application
Muncorn replied to Muncorn's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Kaed, this app has been up for weeks, I gave up on it a while ago. -
I'm quite liking the idea of this, want to ask some basic questions on it. 1: Do you know of any ways to have this directly impact the station, be it through events of any kind, selectable iems or something more creative than those? 2: Do you have ideas on how the organisation is viewed by the larger corps, governments and similar groups, or would you say the Association is too minor for any large entity to have much of an opinion? 3: Does the Association have any restrictions on their members? Such as a ban on Vaucra or Ipc's? I do like it, and I doubt there's any reason for the human lore peeps to complain about this, but it'd be nice to know a little more about your broader plans for the Association.
Skrell are not perfect, and nobody's ever tried to argue that they are. The majority of Skrell view advancement as very important, and that's more than just technological. Advancement socially, financially and more is important to them, so many skrell will do a lot of things to reach the best potential they can. Additionally, Skrellian community is very strong, though only locally. It's not directly tied to family or friends like Unathi or Humans, but is more "These are the people I am around, I will support them", so being in a position of power grants opportunity to help those, and often they'll do it through means not too beneficial to those outwith their own area. The best example of that is Yeelir Kooriq’din, the Ploat'nil CoO, where she's been deliberately advertising her own districts and cities over Kal'lo to merchants and traders coming to Jargon, despite the central government wanting Kal'lo to remain the primary trading hub. I think that's all right, I'm making presumptions here.
Type (Species/Company/History/Other): Skrell - History and Present Relevant Dates: 25/6/1600 (Galactic Standard Date Format) Basic Description: I've tried to create a Police system suited well to Skrell culture and politics. It's broad, overly dignified and devolved and has worryingly high levels of inbuilt corruption that nobody seems to care about. Loow looked at it and gave me no feedback but 'The names are well done', so I'm pumped for it already. Long Description:
Ckey/BYOND Username: themuncorn/Muncorn - Honestly don't remember somehow Position Being Applied For (Species Maintainer, Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Lore Developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I've had extensive experience with the loreteam, previously as a (fairly bad) synthetic lore developer, and currently as being in charge of lore canonization applications. Through my additional position as a moderator I know full well the purpose and impact of antagonists as a whole, and the effects good lore can do to help people play better antagonists. I'm far too well versed in mythos and general historical lore, which lends very well for vampires and wizards, and quite possibly cultists. If you want someone to testify that ask anyone that's been in my recent dnd, they get lore dumped on them way too much. Examples of Past Work: My current lore canonization app: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=9153 A work in-progress Skrellian police system: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-rjDGC0bkV9Aqut_RmQSEPgFutM8fF-BXTbuimcEChk/edit?usp=sharing And additional a host of other lore, mostly synth based. I'm perfectly happy for somebody to test my knowledge/ideas for lore concerning various antagonists. Additional Comments: My function in this role for the most part will not be to create steadfast, one hundred percent you must use this lore for antagonists. That'd go against player choice and freedom by constricting them. Restrictions for a job make sense, but who am I to forcefully change the backstory of someones wizard to fit my own ideas? Instead, I'll make lore as a suggestions for players which can be found present on the wiki, and possibly the forums if I can find a sensible place for it. And if anyone remembers how much I hate cult and thinks it'll impact my work, they're probably a little bit right. I'm hopefully able to put it aside, however.
[ACCEPTED] Elyran Armed Forces “EAF”
Muncorn replied to Faris's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Inkeeping with Zundy using this, I'll archive it for now. If you have questions concerning how we use the lore or the progress in it's addition please PM myself or Zundy. -
[ACCEPTED] Imperial Navy of Dominia
Muncorn replied to Pegasus's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Inkeeping with Zundy using this, I'll archive it for now. If you have questions concerning how we use the lore or the progress in it's addition please PM myself or Zundy. -
This is a remarkably unobtrusive application, and though technically not included I'll lump it into the same ruling as stated here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=4715 which means it's automatically canon. It won't be immediately put onto the wiki, but if a point arises where adding it makes sense and isn't simply superfluous, I'll do so. As per Loow's request, I'm un-archiving this.
Craterview Boat Races Start Once Again After six years of Hiatus, Craterview Council has allowed the famous boat races to go on once again. The Great Crater Race began forty-four years ago in 2405 as a homage to the traditions still taking place in Sol today. However, six years ago the races were banned amidst several cases of illegal betting and multiple accidents. This controversial decision was hotly contested by locals and foreigners alike. "It is a complete shutdown of the cultural heritage of the people of Craterview and it's historical ties to the coastal cities of Terra past", commented Jane Hurdin, the lead yachtswoman for the NanoTrasen sponsored team The Blue Ferrets. Jonas Uilman, the Mayor or Craterview when the ban was put in place, gave a statement at the time concerning the ban: "It is in the best case of both the city and it's people that the races be postponed for the time being, until regulations can be put in place to stop the unsportsmanlike behaviour exercised by many of the teams competing in our annual competition." However yesterday, the local council released a press statement saying the official ban on the event has been completely lifted, though no officials would release comment as to the reason for this decision. Many fans and locals were delighted by the news with preperations already underway for the start whistle to blow once again in two weeks time. Olly Merty, the team leader of the Combat Wombat team from the nearby town of Stoney gave a response concerning his opinion on the ban being lifted: "It's wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Once again we'll get to practice the heritage of our people, and to bring some fun back into the water of Craterview."
[Denied]How does a Positronic Brain Work?
Muncorn replied to Muncorn's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Like, I'm not fully sure of what half the stuff you just said means, and that is much of my point in making this. I didn't want to go overcomplicate this, as I want the largest numver of people to understand this and thus use it ingame. I'm under the impression that making things overly complex alienates those that wish to involve themselves in the lore without having to spend hours researching practical or theoretical physics. -
[ACCEPTED] NTCC Odin - Minor Lore Expansion
Muncorn replied to Zundy's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Accepted. Cake will be... Doing something with this. -
[ADDED] Bishop Cybernetics
Muncorn replied to BRAINOS's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Accepted. Cake will be incorporating a slightly edited version of this into the lore.