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Everything posted by Carver

  1. It's not intended for fighting vines, though. At that point, give Engineering a set of machetes that can't cleave or open doors/firelocks then. Having one of the strongest melee weapons in the game freely available (and encouraged to be taken by having it out there) by virtue of a random event that is the only point where it's used semi-legally, and even then not for it's intended purpose is stupid. If you want an anti-vine tool readily available? Have machetes implemented, or ask hydroponics or xenobotany for their tools made for dealing with plants instead of leaving them out of the only event where they're remotely relevant.
  2. These do look better, but I'd have to see them contrasted/placed in the current setting to see how well they'd fit. I still think they potentially won't fit, but, I won't judge further without seeing that.
  3. Apologies, I was referring to the medkits/analyzer/etc. looking huge. The tools, as I mentioned, look fine.
  4. I love the tools in the first three rows, but I don't like rows 5 or 6, and the first two items of rows 7. The surgical tools and syringe are fantastic, the others seem like they'd look absolutely huge on the floor and doesn't quite fit any of the other styles present. In brief summary; Rows 1, 2, 3, as well as 7c = +1
  5. Atmos Techs are the firefighters, I'd say keep it there. Especially even moreso since people have mentioned how easy it is for any competent Engineer (or antag) to steal it as is. Moving it out only encourages misuse by accessibility.
  6. Assuming Sec radio is restored, then Security is no less fragmented than it would be in it's current state. In the event of anything that'd require a large response, it'd simply reunite as always. With Departmental Security it'd be able to potentially have an easier time calling on support and resources from the various departments as well, due to an innate sense of cooperation that would be present with what's essentially an 'ambassador' in each department allowing people to more readily ask "What's going on?" and offer their help.
  7. After playing a good few rounds, I don't really mind them, they're not as noticeable as I'd expected. But for the sake of issues like Conspiir's, I would hope to at least see a toggle for some of the more common animations like the speech bubble popping in.
  8. You can somewhat do this already by just welding a locker shut. Blocks shots until destroyed, can't be opened, but can be moved. Though ultimately crates work better for it since they don't need to be welded shut to act as cover.
  9. Without excessive words, all I have to say is the idea is still wonderful and my support remains.
  10. The argument for psychology is that whilst it didn't have many players before, it has less because inane mechanics were added to essentially an RP-only action/role. Gum as a whole is fairly inane to begin with, and arguably doesn't need mechanics to represent it in the first place unless someone really wants to stick it under tables or permanently attach a coin to the floor.
  11. Something humorous and downright silly like the monkey or snowflake in previous posts would be wonderful, and would keep the tone of the current icon.
  12. I believe the red softsuit can be concealed in a backpack and is a normal-sized item, which is the main advantage of it. Though the merc/nukie voidsuit is also normal-sized. If it was added to the uplink, I would argue for the red softsuit remaining at a notably cheaper cost than the armoured voidsuit.
  13. Eh, I'd moreso blame the stock eating sound we've had for possible more than 10 years now. If the sound of eating was less of 'CRUNCH CRUNCH NOM CRUNCH' at 100% volume it'd seem less piggish.
  14. 'Utterly pointless' is a succinct description for half of the silly mechanics in this game, really. If medical flips a shit over a gumwad in someone's stomach that's doing absolutely nothing to their health or condition that'd be even funnier to me.
  15. Only if it adds a reagent to you that never metabolizes and doesn't really do anything just for the '7 years to digest' memes.
  16. I don't understand what sort of physical deficiency would prevent you from eating with your hands as a majority of humans had done for thousands of years.
  17. Another advantage in other methods vs common I hadn't exactly outlined before is that people generally pay more attention to their PDAs, and somewhat more attention to other others in person (Though you usually need to use a ringer to get their attention at times even when they're standing right there). I often use my PDA when I explicitly need something because of the fact. Common is flawed, certainly, but it's not all that fantastically multi-purpose as messages can get easily lost in the flood of inane chatter or simply go unseen (I admit I tend to not pay attention to the radio at times).
  18. Consider how much can be stored in a backpack and it's understandable why it's so large. I'd understand smaller bags if the proposed backpack nerfs of the past were implemented, though even then I remember said nerfs retaining it's storage size and simply removing the ability to access it whilst worn (and retaining this for satchels at the expense of far less storage).
  19. Okay so for this Director ordering food example, there's a simple reason it's short and 'lifeless', typically people want to keep it brief. This is no different than the Director going to cargo or PDAing the QM, placing an order in 15 seconds, then fucking off and waiting for delivery. A majority of the time I interact with cargo, assuming I'm not asking for something like a weapon or an item from a hacked lathe, I keep it as brief as possible so I can get back to what I was previously doing. Hell I've found that the longer a cargo visit takes the more I get annoyed at wasted time. The point of keeping it brief over the radio is to be able to call in whatever you want without it interrupting your current task flow. The more inopportune something is, the more likely some people may just not give a shit and ignore doing it.
  20. I only predict a nerf to radio would lessen interactions, as seen in telecomms outages when a lot of people just don't give a shit and go silent for however long. The other methods of interaction you mentioned do currently have a far greater place above common radio, privacy. But I'm not against seeing a test merge for a week or so of how the station might work without radio as a whole.
  21. You know the game's entire art direction doesn't have to appeal solely to your personal aesthetic preferences.
  22. Interesting idea, I vastly prefer the first option and don't really like or care for the second option.
  23. Resisting out (like you would in a cryo tube) would be nice, but I still stand by that it shouldn't knock you out seeing as normal sleepers don't do so.
  24. The pure black on the sunglasses actually works purely in the context that it contrasts with the skin of the wearer, whilst providing enough contrast for itself to allow for the white reflection/glare sprited onto it to work aesthetically.
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