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About Hepatica

  • Birthday 13/02/1996

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  • Byond CKey

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Hepatica's Achievements

Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer (23/37)

  1. Anyone who knows Bear knows they will make a great moderator of the server. He has always been fair and willing to hear both sides of an issue, hence his position as head of CCIA. +1
  2. He's a good roleplayer who has been around longer then most people realize. I'm more then confident he would be a good command player, he has plenty of knowledge of the operations department, and there is often times not an operation manager in most rounds I've seen, so having more command players willing to play that role is great. +1 from me
  3. Sue has been in the community long enough that anyone who even kind of knows her would know she'd be a perfect fit for CCIA. Like Garn said, it's a position that fits her to a tee. +1.
  4. I echo others' sentiments in that the removal of sensors from non-uniform outfits is unneccessary. I have no problem with sensors being code based, it has ups and downs to it, but removing sensors from non-uniforms only punishes people for trying to have a unique and creative look. It doesn't really help antags in any way as we already have the code-locked sensors for that. One could argue that the Horizon is a workplace therefore uniforms should be mandatory, but they're not, and it's also a game, there are countless examples of sacrificing in-universe accuracy for gameplay purposes. I don't see any reason why sensors on non-uniforms shouldn't be one of those examples.
  5. No brainer. One of the most consistently good roleplayers on the server, and I think a trial would only prove that to anyone who still has any doubt. +1
  6. BYOND Key: Hepatica01 Total Ban Length: Permanent I think Banning staff member's Key: alberyk Reason of Ban: "Beating yourself with a knife and your hands. Refused to answer adminpms." Reason for Appeal: Back in 2019 I tried to get a friend to play Aurora. He didn't take it seriously and got banned. Years later he gifted me an SSD or harddrive that I started using this year. Played a few rounds a week or so ago, first time since using his stuff, came back to that message. Basically, I wasn't the one who got banned originally, as I've played many many times since 2019.
  7. Actually, it is exactly as dull as it seems, but that's a complaint for a different thread. As far as this thread goes, it would make absolutely no sense not to allow machinist to install cybernetic limbs, such as legs and arms. Synthetic organs, on the other hand, should be installed by a surgeon, given it requires the removal of said organ in the first place, but maintenance/repair of them should fall to the machinist first and foremost. In the absence of one, sure, get a tube of nanopaste and go wild, but the machinist job is already a role that can do very little without two other roles supporting it, a proper science role and a miner, and that's assuming either does their job properly, and on top of that a good portion of their job is made redundant by a tube of nanopaste. Removing even more from them, IE installation of cybernetic limbs, not that such is done with any regularity anyway, makes no sense.
  8. I seeeee, that's fair, some people would probably just ignore the HoS all together while they gear up anyway, but it being right there as you come down is nice. Hopefully doesn't cause too much clogging on the way down the steps as people try to rush in there.
  9. Absolutely +1, looks great IMO! I really like the idea of the room you spawn in having your basic equipment so you can get geared while you talk/are talked to by the HoS
  10. So how is everyone's day? 🌻

    1. KingOfThePing


      Another day began





      but why

  11. I got to interact with Strangiato's XO, who went out of their way to roleplay with not just me, but many others even outside of their own department. She was enjoyable to interact with and aided greatly in the enjoyment of the round, working alongside other command members to bring about one of the most fun mercenary rounds I've been apart of in a long time. No doubt in my mind, +1, she's been a great fit in command so far.
  12. Garnascus could never be in Hufflepuff

    1. Garnascus


      Why the HECK not you fricking frick?

  13. 😔

    1. Hepatica


      I didn't mean to post just the emoji I was gonna write something funny (it wasn't going to be funny)

    2. Scheveningen


      [canned laughter]

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