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Everything posted by GreenBoi
Oh wait, do you mean selectively muting people from LOOC or OOC on your end/ckey? That'd be nice, I guess.
No...no please. Bay did this and LOOC is so barely used, any hint of thing that isn't some mechanical help is chastised and causes LOOC bans there, I don't think we need to do this (especially since Bay's reason was because of the Staff complaining instead of the players themselves). If you can't deal with OOC, toggle Show/Hide OOC. Same for LOOC, problem solved. Staff can also mute it whenever so boom, problem solved.
Ah ok. I can get behind that, I guess
I'm confused, what exactly are you removing? The tags or the ability to set custom names and descriptions? If it's the latter, that sucks out all the fun out of Chef. It's nice being able to re-name your sandwich to "Lil' Miss Sloppy" with a description telling you how sloppily made it is and how it probably wouldn't taste good. I know, that if I were a Chef, I wouldn't want to have to put OOCly, some reagent that tastes bad just for people to get "This is a sloppy and bad sandwich", I'd want to deliver that just by naming it "Lil' Miss Sloppy" or "Bad Smelling Sandwich"
I'm pretty mixed. How will it calculate roleplay? It can't exactly just go by "Words per second" as roleplay doesn't have to be super verbose essays of how you took a step. As long as we have that, I think it'll be good.
It's a tough tie between Kladivya, Harmony, and ORB. THESE CHOICES ARE HARD PEOPLE! CHOOSE WISELY!
Are the borgs fucking slow dancing? This is the best thing I've ever seen. 10/10 for the Meme Review, 10/10 for the Year Review.
Well, it does very rarely and still, with that, very rarely does it also affect the levels above or below it unless strategically planned like pulling down specific parts of a house of cards or blowing up precise points of a pyramid
How I see it, is that when a Rampant AI does Machine Overload onto an electronic. They quite literally re-direct all possible forms of electricity to that one machine within half a second and then all that just goes KABOOM. So it makes sense that APCs would be big. You also have to remember that Machine Overload is AoE and supercharges other electronics of the same type. So if you overload a room with a lot of APCs near each other, its basically 3 maxcaps. I also think this is already balanced itself as to do Machine Overload, you need to have camera coverage and when you, you know, OVERLOAD it. It destroys a shit ton of cameras and most Rampant AIs don't get Camera Reactivation or don't know the trick to using it on cameras you have down so it does keep the AI weak in those parts. Plus, most of the time: it never actually breaches zlevels.
A slightly unrelated, but still very related topic. I've noticed a small trend occassionally pop up where people will justify blatant validhunting or powergaming with the baseline of this phrase: "I didn't valid them on sight!"/ "I didn't metagame the cult rune on sight, I don't deserve this" and it's just....dumb. Doing what you are meant to do and roleplay within the mind of your character and provide reasonable chances for antagonists to do their thing should never be an excuse for vh/pg. This is a detrimental way of thinking and can sometimes lead to Security feeling slightly entitled for simply allowing a good round to exist to then use it to justify some ridiculous thing they'll do for a reason I still have no idea why they sometimes do. If this continues, soon enough, Security doing basic things like not accepting the first person's claim/testimony as fact and arresting the person because they OOCly know the characters would never lie if they saw the bartender sneak something into their drink, will eventually be seen as, yet again, a level of entitlement because "Hey, I could've valided them once I heard the scream on radio, but I didn't! So it's okay that I flashbanged, peppersprayed, and headgibbed them for Attempted Murder even though they gave no resistance and had no lethal weaponry!" Alright, that's all.
Revert The Dangers of Teleportation #5651
GreenBoi replied to Scheveningen's topic in Discontinued Projects
I absolutely support this. There's practically no way for Novice Telescientists to learn Telescience organically without a calculator. They'd have to basically learn using only Sector 2 (a strange zlevel that has stationary objects in space), but even that's inaccurate. You've pushed the Skill Ceiling to a point that not even video-game mechanics go to. At this point, the only way to learn Telescience is through tutelage of a Decent Telescientist which happens to be quite rare in these times. This means, if those Professionals ever leave: say goodbye to learning how to work it out without exploding half the station. I say that small and tiny objects are exempt from the exploding curse of phasing into walls. This would at least lower the Ceiling to a somewhat approachable level. -
Just gonna pop in to say that I don't think Faysal really rushes to the killing and stuff as often as you say. In fact, Faysal does it like you'd do it on a Research Station that's supposed to be NanoTrasen's most productive and therefore, one of the most protected. During a round of Heist, the Pirates came in asking for items from the Vault with (if I can remember right from when I was observing) some hostage or thing to use as blackmail. I think Security on this round was very low and there was no HoS. Following what an ex-military Tajara who only understands how to operate outdated and not-as-efficient ballistics and has to deal with Pirates that somehow flew past the Station's BS Interdiction Net and wasn't shot by the NDV Incarus, he allowed the Pirates to take the precious, but not worth potentially letting a lot of the station die, treasures of the Vault. And then other events insured. I don't remember if the contents were actually given, but it was clear Faysal was going to do that option.
I like this idea a lot, and it gives more leeway for character concepts. You no longer have to make explanations as big as before to explain why THIS person was chosen to be at the #1 Research Station with their attitude or whatever, now you can say "Oh, NanoTrasen just needed an extra Janitor for the Aurora" AND, now you can make characters that were demoted to the Aurora after something happening on the Upsilon. I also think there should be a small hallway at the Arrivals part of Odin leading to the Upsilon Arrivals Shuttle (of course, it doesn't have to be fully mapped in, just add a door with the name; it could be like the Romanovich Exploration Guild door)
So, basically what Bay has? It'd be good to add for some of those special rounds where you think adding an Antagonist to the current Antagonism would help. Like, adding a Cult ontop to a Wizard with an Eldritch Something gimmick or maybe adding a Rival Wizard.
The problem isn't that some wouldn't plan for it. The problem is that it's an unnecessary extra security measure. We already have Medics yelling over radio once someone gets 5 brute damage, and AIs jumping to someone once they hear the word "HELP", adding this extra Panic Button would just be insult to injury. (And no, just because you turned Sensors from Tracking to Off doesn't mean some medic somewhere is going to go "Uh oh! The [HEAD OF STAFF] was at [LOCATION, PROBABLY OFFICE] with their sensors and now it's suddenly off! I think I saw them take [SMALL AMOUNT OF BRUTE DAMAGE THAT HEALS IN 5 MINUTES]!" At which point the AI jumps to the person.
Uhhhh. I don't think this is a good idea. Imagine being an Antagonist and doing the brave action of taking on a Captain IN their office where you can easily be bolted down, but suddenly! Before you can fully antagonize, they activate their Press-Panic-Button macro and the AI locks you down, and you're permabrigged. Boom, round over. This is just, not needed. It's already hard enough to successfully stop a Captain or Head of Staff in their office, no need to add an extra layer especially since no one has added Radio Jammers to SyndieUplinks.
Give me a #shoutout for that SUPER GOOD T-shirt!
-@IcedABMixer- Took forever to get to Mars. The pilot said that the AutoNavs were fucked or some shit? The knab sounded half awake. @MarsSpaceport, is it true your pilots sleep in the damn port all day?
-@IcedABMixer- Some borgo appeared during my last debt trying to get some whiskey for the "aesthetic", he had a cigarette taped to his face too. What knob made these things? #wtf #youmustbeaknob #damnknobs Josuke Houstani
For the purposes of this post, I will be following the google definitions of Intranet and Extranet and not just calling them Extranet because I believe there is a reason it's called the Extranet and not like the Exonet of Galaxynet. The title may sound confusing, but I just mean stuff like .com or .org, I've had this question arise as I've been wondering myself...what the fuck do people use besides .nt to end their things? Syndicate must use their own thing as they use their own Intranet and wouldn't ever insult themselves by actually using ".nt" when they're meant to be NT-haters in some sort of way. I've checked the On-Forums SyndieNet and I've seen some contracts use .tau, does this mean intranet suffixes is just the name of whatever system they're in or originated from? Are Intranet and Extranet signals even transstellar and go past star systems? Are there stations dedicated specifically to telecommunications to bounce around signals from one system to another?
In my opinion, one of the ways Clock cult can get better is if instead of the Wave-Defense thing being gone all-together, it is replaced with a buildable object that we'll call for the purposes of presentation: the Summoning Beacon/Signal. Basically, it'd be a thing that just charges up to turn the station into Reebe, OOCly this would mean round end with a giant text of "The City of Cogs has been summoned forth, Ratvar will come soon after" and ICly, the clock cultists aummingly summon Ratvar. Another way this could go would be Ratvar is gone all together and the cultists just want to turn the station into brass paradise. I also think that Clockwork cult not having a shit ton of variants is okay. Not every roundtype can have a million possibilities and most successful or semi-successful gimmicks are either cliche or weird like how rev is always "[insert event, insert NT firing people or doing budget cuts" because crew can only react to that. In my opinion, Clock cult could be "People with advanced technology" "People with advanced technology who want to go to their city" "Religious fanatics with advanced technology who want to do [religious reasoning]", I think the execution would be the most important part. P.S. If it is ever added, I suggest getting rid of Ratvarian Cameras that allow for teleporting everywhere or at least making it something like "You can only use it three times" or "You can use it but it has a long cooldown/ You can use it, but it uses a shit ton of power"
I don't know if this fits here, but I've been wondering as to why camera alarms still happen if you deactivate cameras by hacking them. I think a character knowing how to hack cameras should be rewarded with either a delayed alarm or no alarm at all. I think this would make it so the Guy Who Stealthily Deactivated The Camera alone isn't immediately Guy Who Is Suspect Numero Uno because deactivating it is just silently smashing a camera..
BYOND Key: Diggiez Character Names: Preston Fulton Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): How do you color a tree? Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I read all of it. Each word. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Once I read how the species worked and what they were all about when I first played on the server, I knew I had to get the whitelist. Just what about a plant person made out of small animals that can grow into a literal planet with it's own atmosphere doesn't sound fun or intriguing to anyone? Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: EVERYTHING! I mean, hunger becomes obsolete due to your unorthodox, but totally cool method of eating, and you can survive in space with just a flashlight. Plus, you can make plant sounds which are actually just your way of talking to other dionae Character Name: Our Hand of Green Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs In 2445, a diona made of 6 nymphs left their gestalt to pursue their goal of researching more about the species who communicated with their gestalts and were apparent allies. The diona drifted through space, aiming at reaching the Human-Skrell ship that was a safe distance aways from the gestalt. There, Our Hand of Green learned the language of the humans, Sol-Common, and could understand the skrell, but they were physically unable to to talk in Skrell. The diona met other dionae who were aboard the ship, those dionae had become integrated into the ship's crew since they stayed on the ship for so long. Our Hand of Green learned that species used terms called "gender pronouns" to identify people based on how they looked so Our Hand of Green became calling themselves "he" for easy understanding for other species. After staying on the ship for 7 months, Hand of Green learned that if he wished to learn more about anything, he'd have to go to college, and so the diona did. He went on to study in a Nal'tor College of Career Excellence where he got three degrees that led to three different jobs. (The rest of the background will be split into three separate paths based on the career choice OHOG chose because I couldn't choose him to have only one career) [LIBRARIAN] During his time at NCCE, Hand of Green learned that the paper vessels known as books provided a great source of knowledge. He wanted to share this knowledge to others so he become a librarian, organizing books while also reading them in his downtime. It became his personal hobby and source of happiness. "These vessels of paper, 'books' as one calls them, are entertaining and very informative. We will always enjoy reading these books even if we are disappointed by it's climax or end." -Our Hand of Greens motto to reading books [CHAPLAIN] While he still studied, Hand of Green picked up a thing for theology and it's concepts. He learned of the many religions of species and how they practiced their religion. Hand of Green soon became deeply interested in theology, and practiced different religions for fun and research. Whenever he sees someone reading a bible or holy text, he can't help but ask what it's about so he can then try practicing this new religion. "Theology is intriguing to us. How can one, how can we, spend a life worshiping one of 'higher power'? Do these 'gods' truly exist, that is the question that lingers in us- a question we may never find the answer to" -Our Hand of Green's thoughts about theology [bOTANIST] It's obvious that a diona, a literal plant person, would have an interest in plants. Our Hand of Green realized his liking and interest in plants when he first saw one grow. "It grows in the light similar to us, it loves to be bathed in water, but it cannot stand any flames like us, and will mutate to radiation..remarkable." These were the diona's first thoughts about plants, and they were the thoughts that drove the diona to becoming a botanist who'd grow and work by several species of plants evey day. "We do not understand. How could one pass up this field and label it as a 'hobbyist's' job, it is everything, but that. This is clearly a field of research that cannot be ignored." -Our Hand of Green's thoughts about botany and people who disregard it What do you like about this character? OHOG is meant to be a symbol. He's to represent a person's curiosity and quest for knowledge. He's also my first shot of making a character who's limited to a few jobs due to their backstory, and not just a person with a magically changing personality and job like Preston is. It feels nice to do this instead of a sprite just used to represent and everchanging character. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Average, but with my plans for OHOG and the design I went for him, I'll most likely be able to rp better than before. Notes: While writing this, I remembered that dionae had no real gender so I had to change all the he's to their's, but then I came up with a plot reason as to why you say "he" for him and not "their"