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Everything posted by SatinsPristOTD
But--- Off-worlders look the way they do thanks to lack of gravity, not genetics. Marlon is absolutely right. This is something that happens to our astronauts TODAY. It's not a genetic trait passed on. Off-worlders aren't a species. They're a category of human that grew in low G. also, that sprite IS THE TALLER, SKINNER LANKIER VERSION OF OUR CURRENT HUMAN. How else would we sprite that?
You're not explaining WHY you're against this. Offworlders HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED BY NANOTRASEN FOR OVER TEN YEARS. Offworlders HAVE THE NECESSARY DEGREES. Offworlders are OLDER THAN THE REQUIRED AGE. I-- am really failing to see your argument. We've presented you with reason after reason for why this needs to exist but you keep repeating the Captainship requirements. (which we've said offworlders already meet, EXCEPT the Scarabs.) But offworlders MEET those requirements. Not all offworlders are Scarabs. Offworlder isn't really a-- |species| but rather a term for what happens to a human that's lived in low or zero gravity. Mechanical additions do not equal "new to lore/new to the company/"
You're treating OW's as if they're some new, randomly found species of human... but OW's have been around in our lore since it's creation. The damage to a human body from living in a place with low or no gravity is the key point here.... and gravity generators are not some ancient technology. They're (fairly) recent. You're also forgetting that NT has places in Sol space. There's plenty of places for an OW to get company experience from. They aren't new to our lore. They're new to our code.
I've always seen it a bit strange myself that I have to complain about a staff members decision. They're human, just like the rest of us... and sometimes their decisions may be wrong. Maybe they didn't have all the information at the time. Maybe they needed a better discussion about the problem, and it couldn't be done with the stress of having to "restart the round." It doesn't mean they acted improperly. That they broke server rules or the expected conduct of staff. Or that the decision itself was even bad. Honestly, it seems really strict on the STAFF to have this system in place. Maybe making it a staff complaint isn't the answer. I don't think putting it in unban appeals is appropriate either.
THIS! I have a Captain (right now) that is TECHNICALLY an "offworlder" because she grew up in a place with very little gravity (gravity generators aren't that old, and it's safe to assume a lot of underground Luna domes can't immediately afford them). There's two Command members I can name right now that are physically offworlders, but we can't be our actual species due to the Command whitelist issue.
actually, this isn't difficult to explain. Gates have to have an "exit point" to connect to. You can't just warp to a place that hasn't been unexplored yet.
Menown had this discussion at 9:30 last night, and I was too busy battling a sick baby to really put much effort in the conversation. (until now) but he is absolutely right. Some of the key points we discussed: -------------The "devil may care" attitude a lot of players have regarding the "news" that involves our lore stems partially from the sheer distance it takes to even get home. It's very hard to care about Solarian news if it takes me half a year to get there, experience it, and half a year to get back just to even discuss what's going on with my coworkers. You could change Solarian to Dominians. Unathi. Anyone from the Frontier reaches. To put it bluntly: Our scale is too big and our warp speed is too slow for anyone to actually immerse themselves in the vast lore we've created. There isn't a lot wrong with the base of our lore. It has a lot of good bones to build on, but in the grand scheme of things, nothing actually effects us enough for us to care about. So we're stuck with either making everything revolve around Aurora and Biesel (which is just implausible and a bit silly to even think this is a good idea), or we can do things in the "homeworlds" but suffer from the fact that they're too far away for us to muster up any sort of RP outside of "aww man. My mom lives there. I hope she's okay." We lose the hard impact of our lore events because we have literally kneecapped ourselves. ---------------The other concern we talked about was just how-- difficult it is to believe our lore setting came about from such slow warp drives. Menown brings up the fact that a lot of our settlement comes before we even discover the "faster" gates. We somehow settled Biesel, transplanted the Earth flora and Fauna and developed mega cities all within the speed of some very slow warp drives? I can't actually be bothered to delve into this aspect of the lore because it just-- doesn't make sense. I don't even wish to start on the mixed bag of nuts Dominia brings to this equation. Go look up the timeline for Dominia. Apply it to the current bluespace math. It doesn't fit. -------------Menown brought up the fact that we are trying to build a sci-fi setting in hard-sci ratios. That probably sums up the problem with bluespace lore. Even if you wish to brush off my first point as "well it's meant to make you feel small in a giant setting", you absolutely can't brush off the second. It doesn't feel like something we can continue to ignore. We're constantly trying to explain how things work. Add realism to our setting. Leaving the Bluespace Lore like this does the opposite of what path we've been going on since I arrived on Aurora. -------------We're faced with a few options. --Remove vague, half explained numbers from the Bluespace Lore. Mark hardline "this is how long it takes to move to x planet". Don't make them ridiculously small, but don't make it where it takes six months to get to a specific homeworld. Find a happy medium that will help blossom the "current events" and all future events that may be in the plans. We don't need to explain everything. Hard-Sci on something like a Bluespace Drive really can't be done, given we don't have a clue what Science will give us in the year 2462. All we have is our imagination. Utilize that. No one in this game expects 2020 physics class to properly sum up how our shuttles move. --Alter the size of our setting. Make it smaller. Bring it in closer. This feels like an extreme option to me. I like the size of what we have. (I'm certain others do as well.). --If for some reason you still can't wrap your head around fast gates in the year 2462, but you enjoy the size of our setting and like what lore has done with Biesel/Dominia/Adhomai... then may I suggest changing our year? If the argument is "we wouldn't have that in this time frame" then change the time frame. This is the easiest of the changes. You don't have to fill in the "unexplained years" with filler that won't change much. Bump our important lore events up, leave the "early" years just open for interpretation. Players (and characters) will only focus on what's relevant to their character. My bartender doesn't need to know the history of the 2100s.
[1 dismissal] Double sided courtesy policy for ahelps/tickets
SatinsPristOTD replied to Kaed's topic in Rejected Policy
.......... what? No it's not. No this isn't kosher. I married into a family that has a murderer among it's ranks. The entire fucking family is shunned in the city it's from thanks to the media blowing it out of proportion. The court system NEVER did this. What will happen is witch hunts, and anyone that associates with the witch will be burned at the stake as well. What good does it do for you to know I have a note about making one little LOOC meme in IC on the shuttle at round end? Nothing. It shouldn't effect how you view my current RP. -
thanks for the fix, Geeves. It's why I haven't been playing XenoBio much lately. Maybe now I can get back to it.
[Accepted] Boggle08's Command Application.
SatinsPristOTD replied to Boggle08's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I don't think this is a problem, at all, for CE. Not even Command. I play a very lax, heavily accented filthy mouth Captain and it's never caused problems. On the same coin: Rakt for president. 2020. Love him so far as Chief. Listens to Command. Easy to get along with in his department. Knows his shit. Knows how to lead Engineering. So far, the happiest trial I've had to deal with. -
Yeah I know fuck all on how to RP a golem and that really showed this morning. I wish it was reversible, or that it had a time limit like the stone change. Something needs to happen. It's a massive meme at the moment.
That tummy rub thing should have absolutely been ahelped, or... when reported to Paradox, it should have damn sure came with a note on that persons account. I'm sorry-- but a line was crossed there. It's not even an IC line. That is LOOC. It's the PLAYER projecting that onto you. You can pretend it's innocent and cute, but there's actual... fetishes about fat women and tummy rubbing. Saying that to someone you don't know is strange behavior. If at the very least, I hope that player was told "Yeah don't do that to strangers". I can't vouch for unathi females. I can tell you the "dummy thicc" "milf" and other nonsense occurs about all female characters. (I stopped playing Cala for a while because of it.). It's one thing to make those jokes to your friends if you know they're okay with it, but someone you don't know? Weird and creepy. You raise a few fair points. I counter the "just ahelp it" comments with pointing out exactly why we don't ahelp it. It becomes, as what Paradox called it, "Cringe" and nothing is actually done about it. It's hard to have faith in the system when the system responds that way.
Character complaint - Que Tup'Xequal'Valurex
SatinsPristOTD replied to There b pirates's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I was the Captain for these incidents and I can confirm everything Icky has said to be the honest truth. I had you demoted based on previous record notes, and the fact that you just decided to take a Research item (chem sprayer) out and lube up the hallways like some kind of deranged clown. Calanthia is a fairly strict Captain when it comes to LRP gimmicks like that, and you were caught in the middle of the act. We had also been told to look into your name regarding a few more incidents PRIOR to the chem sprayer (I wasn't told what they were, but your name was mentioned almost as much as the main antag that round.) At the end of the shift, we had eye witnesses that told us you EMP'd the inhibitor at the Armory. We had eye witnesses, and the incident occured rrriiiggghhht as a I dropped us from red to blue. It was Auto-Traitor, and a damn fine tater round at that. You did some LRP memey stuff that round, got caught in the middle of a hostage situation antag hogging up Command and Sec's attention and we had "reliable" eye witnesses to you EMPing our Armory. Whether you did or not is purely IC. They did NOT demote you "without the HoP's permission.". They had Captain Level Approval: AK a trump card. -
@Garnascus You can find this conversation on the Relay Discord by searching the sentence "link is a cute little twunk" (Not a quote of Bausers or Odins, but it was so unique and it's at the beginning of the ordeal) Thought that'd help. It's from August of last year.
You describe my bans as demonstrating a pattern, but this is a complete mischaracterization. They are all very unique and tenuous. Only one of these actually relates to this idea of me as a malicious and angry person, and it's the Aurora Discord ban from back in the 2018 era. Aurora Discord ban: Insulting someone (This is the "insulting someone for using the debate channel to say they mathematically proved the existence of god" incident). Relay Discord ban: Someone called me a pedophile for posting SFW fanart and Geeves (as moderator) defended him, then when I said "You guys are fucked up" for that, Schev called this "harassing him relentlessly" and banned me and blocked me immediately after mocking me about it ( https://i.imgur.com/IClZi8k.png ). Schev was itching for the opportunity, because his enduring hatred of me is outwardly apparent (let's recall that he was the first out of the gate to tell everyone how awful of a person I am at my last ban appeal...). In fact, when I asked Geeves if I had harassed him, he said he didn't mention anything like that ( https://i.imgur.com/BWpINls.png ). So Schev had gone out of his way to twist it into a ban for his own gratification. NT-SEC Discord ban: Gem publicly posted a rant calling me a mentally ill extremist troll who torments people for fun, and banned me because I posted a news article about U.S. border patrol agents in the off-topic channel ( https://i.imgur.com/2jrbPOc.png ). Schev was there, too, rooting for him to ban me with constant statements like "come on, cut off the infection, quality control, you gotta do it" - and I made sure to stay calm then, too ( https://i.imgur.com/zXrQ9mu.png ). In fact, my statement right before he banned me was not any vitriol or insult, it was just the words "Please, don't." "Please, don't." Because I could see he was buying into it, and it was going to be this same hell for me all over again, trying to get people to understand I acted without malice. This case was the most bizarre, because of how random and inconsequential the "offense" was. But, it was enough for them to call me a mentally ill extremist, and so it was another bullet I got to bite. So it is completely disingenuous to pretend that these belong to an actual pattern of me misbehaving. All they show is that a couple people who are influential in the community have been hunting me down across its various outlets. To take these bans at face value is uncritical. It suffices to say that I have been fighting an uphill battle to do the right things. But that has not stopped me from doing the right things. You saying "I keep doing these things" and "there is enough evidence" does not make these statements true. Your "evidence" of my wrongdoing is that a couple people who are personally invested in getting rid of me said I did wrong, and had the power to act on it without recourse. I am asking you to dig deeper than that, to see that they have been trying to squeeze the life out of me like this for a long time, in a brutal grudge. They want the rules to be broken because they can use any controversy as ammo against me, regardless of if it's legitimate or not - Every time my intentions or actions were brought into question, it was my "history" they put on trial. And it's my history that you put on trial now. But there is no benefit to doing it this way, except for someone who is simply trying to get rid of me for the sake of being rid of me. I don't want to fight because every time I do, it adds to the pile of things they can point to when they pretend that I'm a villain. Whether any one thing was right or wrong, it doesn't matter for their purposes because any controversy is something they can say adds to my "history." Even if this were to get overturned completely, it will still add to my "history," and they will point to it the next time they find an opportunity to remove me. Remember the last time I was banned from the server, it ALSO wasn't for anything that happened in the server, and was ultimately appealed. But it's still the incident Geeves pointed to in the ban request, because even though I was making steps in the right direction, Geeves could dig up old wounds and revive bad blood by using it. In this way, I have not been given an honest "second chance" like you say I have gotten so many of - I've been trying to evade a continual pursuit of re-litigating very, very old mistakes, from people who never moved on from them like everyone else did.
*This is a very biased Plus, so take that with a grain of salt and consideration* It's seven years of SS13, you absolute fucking legend. SEVEN YEARS. SEVEN. YEARS. I'm so biased with Shadow. I think he's absolutely phenomenal. Not just as a moderator, but as a friend and person. I can't tell you just how much this man has helped me through the years. He has, literally, calmed me down from thoughts of suicide. I am very hard to get along with. I'm overly hostile. Incredibly rude. Intimidating. Angry and short as fuck. Dynamite in a corset, if that helps. Shadow handles me with kiddie gloves at times. If he can dampen my fuse, he can handle any aggressive ahelp. Best admin I've ever worked beside (Hypatia.) Best host I've ever had the pleasure of hosting with (Hollowstone). Loved by a large amount of the community. RP's well. Commands well. He's a good egg.
I think we need to talk about processing in Security.
SatinsPristOTD replied to BurgerBB's topic in General
I think it stems from the end of round "OH MY GOD. SECURITY IS SUCH SHIT. They arrested us for having some FUN in the BAR" And secmains just don't want that damn headache. If anyone realizes ss13 is a game, it's the secmains. Yes, they'll hRP, and do it fairly well (even off station. Some of our best RPers come from that department.), but they also know when to let people just... have a small bit of fun without being giant sticks in the mud. So.... I believe it's a problem of number 2. No one cares to actually valid an antag. That antag doesn't offer anything to our canon. Our friendships, relationships, work acquaintances, and the small world we've built through canon actions is what really means something to us. Officer Brigs is a kind and caring man. He knows people blow off a bit of steam. SSD hits us. Stressful work. We're trapped in a rusty sardine can. There's no point in ruining a guys life over a bar brawl. Blackballing his record with the company. Ensuring he's enslaved to this place, for fear he'll not find work outside of it. But that antag? That antag isn't canon... now is it? That doesn't mean you can valid it. Absolutely not.... but that antag holds no hope in my officers heart. He's not a guy I see on a daily basis. I don't know his wife, and their two tots. He doesn't fix me my sandwich exactly how I want, nor does he shoot the shit with me around the water cooler on breaks. He's not my friend. He's not my coworker. I'll slap him with a petty crime and not think. twice. about it. He is a nonfactor to me. We aren't police. There's debate on what the ISD is. A force. A mall cop. A private military. A combination of both. But the fact is: We don't RP as police, not really. Sec is seen as the fun police because after seeing so much shit, they do have to step in and regulate the masses. However, most of our secmains are fairly down to earth, idiots. They fart, eat cheap food and complain about the Dominian war on Lakos Prime just like any other crew member in any other department. Only difference is, the secmains have the ability to blackball your characters records, if they choose to be sticklers with their job. I'm not going to tell you there aren't validy officers. We've seen our fair share, but we can't demand every officer have the morals, facial expressions and attitudes of wet cardboard. If an officer decided to be lax, maybe find out why ICly. Perhaps that's part of the character. Perhaps that officer just wants to give everyone a chance. -
I don't think the period is meant to be there. lol He means we are no where close to limiting our selection if we removed the more memy hairstyles such as FLB and Bed5. I don't want them antag locked. I want them gone. *shrug* Why would a raider have a floor length braid? Does she snatch it on every door way? Can we grab her by the thing and helicopter her around in a circle (as both concepts of helicoptering a person and a FLB are ridiculous). Maybe a Druid... I could see the wizard having one, but it doesn't fit with any other antag. Just nix 'em.
I'd also like to add this bit in: When I played AI, I cannot tell you how many times I helped new players learn a few mechanics and learn the complex Aurora map. We all like to make fun of grayshirts, but we've all been there. We've ALL been confused about the game. The AI (if the right player has the slot) is almost your best tool to ICly figure this game out, and delve into the RP aspect of the game. "Help" from a grayshirt, as an AI, is an opportunity to teach and watch someone grow. On another note, it... doesn't make much sense for our superbrain AI's to not be able to track people with their cameras. Voice recognition databases exist today, and heavens... we play a game that has more "complex" science in it than a simple voice recognition.
Some decent suggestions to fix the AI's ability to mess with antags was gave about a month ago, and it didn't involve nerfing the AI this hard. Honestly, this is a fairly uncomfortable nerf to the players, not just the "AI". -1
Yes, because I don't drink scalding hot lava pools. I drink mildly warm cuddles of happiness.
Move Captain's Spare somewhere less accessible.
SatinsPristOTD replied to AmoryBlaine's topic in Archive
Bunker's fine. Randomizing the location is not. Big nerf to antags and regular players. Happy with the bunker position