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Everything posted by canon35

  1. Yonnimer fucking laughed at me and told me that skrell and Diona will always own the Tajara. Can we ban this sick fuck?
  2. Given that they're both NT's armies, I think it works fine tbh. I think the sprites are nice and fine for the suits, but I do second Butterrobber's point that the color used may be a little too similar to the one for the NT sec voidsuit. Maybe darken it a tad? Design wise it seems fine and inline with our current freshest set of voidsuit sprites, and the combat respite is way way overdue. I also think that the ERT being restricted to humans and skrell is good, they're the only species that can be Odin guards after all. Feels fitting that NT's ERT would be comprised of just them.
  3. Really love most of these sprites. Disruptors are some neat sci fi stuff, the x-rays are fan-fucking-tastic, ion looks more unique, and I'm a serious fan of the new TCFL guns. The thumper especially looks sort of retro-futuristic, which I think pairs strongly with the idea that the legion is using older equipment they've souped up. All of the redone ballistics are quite strong, IMO. I like the off-white being used for ballistics common to security while the white is for lasers. I like the energy carbine, though I feel as if it might be better to have a pistol grip more akin to what the original sprite had instead of the odd-looking guard. The laser rifle also seems a tad too bulky compared to something like the x-ray. Maybe it'd be best to stick to the idea of the rifles being so similar like with the original sprites, having the laser rifle be a white and red version of the x-ray (And getting rid of that odd hand-guard looking thing that goes under the gun, then grip, then to the butt.) The shotgun I'm mixed on purely because of personal aesthetics, I'll say is that your sprite is good for the theming you're going for with security's guns but I'd coom for something akin to the original sprite redone in the style you did for the ballistics. Overall, I wouldn't really mind if these sprites got merged right now. I was reprehensive towards them originally but you've done a lot of good work with them. Thank you, Kyres.
  4. Gonna need to ask you to expand on that. What examples of misuse can you bring up? The janitor can still do it and use it if they wish. I just want the option to be open to CTs as well, given that resource management and gathering is also a part of cargo.
  5. As it says on the tin. CTs can already easily access the crusher, it's right there, and they used to manage the entire disposals process before. Give them crusher access so they can handle the station recycling system fully.
  6. Adds Notable characters relating to the PRA sea and space navy, and a notable character leading the NKA's navy. Also updates the entries for the various Tajara navies to provide more detail on them. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Tajara#Secretary_of_the_Navy_Hura.E2.80.99zhi_Mira.E2.80.99zkui https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Tajara#Chief_Naval_Commander_Samirro_Qarrarhaz https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Tajara#Grand_Admiral_Mahtra_Dynhaas https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Tajaran_Military_Structures#Republican_Navy_.28People.27s_Republic_of_Adhomai.29 https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Tajaran_Military_Structures#Adhomai_Liberation_Army_2 https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Tajaran_Military_Structures#The_Royal_Navy_.28New_Kingdom_of_Adhomai.29
  7. As funny as it is to see people get grandslammed into paste, this would be kinda nice to bail out the odd few who misstep or lag, and wind up getting tossed down into the death hole.
  8. Holidays for each nation and for Tajara as a whole have been added. Also includes dates so players know when they happen and possibly hold their own celebrations on station. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Tajara#Holidays https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=People's_Republic_of_Adhomai#National_Holidays https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Adhomai#National_Holidays https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=New_Kingdom_of_Adhomai#National_Holidays
  9. Shumaila's entry on the Notable Tajara page has been updated. Now it includes a little more detail on her early life, some more on her actions during the war, and her beliefs for where the NKA should go in the future. Also includes her popularity among the women of Kaltir. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Tajara#Crown_Heir_Shumaila_Azunja
  10. Adds The Father Valyan K'rrirran's entry onto the notable Tajara page. Also includes a quote from him. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Tajara#Father_Valyan_K.27rrirran
  11. 1) I mean, I am going into this with the expectation that much of my work probably won't get in or will be deemed not needed/BLOAT. It'll irk me for sure, I'll be honest. It's not that easy getting excited for something and then only to be told it won't be added or it won't fit in with what else is going on with lore. But, I try to not let it get to me. Sometimes certain directions or things you wish to add just won't fit, and that's fine. Lore devs have their reasons and I'll accept it, even if it was something I genuinely hoped could make it in. 2) I applied because Tajara lore is, personally, the best species lore we have. It's consistent, fleshed out, and hasn't really broken its own rules or done anything particularly bizarre. I've had a interest in contributing to it before, but it's not like there was a staff position open recently until Sue resigned. With one open I wanted to take the chance to get onto the team itself and contribute to writing out finer details, or help plan future arcs on and off station. 3) Gakal'zaal's interesting for the same reason as Hro'zamal, it's one of the few Tajara worlds out there. However, unlike Hro'zamal which was a PRA colonization attempt, Gakal'zaal has had more outside influence on it thanks to the Unathi subjugating the planet for a time. This can allow for lore on how the Unathi and Hephaestus poured technology onto the planet to exploit its resources, technology they had to leave behind on the planet and the Free Gakal'zaal Station after being forced to leave. My primary interest in Gakal'zaal is the protentional for the DPRA to exploit said technology to advance themselves alongside the PRA. Otherwise it's always good to revisit pages and see if there's certain things to expand on (As I've been doing with Vysoka.). 4) It's inevitable with some lore to wind up existing within its own sphere and I view that as fine. Sometimes you simply can't figure out a way to get a species involved in something larger without jumping the shark and causing a space war that won't matter in 2 months. I've already touched on some of these ideas earlier, but I think some ways to have Tajara lore intersect more with other parts of lore would be Megacorporations setting up shop in Crevus, exploring what Tajara in non-NT megacorps are usually doing, and keeping to the idea of Tajara punching above their weight through secretive operations against foreign powers. All in all though, I think Tajara intersection would continue as is and not change too much.
  12. My personal favorite faction for Tajara is the DPRA. I have a soft spot for stories of cultures who wish to fight for their independence or self-autonomy, which is what the DPRA has a major theme. It makes for stories of great triumph or tragedy. In the case of the cultures of the DPRA, they fought hard to attain their self autonomy from a nation that sought to assimilate them into a singular culture. However, thankfully, the DPRA is not shown as being morally righteous by any means. That self autonomy was won through brutal warfare with terror strikes, child soldiers, and have resulted in warlords controlling much of Adhomai and its people. The Amohda uprising arc also calls into question just how true this claim of self determination for cultures truly is. This part of DPRA lore provides the question of if the ends justified the means, which it is up to your characters to argue and decide.
  13. I do wish to see the Tajaran Himeo community expanded beyond a few lines and alberyk has also stated interest in that as well. I'd be more than happy to look into it and see if there's anything to develop there with how the community functions, their origins, and how they view other Tajaran groups/how Himeans view them. If more enclaves were to be added I'd prefer to stick to the theming of Tajara being used in useful niches on cold/frozen worlds like Himeo and Amon. However, I can't really say I would add any new ones. And yes, any additions I do make to culture and customs would hopefully apply to the enclaves such as D6, and I would try to keep that in mind as I write them out.
  14. I recognize fully that for some players in our community, the Tajaran views on LGBTQ and how it plays out in lore and in game are deeply uncomfortable. However, I do not have any interest in supporting a retcon for it. These views exist as a horrible negative aspect of Tajaran culture and is written as such. It is a result of old hatred, caste, and culture that Tajara are yet to shed. If people wish to play Tajara who do not believe in it anymore or are gradually opening up to the LGBTQ, I would not discourage this behavior OOCly. However, they should realize that these characters are going to be a minority and that the decency laws of their home governments will still haunt them. The trend of Tajara casually referring to each other as homosexuals as a joke is also something I would not like to see again for obvious OOC and IC reasons. I feel that LGBTQ Tajara can make for excellent characters. It allows you approach Tajara lore from another angle entirely. You can write and play out how your character feels on the central conflicts while also trying to figure out their own feelings about their identity. This could have all sorts of effects on your character and who they are, and leads to more interesting or heartstrings-tugging interactions and personal arcs that aren't possible with cishet Tajara. My hope with the NKA, going forward, is to speak with Coalf and Alberyk on the eventual succession of Shumalia. The current king is already elderly for a Tajara and more than likely going to pass in the coming years. It'd be good to expand Shumalia's character beyond the current stub entry she has on the Notable Tajara page and have a charted path for where the NKA will go when she takes the throne. Besides this, I have thought about possibly writing about the significant noble families of the NKA, or writing in a new cultural region around the south-west area of the kingdom with their own Southern Harr'smir population (Similar to how the NKA has a significant community of Amohdans.).
  15. Thank you for your support. One other thing to look into is gestures. Similar to how Unathi have their own body language, Tajara having their own tied meanings to movements would be something I'd be interested in adding. Things such as saluting with a open palm level to your shoulder, blinking rapidly being a sign of worry, whistling being considered heavily disrespectful. Naval traditions would also be something I wish to explore. Similar to how Minharzzka was written as her followers adapting her worship to space, any naval traditions I write would be intended to be applicable to space as well. Traditions and customs are a harder one to think on. Writing out the species' own house and host rules would be another addition I'd like to explore. With the idea generally being that as a Tajara, one needs to respect a household head when they're visiting or staying with said person, deferring to their judgement long as they remain underneath their roof. When you are a guest, the household head's word is ultimately absolute. This could also be adapted by tajara who view working under a megacorp offworld as being similar to this. Northern Ras'nrr could also use some more detail. To characterize its people beyond the devastation of the war, I'd probably write them to be a heavily urbanized and industrialized region, having a smaller rural population pre war, and generally being known for a high number of post-secondary education centers in its cities and very successful mass literacy and education campaigns spearheaded by officials who unfortunately did not survive the second revolution. Northern Ras'nrr could be a land that was once touted for its dedication to knowledge, learning, all things wiped away from the war's devastation. I am always interested in adding onto governmental cultures more, as time goes on and more people express interest in seeing aspects of them detailed. The issue just is the same as other parts of Tajara lore: It's hard to find sections that seem to lack detail.
  16. Ckey/BYOND Username: Canon35 Position Being Applied For: (Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Tajara Deputy Lore Developer. Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yes. Past Experiences/Knowledge: Besides an ill-fated time as Human Lore Dev where my biggest contribution was renaming Gutter, I do not have much experience on the staff itself. I've also assisted lore staff with minor contributions and suggestions to their own works. Outside of Aurora, most of my writing endeavors have been personal stories or journals I've kept years before. I also assisted in trying to write out a arc for a Dark Heresy game with a friend, though we were never able to actually get into the arc. Exploration of a setting's themes or reading into its presented situations is something I've done time to time to look into it from a fresher perspective. This also helps with trying to find something interesting/unique that the text doesn't expand on, and trying to extrapolate what it could be or how it could be improved. Examples of Past Work: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Ma'ta'ke_Gods Minharrzka, the minor Goddess. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FEXnPTGMJk2oxAmwWf891qMi2wsdp-VbUlCU7Qhj1bk/edit?usp=sharing a WIP expansion idea for Vysoka. The additions to the overview, military, and clothing sections are done by myself. The rewritten cities except for Netalem are also my own contributions. Everything else has been a collaboration with Wigglesworth. Additional Comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SxS6gJHaUb-6Mf45-G9BEbkmGCNfbcm_ju4kv6qYL-0/edit?usp=sharing Writings and ideas for Tajaran Lore. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OxIhTXOaOmEV5zXxexMH8rzlDKhVkvtMF05tvAqpqvA/edit?usp=sharing Mentioned Crevan Dynasties idea. I very much took a shotgun approach to the need for a writing on the application. Tajara lore is, as people like to say, arguably "done". There's sections here and there I wish to expand on, but it's difficult to look at a part and go "This needs a rewrite/retcon" or where it feels too underdeveloped. There's very little I wish to change but still plenty to work on, and many paths to take the lore as the setting continues and things change. The species seems almost perfect in its development and theming to me. It remains consistent, logical in its own way, and relevant through on station characters who can draw on a wide range of lore to flesh themselves out and talk about. That is why I wish to become a deputy for it, to contribute my own ideas and to help Tajara lore's future growth.
  17. As it says on the tin. Give Vampires a togglable night vision that allows them to see perfectly fine in the dark (Full distance of the screen). They're predators of the night, they should be able to see in the dark to hunt within it. Of course, this would be quite strong without any drawbacks so I'd also recommend perhaps making them weaker to flashes when it's initiated. Also give a message of "Their eyes are glowing!" when you examine a vampire with activated NV that isn't covering their eyes.
  18. Literally anything will work. The Nar'sie ritual is a holdover from old code that I feel like has needed a change for years. I think what you have right now is good for this, if attainable, but I would argue that instead of needing a certain number of corpses it could be that they require a healthy non-convert to act as a lure for their Goddess to come: A untainted soul that will be the beacon. Mechanically I figure this would work to encourage murder a tad less? Plus, it means that cult would have to be more smart about their tactics to get a sacrifice instead of "Let's just kill a load of people and stack the bodies.". For the set up/temple idea, I would say maybe have the 9 involved locked in place by the rune (Visual indicator of red tendrils around them, like being vined by one of the wizard's spells.) and if someone was to move or kill one it would result in the ritual being disrupted. Either way, like I said, your starting idea is extremely good. I hope to see this in game one day!
  19. At the very least I'd like to see the merchant spawn chance increased to something like 75% if it can't be 100%. It can be a genuinely good role to augment rounds and change things up (Revs using the merchant for weaponry to fight, vampire dens in the merchant shuttle, science getting a load of toys to play with.). Plus I have seen people play developed merchant characters and taking advantage of the unique situation of the merchant to have some fun with it.
  21. More traps and such would be nice, especially if it is possible to check the crate before hand and disarm them.
  22. Players can already be ICly turned off by their character's pre-existing beliefs or the fact that some shady guy in robes with a big sword is trying to convince them to step on weird-ass glowing runes. This is a small change that can help with the initial conversions and people who try to convince others to convert. I won't disagree on you with that or the fact that it's hard as balls to get a convert in round, which is sort of why I suggested this in the first place. There's been attempts by devs to try and grant cultists more equipment to level the playing field and if you try to write up your own suggestion, perhaps a dev will take it up.
  23. As it says on the title. Change The Cult Rune Drawing Messages: To better aid recruitment and make it a little less obvious to non-cultists or those not attuned to the veil/magic whatever, change the message that appears when a Cultist is drawing a rune from "X slices open their hand..." to "A rune begins to appear underneath X!". Seeing someone deadass cut open their hand and draw something with blood is going to turn anyone immediately away from what is more than likely some crazy-ass dude and might get rid of the ";PSYCH NEEDED!!!" (Exaggeration.) messages. Plus, it helps if a cultist is trying to convince someone to join if they don't need to self harm themselves to get the person to come join. Now in the case of a fellow Cultist, Wizard, or Vampire, they would see a message along the lines of "X's shadow shifts and morphs underneath them, clawing at their own hand and using the blood to write a rune on the floor.". Still a blood cult, just not as obvious at first. Allow a Cultist to Temporarily Memorize a Rune: A cultist with a book can choose a rune to etch into their mind. This will allow them to write that rune ONCE provided they have free hands. Once the memorized rune is put onto the floor, they will forget it. Your brain can only memorize a rune once without combusting from our lord and savior Nar'sie's granted knowledge, so make the one chance you have count!
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