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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. I tried proposing this many times in the discord. It was rejected each and everytime. @Sneakyranger is a major critic of the idea, so I'm pinging them to get their feedback here.
  2. This proposal doesn't fix my largest issue with Earth lore: there's no unique culture to work with here. It's basically completely barren other than being "the cradle of humanity". It's a waste of a planet slot the way it is honestly, as the origin isn't unique unless you count a token "oh they're from the birthplace of humanity", which I don't. If anything, your proposal makes it worse, since you couldn't even claim to have a cool space station capital in orbit.
  3. It feels like this should require a tribunal or something similar. To add a check against abuse, add an opportunity for more roleplay, and potentially allow the antagonist to escape.
  4. For you, I have a couple questions: To what extent should gameplay reflect the lore, and vice versa? Are there any exceptions you can think of to your general opinion on this? What are your thoughts on real-life modern concepts added to the game, and the lore? Let's also consider destructive concepts such as drugs.
  5. So we had a debate on this in the general discord. I'm curious on your thoughts. To what extent should gameplay reflect the lore, and vice versa? Are there any exceptions you can think of to your general opinion on this?
  6. So we had a debate on this in the general discord. I'm curious on your thoughts. To what extent should gameplay reflect the lore, and vice versa? Are there any exceptions you can think of to your general opinion on this?
  7. We could probably port these from Paradise wholesale. This is something their Atmos technicians have. So there's two reasonable ways I can think of to go about this: Port the reagent sublimator from Baystation Port material phase stages and SSmaterials/Gas merging from Nebula Considering the rest of what you want, the second option is probably preferable, but would be complicated to implement.
  8. A while ago, you came to me with a concern on a PR I made. You specifically opposed the inclusion of real world drug references in the game, and desired a canonization app to change this in the lore as well. This was eventually overruled by developers and the original authors of the lore. As lore deputy however, you have a hand in approving lore and maintaining existing lore. What is your current opinion on the inclusion of real world references in the lore, and by extension, the game? Do you see yourself changing any existing lore?
  9. I think at this point, this is a common theme amongst the lore team in general. As an example, do you have a proposal on fixing one or more of these issues? Do you have any examples of a planet and/or culture that isn't quite diverse to your liking? I'm excited to see what you cook up here.
  10. Not all RDs have machinist backgrounds (and indeed, based on the fact that the machinist is under Operations, it would be very rare for this to happen). The RD automatically knowing how to work with the AI and cyborgs without having a machinist background is a violation of the rule that "[you] do not automatically have the knowledge of an entire department." So they would likely need to delegate to the machinist anyway. This is a weird holdover, and it would be better for the OM to have this job instead if we keep the machinist where they are now.
  11. The alternative to: There is no reason for the AI to be under the purview of the RD, when the RD has no staff qualified to run the AI anymore (and therefore would violate rules on qualifications). That's the job of the Machinist, which is under the OM. So, let's move this responsibility to the Operations Manager, and let them delegate the responsibility to machinists if they lack the skills.
  12. Supercedes the following threads: Originally, the Machinist was moved to Operations as part of an overall plan to have Operations handle the allocation of resources for expeditions. This wasn't cleanly done however, and has raised numerous questions along the way. In addition, no plans exist to finish the operations rework to justify the move. I'm proposing we move Machinists back to Science, as they were on the Aurora. We can retcon this as well so that it has always been part of Science on the Horizon; Orion and Hephaestus machinists will have a problem here, but I'm sure we can work something out.
  13. This would be good in general for if we do something similar to Konyang again. Having command able to keep track of crew in general is good I feel especially for organization.
  14. As a note: I added this specifically to address any possible issues with it, as I am planning to port extended/overclocked mode from CEV Eris. This needs sprite modifications, but I had previously noted that our scrubbers are rather static compared to other servers' sprites. I ask that any modification to this ignore the one month rule as I would like to get this done ASAP.
  15. Original author of the ship here. I added the longbow as the Grauwolf/Francisca combo was used by pretty much every other ship currently. I tried to reflect it as a lower power longbow by giving it low power ammo, but as dreamy said:
  16. After some discussion, Caseless ammo is now a subtype of the frontier rounds. It's only planned for the new Xanan weapons, and I'll be giving them new effects to differentiate them.
  17. The plan is that science loses this one thing, in favor of two things: Modular weapon attachments Experimental ammo FluffyGhost has also floated the idea of modular weapons being re-introduced using the work done on this system here. But the fact is right now modular weapons are very broken and impossible to balance. No scientist wants to use them due to how broken they are, so it's a decrepit system that does nothing for us. The intention with the new systems I am introducing is to ensure they are balanced. Actually that is the primary intention. Security is only planned to receive a few things by default. Science and/or operations is needed for the rest of the stuff this system is planned to introduce. The bloc system is more designed for balance than anything else. Sol calibers are mostly used by the typical antagonists the Horizon will be facing, while Coalition calibers are used by the Horizon and their allies. There's some room for mirror matches, but overall the Horizon will typically be using different calibers from the antagonists. This is also relevant for the upcoming Odyssey Mode.
  18. To be honest, I would give them the ability to work on AI. That would give them a reason to exist, and the machinists basically do this anyway with their work on stationbounds.
  19. I've had a similar concern for a while now. I've also been off my Aurora game, but I did participate in the last event. It felt more like Colonial Marines at some points than corporate roleplay. Which is fine if they're rare, and sporadic... But considering the prior events we've come off of? It feels like all we are is an Elite Combat Team for the SCC. We're called that ICly even! So why aren't we allowed to go kill pirates in cold blood if we're this elite team that is better equipped than the army? People love to bring up Star Trek, so I'll bring it up here. It feels like every event is a season finale, a huge deal. Which is fine... But we don't have any filler episodes. The idea of a glass bottle episode is completely lost. And honestly? With the amount of work that it took to get here, we need more bottle episodes. Many of you know I was in support of Botanist for the human lore team. Primarily because they had an excellent idea for a world building event that took a few weeks and needed little to no development resources. I'm very surprised, considering the amount of support for them, that this never was considered! In-fact, according to dreamy, there is this idea that it is unwanted! So I see Sue's point about it being disrespectful to players to not have their accomplishments considered, when we're at risk of dying every basically every event. But while one solution might be to reward players more, perhaps we need to also take a step back and ask ourselves if this is really the right direction for the server? Should all events have a risk of death attached to it?
  20. The easy way to fix this, so the XO is in proper 2IC, is not to make them encouraged to promote different acting captain. They should be acting Captain by default unless either they waive this for whatever reason (if they feel the CMO is better for the duty for whatever reason), or a captain-level decision by the rest of command vetoes this. In that case I can completely understand the species restriction and it is within the spirit of the vote. But as it is now, I do not understand either.
  21. The proposed changes sound interesting, and I can't wait to see them in-game. I have but one question however: Does the XO, as the person responsible for assisting the captain, know about the self-destruct and how to activate it (including access to the code that is, currently, ICly known only by the Captain)? Can they propose to an acting captain to utilize it?
  22. Woops https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/18827
  23. I partially agree with this suggestion. However, I think we can go further. Remove all species except Vaurcae. They're the only species that anyone really cares about anyway anymore.
  24. A post-BSSB raid on a criminal group (Hammertail Smiths?) or similar would be good to have.
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