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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. I'm of a neutral opinion on this topic, but I'm going to refute this. Everytime someone says "rework, don't remove", they clamor for this and then pass the work on for someone else. Oftentimes the effort/reward ratio is very bad, and it devolves into it being in stasis for years. I'm sorry, but if your only idea is "rework don't remove" and you yourself aren't volunteering to do the rework, then it doesn't really add anything to the server except another thing on the list to work on, and nothing will ever get done.
  2. This is an important question in my mind that I will ask all deputies. Lately, I have seen a disconnect between the desires of the development team, and the lore team. Examples include the attempt to give skrell Sol common which is blocked by maintainers, and an attempt to remove special glove types by maintainers which was rejected by lore. Do you feel that this is an issue at the moment? Do you have any ideas to potentially improve cross-team talks between lore, development, and moderation?
  3. This is an important question in my mind that I will ask all deputies. Lately, I have seen a disconnect between the desires of the development team, and the lore team. Examples include the attempt to give skrell Sol common which is blocked by maintainers, and an attempt to remove special glove types by maintainers which was rejected by lore. Do you feel that this is an issue at the moment? Do you have any ideas to potentially improve cross-team talks between lore, development, and moderation?
  4. This is an important question in my mind that I will ask all deputies. Lately, I have seen a disconnect between the desires of the development team, and the lore team. Examples include the attempt to give skrell Sol common which is blocked by maintainers, and an attempt to remove special glove types by maintainers which was rejected by lore. Do you feel that this is an issue at the moment? Do you have any ideas to potentially improve cross-team talks between lore, development, and moderation?
  5. This is an important question in my mind that I will ask all deputies. Lately, I have seen a disconnect between the desires of the development team, and the lore team. Examples include the attempt to give skrell Sol common which is blocked by maintainers, and an attempt to remove special glove types by maintainers which was rejected by lore. Do you feel that this is an issue at the moment? Do you have any ideas to potentially improve cross-team talks between lore, development, and moderation?
  6. This is an important question in my mind that I will ask all deputies. Lately, I have seen a disconnect between the desires of the development team, and the lore team. Examples include the attempt to give skrell Sol common which is blocked by maintainers, and an attempt to remove special glove types by maintainers which was rejected by lore. Do you feel that this is an issue at the moment? Do you have any ideas to potentially improve cross-team talks between lore, development, and moderation?
  7. We have an "event ideas" board which is intended for the submission of ideas for events like this. Might be better to utilize that than the suggestions forum.
  8. BYOND Key: generalcamo Character Names: Abdul ibn-Turkiel, Comoe Oulai-Tape Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: #556172 (Comet colored, mixed Zhan-M'sai) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, extensively. I made the current flag of the Free Tajaran Council, and wrote the description of it from it, for instance. I was also previously a volunteer for Cold Dawn, and played several tajara there. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly, the fragmented future of the Free Tajaran Council interests me. Their past as radical revolutionaries, that is now possibly at an end due to the coming death of their leader and the possible proxy war that is coming due to the influence of the three tajara factions on Adhomai, provides a lot of unique roleplay opportunities that aren't available to any other race really. The character I am planning to play is a supporter of the Himean Front, but that comes with a split loyalty between the human syndicalist ideology, and the more traditional ideas that the tajara as a whole hold. It creates a self-doubt that I believe would be great to have represented on the ship: Am I betraying my family by giving up the war on Adhomai? Should we really be abandoning our people by staying on Himeo, and creating a détente with the DPRA? But at the same time, can we really be expected to create yet more bloodshed on a wartorn planet, that my character barely knows about? Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Besides the speech that everyone knows about, you're dealing with a species that is far more fragmented than humanity, and has been thrust into spur society far sooner than other species, besides maybe the unathi. You're dealing with a species where pretty much everyone has personally lived during a harsh war that affected the entire planet, and possibly two if they are old enough to live through both. At least among the PRA and DPRA, you can also see that both are trying to live up to the legacy of the tajara that led the revolution against the oppressive nobility in the first place, but you also can't help that not only are both failing in their own ways, but perhaps even they put him up on a pedestal that really is far too great considering what he himself is, and what he has done. Now there is nothing left but hatred, which threatens to tear the species apart in a third, violent war. And the alliances are shifting among them.... Character Name: Samvel Baronev (Birthname: Rredouane Hra'hammad) Please provide a short backstory for this character Rredouane was born on 2440, to Yrena Hra'hammad (nee, Ye'slev), a Zhan-Khazan, and Vry'ted Hra'hammad, an M'Sai, on Himeo. The mixed-race pairing is considered suspicious by some, but most looked away owing to their parent's loyalty to the revolution, especially when Rredouane came near. Despite the general ideology of the Free Tajara emphasizing the collective over the individual and tradition, there are still many aspects of the old Duchy of Shungsta; Rredouane's parents were a farmer and a rancher respectively, and were primarily agrarian before the revolution changed their life. Yrena was a farmer in Northern Ras'nrr; a decent life for a Zhan, having their own land and laborers, but being Zhan still left them looked down upon by the nobility as a whole. Despite the industrial revolution, the village as a whole found themselves lagging behind the times like the rest of Ras'nrr; the laws regarding the criminalization of electricity, alongside oppressive taxation by the nobility, prevented any drives for mechanization. Yrena's farm primarily grew blizzard ears, which fed most of the village and beyond, albeit with the heavy usage of laborers and fatshouters to plant and harvest them. Some of the excess was sold off to Vry'ted, a neighboring rancher who used it for feed for the fatshouters they raised. Their village was mostly close-knit, having to survive on scraps despite the excess they grew, due to the oppressive laws of the nobility. Any negotiations to allow mechanization were shot down by the local ruling nobility, seen as a "worthless endeavor" by a "foolish" Zhan and M'Sai community who didn't know their masters. This culminated in a crop failure, which threatened to devastate the village. As luck would have it, however, several nearby villages had banded together under the elected leadership of a Hrarar known as "Volin Kar'etrink", who advocated for the destruction and dissolution of the noble governments in-favor of local councils. Having little other choice, and tired of the nobility taking without ever giving anything back, their village found themselves also joining this rebellion. But it would not last. Their lack of allies culminated in a faction led by a Njarir, Al'mari Hadii, taking Northern Ras'nrr. Forced off-world, Yrena and Vry'ted only escaped with the rest of the FTC due to the intervention of NanoTrasen, and the generosity of Himeo as they posed as refugees. Having fought together in the revolution, and having little other contacts due to the casualties of the war, Yrena and Vry'ted would undertake their own Zrrazhil Ekrratul ceremony. Both continue to be part of the Revolutionary Old Guard, but they are aging, and they themselves do not completely relate to Rredouane, who unlike them had a formal education and never even set foot on Adhomai. Rredouane himself was mostly left alone by many, owing to his mixed-race heritage. He focused primarily on his studies, learning about not only their past on Adhomai, but also elected to take a Himean history course. There he saw parallels between what his parents went through, and what the Himeans dealt with from Hephaestus: A people, working hard together, oppressed by those that thought themselves their superiors despite never having set foot anywhere near where they lived. As he grew older, he found himself playing more sports such as running, and martial arts such as baghrar. Despite his newfound love of sports, he also found time to play human tabletop games with fellow lone tajara, and a rare human. Upon graduation, he found himself in military training which the FTC encouraged all of its members to take. While not convinced of the viability of re-taking Adhomai, he used it to eventually join the Planetary Guard of Himeo, finding himself appointed as a member of the military police. Rredouane knew his name was hard to pronounce in the human tongue, so he took a human name similar to many of his people who co-mingled with humans: Samvel Baronev. In his time with the Planetary Guard, he found himself more and more disillusioned with the plan of re-taking Adhomai, especially alone. Samvel joined the Himean Front, supporting closer ties to his Himean allies. That said, he can sympathize with the modern DPRA, with their democratically elected Hrarar President Harrlala; even so, the control of the Juntas, especially in his parents' old homeland, tells him the time isn't right to return. And there may never be a time that is truly right for him, as he is so culturally distant he feels. His parents were loose followers of Ma'ta'ke, but he could never find himself relating to it. That said, despite all this, life still goes on. It was most unfortunate for Samvel when his mother, Yrena, started the feel the effects of a rare disease, dornskhy, in her 50s. Due to the underground nature of Himeo, this wouldn't be so bad, but this meant she was forced to abandon her blizzard ear farming as the growing lights would cause her issues. Vry'ted would continue to raise fatshouters for Himeans and the FTC, but this alone would not pay for the expensive treatments Yrena needed. Samvel found himself forced to find higher-paying work elsewhere, and found it in the Xanu Defense Forces; despite being a tajara, their past experience as an MP in the Planetary Guard gave them an edge in the PMC unit. And now they find themselves being transferred to a nearby corporate vessel, the SCCV Horizon, to assist in their own security endeavors. It is unfortunate that he will be working with Hephaestus workers, but at least the pay is good... What do you like about this character? I like their split loyalties. Sure they are Tajara, but should they really be fighting for a "home" that they never set foot on? The only "home" they know of is Himeo, and Adhomai is a mess of a brewing war between nuclear-armed states that will kill each other because they think they can respect the legacy of a Njarir better than the other. If push comes to shove, of course he would want the actually democratic DPRA winning, but taking over as a fourth faction to them is a ridiculous idea. That said, he is still a tajara. There are many things he missed until the other Adhomian factions began to look towards the FTC for potential supporters. And it was the home of their parents, and that means something to him despite their many differences. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd rate it well. I've roleplayed tajara before, and the only slip-up I made was when I had a hardware issue that caused me to open fire with a tank, as well as the infamous "inn"cident that left me shocked. I've planned on roleplay with others before as a group thing, but this is something I've been thinking of making for a while. Now that we're in COC territory, it seems ripe as ever to get it out there. Notes: I was considering making a PRA character as a write-up to show more about the knowledge of tajara culture, but it felt like a challenge for me to write an FTC character that checked all the boxes the team is looking for, so here we are. Feel free to ask me questions, and I'll certainly answer any.
  9. The light sprites are planned to be replaced again soon. I wouldn't bother with anything here.
  10. Give them another trial. They've been working with the community significantly, and playing a lot. I had no issues with their last app, just the trial was rough. Let's see what you can do this time.
  11. Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Large Species: This affects the general lore team, but special attention is noted for the human and skrell lore teams. Short Description: This updates the Luna Accords (here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Guide_to_Law#Luna_Accords_of_Interstellar_Law) to be a fair bit more detailed, including a historical background, and add a protocol for psionics that previously has not been standardized. In addition, the timeline and context of the Qerrbalak protocol has been fixed to conform with lore changes between the skrell and human teams. How will this be reflected on-station?: This excuses why the Horizon does not need to (usually) deal with the laws of the various entities we are travelling through. However, I mainly made this as a framework for an upcoming rework of the Interstellar Aid Corps, which this heavily ties into. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: It provides an excuse for why the Horizon can ignore the laws of the governments we travel through, and it finally adds a historical reason for the banning of psionic interference with other non-skrell, that being the Silversun Protocol. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NVqfS-O53QeefPK9w7OFF5hunc2ZZTRiqtVG-R57H1s/edit?usp=sharing This is planned to coincide with a rework of the IAC, however I wanted to post this seperately as it does affect different teams and I could always use the feedback.
  12. We have escape pods and shuttles for this honestly. The Horizon crew losing because we screwed up should be a possibility IMO.
  13. I'm going to say I like this generally. I think Earth being the only planet with multiple independent nations in human lore is very weird, and I like the idea of expanding this to another planet. That said, I see some things that could very much be improved or otherwise worked on: If there is that much peat here, I question why there isn't a significant amount of coal on the planet. Feudalism is inherently incompatible with capitalism. The idea of giving food in exchange for protection from an elite warrior class, does not work when you consider you can sell the food yourself and hire some independent mercenaries. Not to mention, an exclusive elite warrior class with peasant levies, would be completely curbstomped by a modern professional army, or even some PMCs backed up with conscripts. There may be a way to maintain the idea of an absolute monarchy, however. Polar regions are often considered deserts due to extremely low precipitation. This wouldn't really be considered special or a "quirk" at all, as on Earth both poles are deserts.
  14. If medical needs a surgeon, and there isn't any on, that does not give medical cause to do surgery anyway. We don't allow "super-"doctors, we shouldn't allow "super-"engineers either under the same reasoning, if we keep them split.
  15. What if we just removed the vote restrictions during code red? Seems like that would resolve this issue entirely.
  16. I'm going to agree with this suggestion, with the caveat that Physicians get their surgery skills removed. This way we can cleanly delegate the medbay, and we can pare down that table that confuses pretty much everyone. For those claiming chems are not necessary to save patients: You are correct. Just like it is also a correct statement that security does not need weapons to down mercenaries. However, I would still be loathe to send security after armed mercenaries with only their fists; the same should apply to the medical bay, in that I would be loathe to have them save a multiple casualty incident without chemicals.
  17. We're in space, radar wouldn't work at all. Your arguments on "realism" here do not hold weight. As for the revert: Matt stated a while back that a revert is not an option. I doubt he would change his mind, so I would recommend looking into ways to improve the existing sensor system, rather than suggesting the revert.
  18. We've had a discussion in the relay discord. Here's a general consensus established in the discussion: Revert lanterns back to medium size (allow them to enter pockets) Significantly reduce power consumption (Will probably make it an eighth or so) Maybe make the high brightness mode the default setting (This would reduce the above to a fourth, but effectively double default light power) Allow flashlights to be directly placed into wall rechargers Another issue discovered is device power cells are used in auto-resuscitators. This caused issues with medical unexpectedly losing power on them far too quickly. Why they use device power cells is a mystery since they're explicitly meant for small tools and energy guns, not large things like them. This is a seperate issue and will be tackled in a seperate PR.
  19. I was the one who implemented it. If it's not desired, I can do a full reversion. Alternatively, I'm open to feedback to improve it. In particular, if it's unclear, I can go ahead and add more examine text and status messages.
  20. Opposed. You drag arguments long after community consensus is quite clear on it, and instead of actually addressing feedback, you try and redefine community consensus and server policy. Your command of the english language is lacklustre as well, and while this normally would not be an issue, with all of the above points made put together it exacerbates the issues.
  21. This was in progress for months before the pole, and hasn't changed since the initial draft.
  22. I've had a few issues with AI static so far. I'm trying to look for it in the code to fix it.
  23. Trudging through the various discords to gather feedback and issues can be difficult to do, so I'm going to post this thread here instead: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/16162 As part of this PR, I have purged all existing layer definitions from maps, in favor of more code-based defines. Going forward, this should be the preferred method of assigning layers, with direct assignments in the map being a last-resort. However, this has created new issues, as some of the assignments were done to fix other bugs, or they have improper layer assignments in the base object. This thread will be maintained going forward for the entire series, as I am certain not only new issues will pop up during the series, but also old bugs that haven't yet been caught.
  24. They only require regular engineering-level access. We honestly could probably expand this to atmos techs and machinists honestly. This is a violation of their laws and should be ahelped. Drones are not supposed to be harming the crew (that violates the third law). The ability to ID-swipe drones does not solve this issue, as the damage would already be done.
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