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Everything posted by Bygonehero

  1. Canon: Canon/Noncanon Event Type: VIP Event Scale: Small Assigned Admin: AverytheCat OOC Event Description : Nanotrasen tests out a experimental project as part of their Peacekeeper Initiative. Who knows about it :Everyone Host/participants : Volunteers required. Volunteers may Inquire with hosting admin/dev Bygonehero AverytheCat Notes : This event is canon if the round is EXTENDED. This event can happen on any round type except CULT.
  2. Canon: Canon Event Type: Event Event Scale: Large Assigned Admin: Yonnimer OOC Event Description: A group of drunken Klax arrive to the station in a luxury Dominian transport ship as part of their two week long celebration. Who knows about it :Everyone Host/participants : 2-3 Volunteers with a Vaurca whitelist. 3 (Dominian,Human) Volunteers can contact Hosting Admin/Bygonehero Notes :
  3. Canon: Canon/Noncanon Event Type: VIP Event Scale: Small Assigned Admin: AverytheCat OOC Event Description : Nanotrasen tests out a experimental project as part of their Peacekeeper Initiative. Who knows about it :Everyone Host/participants : Volunteers required. Volunteers may Inquire with hosting admin/dev Bygonehero AverytheCat Notes : This event is canon if the round is EXTENDED. This event can happen on any round type except CULT.
  4. K’lax Celebrate Birth of New Queen and her Brood Celebrations blanket the K’lax hive today, with the birth of the 102,496th K’laxan Lesser Queen, Ta’Akaix’Vedhra’rept’ylanze K’lax. K’lax everywhere throughout the Orion Spur have begun a two-week long celebration marking this tremendous event in their history as both a hive and a species. Even more shocking was the first ever public address given by High Overlord Ta'Akaix'Zkaii'xay'yil K'lax, which was transmitted over galactic channels earlier this morning from Tret. “My children, my hive, today is etched into the lattice of our memory. The journey that began 2000 years ago led us here, to this star system so that we might begin anew. Aliens, once fictions within the aether are now all around us, beings as we are, with aspirations and values alien to our own. They frighten many, as does the future itself. But it is of weaker beings to see the future as a yawning void, full of crawling uncertainties, be they alien or otherwise. When we began our mission from Mother K’lax, we became the delvers of the unknown, those few broods brave enough to crack open and chart a new tunnel in our history. Together, with our unathi patrons, we have established our world, with projects both inside the hive and out unfolding within our designs. In two weeks, Pid will be stricken from the sky forevermore, unmasking the spectra of distant worlds. Within two months, the space elevator will be complete. Upon Moghes itself, Gene Clinics and Terraforming assist the livelihood of our Hegemony, opening us all up to the world. All of this pales in comparison to the birth of my daughter. The very first Vaurca queen born beyond the homeworld of Sedantis. She will be a new beginning, never knowing the hardships of longing for a mother or queen that isn't there. No one else within the hive will as of today. I will encompass the role of High Queen for the hive. There will be no more uncertainty about the future within and outside of the hive. For the K’lax build the future, as we always have and always will. ” Just after this announcement, markets across Biesel were stormed by Vaurca customers, with real-time market analytics showing a 100000% increase in the sale of fluorinated food and beverage products. An hour before this article was published congratulations from several governments and hive leaders were shared to the public. Becoming the most shared topic of today upon the extranet. The Hegemony itself has issued a congratulations to Warlord Zkaii, stating, "The birth of the K'lax princess is a source of joy and congratulations. The Overlord of Tret, Queen Zkaii, has warm blessings from the Izweski clan."
  5. We've actually thought about this extensively, and there are various ideas and systems floating around which would be worked on come NBT. Heres some of my ideas you are welcome to look at them.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TQqhH2qn5feU7VDWuWG1vMiUNvjMgh5gg2vKlVanz7M/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Fair enough, and a good point on the second question. I really look forward into seeing how you play them as a contractor. Application accepted!
  7. Love the character concept, just two questions and then we can process it, just so we both can get deeper feelings on the character. Do you believe Xin is religious? Not every Vaurca is mind you, but it would be interesting to see what you think. Next, do you think Xin has any experience Net-trawling? If so, has he ever been in danger while on a net-trawl?
  8. I ask, because adopting characters like this in the past has always led to some animosity over creative differences. Even from characters that the lore team make, people criticize it or make memes of it. One example is how Jackboots depicts Dorne, a Character of his own design mind, people were upset enough about it to bring it in a complaint against him. Now I'm all for community lore. I opened the Vox channel discord for this very reason, to develop the species openly, but what I am not ok with is this being accepted and then later down the line used as a crutch to influence future decisions a lore developer may decide.In this example if Kyres wanted to do something you didn't like, or thought they would do differently your involvement with that decision should begin and end as advice. I'm not accusing either of you of doing this, but as past instances have shown me, its better to be safe than sorry.
  9. If for example the synth dev wanted to do something with this character and you two didn't like it, what would happen?
  10. Who controls what this character does?
  11. One may join it here to begin the discussion! https://discord.gg/Xv5MhVU
  12. After reading this I've decided to start a vox development discord. I've began a few vox events since their last lore rewrite by alb and me but I feel more community involvement would be great, and better enforce vox roleplay without whitelisting them.
  13. @Neinbox In Jackboots defense, he communicated to me the difficulties you both were having with each other. I do not believe he intends to come across how he does with you. He asked me about my experiences working with you, and how to best avoid arguments. If he was intentionally meaning to make you feel this way, he would not be concerned with making you not feel this way.
  14. I already spoke to boots about my part of the complaint. He and I resolved the issues, but if he wants he can post them here. Part of the complaint I had was the visibility of his activities with other species and their lore. It is very discouraging to see the sheer amount of news that is written for the three most popular species(Human/Tajara/Unathi), while the least popular ones 'seem to' at first glance, receive fewer. Again, at first glance, you could think that Jackboots is failing in his job as an editor, allowing the slow death of these species while promoting the already strong parts of the lore. While this is objectively true in article count, article count alone is not an indication of favoritism towards any particular set of species. Boots has on many occasions confided into me the difficulty of writing for Vaurca, and he isn't alone in this assertion. Despite this, he has organized or assisted me more than once in my own projects, providing input that is valuable to the creation process. I believe that he does this with all species given my own observations. The other part of the complaint was a personal one, that we both resolved in DMs. I can share it if you wish, but it involved paranoia on my part and general miscommunication on both of our sides.
  15. Pid to be Darkened, K’lax Nuclear Stockpile Disarmed Today, the Council of Lords met the Tret representatives within Skalamar for ruling upon the fate of Pid. As earlier reported this year by another paper, The Vaurca of Tret, led by Overlord Zkaii of K’lax came forward with a proposal for reducing its apparent magnitude to aid in the search of Phoron-laden systems. Oddly enough, the release of Dominian freighters and trade sovereignty were also in their proposal. These clauses would allow the K’lax to begin self-regulated trade with foreign powers, in exchange for higher tax percentages within the Hegemony. In addition, the Vaurca representatives released plans for the economic development of the system, once phoron deposits are found. While at first thrilled, the council of Lords wished more from the K’lax, citing the cultural significance of Pid, and the ridiculous notion of allowing trade with a hostile foreign power. To these issues, K’laxan representative Wanski, the unathi guild master of the Tretian Medical Guild comments... “My lords and Sinta, you're already helping the Dominian government economically, and with your own Sinta. Look at the megacorporations or the Jargon Federation. They make it impossible to keep an insulated economy anymore.Just as my ancestors watch over me, I know that Mogesian products bought and sold by Nanotrasen find a sizable market within the Empire of Dominia. What we are offering is a chance to reap greater benefit than what you would ever get from a human company. Additionally, we’ve one last proposal to provide a better deal.” With this, guildmaster Wanski sits down, and a video begins to play on a nearby viewscreen. “ The K’lax hive is willing to disarm its nuclear stockpile entirely as part of the proposal my lords. This would rid our system of a significant threat, to everyone.” finishes guild master Wanski just before the council takes a short recess for deliberation. The rest of the proceedings occur behind closed doors, but not two hours later, the Council of Warlords issued that it has agreed to the K’laxan proposal. As news of this agreement hit Tret, the few megacorp mining operations upon Tret issued a public warning to all of its employees. Once Pid has been darkened, their findings conclude that Tret will have 27% darker day and night cycle. The report goes on to explain that by removing the reflected light of Pid will have a significant effect on their operations on Tret. Elsewhere news of the imminent disarmament of K’laxan Nuclear Warheads has met with widespread joy, from every Sinta our paper interviewed. Whether or not this proposal was worth it is yet to be seen, but it can be said that, for now, All unathi may sleep safer tonight.
  16. C'thur having a straightforward path to higher professions is intentional, and intrinsic with their design. That being said, what most people fail to realize is that Vaurca Players with avowels can have them revoked for poor IC play. This includes C'thur even though they didn't get avoweled on station. Their documentation comes from Jargon itself. Its still able to be revoked.
  17. I love. Love creative writing. I don't particular care if someone gets every story beat down, but you....you did that and more. An excellent first application, and and I am proud to see you writing more. Application accepted!
  18. There are significant Vaurca presences upon New Gibson https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Ta'Akaix'Scay'extiih'aur_Zo'ra Does this conflict with your lore?
  19. How many people do you believe follow this religion? Additionally, do you think any activities they have clash with some established laws? Like tagging all shells/baselines, for example.
  20. I've have many positive interactions with your characters, and in general, you approach roleplaying with a different mindset than mine. I haven't really seen you particularly have issues in round our outside of it, but I will save my questions till after your interview.
  21. Canon: Canon/Noncanon Event Type: VIP Event Scale: Small Assigned Admin: AverytheCat OOC Event Description : Nanotrasen tests out the ability to control Zo’ra warforms by imprinting them to a staff. The warform will follow anyone holding an item renamed ‘Control Staff’ and follow any orders they say. Whats the worst that could happen? Who knows about it :Everyone Host/participants : One Volunteer with a Vaurca whitelist. Volunteers can contact Hosting Admin/Bygonehero Notes : This event is canon if the round is EXTENDED. This event can happen on any round type except CULT. If the Round is EXTENDED, a Vote will be called at 1 Hour to introduce a 'Complication.' Players can Vote on the level of Complication from, None, Minor, Moderate, Severe. A Complication will introduce something to the round that complicates the event and station participants.
  22. Canon: Canon Event Type: Corporate Introduction Event Scale: Medium Assigned Admin:AverytheCat OOC Event Description :Getmore, the leading producer of pre-packaged foods have organized a product showcase within the NSS Aurora bar with corporation from their parent Company Nanotrasen. A Zo'ra hive, Ta with ties to Getmore, a Getmore Marketing Representative, and their company mascot, Clucky the Getmore Chicken dressed in their signature chicken suit will arrive on station. They will arrive with a large selection of Getmore products. Who knows about it : Everyone Host/participants : Three Volunteers, one with a Vaurca whitelist. Notes : This event is meant to introduce people to Getmore, Nanotrasens only major subsidiary. This Event is an all day event and may happen more than once that day. This Event is canon, but can happen during Non-extended rounds. In cases where an antagonist is involved those interactions are noncanon with no exceptions.
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