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Everything posted by Snakebittenn

  1. Sorry this has been sitting for a bit. Please whack me upside the head next time. How do they feel about off-Federation Skrell? How about Dionae and Vaurca? Why did you use 'father' as a descriptor? Are they a Listener or Receiver?
  2. In response tohttps://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/9907 This thread mostly exists to ask the community if it presents a problem or not to have flash-proof sunglasses be just accessible. Arguments I can think of for this: Hardly anyone uses flashes Flashes no longer stun Security has thousands of other tools besides flashes that are way more effective There are readily-accessible means of gaining flash protection anyways The old 'stylish' sunglasses were bloat in some way shape or form Flashbangs would still be reasonably effective Trust in the community for everyone and their mother to not be wearing shades Criminals would way rather have something like thermals or night vision over such a low-tier passive benefit
  3. I would support this if only mechs were not complete garbage. If you just focus fire on their arms, or yknow use the ion rifle. Like even without the ion rifle, if you just shoot two laser rifles (or two carbines) at the mechs arms it just becomes a giant paperweight that can at best flicker a floodlight at you or walk away. Plus mechs still have a shit turn speed and have no real answer to being in melee. I have seen a combat mech be taken down by 3 heisters just slapping it up with telebatons (so long as you don't get infront of it.) Plus heavy mechs have like, only enough battery power to get them maybe down 3 hallways, and that's with a hyper cell. If you're gonna fight with a heavy one it better be right outside the garage. And if you get it back to the garage you better either have 15 uninterrupted minutes of charging, or a spare battery that also took 15 minutes and multiple brown outs to charge. Want to get out of the garage? Best waste your back slot on a quick entry system or not get shot at/stunned while ejecting out to hit the button. Want to get up a z level? Better be okay with having the weak as fuck hover thrusters that will get bricked in like 5 laser shots. Want ion resistance? Better be okay with having only 'ok' armor at best against literally anything else. The only time a mech is even remotely good for combat purposes is if has the TCFL gauss thumper. And even in the case of the OP, where it's a validhunting roboticist, you need either multiple mechs to do anything effective, or at least have a remote chair so your ass doesn't nearly die with the mech or get captured. Pretty much every antag has some kind of answer for a mech besides revs/loyalists or solo traitors. Even then, I'd rather just give them those options. Mechs are a joke and the combat hardsuits robotics can make is an infinitely greater issue. They seem scary but that's about it.
  4. New lore has been added about Scarab family and education. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Scarabs#Family_and_Education
  5. comment under this post when slimegirls are finally a kissable station species so I know when to come back. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doxxmedearly


      Some day................................

    3. Garnascus


      What about snail girls?

    4. Kryostro



      Chin up king, you don't need slime girls to be happy, horny is bad, be stronk.

  6. But, even then, that only covers the surface of all the things you've done in this community in the past. While we've deleted (without archiving) the Thunderdome since the last time you were in the Discord, I can recall many, many, many instances of you being ridiculously offensive towards women, being antisemitic, and generally just being abhorrent. I have about 4~ questions to ask. 1) What's your actual motive for coming back here. 2) Why would you delete your account, say re; the lore diary stuff that you don't even like/want to use Discord anymore, yet try to come back? "Yet I don't really like joining large communities on Discord due to Discord's recent policy changes." What are these changes, even? 3) What do you have to say about your previously, hilariously-offensive behavior, do you ever plan to apologize or make anything right? 4) Do you plan to be courteous to our development staff? You've been nearly the opposite even in recent history towards Myazaki, and you were incredibly unfair to Fowl and others in the past.
  7. Instead, let's go over what *actually* happened that day. You claimed in chat that you're allowed to say the n word. I told you that, of course, you would be banned for it. Instead of being something approaching an adult, you proceeded to argue about it. At some point, as you usually do, you called me retarded for telling you this. Apparently this is a liberal thing, rather than the rules we have, but let's continue. As your meltdown continued, it continued into you actually using the word Alberyk banned you. But, of course, this manages to not be the only instance of this kind of behavior. For instance, it seems you can't keep the word 'sperg' out of your 'lexicon'.
  8. So today we added a gulag below the brig. It has a crystal agitator that generates crystals of various essential chemicals that Medical can use. It's linked to four VR chairs with four remotely-controlled Xion frame IPCs, and prisoners are able to go out and mine these crystals. The Warden also has a remote control overseer robot, and the place is hilariously surrounded by landmines. My suggestion is to have it to where prisoners can get a reduction off their sentence for opting into mining. I'm unsure exactly how the conversion should be between >time spent mining and >time off your sentence, but I'm sure we can work something out. It would make doing anything except alt tabbing out of your cell more attractive, and allow for more corporate hellishness. It could be - Based on time spent mining - You have to spend the entire time mining but you get a fixed reduction - Based on output of your mining work I also have no idea if this should factor into HuT or not.
  9. “When an evil eldritch god is trying to infiltrate your mind and enslave you but you are a waifu nurse that would never hurt her friends so your mind is impenetrable” - MattAtlas It's kind of ridiculous that this is still a thing in a conversion based gamemode. Resisting the conversion rune should only buy you time, not be a perfect (well, nearly, you do get killed at the end) counter to an elder god. The expectation of a secret round should be to play along. barring being suddenly ganked the minute you exit cryo (That's antag bannable). I guarantee the #1 reason for most resists isn't because 'I don't want to submit because RP reasons', it's 'I'm salty so I'm not gonna play ball'. It's very much poor behavior in these cases, and shouldn't be possible anymore.
  10. They still have a huge-ass weakness. Lasers. The strongest frame against lasers still has no resistance to it, they just take human levels of damage. Lasers will handily cripple most frames, especially if you aim at their legs.
  11. Right, so we recently got some on-mob sprites for wristbound computers. I'll leave my criticism simply, using images provided by Memescope. Simply put, they're massive. Extremely massive. They need to be slimmed down a lot, in my opinion. The size also does not play well with jackets. The back sprite, for instance, completely conceals the hand. As well, there's also the issue of the obj sprite's colors. The new ones on the right are very difficult to actually tell apart. For instance, the Security one used to be very distinct and colorful. Less so now. So, in the end, please slim them down and please add some color back.
  12. There's a certain key factor behind why a lot of antag gimmicks simply fall flat, and it's something I don't really hear people talk about. Antags are trapped on the station and their only way out is ending the round. Sure mercs/heisters can leave, but they aren't supposed to really before the 1:30 mark about because they can't be replaced by a different crew. Antags cannot leave the station and be replaced, so often a gimmick doesn't actually have a 'final objective' or whatever. Sure, you got the HoP. Sure, you got that briefcase full of phoron. But what now. Your only options are call a shuttle which ends the entire round, or try to squeeze some juice out of a gimmick where no juice exists. Ninjas for example can't really accomplish anything substantial besides 'kill people' or 'do [x] thing and continue killing people' because they're perpetually stuck in the round. I'd suggest giving each antag some kind of final way to leave the station. Then you get ghosted, your obligation to the round is over, and maybe a new slot is opened in your place, who knows. Edit: There's also the fact that the shuttle leads literally only to your demise at the hands of an admin-spawned Odin Security team. You should be able to hijack those to go somewhere more antaggy.
  13. This should be the case for all kinds of hud-givers tbh.
  14. There will be two CSI kits, and preferably two guns. Especially if the blaster project gets revived. The rest, well, there's no easy answer and you're right that there will be a level of abuse. Here's a WIP (pending feedback) remap of a dual office, lovingly crafted by @Susan
  15. Here we go. I'm proposing we merge CSI and Detective into a single role. This role would be titled 'Investigator', with no alt titles (because Matt said so.) It would have two slots, and one big office. The responsibilities of the Investigators extend to do what both the CSI and the Detective used to do. Find the evidence, interrogate people. The goal in mind is that they split their work between them as partners, so that nobody is overwhelmed. Reasoning: For a long time I've felt like Detective was half of a role. CSI would be half of a role, but nobody really roleplays as being unable to also do the Detective's work if it's called for. The Detective is unable to do the CSI's work, due to lacking the access. They can /only/ interrogate people. I feel like this is what leads to so much validhunting. They're simply starved for something to do. CSI work is pretty high-intensity if you're going through the full process with paperwork and whatnot, so it can keep one busy. Often, too busy for just one person. I feel like putting them back together would be a good thing. Also just maybe we can finally kill off noir as an aesthetic, and unclutter the top level of the brig.
  16. There was, essentially, nothing we could do. I feel like the turning point in decision making was Rasuna being, well. A demigod that can turn into a ghost through means we have never seen before. They were able to phase through multiple reinforced steel bulkheads effortlessly, and ICly I would have no idea how limited this ability is. We had already exhausted ourselves and slowly degraded our bodies over the course of trying over, and over, and over to fight/contain them. There is no reason I would assume either a bullet to the head or soporific would even work for a long amount of time, when they've already demonstrated insane regenerative abilities and had been barely inconvenienced all around. Yonnimer had brought up the anti-augment implant in the ticket log, but. 1) I had no idea that was in there because it's in the left side of the armory, a veritable twilight zone where there's basically everything. 2) It affects /mechanical augments/, it doesn't rewrite genetic code or nullify seemingly supernatural powers. But most importantly as Nienna said we indeed asked them if it was okay, so that we didn't ruin their round. Putting them to sleep for 50 minutes would've definitely ruined it.
  17. I mean it's a cool lighter but that's all it really is. I can't really see the significance it has to the character, the story it tells. It could be substituted with literally any other lighter, the only hook it has is it's from their homeworld.
  18. Hey, sorry for the time this took. Love your application, you clearly have a grasp on what you're doing. I'm excited to see what you do with this whitelist. Approved.
  19. Thanks for your feedback. We've discussed it, taken it into consideration, and we're going to start by cutting down the length of it where possible.
  20. Welcome to the Skrell History rework. After 5 months in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait. This thread, asked of us by our Loremaster and Great Khan Mofo1995, is for any long-form feedback players have to give about it. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_History A staggeringly huge shoutout to MoondancerPony (jade-2562#9602) for their stream of excellent ideas, feedback, patience, grammatical knowledge, and willingness to format this horsepiss with us to be wiki-ready. There's a few key points to go over. For one, Skrell are now a lot less new to humans. From 47 years of contact to 128. Generally, no human alive right now that isn't Kazimir Boytsov has been alive for an age without them. Secondly, we replaced the ceremonial warfare/laser tag lore with bitcoin assassins. Inquire within. We've also renovated the Second and First incidents to be more compelling. We don't want them to be objectively 'Yes, AI is bad.', something the player could point at as an objective authority on 'we must never have this, it will all go bad eventually.' The theme is more "People can take advantage of AI and make them do bad things, it's people that are the issue." Lastly, and most importantly, Glorsh has been renovated from the ground up. We've reigned it in from "incomprehensibly intelligent entity that also randomly imprisoned and killed people on whims formed from pure logic and supposed future vision" to "intelligent AI that uses psionics, social maneuvering, and actual willing followers to achieve its goals." Glorsh no longer randomly exterminated people, and the genophage was mostly unplanned (though, still having around the same impact.) As well, Skrell now have a much different view on synthetics, rather than automatically hating them.
  21. To be fair, we'll never be able to make our server with vision cones in mind if we don't get our foot in the door.
  22. Yeah alright. Appeal denied, then.
  23. What about every other job that lost access?
  24. You need to edit your post to the proper format.
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