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The server is down, we're bored, let's do a quiz.

//Consecutive charges are additional

//For example, if your character were a human with an unusual eye color, you would score 25 and 50 points additively, totalling 75


My character is a...

-Human ............................................................................ 0

-IPC ................................................................................ 50

-Unathi ............................................................................ 100

-Tajaran ........................................................................... 200

-Skrell .............................................................................. -50

-Dionae ............................................................................. -100

If human, my character's skin color is...

-White -............................................................................. 50

-Hispanic or Asian ................................................................ -50

-Black or any other color ........................................................ -75

.........And is female ............................................................ -25

-Albino ...................................................................,......... 300

If non-human (IPCs exempt), my character's skin/fur color is...

-A normal color for his/her species ............................................ 0

-An unusual color ................................................................ 50

-A very rare color/a color I completely made up ............................ 150

If human, my character's hair color is...

-Brown/black/white and over 50 .............................................. 0

-Blonde ............................................................................ 25


.........And is male ............................................................. -50

.........And is female ........................................................... 50

-White and under 50 ............................................................. 50

.........Under 25 ................................................................. 50

-Dyed hair ......................................................................... 100

-Extra complicated hairstyle bonus (twintails, floorlength braid, etc.) ... 100

My character's eye color is...

-Green/brown/an usual color for an alien ..................................... 0

-Blue ................................................................................ 10

-Another color ..................................................................... 25

.........And is human ............................................................. 50

My character's height is...

-More than 1.5 feet under his/her species' average ........................... 25

-Around his/her species' average ................................................ 0

-More than .5 feet above his/her species' average ............................ 25

-More than 1 foot above his/her species' average ............................. 50

My character's age is...

-Under 20 .......................................................................... 50

.........And is not an intern/cadet ............................................. 100

-Between 20 and 29 .............................................................. 50

-Between 30 and 39 .............................................................. 10

-40 and above ..................................................................... 0

-Above 60 .......................................................................... -50

My character complexion would be described as...

-Plain ............................................................................... -20

-Attractive ......................................................................... 25

-Very attractive ................................................................... 50

-Complete stud/bombshell ....................................................... 100

-Old/wrinkled ..................................................................... -50

-Ugly ............................................................................... -100

-Hideous ............................................................................ 50

My character has the following:

-Prosthetic limbs .................................................................. 20 points per limb, 100 for a full set

-Assisted/mechanical organs .................................................... 50

-Tattoos ............................................................................ 10

.........In an inordinate amount ................................................ 10

...............And they are not utterly meaningless .......................... 25

-Missing limbs ..................................................................... 50 point per limb

-A debilitating mental disability ............................................... 50

.........Which does not manifest itself in any visible way .................. 25

.........Which manifests itself in a ridiculous way ........................... 50


.........And is male .............................................................. -10

.........And is female ............................................................ 25


.........Which disfigures him/her

...............Moderately ........................................................ -50

...............Hideously .......................................................... 100

.........But he/she still looks attractive ....................................... 25

-An addiction to cigarettes ..................................................... 25

.........Cigars ..................................................................... 25

-An addiction to alcohol ........................................................ 50

-An addiction to an illegal drug ................................................ 75


Compared to an average worker of his/her age in his/her field, my character is...

-Underqualified ................................................................. -20

-Perfectly average .............................................................. 0

-Overqualified ................................................................... 25

-Grossly overqualified .......................................................... 100

-Grossly underqualified ........................................................ 75

My character...

-Works several departments .................................................. 50

-Has vastly developed skills in an area unrelated to his job .............. 50

.........And is over 40 ......................................................... Void previous charge

-Should not hold the position he/she is currently holding ................. 50

-Has bribed or slept his/her way to his/her position ....................... 100

-Is still working on the station despite getting in trouble with the law .. 50

.........Getting in trouble with the law repeatedly ........................ 100

-Is actually an undercover agent for another organization ................ 300


My character...

-Has slept with somebody from his/her workplace ......................... 25

.........slept with more than three people from his/her workplace ...... 100

-Is a female in a lesbian relationship .......................................... 100

.........and was not originally written as a lesbian .......................... 500

-Has had a relationship with a member of another species .................. 50

.........With a cyborg/station AI ............................................... 250

-Has broken station rules to help a friend ..................................... 50

-Has been used for ERP .......................................................... 200

My character's financial status can be described as...

-Excessively poor ................................................................. 25

-Poor ............................................................................... -25

-Middle class ...................................................................... 0

-Rich ............................................................................... 50

-Elite/plutocrat/child of a CEO ................................................. 150


My character...

-Does not conform to the general tropes that define his/her species ...... 50

.........And has been exiled as a result ....................................... 200

-Has killed a person before ..................................................... 50

.........Intentionally ............................................................ 100

.........Kills people for a living ................................................ 200

-Has an accent/unique speech patterns ....................................... 50

-Is secretly a cyborg/escaped lab experiment ................................ 300

-My character's family died due to unusual circumstances .................. 50 point per relative, up to 200


Less than 0: Cheated, please retake test

0 - 250 : Not a snowflake

250 - 500 : Semi-snowflakey

500 - 750 : Snowflake

750 - 1000 : Dangerously snowflakey

1000 + : Oh shit nigga what are you doing


Have fun, and post your results here!

Edited by Guest
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Roy Wyatt is around 610! Although, I don't see why normal human skin tones are a deciding factor in this chart.


Fortune wouldnt have been under 'nigga what are you doing list' if she hadn't had sex with other female... A whooping 1160 points! TEN POINTS FOR GRYPHINDOR!

Fortune wouldnt have been under 'nigga what are you doing list' if she hadn't had sex with other female... A whooping 1160 points! TEN POINTS FOR GRYPHINDOR!

Well hey, you've still got Melody's high score of 1505 to beat.


Vira De Santos, 445.

I'll admit I did use them for ERP at one point, though not on-server.



Got 80? I'd assume this would be higher considering most of the stuff was void. He's an IPC y'know. Jeez.


Lessee here.

Darwin Jove, the first character I made specifically for this server: -50. No cheating. He's just an ordinary cop who signed on with Nanotrasen. It'd be lower, but he's heavily tatted (albeit on his back, where it's not usually visible) due to some background stuff I came up with off the top of my head involving interaction with some of the gangs on Titan.

Alan Noir, my standby dude that I tend to drag up on every server: -35. Again, no cheating. He's an old, wrinkled bastard who gets most of his pay docked due to his medical costs being so high. It'd be lower, because I don't think a dude pushing seventy and with chronic drinking and smoking issues having a mechanically-assisted heart should be worth snowflake points, but whatever.

Edvin Telephosphor, my main character over on Baystation: -10. And again, no cheating, though I'm not sure how to address his skills-required-for-the-job bit, since he's essentially just a lawyer who got roped into Security command because of events on Bay repeatedly turning out with him being de facto Commander even if he didn't want to be, simply because he keeps his head in a crisis. So he's great at talking things out without violence and in keeping the paperwork done, making sure everyone gets the appropriate sentencing, et cetera, but he's godawful at actually robusting dudes. Not really sure how that works out for a Head of Security.

...I must play really boring people.


Active Characters:

Robert Carver (30/Security): 375


Fun Fact: 150 points entirely due to prosthetic bits.

Konrad Carver (47/Engineer): 215


Fun Fact: This character has the least personality out of all of them.

Peter Carver (40/Surgeon): 255


Fun Fact: Prosthetic score was 90, if the character hadn't had retinal overlays surgically implanted to correct visual disabilities, score would lower by 60 due to glasses, making him the plainest character on paper.

Jack Carver (43/Mercenary): 365


Apparently being tall as fuk results in 50 points less, is that correct? Otherwise this would be 415, or possibly 465 if the - was a typo.

Fun Fact: Prosthetic score was 50. This character was designed as a caricature/stereotype of a strong leader, and his score reflects that.

Fun Fact: Every single character here has white skin, brown hair, and blue eyes, being brothers. All except Jack have plain features, Jack having 'attractive' features. All except Konrad have some form of mechanical augmentation. All except Jack average .5 feet above the supposed 'average size' of a manlet human, being 6'4"/6'3" generally, Jack is 6'10". Their line of work as a frontier-born mercenary family has netted them all 100 extra points.


Discontinued Character(s) from other servers:

Alfred Preston (58/Naval Captain): 265

Dutiful and alert, he instilled loyalty and productivity via constant drilling and departmental checks and balances.

Fun Fact: Pacemaker adds 50 here, as well as another 50 due to the typical wealth of a Captain. An otherwise generic character I made for captaining on other servers.

My character's age is...

-Under 20 .......................................................................... 50

.........And is not an intern/cadet ............................................. 100

-Between 20 and 30 .............................................................. 50

-Between 30 and 40 .............................................................. 10

-40 and above ..................................................................... 0

-Above 60 .......................................................................... -50

But, what if they're 30. I just went with the 'Between 30 and 40' since technically you're only 'exactly' at 30 years old in your life for a single moment, but, clarification would be nice.

I also question how being white is 'snowflakey', it'd make more sense as 0 considering the very plausible chance of it being the 'average' for a character's ancestral background/genetic heritage, same with blue eyes and (natural) blonde hair, really.


Fai 990, Well fuck. (relationships)

Lizz 205, still new and rarely played.

Bluespace Cat 1450, What did you expect, also if BSC was allowed to be played as a legit character and bothered with relationships, even one, she would beat Melody.


And why aren't Alcoholism and Chain-smoking classified as snowflake traits (With bonuses for Security characters) so I can stack up my scores even higher?


This is amusing. Let's give it a try...

Kay Lee - Either 55 or 105. Depends on if you consider slight mental retardation a "debilitating mental disability" or not.

Crop Circles Drawn in Dust - A sweet 55. Less cock meat to gather, okay? "Let's cook meat together, okay?" Because translations are sometimes needed. And if you actually looked to see what was typed here, you deserve it.

Flames Licking Wooden Tile - ... -150. Yes. MINUS. What the fuck. I need to add "Killing a person intentionally" to his backstory just to break even.

Silent Bee Crushed in Hand - Heh. -40 here. I thought it would be higher. But I guess these questions don't really mean much for Dionaea or IPCs. They're supposed to be strange, I guess.

Could do the other trees. Nah.

Fun fact: All of my characters have unique speech patterns. +++++50


Jillian Fleming comes in at either 115 or 265, depending on if you consider the "has killed someone, intentionally", given her work as sec and prior military work (PFC, people. Not an NCO or anything)

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