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Everything posted by Pratepresidenten

  1. Seems to be a pretty good lad to have in science. Friendly, does his job well and actually bugs departments to see if they want upgraded tools n' shit. Not a lot of negative to mention, perhaps just that they tend to bunker down a bit hard with barricades and weapons without checking in with the active RD (Should there be one) when shit hits the fan. In any case, not something that should drag down anything on the app, just a note. Plus one positivity note for your application my man o/
  2. I think a huge issue with hostage situations is that someone can just chuck a flashbang into the room because "loldisruption gg" and the situation is defused as the hostage taker is gunned down, while the hostage has little to no injuries. The immediate threat of instant execution would indeed allow for more realistic hostage RP. I do like the suggestion of having a timer needed for executions to be instant, but I would like it to be atleast 10-15 seconds long. A hostage situation should be a long timed event, not just something hastily done. I would ALSO like to suggest headgibbing regardless of weaponry, making the hostage uncloneable, as the mindset of ISD is basically, take down the hostage taker, because we can just clone the hostage, while the perp gets to be slapped on a morgue tray. This would allow for a rushed hostage situation to have ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES. Just my two cents anyway.
  3. You need to weld a bolted door shut to be able to crowbar the electronics out once its busted. Unlikely you'd have a welder in solitary. But it would be nice to have the armblades as a default crowbar for non-bolted doors, yes.
  4. This would definately make me go "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" +1 for horror
  5. Yes, seeing SoP covers a whole lot in the various departments. Take the baystation SOP for example: https://wiki.baystation12.net/Code_Blue#Code_Blue_-_Suspected_Threat
  6. SOP sorely needs to be fleshed out. It is currently non-existant, if you dont take into account the little scrap thats posted on the Captain's page. There is a lot of confusion what is, and what is not allowed and mandatory during the different alerts. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Standard_Operating_Procedure Will update this post should I come across more.
  7. I approve of this suggestion, mostly because Ive been forgetting to post it as a suggestion. An urn for handling ashes is most definately needed!
  8. What can I say, she's a caring, curious little angel. Bless her young, un-crushed heart <3
  9. There's already non-(Boring)toxins overdoses implemented with newmap. For muh medical immershn!
  10. As newmap is soonTM to be released, it would be nice to get a type of GPS module installed into our dependable stationbounds. Either as an universal tool for them all, or limited to the miner/rescue/medical(?) modules. Im leaning a little more towards all modules for two reasons: 1) All modules can zoom into space and rescue some poor sod that fell down a hole. 2) It allows you to track down rogue/broken borgs with a litle more ease.
  11. Frostbite is serious business and will kill you if left untreated. Just put some winter clothes on before venturing into the freezer.
  12. I cant say that Ive really had any pleasant encounters with you in an icly or oocly setting. I would suggest that you improve your conduct some before applying for a whitelist.
  13. Right then, seeing Im pretty much directly responsible for this situation to even be present. I did camp out at the surface level to do my Darwinism experiments, and I ended up at a count of 8, possibly more as I left to check a fire. I was locked down shortly after and hauled off to science, where Charlie Reader took over. They hauled me around, trying to unlock and repair me, but there wasnt much to be done seeing the roboticist had died. I kept PDAing the Captain and HoS, aswell as talking to the AI in an attempt to convince them to unlock me to help. I did notice that the AI did crash quite a lot of times, so your order to have me unlocked might have fallen on deaf ears, as I never recieved a single unlock. After being hauled around for some time, I tell Charlie Reader to back away because Im going to ask to be self-destructed, and I did ask, an you declined my request after I had asked a second time. So I started stearing the conversation hard towards the vault and what would be inside it. Although this is grounds for immediate scrapping, I kinda expected you to interrupt me over comms, telling me to shut it or whatever, but my story went on without interruption, and as I said the vault had a nuke in it, the self-destruct message popped. I explode, the scientist got caught in the blast, taking a shitton of shrapnel and getting their hand crushed. Right after said detonation, RNG paid a visit and killed power to the entire station, making communications and rescue difficult, which was just really unfortunate for all parties. Although it was somewhat of a difficult choice, I would have settled with being dragged somewhere safe and detonated, or even being shot to death. Although I antagonized you pretty damn hard, I feel the situation could have been handled a little better.
  14. As of now, dislocating someone's jaw is basically useless. It doesnt give any messages when you talk, and its basically just a redtext on inspection. So Im suggesting something be implemented to actually show the fact that your jaw is indeed fucked up. For example it could slur your speech when you talk, similar to when you're drunk, and perhaps give you a few big, red pain messages whenever you talk. The point of dislocating someone's jaw would be to prevent or impair their ability to talk. Would be great to have something to reflect this.
  15. I can remember the first few times I saw you in medical, chucklefucking around with your friend (Whos name I cant recall), hiding yourselves in body bags on the front desk table, labling bodybags with Sovno's name on it and putting it outside the CMO's door, being an absolute fuckwit I had to suspend on several occations. But.. That being past, I have to say you've really made something of yourself in medical. A stable, reliable member of the team that knows what you're doing. Gonna hit you up with a +1 my man, because to be honest, I think you've earned a shot at command.
  16. I feel that FOUR shaft miners is way too much, kinda hard enough already with like two or even three fighting over resources for points. Also, there REALLY should be some cryopods on the main level, either one or two in each department, or readily available ones somewhere in the central primary hallway. Mostly because people just log off in the departments and hallways and having to call someone to take them a mile out of their way to stuff them in cryo to free up a slot is just awful D:
  17. Reporting Personnel: Anabelle Sovno. Rank of Reporting Personnel: Captain. Game ID: bO7-cSBV Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - David White. Security Officer: Offender. - Hannibal Reise, Security Officer: Victim. - Preston Beedell, Psychiatrist: Witness. - James Crossman, Chief Medical Officer: Witness. - Jesse Armstrong, Detective: Other. - Julian McCoy, Janitor: Other. Time of Incident: Real time: ~10:10 UTC+01:00 Location of Incident: Medical, port primary hallway. Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard [X]Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: After a rather traumatic explosion in the port primary hallway, Officer Reise was brought into medical, DOA. They were promptly cloned to maximize the chance of success and proper procedure was followed. Unfortunately.. The officer didnt seem to be able to handle the fact that he had been cloned and he was put into psyhiatric care after he tried shooting himself. After having to intervene in an assault towards Dr. Beedell from the victim, he was promptly restrained and taken to another room for further assessment and treatment. I was needed elsewhere so I left the patient in the psychiatrist's care. But shortly after I got messages of distress on my PDA and concerned screams over the medical frequency that an officer had freed Mr. Reise from his restraints and the victim ran from medical, towards the portside of the station where the breach was located. He was captured shortly after by detective Armstrong and detained pending relocation to medical. I was informed he had attempted to hang himself in arrivals before his capture. As we were waiting for a rollerbed for the patient, he managed to slip his cuffs and he ran right back into the breach, depressurizing the hallway and taking myself, McCoy and Dr. Beedell with him as we were sucked into the breach as he dove into the spaced hallway. I was able to get a voidsuit and pull him from space before he died, but upon treatment he seemed to be in a catatonic state, and I am unsure if he will ever recover from the repeated trauma that he subjected himself to in his distressed state. I was informed shortly after by the Chief Medical Officer that it was infact David White that was the officer that had freed Mr. Reise. When questioned why he did so, he simply said that "I just wanted to get him back". Not a sound reason to pull a highly unstable individual from their caretaker. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: No IAA was present at the time. Actions taken: I ordered the detainment of officer White, but security was non-compliant. Seems they were more eager to get back home than to follow proper procedures. Additional notes:
  18. So, this suggestion has been up in a huge clusterfuck of a thread for some time now, so I figured I'd put the singular suggestion in a separate thread. It would be great if an alternate eyepatch could be put in for the other eye. Dont particularly need fancy new ones, just the inverse eyepatch. Unless someone else has suggestions for eyepatches. Fabric and color perhaps?
  19. If you're not going to make a serious appeal, Im not going to take you seriously either. Locking and archiving.
  20. As far as borgs go, they cannot grab the suspect in any way or form, so a compromize here would be to have the guy on the floor, either by will, or by force.
  21. Having played one round with the three second delay on the hypo, I just have to say, please, for the love of everything that is holy, just remove soporific and give back the instant hypo. I dont even care about a replacement drug at this point. The three second delay is so bad its literally killing my drive to play medical.
  22. Having seen this model in work ingame, and knowing Sleepy's way of roleplaying, I have to say this would be an ugly, yet very welcome sprite to have around. The basic android is a nice touch accompanying the chassis.
  23. The only real experience Ive had with your character wasnt exactly a pleasant one. Having to run near constant damage control because you went to great lengths to circumvent the chain of command, ignore their orders and even pulling a gun on them to secure valids wasnt exactly fun for anyone. Your responsibility as a head of staff is to drive the round, not shut it down the first chance you get. As a Head of Security, you have a huge arsenal at your disposal and a department dedicated to follow your every (rational) command. Im sure you're a good officer, but until Ive seen more of your playstyle and such, I dont think you would be a good fit as a head of staff. -1 from me for now.
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