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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. i stand corrected then
  2. imagine not knowing what a "heart restart" refers to we literally do not need cloning anymore, it is redundant if not an inferior choice to the other options of resuscitation. norepinephrine is our way out of depending on cloning for gameplay. yeah characters can be permanently put out of the round but this is not something anyone hasn't experienced before ever since the changes that added mental traumas to cloning.
  3. It was Geeves that initially told me about this.
  4. If heart restarts are already a thing we don't really need anything else, I think we are good to go to remove cloning.
  5. TEN THOUSAND YEARS yes please speedmerge this
  6. The mechanic/oversight still exists that makes any movement input have you resist out of any grab attempt. Each of the WASD keys corresponds to their own independent resist timer, meaning you can faceroll WASD and break out of all kinds of grabs, eventually. There's another issue where you can map "Resist" to several macros and replicate the same effect since there isn't a unified Resist cooldown. I do not suggest merging this PR while the above issues are still making grabs essentially irrelevant as combat options during gameplay.
  7. oh lmao I made/edited those audio clips while having my sound down. I'll clean it up again I guess so it doesn't blow out your headphones.
  8. lowbreath1.ogg lowbreath2.ogg lowbreath3.ogg lowbreath4.ogg lowbreath5.ogg lowbreath6.ogg lowbreathlongsplice.ogg
  9. I mean, the IC loop to jump through is just one. The cloning facilities get compartmentalized into a singular facility on the Odin that specializes, instead. It's not difficult to fathom that different company facilities have different goals in mind, and redundancies/weak subsystems get ripped out to be relocated elsewhere.
  10. I'd be totally fine with cloning being removed considering the difficulty of death in brainmed.
  11. Fallacious assumption, as you actually cannot know that.
  12. It's not impossible to do, it's just hacky and pointless to do. In practice, if it were a requirement that people have certain jobs turned on in addition to the antag type being enabled, it would mean the game mode would fail to load and another game mode would get rolled instead, thereby increasing the likelihood that there will not be mercenary rounds loaded in as the game mode at all. You should have basic knowledge of every department in the first place before you tick on mercenary for the first time, or you will not know how to survive basic threats as an external station antag.
  13. Gonna have to agree with other reasons stated here, which mostly pertain to officers having investigator-level knowledge instead of being entry level boots/grunts. Curtail sec officer job hopping pls.
  14. Good day. Cyberballing happens here. Yesterday there was an armed conflict with the player. I think that I have been unfairly charged and have already appealed him on the forum. Today, I calmly play, I play my role qualitatively, but this little child, having felt his impunity and that the administrators support him (why?) now I’m preventing me from playing normally without any RP. He just going to req, point to me and spam laughs. Before that, he threw a fire extinguisher at me. Just withou any reason. Seriously? Is just already seriously amorally. I just can't play anymore. Give him a ban finally please.

  15. I have some misgivings about headshots in general and how they're way too easy to pull off for extreme amounts of reward. There's very little accuracy penalty for headshots, it seems, and a single bullet is enough to blind you for the rest of the fight and basically end it for you. You're gimping yourself if you don't aim for the head. @Electric Kitty can probably testify to this. A bullet somehow pierced their combat hardsuit helmet and instantly blinded them, opening them up to additional burst-fire assault rifle attacks to the head and pushing them further to the brain death threshold. They were pretty much dead just by a single bullet, despite the armor that was supposed to protect them. The fact you can aim for the head in every single altercation and get better payoff than anyone else is a serious balance and roleplay problem.
  16. I should probably have boldened "if" in regards to dev sassiness or sassiness towards said devs. I don't know the full situation.
  17. I was present for this round in particular as the HOS. In short the mercenaries for this round directly involved the station by enslaving miners + Bar Shaleez, Burger's engineering lizard. Said mercs weren't really open for negotiation and flat out told me "hell no" in response to whether they wanted to negotiate for the hostages that they considered slaves. At this point we we were sitting at 20-30 minutes of a stupid standoff where nothing productive was happening, so I decided a risky rescue was the best choice we had. We lost an officer to this endeavor through bad luck and brainmed, and I nearly died to bleedout, but we still chewed up the mercenary team on two fronts and freed 75% of the slaves except Shaleez. We didn't know the suicide bomb attempt was even going to happen nor did we even predict this was going to happen. It still panned out relatively well, as our goal of freeing the hostages/slaves was still met, apart from Shaleez whose situation I still don't fully understand how it happened when there was a security team meant to choke the entrance to cargo. Objectively speaking, the mercenaries that round put more effort into being violent dicks, rather than actually contributing something roleplay-worthy to the round. They were compelling antagonists as far as /tg/'s definition might go for a standard SS13 round, but they were not compelling antagonists by a heavy roleplay definition. I don't think Burger being pissed about that round is unjustified. I do think just as much context needs to be established for the rest of the screenshots in here, for fairness' sake. There's probably not a good reason for Burger to be sassy towards the devs if he's made a habit of slighting them. He's a fine RPer nonetheless, though there is OOC attitude stuff that is simply intrinsic to him as far as 'Burger' goes.
  18. +1. Real life has a tendency to force people to do things they don't really want to, but it's important to make time for them nonetheless. If it's all squared away at this point they should be back on board.
  19. epic
  20. yes. if you enable global maint access to a button, it gives sec and all antags in the round ability to wander maintenance to essentially try to entrap and ambush each other. in general a good idea, not just for maint access, not sure why people hated the idea when i suggested it before becomes unnecessary if you employ 1 and 2. and imo it isn't needed.
  21. I don't really care for this suggestion, I don't think character creation should take more than 10 minutes for a newfriend. "You must be this verbose to enter this HRP server" seems really insidious of a requirement.
  22. Over-reacting, Mog. Anyway, https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/7520 counter-proposal is up. I'll patiently wait for the 30 day revert period.
  23. no one could have predicted this would be a bad change. absolutely no one.
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