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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. >its a sword >its a shield >its everything you could possibly want >its only usable during its ultimate ability smh respawn why couldnt you make the ronin good
  2. The Ronin from Titanfall 2 WAS cool but it was objectively the worst Titan in the game balance-wise. I don't necessarily think it's "unbelievable" either that certain factions would fix mech-sized swords onto mechs, but I do not think it should be produceable from NanoTrasen fabricators as their combat doctrine is far different than that of what the Hegemony might do for combat mechs. If combat mechs are even considered inoffensive technology to use in the Hegemony for that matter. Mech Shields would be interesting but I think it should be energy-based or bust, really.
  3. Stand by for Titanfall.
  4. Alternatively can make bullets have similar chance to pass through conscious, resting mobs anyway.
  5. I appreciate all the work you do, Alberyk. I'm so grateful for your work and everything you bring into it. I just wish you could be here to see what we've done with our career and who we are. I hope you all have a great trip and a wonderful year!-Vincent the Tortoise "Which is just what you were after when you founded V7 Action Sports... to provide for the satisfaction of those who purchase our products. It's not my decision, it's yours. I'll do all I can to keep you from ending up lost or worse because of your ineptitude." - David Carver II. V7 Mag.
  6. I don't think the vent scrubbing event should shoot polyacid. Polyacid can irreversibly destroy certain items from the round, and chemsmoke code is so old that it can go through walls if you're within the rough proximity of the cloud that's visually in another room.
  7. stop sending me copies of Atlas Shrugged I don't care for Ayn Rand ffs

    1. BoryaTheSlayer
    2. Cnaym


      Why not? You older than 16 now or what? :P

  8. this is correct
  9. Local beestation man sent to gay baby jail

  11. +1. Nienna is a very responsible individual and a solid, good-intentioned roleplayer that generally stands out from the crowd.
  12. out of scope of the suggestion
  13. Credits are mechanically useless (apart from buying guns) because the round-by-round economy resets and there's a general constant availability and price range of goods on a round-by-round basis. It means little in the grand scope of things, but reducing the cost of credits would make credits no more or less mechanically useless, they just are useless as they stand. Considering the inordinate amount of effort required to make internally consistent pricing, I'd rather that gameplay prices be balanced according to gameplay ease, as I don't think persistent economy is coming anytime soon, and we shouldn't model pricing after a persistent economy when one doesn't actually exist from gameplay terms.
  14. Diamond rings cost a lot due to the amount of work (and tools) required to cut diamonds and fit them into jewelry. You're not paying just for the diamond, you're paying for the diamond cutting process, the ring acquisition that'll actually fit the gem, as well as ensuring the ring is composed of robust enough metals to not fall apart upon fitting onto your finger. And then jewelers have to make a profit so that they can spend money later on to expand their business and ensure they can reach more customers. Yeah, rings are not cheap, but consider what they actually cost to make a single engagement ring. I can roll on down to the gas station right now to get some raw tobacco right now to roll my own budget cigs, and the cost is only slightly less than the actual cigarettes themselves. I'm not a smoker anymore, though - There's a huge difference in expenses between diamond rings and cigs.
  15. peleng when??? I mean it'd be nice if Peleng or an antag race was put into the game, not expecting it though. I found that Vox was only particularly offensive because it's from Bay (not a slight against Bay specifically, it just isn't our own thing) and the only thing that Vox had in our own lore was the Inviolate from Bay. I admit that I turned off heist on all my characters after Vox got removed as I would only play Vox when I got heist, as I think I played it to a degree that people found it enjoyable. Naelynn was the same way, but why keep a species only 2 people play regularly or play well? With nobody on staff who wanted to change it, it pretty much stood around for awhile as an abandoned gameplay feature, so while I'm only a tiny bit salty that it's gone, I still agree with the reasons why it was pitched out of a window.
  16. Don't really care what off-base drama is going on, cigs shouldn't cost half/a third of an assistant's account for gameplay reasons.
  17. shark teeth are cute. just ask nick volvalaad
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