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Everything posted by Scheveningen
To clarify, US Army "pink-and-greens" are the WW2 era color scheme, recently permitted for wear last Veteran's Day.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Av91icicNn_F5wlpsBIlqvTA_T4qvyBRHeIYwwD0NMM/edit?usp=sharing I'm presently chipping in to provide spritework for the antagonist rework 2.0 project. The major struggle at the moment is core concept ideas for firearms or tools that fit with the various factions without just making generic guns with cool aesthetics. But that's something for coders to worry about. Right now, there's sparseness in the antagonist rework document. In order of priority, I need ideas for firearms/tools for the various factions, complemented with their typical aesthetic/intended functionality. I generally work better with concepts already in mind suggested by others so I don't have to go rip off other franchises instead. Empire of Dominia: Imperial, dictatorial-fascist aesthetic. Scary or imposing-looking weapons, something shock troopers would rely on to strike fear into their opponents. Equipment reliant on dominance tactics, their empire still not shaking off the implication of slavery impacting their society. Sol Alliance: US army-esque pink and green color scheme. Weapons are probably high firepower. Heavy emphasis on survival gear additions. Serene Republic of Elyra: Brown, mauve, yellow, dark orange color scheme. Weapons are likely tuned to be effective against Vaurcae in some way. Similar to the SA, survival gear is preferable, as they're a former Alliance colony with similar military doctrine. Eridani Corporate Federation: Blue, green, white, cobalt greys and blue-greens. Heavy emphasis on cybernetics, specialized smart technology. High reliance on information technology to streamline combat in their favor. The Frontier Alliance presently is being worked on by kyres as it is their baby. I don't think he needs additional ideas for it right now as it is the most finished concept in the proposed rework document. It is not wrong to suggest basic premise weapons from other video games, I will adapt them to be less obvious.
There's no romance subplot, I promise. Have you ever played Starbound? It's Terraria-lite except you can explore other planets and just the entire universe in general. If you haven't played it, it's fifteen bucks and the vanilla game is well worth that price alone. https://store.steampowered.com/app/211820/Starbound/ The vanilla game doesn't hold a candle to Terraria's end game, but the Frackin' Universe modpack exists to remedy this problem. This adds hundreds if not thousands of features. But this still presents an issue that the game ends up being played alone if you don't have any friends with a common interest in this game and matching modpacks... ...of course, that's where we come in! Hosted by @MoondancerPony and co-adminned by me (I actually didn't ask for this but I guess I'm going with it), our goals are pretty simple: do and create whatever you want on a multiplayer Starbound server... roughly affiliated with Aurorastation's community but about as related as a third cousin twice removed. Keep in mind we will be running the Frackin' Universe mod, which is a massive mod and a ONE-WAY-TRIP DOWNLOAD. If you have characters that exist prior to this download, it is suggested you leave them behind or back them up properly. It is otherwise suggested you start progress and a new character from scratch on a Frackin' Universe save, because the framework of the megamod changes so much that uninstalling it will break any of your Frackin' Universe-made characters. There is a very expansive list of details on what Frackin' Universe adds/changes directly on its mod page and on the Frackin' Universe wiki. It's required you run FU and all the other mods that will be in the server modpack when you join. The download may make some time when you go to the Steam Workshop page. It is suggested you subscribe there, as this mod is actively developed and updated. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=729480149 The modpack will also list the smaller mods and what their function is. It is not quite prepared yet but this is just an initial broadcast to gauge interest and bring in would-be players. There's another catch besides the fact Frackin' Universe is a huge mod to download and that if your saves aren't initially clean, things can break when making the transition over and you may be required to delete your Starbound documents in order to play with us. If this happens and you suspect you need to do a clean wipe, do it. Your progress can always be regained and any constructed stuff on the server remains. There are also some simple ground rules but they are not needlessly complex as we haven't discussed whether it should be a roleplay-centric Starbound server. It is suggested you still make characters as characters with reasonably fathomable in-character names. Starbound is fairly goofy and open to interpretation nonetheless, so a Glitch (sentient robot character) being named "Sir Bolts" is completely valid. ROOLS: - Don't be a dick. Any discriminatory -ism problem creator will be tossed out, bullying and unwanted teasing will be cracked down on. We're here to have fun in playing a game, not fight each other. - Don't grief. Please try to ask for permission before moving renovations, buildings or existing terrain that is clearly claimed by other players, do not steal resources, workbenches, armor or weapons from other players without initially asking first. - Exploiting the game mechanics (reasonably, of course) in order to progress is fine but please do not bring in items that you cheated in from single-player mode. We still want to maintain the spirit of Frackin' Universe's difficult and prolonged progression system so that it means more to have attained the end-game. Those are the three ROOLS for now, there's not really much else. Anyway, that's enough rambling. If you have further server-related questions, feel free to join our discord ( https://discord.gg/MAy8QAG ) to ask. I'll try to update this post with FAQ if this gets a lot of attention either from the forum or the discord server.
I love this as an idea, as it was initially pitched in DMs. I want nothing more than the common radio to be squelched. Let people be goofy in-character and actually interact with one another in physical proximity and roleplay interactions will be far better. This does create the inadvertent problem where antags can prey on people without bounce radios but I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. Also it removes low-effort comms heckling entirely. Is good idea.
That's fine. I just believe the ship classes should be ordered in a sense that their purpose reflects their name but they maintain themselves as standardized ways to designate ship classes regardless of how backward or advanced technology is. Technology may constantly develop but the space-naval vocabulary should remain relatively static barring new additions of ship classes. My issue with the Cataclysm-class vessels is that they seem to possess the role of "command ship" in that a Fleet Admiral is always at the helm of one of them, but rather than being designed to ensure the longevity and constant scariness of the craft for hundreds of years to come, it has a very specific quirk to its functionality that may actively endanger it if executed at the wrong time, which would set the Hegemony back billions if not trillions of credits. Military doctrine has to come second behind practical ship designs. Even longer explanation in spoiler below to prevent the forum page from being too long: Tl;dr, the Cataclysm as-is is a bit of a weak vehicle for story-telling because certain elements intrinsic to trying to make itself seem cool and interesting, but end up downplaying itself due to how flawed the reasoning is for its own traits existing the way it is. It's a dangerous one-trick pony manuever on a nearly priceless command ship. I dislike the idea that the Hegemony cares so little for casualties on their side so long as they creamed at least one ship with its ramming manuever. They're not even 'behind' humanity on the technological level, they're just as advanced. But this is just a singular example of why their critical thinking is flawed when it really should not be, as it portrays them as more foolish than they should be. It puts them in the awkward trope where they're only playing at war and don't fully understand it, despite that their historical precedent shows that they should know it just as well as humanity does. Some of this should be trimmed back so that the Hegemony has an image of being competent and a potential threat to the rest of the galaxy. And they should have good reasons for that, so that anytime they're mentioned they aren't treated as a joke and their presence is genuinely taken seriously.
There's a few issues with the Ships and Stations page, largely pertaining to consistency and what's grounded in reality for the Military Vessels section. This is the present sorting: If anyone reading this is already familiar with present-day naval terminology and the tactical purposes of certain vessels compared to others, you may already see an issue or two. However, as we go up from down, it stands to reason that ships should get less manueverable but are equipped with more forward firepower or have heavier utilitarian usage to a fleet. I will list instead where I think each ship of their class should be. Corvettes: Completely fine where they are. The size is reasonable. They serve as support for smaller ships and generally aren't intended for anything more than light combat and deterrence, otherwise they simply don't survive. Some corvettes can be rigged to sport point-defense to screen against swarmed fighter/drone sequences well enough to be necessary when military intelligence indicates enemy carrier ships will be in play for upcoming battles. Cruisers: This is kind of really tricky because in real life, Cruisers are easily the most adaptable, diverse and absolutely weird ship classes known to man. In other media outlets, it's just as confusing. In my personal belief in this matter, however, if one is gonna make room for hardware diversity in one avenue, it'll pretty much find itself happening elsewhere in other starship classes, including frigates. As we go down the list they will become less and less versatile in what I think should be implemented, however. Cruisers should be as their namesake is, everyday patrol squad-type ships. They cruise in your local neighborhood. Not much else they can or should do, but they're cute gunboats that can be equipped with a wide variety of weapons and tools to get the job done, and they should generally crush corvettes in 1 to 1 subspace altercation settings. They won't be capable of bombardment but they are passable at ship to ship combat, but their uses run thin against heavier-class vessels. Frigates: It's way too high up the list. Frigates in the naval modern-day are generally responsible for supporting larger ships, but if we might take a page out of Star Wars for the sake of relating one sci-fantasy setting to another, the Victory-class Star Destroyers were not actually Star Destroyers in their class, but rather they were supportive firepower frigates designed to stay further behind the capital ships in formation. Their role was to screen against incoming corvettes, cruisers and also other frigates while the larger capital ships focused their fire on more pressing targets such as other capital ships of the same class or intensifying firepower against an even bigger target. They aren't at the same tier as Destroyers who have better firepower, armor, greater size but far less manueverability. Frigates should be below Destroyers in class, but above Corvettes and Cruisers. Frigates are capable of bombardment and fielding fighter/drone squadrons of their own but they are not carriers. Destroyers: The big badass ships you most commonly see in military fleets that aren't per se the capital ships. They're the bread and butter of any fleet, because Destroyers do what pulse destroyers do: destroy. Well, sort of. Destroyers should be a little more multipurpose than that, being also command ships to relay orders from down the chain of the main commander of any fleet which is usually the captain/admiral of a battleship in a typical Alliance fleet. Destroyers' general prioritization of targets are vessels of equal or lower class, in that order, as it's only sensible that destroyers try to destroy other destroyers first so that those destroyers can't destroy their ships! It's proactive preventative measures, trust me, it makes sense if you say that in your head a few times. Destroyers can't take threats alone however and need Frigate and Cruiser support to stand up well against conventional threats in times of war, as they're incredibly susceptible to swarm fighter/drone tactics deployed by carrier. Destroyers are capable of bombardment and fielding fighter/drone squadrons of their own but they are not carriers. Battleships: Who called in the fleet? Battlecruisers as per their description are fine. Their roles are pretty obvious, hit similar targets as to what Destroyers are supposed to be doing, but they simply do it better because they're beefier and hold more guns. The unique bit to battlecruisers is that they should be completely incapable of fielding fighter/drone squads, as they should have roughly 4x the armor and firepower of a single destroyer to substitute for not having on-hand fighter support. While this makes them a high-priority target, it also makes them intensely lethal if any ship of lesser class is foolish enough to engage it on 'equal' terms. They are absolutely nasty in regards to orbital bombardment, certain Alliance battleships being rumored to use plasma-beam bombardment to completely decimate ground opposition. Merely rumors, of course, Interstellar War propaganda by the Coalition. There's no basis to the rumor that Alliance Naval dudes like to cook innocent colonists like chicken. Carriers: Self-explanatory. It's okay. I like they have different roles outlined. It makes them more complex than just "duhhhh I carry starfighters and this is all I do, oh my god". Dreadnoughts: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I really think this should be renamed to "Dreadnought" because "Super-Dreadnought" is kind of silly if no regular "Dreadnought" class exists. It's needlessly tacking on such a name and it ends up being a mockery of its itself rather than cheekily lampshading how Star Wars gets really ridiculous with classifying their ships. A minor tangent about the Cataclysms, because this is somehow relevant to ships; Yeah, why are extremely expensive vessels that have incredibly high mass, low manueverability and incredibly high upkeep costs somehow outfitted to engage in extremely dangerous tactics such as attempting to ram into another ships while in sublight speed? If we also see how telescience and bluespace teleportation works in general, we'd notice how directly 'jaunting' into anything through bluespace completely obliterates both the thing being jumped into as well as the thing that tried jumping into the object. Explosively. No defense against it, because bluespace to this day is still not fully understood, not even by the Unathi. Even in regards to sublight speed... well, I am not going to get into exact mathematical specifics because I'm pretty sure something that weighs thousands of tons requires so much investment in afterburners and power supply conduits to truly be worth it, meaning the Cataclysms sacrifice far more important values such as hangar bay space, hundreds if not thousands of potential laser/railgun batteries (kindly granted to them by their Vaurcae allies), and a lot of armor to protect their incredibly pricey ships. Ramming always comes at a cost if monster trucks, naval ships with rams and etc are to be taken example of. Anything that rams another object with such high mass will take proportionally ouchie amounts of damage. So how to fix that? The Cataclysms should simply retrofit their stuff later down the line and design Interceptor-Cruisers with thermal lance technology as their form of rams. And then Cataclysms can fulfill the much scarier archetype of being Super Star Destroyers/mobile space fortresses that have an incredible range except that only Unathi have them. They're deployed into groups of four and their primary tactics are to form pincer flanks around enemy opposition and stake anything that fails to manuever out of the way. Which may be difficult for larger ships, considering Cruisers in this head-canon proposition here are intended to be the fast bois that fulfill multipurpose roles for tacticool reasons. In case you're not convinced, this is essentially what I would idealistically imagine the Dreadnoughts to be: https://youtu.be/Uv-Ue5yYBEw?t=126 Like, wow, look at that blistering firepower. That's dozens of laser and ion batteries firing and nothing can touch that without getting creamed. This isn't a lore application format because this isn't suggesting completely new stuff but rather asking existing things to be unified into different standards rather than just rule of cool for the sake of it, in my opinion.
Trust no one. Not even the legion of ants you bargained peace with hardly a week ago.
1 dismissal - Allow us to see our own notes
Scheveningen replied to TheOrleans's topic in Rejected Policy
Strongly opposed. Notes are a format for administrators (and modlets) to use to help communicate context of interactions internally regarding specific players. Likewise there's information you're simply not privy to, especially when it comes down to whether or not the administrators have to make a decision in protecting the community while still exercising discretion. Notes are not equivalent to warnings. Nor should they be treated as such. In my opinion, the only thing that needs to change in policy is that administrators/mods shouldn't tell a player they're interacting with that they're "noting it down" or "you're getting a note for this", so that the pressure of being noted is substantially alleviated. If something is worthy of a warning, warn them. If it's only noteworthy but not bad enough to be a warning, then they should be told to have a good round and whatever discussion/interaction was had is noted down in the background as the ticket's closed. -
[IC] Research Expedition Waivers Adjustments
Scheveningen replied to Faris's topic in Accepted/Implemented Policy
+9 million brouzoufs. Please god, it should be expected that you've signed away your life to work at a space station and that the most that'll happen is that your next-of-kin will receive Space Hero Life Insurance or something. -
"The only accident I fear will be your head falling into a vat of acid with me wearing your fucking moron face as a party mask."
E.Y.E. is a beautiful game filled with dirty Jians. -
The CE's should be desert mauve, a standard engineer/apprentice should be corian brown, and atmos techs should be tan brown.
Engineering's art style is kinda old and there's a lot of things that could be better. Presently, engineering stands out as one of the least fashionable departments as their color scheme contrasts heavily from everyone else. They also use awful, matte versions of yellow and orange that have very little depth shading to them, so the brightest colors are also often huge blobs of BRIGHT and it's an eye sore on the screen. Likewise, only command should have gold/yellow accents, imo. As a color scheme, I suggest desert mauve, tannum brown and corian brown for their color scheme. Floor tiles based around engineering should be desert mauve and so should the engineering lockers. Sienna brown should be the color accent for jumpsuits and other stripes that exist across the known plane of Engineering. Desert mauve: Sienna brown: Corian brown: Tan brown:
b-b-b-buh shitty sprites are iconic kyres is LITERALLY murdering culture
I think they look fine. They don't really need to pop. The rustic feel prevents awkward contrast with the current artstyle of the game. So rather than clashing with everything it looks and feels like it fits.
That's really good. My vote is for that.
Keep in mind that the discord server icon centers the image, so you won't get to see the doona noomph on the flagpole if the entire image of that poster is taken. This is why we should only take the photo of the doona noomph as a legionary.
holy shit that diona on the flagpole. Literally just put the diona on the flagpole as the server icon and call it a day.
Uh, anything other than the toilet one. I've already seen really dumb justifications for how it's representative of a classic Aurora moment/you have to have 4000 IQ to really understand it apparently, but it is an old server icon and you know what Kylo Ren says about old shit. "Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. It is the only way to become what you were meant to be." If individuals leave over the server icon being changed that's equally hilarious and sad but the change is still necessary.
I have a different preference for aesthetic, and personally I find that the aviators look much better than the secHUD sunglasses. Security sunglasses and the standard sunglasses suffer from sprite fidelity issues from the rest of the game's progressively updating style thanks to individuals such as @ParadoxSpace, whichever account is alsoananswer's, @kyres1 and several others who I'd list if I remembered other names besides those two three I wish I could count. Which is my bad for not recalling but I figure you get the point. Using matte colors such as #000000 that the pair of sunglasses actually has as part of its sprite looks super ugly, cartoony and has very little depth to the image. The aviators look good imo and the only issue to me is the division of the glasses settings actually providing mechanical advantages and disadvantages. Which, frankly, I can get over, having to micromanage the two settings for a given situation as a sec officer is annoying but only annoying at most.
Except that makes very little sense, as armbands would do that job of distinguishing them from one another. Departmental security has been stuck in limbo for over a month, so I wouldn't consider it really relevant at all.
Reporting Personnel: Vira Bolivar Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Game ID: b1B-ddkl Personnel Involved: Suzuul Guwan - Moderate Offender - Shaft Miner Copper - Major Offender - Security Officer Klaus Eliade - Major Witness - Captain Julia Barnes - Major Witness - Research Director Thea Reeves - Major Witness - Head of Personnel Daniel Carmichael - Witness - Security Officer Adrien Major - Witness - Security Cadet Cooper - Witness - Internal Affairs Agent Qrqil Qrrzix - Commanding officer - Reinforcing Captain Real Time: 06-Jun-19, 4:06 PM-7:49PM EST Location of Incident: General station, primarily over common communications. Nature of Incident: [ x ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ x ] - Destruction of Property [ x ] - Neglect of Duty [ x ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ x ] - Misconduct [ x ] - Other __ Overview of the Incident: The shift started with a Vaurca Warform being deployed to our station as part of the Project Peacekeeper initiative. To sum up the events in bullet points: * The warform was delivered to cargo, and myself and Copper learned the initial limitations regarding the control rod and certain actions the Warform would take to fulfill commands, including [but not limited to] walking through walls to accomplish this goal. * The appearance of the warform clearly intimidated the crew, but the situation mostly went without incident for awhile. The control rod was temporarily granted to Copper and Copper themselves was released to the direct service of the Research Director at the time to learn more about the Warform. * Specifics were learned eventually by myself that the Warform was, unsurprisingly, bred to follow orders to their most literal interpretation and in order to be kept in check, the Warform relied entirely upon the control rod being within proximity and line-of-sight. It would obey any order from the control rod wielder, but if the control rod was out of sight, it would operate on its own to either seek its own sustenance, which was understandable considering Warforms are soldier Vaurcae at their core, and without relevant direct commands active, are conditioned to be able to operate on their own. The possession of the control rod also created contextual complications such as previously assigned orders no longer being valid if the person who issued them no longer holds the control rod. Ultimately, however, it was observed that if the control rod wielder was responsible and ensured the Warform kept pace within line of sight, the Warform never acted out maliciously on its own. * Prior to the most grievous of incidents occurring due to wanton neglect and abuse of responsibility on the end of Copper, the corporate employee known as Suzuul Guwan would continuously refuse to stop complaining over communications regarding the matter. Specifics on what was said will be detailed below. They would also publicly admonish Central Command and were otherwise brash, inappropriate, inaccurate and unconstructive in their criticisms, to which the Captain Klaus Eliade ordered me to have them detained for sedition, communications abuse, and failure to execute an order (as they were told to stop talking numerous times), and slander. * Copper, the major offender, eventually made the decision to conceal the control rod from sight, upon which the Warform acted out on its own in an attempt to seek k'ois for sustenance. Copper was detained and brought into custody, and the Warform itself was pacified when the captain found the control rod and commanded it to cease its destructiveness. I wish to note that only station walls were the only destruction caused by the Warform in an attempt to seek k'ois sustenance was a few station walls. Copper later testified that they willfully attempted to give the Warform free will to do as it wished. Considering the simplified nature and purpose of the Warform, this was a grievous form of misconduct and abuse of the responsibility I gave them. The captain initially attempted to have Copper dismantled and shackled as a station-bound, which by the nature of Copper's offenses and the potential harm that could've come if anyone were to have been in the way of the Warform, was completely justified from a legal standpoint. The captain changed his mind later and opted to have Copper held until transfer instead to be judged by a legal government judiciary. * Eventually, I was given the control rod, being a loyalty implanted person, and was instructed by Klaus Eliade to be the only individual to hold the control rod. It is important to note no further incidents arose from my wielding the control rod, as I never gave orders to destroy, sabotage or undermine NanoTrasen assets/personnel/interests. The only damage caused was a few walls in the station, which was otherwise quickly remedied by an engineering response, and such station sabotage/vandalism was caused by the deliberate neglect of Copper failing to be responsible in their duties. * After the various testing measures and questioning was completed, we had the Warform board the cargo shuttle to be sent back to its Hive, and the staff itself sent back with it. Once again, without further incident or issue from the Warform. The crew transfer shuttle was also underway. * For the duration of the shift, the Guwan also continued to abuse communications while sitting out in the vacuum of space. They were not initially pursued due to the dangerous nature of the asteroid and the likely fruitless venture of sending officers out into EVA in order to commence a manhunt. The individual refused outright to submit themselves into custody, citing they were 'terrified' despite openly and willfully lambasting Central Command, Command itself and the Security Department for trying to keep order. The individual never sought out information to acquire an accurate and fair summation of the events as they actually occurred and would instead openly undermine the integrity of the aforementioned groups as their means of venting frustration. The IAA then requested (not ordered, I did not have to give the Guwan temporary immunity from consequence at all and I also chose not to renege on my word to detain the individual when they appeared anyway, despite being justified in also doing) I give them temporary legal immunity, to which I only obliged as it would be the only way to get them to return to Central Command onboard the departures shuttle. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: The situation was covered with Klaus Eliade and was also detailed in full with the IAA Cooper. Actions taken: Copper was held until transfer. The Guwan was only not arrested because I agreed with the IAA's reasoning to bring the Guwan back to Central Command to be held accountable for their awful behavior without incident on the security department's part. Additional Notes: The following is a non-contextual but an otherwise exhaustive list of statements I received from a request to the telecommunications monitor that was made: [Common]Suzuul Guwan says, "Sso, wasss no one going to tell me the fucking Peassekeeper Project isss a fucking "WARFORM?! [Common]Suzuul Guwanasks, "Iss Sssentral collectively fucking retarded?" [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Imagine a Vaurca." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Now imagine itss 20 feet tall, and a walking tank." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "They have a warform, on sstasssion. Becaussse Ssentral issss fucking ssstupid." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Yeah, i'm not coming back inssside now. Not until that fucking thing issss off ssstassssion." [A live-fire test was announced and two Hephaestus GIs were delivered to the station to test the Warform's combat capabilities.] [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "What the fuck doess thiss mean." [Common]Suzuul Guwanasks, "On a fucking sspassse sssstasssion?" [Common]Suzuul Guwanasks, "A fucking live fire on a ressssearch sstassion?" [Common]Suzuul Guwanexclaims, "Yeah, not Warform live-firessss ON the fucking sstassion!" [Common]Suzuul Guwanasks, "Do you think a bomb in a sssafe tesssst area and THISsss are the sssame fucking thing?" [Common]Klaus Eliadesays, ""we are a research station that has developed explosives and weapons for years. [Common]Suzuul Guwanasks, "Do you think they're the ssssame thing?" [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Who let thisss guy be a Captain." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Sshut the fuck up, pig." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Yeah, sssstop complaining about thingssss that're obvioussly ssstupid." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Imagine being sso fucking ssstupid assss to invite Warformss on a sssstation. Esssspesssially a sssstassssion they've maimed people on before. And doing a live fire tessst, in the middle of that sssstasssion." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "I really wissh I could have thisss level of incredible ssstupidity. Every day would be a new adventure." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "No one worth lissteningssss going to hear it there." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "After all. What're the minerss going to do about a warform, right? Keep them in their little bokss." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Let them cry in their little bokssss together. Doessssnt matter." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Tough sssshit. People need ssomeone to take the lead and ssssay thiss issss beyond ssstupid." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Ssssentral Command needsss to reevaluate who they have in charge." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Captain can ssuck the fat end of my tail." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "What're you going to do." [Common]Suzuul Guwanasks, "Write an IR about ssomeone that doessssnt work here?" [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "I'll sstop complaining when there issssnt anything like a fucking warform, or a live fire tesst on a ressssearch ssstassion. In the middle of the hall." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "If a baby issss what you call ssssomeone who hass half a fucking brain sssell, sssure. Rather be a baby than sssticking my tongue sstraight up whoever the fuck runsss Project Peasssekeeper'sss asssss." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Then ssstop me, bootlicker." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Live fire tessstsss. In the middle of the hall." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "With thossse thingsss." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Plenty of people brownosssing. And ssssomehow, would you believe it, they're all ssecurity." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Ahh, but dont complain. Or elssse Ssecurity getss uppity, thinking their people are real upssset." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "I refusse to come insssside while that warform isss on sssstasssion." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "I refusse to come insssside until Bolivar can tell me, I am not to be arressssted for being correct." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "Ssssecurity doessnt feel like working out that I am only guilty of one breach in regulassssionss." [Common]Suzuul Guwansays, "I've been trying. But neither the Head of Sssecurity nor the resssst of Ssssecurity wisshesss to work with me."
+1. I may have been here before you but I always considered you a mentor in a lot of ways. You were an outstandingly dependable admin and one of the greatest friends I've made here. Your only flaw was how much effort you put into your job because oftentimes when I was a mod I was worried if you were the one who took your position too seriously. But I'm sort of glad you did because all that sacrifice of your time seriously improved things around here.