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Faye <3

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Everything posted by Faye <3

  1. I think you'd do fine, but would like to see more of a presence on command comms. Hard to get a reply out of you sometimes!
  2. I agree with this especially. Are you thinking of a like,- 'heroic suicide mission' kind of thing by Elyra to drive off the Lii'dra, or?
  3. What are your ideas for expanding the Vaurca - Elyra invasion?
  4. Unbanned, please make sure to ahelp when you need to go.
  5. Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium Species: (Skrell, Tajara, Human, Vaurca, Dionae, Unathi, Synth, General) General Short Description: Big New Gibson cultural update. More flavor lore, more interesting holidays, and far more things to talk about on station. I removed the Filipino colonization aspects, however, as they felt sort of shoehorned and did not mesh with the rest of the page. The Undirstads now have a bold cultural and appearance requirement. How will this be reflected on-station?: New Gibson characters will have much more lore to work with. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Improves upon the existing page. Currently, a lot of players forget Gibson even exists. What I have written will make the planet much more memorable and interesting, as well as integrates it more with current events. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Ya Long Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t6BYF7Wc0CSF11-VY7X5kbx0KaITyZno5xpWOoMQ9IA/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Locked and archiving, player has been banned.
  7. The pets are cute, I would be sad to see them go. -1 Though I wouldn't mind Columbo's spaghetticode being fixed, haha.
  8. hi. i'm solveig. we were just teasing one another,- i don't think NoL would do that to anyone else.
  9. The belt with cuffs, flashes, spray, etc is very visible. Plate carrier too.
  10. I think you're a good RP'er and good at medical, but I wouldn't want to see you in Command for a few reasons. - You focus on antagonists A LOT. It often feels like Glory is somehow the third detective slot on the manifest. They are very suspicious of relatively innocuous antag actions for no reason, and are usually the first to report nearly anything at all to command, or directly to security. A big and important part of command is giving leeway to antagonists. Your habit of honing in on antags may be annoying on surgeon, but it will be outright damaging on CMO, who has the authority and power to throw their weight around more than a surgeon. Part of Command is making sure that antag gimmicks can get off the floor, and overlooking little things for the sake of the round not ending at 0:30 or forcing an unneeded, premature conflict. You need to work on your validhunting. - Glory tends to do it all. As stated prior, Glory has a habit of doing other peoples' work for them. In an ideal medical bay, FRs bring the patients in, physicians treat in the GTR, surgeons do surgery after GTR, and the CMO oversees. Glory often steps out of their lane based on - from what I can tell - whether or not they think their coworkers are competent enough to handle the current problem. I've seen you step in to do GTR instead of active physicians, go to first response calls, etc. Part of CMO is ensuring everyone stays in their lane, and only deviating from this during an emergency and when specifically asked. You did this as recently as last night. - Glory is just kind of mean I think that an important part of Command is making sure that the department is a welcoming one for newbies and veterans alike. You tend to veer towards, in my opinion, very unnecessary harshness. Mistakes happen, people fuck up. Medical isn't the easiest department, and sometimes things don't work out like we hope. People aren't gonna learn and improve if they're worried about getting chewed out by an angry diona. I think you need to chill out. Additionally,- this sort of goes hand in hand with your issue with antagonists. Sometimes Glory can be...strangely intense? Whether it's saying to force anti-psychotics down a psych case' throat or just making weirdly militant and violent remarks for a diona, Glory is sort of unpleasant to be around. I'm sure you can work on this, but I wouldn't want to see you as CMO at this time. I do not believe your current gameplay is suitable for command due to your tendency to validhunt, supersurgeon, and belittle other characters.
  11. i do not see why not. they know the mechanics and write coherently. they're nice, as well
  12. I agree with this. As long as the worn clothing is appropriate for security work (no pyjamas, etc) and they wear a badge, belt, etc, I think it's fine.
  13. Hi. You have a long note history and prior warnings for your antag play. Additionally, you were far from dead when you logged. Medical saved your character, and you had no reason to log out. If you want to leave earlier, you need to ahelp. Logging out as soon as you loose a fight and saying in LOOC that you're going to bed isn't acceptable. Appeal denied.
  14. Hi. I'm the relevant staff member involved. Before we continue, are you debating the validity of the ban, or do you agree with it?
  15. Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Small Species: Human, Synthetic(?) Short Description: Medina Expansion How will this be reflected on-station?: More backgrounds for characters, more lore for a planet in Elyra. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: It improves upon existing lore. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? My writing is perfect, they won’t have to edit it. ❤️ Long desc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AE-gFpyn2350afELoI_SSSXgHOmN28N6oI0fszp-qEU/edit?usp=sharing
  16. Hi, all I am posting this thread for the discussion f the uniform PRs posted by Wezzy. In particular, these. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13773/ - original PR https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13936 - bugfix that changes uniforms again https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13962 - more labcoat changes https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13973 - knee/thigh boot removal, new boot recolor. There was previously a Relay Discord thread made by the PR creator to discuss this subject, but I believe a forums thread is warranted due to how much the PRs effect, and how easy it is to miss Discord threads, especially one in the Relay which not all of the server uses. To be honest, I do not really like any of these. They feel like change for the sake of change. I understand that a lot of work went into them, but they are not better than the sprites they wish to replace. The colors in particular are not good. Especially the removal of black from boot colors, this will make loadouts look much worse. I do not think these PRs should have been merged without a forums feedback thread.
  17. I do not like the idea of only whoever is on the Intrepid being allowed to visit the merchant. Why not give the merchant their main vessel, and a shuttle so they can do both?
  18. I don't see how Amara Nasr could be an XO. She, if I'm honest, talks like she's just come off the boat from Adhomai. These are collected from one round I played with her. I think you should diversify a bit, as I've only seen you play kind of quiet Tajara who lack fluency in Basic. Additionally, when playing antag, you tend to escalate strangely, like detonating and venting much of the station with no escalation, or killing yourself while trying to steal the Intrepid over an intoxication charge.
  19. I agree with Boggle's suggestion. Given that comms are compromised nearly every antag round, it's essentially pageantry and re-inacting the same "oh no! Comms are compromised?! Let's all use PDA now!" song and dance. It would frankly just be more fun for security as well, because you can nearly never plan something out unless you go through the trouble of making a PDA chatroom (that antags can still see, mind you) or hold an in-person meeting. The fact that all comms access is a guarantee is, imo, very oppressive for security. It isn't much fun. Making comms key purchasble for something cheap like 1 or 2 TC would make things much less predictable.
  20. Removing someone's memory - in essence, making them unable to play their character in a way that isn't just killing them - is very uninteresting as well as borderline griefing of another person's round imo, and reminds me of the way I felt when a wizard staff of change'd someone into a different species. I think this is a bad idea for that reason.
  21. Chief Security Officer sucks. It isn't a good title. It sounds like a middle management role, not the head of the department. The PR will now be "Chief Security Officer" per a "maintainer decision." It sounds horrible. A sudden maintainer change of the PR should be announced better.
  22. Per https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13650, there was apparently a maintainer decision to change "Head of Security" into "Chief Security Officer". CSO is a terrible, terrible title. It sounds like a middle management, or second-in-command role. Chief of Security is vastly superior, and if not, then I'd rather the title not be changed at all as CSO is much worse. It does not sound like the head of the department at all.
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