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Faye <3

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Everything posted by Faye <3

  1. I cannot endorse this application. -1. Without trying to be harsh, Fros'qer is perhaps one of the most frustrating characters in medical. I vividly remember them going AFK silently at their desk without warning, and having a hell of a time trying to get them to do surgery on a consistent basis. Additionally, I believe that they are very out of touch with proper Command play. Last night, for instance, they took interim CMO at the start of round and immediately began to push unnecessary and, quite frankly, harmful changes to medical. The most aggravating one of these was the concept of "first and second responder'. They designated one first responder as the 'first responder', and the other (full disclosure, my character) as the 'second responder'. The second responder was only allowed to go out if the first responder was overwhelmed, but in exchange had first-dibs on any EVA rescue. However, we had zero miners that shift and only two engineers. The likelihood of an EVA rescue was incredibly small, and true enough, one never happened. In effect, had the two first responders not outright ignored Fros'qer, I would not have been able to play my role and the other FR would have been forced to do everything themselves. Additionally, this round had active antagonists and a bomb-threat in medical. During the aforementioned bomb-threat in medical, Fros'qer gave no orders or instruction to the department, and instead chose to taste the Vaurca Consular's V'krexi Taffy flavors and soda in the holodeck while there was a bomb in her department. Medical had to take their own initiative throughout most of the round because there was next to no leadership shown.
  2. i wrote this bit a little tired, those responsible will be sacked...
  3. oh god please.
  4. Itt's not an annual thing. Matt has answered this before.
  5. A good and necessary change. We already have an issue on canon events where people who haven't played since the American Prohibition show up to play their Captains etc at the demerit of other, consistently active Command players. This issue will simply be compounded come NBT. The Whitelist process really isn't that difficult. If this influx of inactive players are, as they say, competent and good with Command, they won't have any trouble getting it back.
  6. put a labeller in the first responder shack so they can label their lockers. put it on the table or something.
  7. This seems like a super easy way to cheese someone. Getting knocked down generally means you're going to die or become seriously wounded in a fight.
  8. I played with their HoP, Melody Williamson. Adjusting to command can definitely be hard, and I have some feedback after a particularly rough round. the gimmick was that of a terrorist who employed gas attacks against the crew. after the first attack, your character knew who the culprit behind the atttacks was. instead of discussing it with the rest of command - and the Head of Security - you immediately called them out on it over general comms without explaining to command. the rest of command had no idea about your reasoning or accuracy for your claims, and it infringed on the rest of command's decision-making. additionally, when security confronted the perpetrator, he publicly declared that he would set off another gas grenade. at this point, my HoS told your character to vacate the area. you had no mask (to my knowledge), but instead you stayed by the antagonist and shot them with .45 flash rounds while security and the antagonist were engaging with lethals. this resulted in your character getting gassed witth red nighttshade, which could have killed her. i do not write this as a -1 or +1, only that you should put more stock in communicating with the rest of command, and likely not seek out conflict on your HoP.
  9. The core already can't be removed unless the Technomancer willingly unlocks it, to my knowledge. I do not want to see any additions that would make this even more difficult, because there have been so many times where I have seen security successfully capture and restrain a techno, be unable to remove their pack, and keep having to constantly recapture the techno when they inevitablyescape. Most of the time, this ends in security just killing the technomancer because they cannot contain them. IMO Technomancer should be changed to make locking the pack an active decision,- having to spend stability on it, or something similar.
  10. i liked shooting a cannon w/him
  11. I would very much like to see more options to get power going when there are no engineers, as lacking them on lowpop can obstruct the entire round. Maybe solars can be accessible by more people, and able to be wired by more occupations?
  12. Thank u! I think that like with taking any public-facing position, you sacrifice much of your "this is how I think we should be doing this" in favor for "this is what the rules say about doing this." having standardized procedure is important for ensuring that the rules can be clearly understood and followed, as well as fairly implemented. i do not think I would have any issue with this, and if i was unsure in responding to a ticket or otherwise i wouldn't hesitate to reach out to someone else on staff for their opinion. Thanks for your feedback ^^
  13. Basic Information Byond Account: PersephoneQ Character Name(s): Yhara Atiyeh, Sanaa Al-Mansoor, Lady Verline Steerpike, Parting Glass, Shirin Abbasi AI Name(s): N/A Discord username + tag: faye#4607 Age: 20 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora? Usually day-time and evenings EST. I am a student presently, attending class in the spring and winter and working during the summers. On a free day, I usually play one or two rounds. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since last October. How long have you played on Aurora: Since last October - Aurora was the first server I played. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know medical like the back of my hand, and I love teaching it. I know service pretty well, and I am fairly alright at security. I think my weak areas would be engineering and science, though I'm sure that can be amended. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Nope! Have you read through the criteria thread and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yeah. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never been banned, have been warned once. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I love writing, I enjoy roleplaying and I adore my characters. Sharing this love of writing with others and seeing their own love of character development and collaborative story-telling is a lot of fun to me. Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora was the first - and only - SS13 server I've played, and I do not have any desire to play anywhere else. I enjoy the quality of RP and the community greatly. What do moderators do?: Moderators ensure the role-play experience on the Aurora and even outside of the game remains smooth and consistently of high quality. They mediate disputes, educate and inform players, and wind 'Darth Vader the Security Cadet' on occasion. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: I think the easy answer is that a moderator is a skilled writer, communicator, and is knowledgeable of gameplay mechanics. Additionally, you should be an active member of the community and up to date on the lore. I think what's most important, however, is that you have a passion for playing the game and sharing that passion with others. Problem-solving, attention to detail, initiative and other stereotypical interview answers are all good and important, but none of that matters if the passion isn't there. Why do you want to be a moderator?: A few reasons! I am a firm believer of action over spoken word, and I'd like to finally put my money where my mouth is. I do sincerely care for this community, and I should want to see it be a safe, comfortable and welcoming space for everyone. Also, I get the feeling that moderation has quite the workload, and wouldn't mind another hand or two. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I like to think that I am patient and understanding. I am a nursing student IRL, and have spent many an hour working with assisted living residents or as an in-house caregiver. I enjoy seeing people learn, and to see another person learn and understand something they didn't know before is one of my favorite feelings ever. I think it's why I like teaching medical interns so much, haha. I think everyone has their heated moments or moments where their emotions get the better of them, but at the end of the day we're all someone behind the screen. Kindness and empathy can go a long way, and I think I might have enough of that to do pretty well on moderation. I also know command gameplay fairly well, and I think that's a boon for any moderator. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I'm pretty cool with insults, I think. Being someone with the identity I have, you learn to be pretty level-headed with insults and taunts. With stress, I know when I'm tilting and know when to step back, as well as having a support network of friends and activities to destress. On my last application, I was told by Alberyk that I needed to work on my OOC behavior before and remarks in LOOC before reapplying. Since being declined in September, I've changed my attitude in regards to rounds and bickering OOC'ly, as well as refraining from most confrontation in Aurora reated servers.
  14. Shirin was told specifically this and this To me, this says 'kill them no matter what, we are no longer interested in receiving them alive.' At medical, after I shot the antagonist the first time, Shirin was told that in person and over comms repeatedly.
  15. I don't think anyone can question your skill as an organizer or writer, but I do want to question the matter of power centralization. If you were accepted to Loremaster Deputy, you would hold the positions of head admin, loremaster deputy, and tajara maintainer. I think that this amount of power centralized in one person could prove to be an issue in the future. if Caelphon were to step down, then you would become headmin and loremaster. Do you have anything to say on this matter?
  16. I've played CMO over Farson, and I don't think the character would be a good fit. I recall having to constantly keep them within their lane (something very important to ensuring medical runs smoothly), as they repeatedly insisted they could do chemistry and made IV bags full of some sort of special chemical mix as a psychiatrist. -1/
  17. There's a specific format used for AI whitelist apps. You can find it here!
  18. i don't want to be in-game and have shit thrown at me, no ty.
  19. I didn't really care about this app before I knew Aclipsa would be CMO, but if she will be one I cannot endorse it. Sil has, on multiple occasions, gotten drunk and/or high as the only medical personnel on station. Getting inebriated like this is unacceptable for anyone in medical, let alone a CMO. It is not an uncommon occurrence to hear Sil slurring her words b/c she's gotten seriously drunk in the bar on an average round you play with her. I recall one time where she went so far as to inject herself with a syringe of vaguely labelled "torture chems" occasionally found in maintenance as the only doctor on the station. -1.
  20. Elyra has helped out Biesel and the CoC in the past. During the 35th invasion they sent part of their navy and stuff. My issue is more that Elyra has potentially the most phoron in the spur during a scarcity, and very little is done with this!
  21. IMO Elyra has a bit more economic power than the CoC maybe due to their absolute ton of phoron (even if they're not sharing it). I also think we should see more of our 'superpowers' than just Sol. There are tons of Solarian-involved arcs, but how many CoC or Elyran ones?
  22. The last screenshotted paragraph specifically says,- "They (The Captain) may take any action or issue orders that violate regulations during non-standard situations. Generally, these orders must be carried out. Even if you feel an order from the Captain to be against regulation, your moral code, or generally detestable, you still have to follow it. You are entitled to begin a vote within command to have the Captain arrested if the order breaks a serious regulation, but disobeying the order or obstructing it is failure to execute an order." This specifically says that Command /can/ begin a vote, yes, but that disobeying the Captain is still in and of itself against regulations. How was Command to begin a vote to remove the Captain from power during a code-red situation, when a malevolent AI was actively attempting to kill crew, and someone was teleporting around, mugging people at gun-point for their IDs, attacking command-members, attempting to kidnap said command members, harming crew and inciting action against and the overthrowing of station command? It isn't feasible to remove the Captain during a situation like that, much less force everyone in command into a meeting to vote, edit permissions, hand-over equipment, etc while the station falls apart. I disagree, and I am sorry.
  23. i would like it. please. thank you.
  24. I haven't been impressed with this player's standard of RP, especially on Cacile Haustens. I've found their gimmicks as antagonist especially to be borderline powergaming, barely enough to toe the line and avoid a bwoink. -1.
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