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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. I think the true test of a character is their death. You can really see how important your character was to other characters in their absence. Though the most impactful form of character death is canon death, and you only get one bullet for that. This is something a lot of players forgot; especially during canon rounds. Rather than thinking, “Man, my character got killed because of an IC threat.” The player is offended that the Staff Member behind the threat is personally responsible and perhaps even out to get them specifically. Our Setting is not a safe place. Between Corporate putting people into dangerous conditions for the bottom line, ruthless pirates and scum that would gut people for a credit, terrorists fighting against anyone they believe is oppressing them, and more. As for the chaos and bloodsport, it’s usually quite cyclical. The more chaotic the first round, the more extended voters you get wanting to cool down. I enjoy being on both sides of the fight. High chaos rounds provide your characters the stress they need to act drastically different than their usual MO. It can be great fun to RP a stressed character, working with people they normally wouldn’t be with. That said, chaos all the time would not be fun. These moments of panic and fear mean nothing if there are not times of calm and peace to contrast them. tl:dr chaos and death good in measured quantities
  2. Queen Vytel Mobilizes for the Federation! Translated to Tau Ceti Basic In her first public appearance since the C’thur arrived in the Federation, Queen Vytel graced an assembly of Federation Officials and Reporters with her presence, though she requested no other recordings be made outside of audio recordings. Queen Vytel addressed the crowd, and the public: Vytel paused, allowing the assemblage a small time to clap. Vytel then stepped aside, and several C’thur Warriors took the stage. Vytel, along with a Qukala Officer, demonstrated the effects of the implants for all to see. When faced with a conflict between Vytel’s Orders and the Federation’s commands the Warriors enter hibernation. This safety measure has soothed the fears of many naysayers. The Directory of Defense Operation announced they would integrate these new Warriors into the Nlomkala in addition to reinforcing the Vaurca already within the Qukala.
  3. Pilot is being avoided because we don’t want to have someone assigned to a single job that may or may not happen in the round.
  4. I don't see how the faces of Command Members are easy sources. That requires you to steal from Command, which is going to get you some heat. Maybe add them to lockers as well?
  5. Nralakk Federation Officially Recognizes the People’s Republic of Adhomai as the Sole Adhomian Authority Translated to Tau Ceti Basic The relationship between the Nralakk Federation and the nations of Adhomai have been tumultuous, mostly as a result of the politics of the planet. It was only after the introduction of the Project Unity Initiative, a humanitarian effort aimed to support non-combatants, development of infrastructure, and provide monetary assistance to the People’s Republic of Adhomai, that some began to see the Nralakk Federation as a worthwhile ally. Recent events in Biesel’s Capital, Mendell City, have resulted in a dangerous and threatening terrorist plot being uncovered by the MCPD and FIB. This plot would have left District 8, home to much of the Skrell Population in Mendell City, in ruins. The Grand Council was quick to have an investigation launched into the matter, requesting aid from the FIB and our Tajara allies in the PRA. This investigation revealed that the attempted terrorist attack likely originated from the Al'mariist community in Tau Ceti. Recently, a nuclear power plant project failed within the Democratic People's Republic territory and many in the DPRA, unjustly, held the Federation responsible. It is believed the attempted bombing of District 8 was “retaliation” for the believed interference. In light of this, it was the decision of the Grand Council to rightfully recognize the thwarted terrorism as an act of aggression from the DPRA. Representatives of the Nralakk Federation have announced the wishes of the Grand Council, outlining that the People’s Republic of Adhomai will hereby be considered the rightful civil authority of Adhomai. Representatives that have chosen the New Kingdom of Adhomai as their entities of interest are being retracted due to the Nralakk Federation’s declaration of illegitimacy, and instead requested to focus on expanding the relations between the Nralakk Federation and the People’s Republic of Adhomai. There are no official Representatives that have chosen the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai as their entity of interest, and the Nralakk Federation continues to view them as an insurgent organization.
  6. This does not line up great with: As a receiver living on the Federation Capital's moon, Tullia would've been bombarded with Pro-Federation thoughts CONSTANTLY via Psionic Means. Tullia's experiences are potent and real enough to change this stance, but merely considering the relationship Transactional seems unlikely for a Receiver in those circumstances, especially while Tullia was working for the Federation. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Other than that, the Application is rather good. I'll ask some questions that I didn't see covered in the app. 1. Thoughts on Synthetic Life? ("Different Eras of Skrell" Section on the wiki has info regarding this) 2. You mentioned Tullia has worked with Vaurca/C'thur, how do they feel about them? 3. What is Tullia's favorite food?
  7. The Qukala, Reinforced! Translated to Tau Ceti Basic The Directory of Defense Operations broke ground today with a historical announcement sure to change the Federation for the better. Many know that the C’thur and Diona within the Federation are considered valuable allies, but many were unsure how well they would integrate with Skrell society. These concerns lead to the creation of the Lukala, a subdivision of the Qukala, where the C’thur and Diona could safely be overwatched while in service to one of the Kala. At the request of the Grand Council, the Directory was to review the Lukala’s performance and evaluate them. This assessment showed promising results, the recent events in the Traverse served as fuel for the Lukala’s success, reports show that many dissident operations were swiftly halted by organized efforts from the group. The Directors have determined, along with the Qukala’s leaders, that continued division of suitable and experienced troops would serve as a determinant to the Federation’s Navy. Therefore, the Lukala has since been dissolved in favor of integrating the Vaurca and Diona into the lower ranks of the Qukala as full-members. Likely related to this change of policy, Grand Councilor Weashbi has reportedly engaged in face-to-face discussion with High Queen C’thur and Queen Vytel. After these discussions ended, the Grand Council announced that the Federation would begin supplying the C’thur Hive with additional resources to produce new Warrior-Type Vaurca for the Federation, though Weashbi gave a firm statement, “The High Queen has graciously accepted terms and conditions for this mutually beneficial agreement, so our citizenry need not fear the increased C’thur Warrior population. There will be more information released as we move things along.”
  8. bye canon! XOXO, you left you Hadiist Manifesto by my bed btw.
  9. I like the morgue, nice and DIRTY. The Icons are good, besides the REALLY thick outlines in some parts. If those were cut down, it'd have my full support.
  10. The Commander of the Tupkala: Kezoq Torq-Bep! Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Assembled in the enchanting halls of the Kal’lo Observation Dome, Skrell from many walks of life were seated within the main dome, wall to wall. The Starchanters appeared on the stage and carried out a delightful and introspective lesson about tempering one’s self against temptation to falter in their duty. Once the Starchanters had finished, the Observation Dome’s holographic technology was employed to summon the Stormcloud, the Tupkala’s patron constellation. Under this constellation, Weashbi took the stage and spoke to the crowd. The Skrell in attendance stood and greeted Torq-Bep with a warbling ovation. Torq-Bep received it graciously, and allowed it to continue for a few seconds before speaking. The Commander’s speech was met with another ovation, and the ceremony sooned ended after Weashbi officially inducted Torq-Bep into the Tupkala under the watch of the Stormcloud. With the ceremony ended, the Tupkala are well and truly restored, a promising development. Some observers are commenting on Commander Torq-Bep's history with the Sromkala, as most of the previous Tupkala Commanders were from a more martially minded Kala, but we're sure the Grand Council has everything under control. We’ll see you viewers next time!
  11. Off the top of my head: ----------------------------------
  12. The Directory of Defense Operations Turns Towards the Traverse! Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Today, the groundbreaking organization established by Grand Councillor Weashbi, took its first major official action. In the previous weeks, the Federation’s best and brightest were examined critically and six Directors were found and placed within the organization. Thankfully, the Grand Councillor promised to handle the Tupkala Reformation personally so the Directory could focus on other matters. The Directory declared their intentions to “increase presence” within the Traverse due to the recent troubles from the Federation’s distant worlds. The Qukala have been asked, in addition to the previous measures, to begin stationing themselves at accessible points and provide medical and social aid to all Federation Citizens that have been negatively impacted by recent events. To ensure a swift resolution to the civil unrest, the Directory stated the Ruupkala and Sromkala have been deployed to the Traverse to restore faith in the Federation and to drive out dangerous activity with the assistance of the Qukala already present. The Directory said they are “optimistic” about the situation, and believe it can be resolved without any further serious action. We'll place our faith in them and hope for the best!
  14. The Tupkala’s Rebirth: A Bright Step Forward! Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Today, Grand Councillor Weashbi announced in an address to the public that the Tup Reformation Act is near completion. The Federation’s most prestigious branch of Enforcers shall once again shine as the shield between its citizenry and whatever the Spur may throw at them. An excerpt of the announcement has been transcribed below for our readers: With the final phases being wrapped up, Weashbi announced that a ceremony would be held within the Kal’lo Qeblak Observation Dome, hosted by the Starchanters. The Ceremony will include the inauguration of the new Tupkala Commander. The reaction to the announcement has been very positive, many in the Federation claim to be overjoyed to know the Tups are standing tall once more. We will continue to bring you the news on this development!
  15. DOUBLE TEAMED!!!! MORE QUESTIONS!!!! 1. Is Xrij a receiver or a listener? 2. Does Xrij follow a traditional Skrell religion? 3. What subspecies of Skrell is Xrij? 4. What is Xrij's favorite food?
  16. thread necro, I still think Suit Sensor's Tracking Beacons are evil.
  17. This problem can be solved by an infiltration gloves to the uplink, I believe.
  18. I think the general population wants security to not have better restraints, which this is the opposite of.
  19. Having to open the character sheet every roundstart and switch each antagonist to "off" is a chore that could easily be circumvented with a mid-round toggle.
  20. I believe these were added to fix a bug.
  21. I don't mind rolling for antag at the round's beginning, but I'd rather not be halfway through a round's worth of RP and suddenly have to be a traitor/ling or whatever else. It takes a decent chunk of prep-work to be an antagonist, or atleast the way I play it. So, I'd rather not have to start with less than half my usual time. This would specifically only apply to non-conversion antags, so normally conversion mechanics still work.
  22. normal glass looks bad tbh... also we're in space and windows need to be able to stand up to vacuum when breaches happen.
  23. Secondary numericals have the right to reproduce taken away from them until their score improves, children already born would be re-homed. Aweiji is close enough to the core that the Federation would have a very strong presence on the planet, and would be enforcing this standard policy. - Other than that, nothing jumps out at me in the application, it's somewhat short, but I believe it meets the minimum requirements and your answers to Haydizzle's questions are detailed. Now I'll throw some of my own in. 1. As a menial laborer in the Federation, you'd have a very high chance of working alongside of Diona and C'thur Vaurca, what does Yeqol think about them both? 2. Outside the Federation, you will often encountered the Skrell's favorite boogeyman, the Synthetic. How does Yeqol feel about potentially having to work alongside them? 3. You've mentioned Yeqol is a strong supporter of the Federation, what's his credit score? Who did he vote for in the recent election? 4. Is Yeqol a listener or reciever? 5. What is Yeqol's favorite food?
  24. -1 no Liaison escape pod
  25. Murder is loud, should stay loud. I'm not against that, but the problem is that it's someone on the other side of the station discovering you, rather than people nearby. Again, this isn't the problem though, the problem is that Medical can then send Security to that exact location. I am not saying vital sensors should be touched at all.
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