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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. how the fuck, this was made just now
  2. sorry only Skrell get to be truly important on the galactic stage, the rest of you are backwards savages that are better off sticking to your own little dirtballs in the middle of deadspace! Cope!
  3. never. We're getting rid of the Elyran in favor of giving the Techno Conglomerate its territories.
  4. Rather than the book having actually content, being able to determine it's look and title is more than enough for me.
  5. I thought Ramke's response during that round was perfectly acceptable. The Aurora has been demoted in importance, and it makes more than enough sense that the Odin would simply have them contain it until it can be transported to a more advanced facility. I was playing Alemnu Markos during the round, and acted on Ramke's fax. I was pleasantly surprised I received one at all during such a chaotic round.
  6. I personally do not want borgs to be more personable. My preferred flavor of borg is cold, detached and unfeeling. Anything that heightens that feel will get my seal of approval. I'd like a new ability to be given to the AI to "Set Cyborg Directive" similar to how Xenomorph Queens can do on CM, but that's more code than icon work. Some sort of "processing" sound effect would be nice!
  7. why is this in off topic, it's not a bad idea.
  8. I did not know you produced these, but I've been nothing but pleased with them since their addition. I would be interested in seeing this new animation style.
  9. One question I have about the mapping for the ship is: Will Security Camera Coverage be as invasive as is it is on the Aurora? Outside of Maintenance Tunnels, and a number of rooms you can count on one hand, every single room has a Security Camera inside. Will this be the case on the Ship?
  10. I think Heph retaining their distinct forest green is the right move, otherwise, these looks excellent
  11. Why would it? It's not like Baystation stopped being Bay when they used the Torch.
  12. The idea of the uniforms is very good, but I agree with danse that they are very flat looking and need shading.
  13. Small disclaimer, I was not a member of the Staff during Marlon's term, but I was an active member of the community and actually received my Unathi Whitelist from Marlon. Ultimately, while Marlon was Loremaster, the only single piece of lore I truly felt strong dislike for was the implementation of the Aut'akh. I can not recall any other instance where I felt their lore didn't line up with what was par for the course at the time, and considering the volume of that lore, it's significant. It's unfair to hold Marlon Era Lore to our current standards, which were only developed relatively recently. I respectfully disagree with claims that Marlon has been unduly argumentative when inquiring about the current state of the lore and recent revisions. If I had been away for a significant amount of time and returned to rollouts of medium-high intensity reworks, I would be inquiring into how, why, when and where. Marlon's Reputation, bloated unfairly or otherwise, is a relic of two years past. I would be a massive hypocrite if I was to argue someone should be judged for a lore position based off of general public consensus, rather than their current activity, attitude and passion for the collaborative writing project of Aurora and a desire to give to the community.
  14. Before I destroy your hopes and dreams discuss the application, let me applaud you for the effort put into the application. Clearly time, thought, and care went into this, and I've recognized that. This is a very high SCS for a Listener, who are subtly oppressed in the Federation for being uninfluenceable by the Nlom. It'd be a rare listener to have a high Primary Numerical SCS. Most of the best Listeners linger around low primaries, and the general populace occupies the secondary numericals. While it is acceptable to Skrell to have multiple skillsets, and you've chosen areas with overlap. This is a lot for a Skrell that isn't 100 yet. I gently remind you that jobhopping, even as a Skrell, is frowned upon. This is not to say you can't later switch to Roboticist after some character development, but don't flip flop between Surgeon and Roboticist, pick a lane. This date of birth would place your frog firmly in Supernova Era.
  15. (note I am commenting with my opinions and observations, not those of the lore team) I believe the small backlash from an "Organics First" policy is realistic, considering IPCs, while numerous, still do not have equal rights and protections within Biesel. Just look at NT's Corporate Regulations, Automacide is 20 minutes in the brig and a knock down the corporate ladder, while murder is a HuT at best and cyborgification at worst. All of that to say, IPCs simply are not allowed the political power other organic species are afforded. And those Synthetics in the TCFL have their own citizenship to worry about, not something to be risked by actively opposing a major political party with sway in the government.
  16. you know I wonder why you don't just make an IPC Head to cop the command whitelist and then enjoy your matriarch drone
  17. This simply isn't true as it stands. The slowdown from burn pain is just an instant tick to the grave if you are in a fight. Burn deals both the burn and the oxygen damage, it's basically hitting for double damage every shot. Most antag armors are not ballistic proofed or laser proofed. The strongest armor I know of is the heavy plate suit, and it's the only armor accessible to antags rated to defend against rifles. True, ballistics can do alot and they can do it fast. I'd still rather take a single bullet rather than a single laser blast. I'll be afforded the chance to run away or keep fighting if I'm hit with a bullet. I don't want to make burn damage useless, I just don't want it to be a, "You're dead kiddo" option. It's atleast twice as powerful as ballistics currently.
  18. Hi! Did you know Security's primary damage type is burn damage? Did you also know that the most lethal damage type in the game right now is burn damage? Now you do! Burn damage deals increased pain, increased infection rate, has blood boil, and organ damage. (though that last one isn't burn damage exclusive) The main issue here is the blood boil, because that is a direct attack on your oxygen levels, which means burn damage is also dealing very good oxygen damage. Oxygen damage, does cause pain, which stacks with the burn pain, meaning you will enter crit very quickly when struck with burn damage. This is pretty bad, just, on any side. But, Security has laser rifles, just standard, basic, laser rifles. These are, remarkably reliable weapons! Good rate of fire, good shot capacity, excellent accuracy, and window penetration. Very few antagonist armors (that I know of) have the protection value to ward off a laser rifle, infact, the only one I'm aware of is the heavy military armor plates, and even then, focused fire will bring you down to 5% blood oxygenation quickly. Now, this isn't really the fault of a the laser rifle, so much as burn damage, combined with this reliability, makes them very super deadly. TD:LR: Please nerf burn damage.
  19. The last statement is probably the only one I would consider always true. If I, an antagonist, have a gaggle of hostages for example, and Security violates terms I've set, it is in my best interests to follow through with my threat and execute a hostage. If I do not do this, Security will continue acting pelvis first without any regard for potential consequences. What does this have to do with the antagonist that kills you? That was your choice. The Antagonist is not obligated to accommodate you for this choice, in the same way they are obligated not to kill you without a good reason. Please name a few, you do a lot of complaining about what is being done without providing any examples of what could be seen as "better." Being an antagonist is difficult on multiple levels, especially if you are trying to actually please people. Many Antagonist players are in the "new to mid" tier of experience many cases, sometimes, this is all they can do at their current skill level. This goes doubly so when they are pitted against extremely experienced Security players.
  20. colfer will do anything to not play a real character
  21. I like this idea alot, hope a dev picks it up.
  22. Very good in Command, play with them a variety of times. Their HoP has been more than excellent, and effectively balances the lore/context of their culture and job.
  23. All of my support I can give to an application. Sleepy is a wonderful player and excellent RPer. I've thoroughly enjoyed all my interactions with their characters on the station. +1
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