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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. Dynamic Secret Gamemode System when
  2. If you get hit hard enough to go horizontal you’ve already lost motor control. It may only last for a few moments, but I want to create the window.
  3. I like the change, but I’m going to compile a list of people who should have maintenance access. This list may be redundant, because I’m not actually sure who got it yanked away because I was on break when the PR went through. Head of Security All Engineering Staff Janitor CMO (backup in the event there is no paramedic) Paramedic/EMT Detective (only because I think someone should be able to atleast poke around maintenance crime scenes with ease)
  4. I agree that not all Antags are up to snuff, and I’d even say that just playing Antag is a skill among itself. You are occasionally going to get a bad silent Malf, the nukehead Merc, or the murderboner Ninja. Usually due to inexperience, new Antag plays think “bad guy = kill people” and while it sucks to be on the receiving end, if we can nudge these players in the right direction we could get more unique RP instead of unfun murderhobo'ing
  5. Stunned (like with stun weaponry) , in paincrit, anything that forces you to go horizontal
  6. have we considered the small possibility that being forced into a scenario you were not expecting could maybe create unique role play. isnt a part of roleplay being in the character's shoes, regardless of the scenario? I very much believe that you should have enough grasp on your character that you should be able to roll with the punches instead of instantly locking up because you didn’t get what you excepted. Have we even for a moment thought “well the Borer doesn’t have to be a slave master”. It would also be perfectly fine if the bored just improved its hosts survival chances. The interaction between a host and an Antag could be just as friendly and cordial as the Diona Pacifist wizard that is determined to make you love him.
  7. holy shit why is this even a debate, those look fantastic and I’m willing to sacrifice uniformity for such great looking icons.
  8. this problem is the mindset "I don't want misfortune to befall my character." is cancerous. Your character's consent is not required for bad things to happen to them, nor can you as a player prevent bad things from happening to them.
  9. i like this one alot
  10. that depends solely on what would happen in a round with this exact case happening, we'd have to look at the events leading up to it.
  11. @Naelynn you can activate the nuke, then leave the station via the ship, therefore the antags survive.
  12. make it where you can't use your headset when you are stunned or otherwise incapacitated. (possibly unable to use with handcuffs on?) literally exists so antags don't have to resort to long-lasting stuns or KO chemicals to avoid ";HELP MAINT JOHN DOE" shit.
  13. The Nukes are an organic "villain" ending to the round. I'd say they should stay, its hard enough to get the entire merc team to agree to even acknowledge the nuke exists, much less to use it lmao.
  14. Make them purchasable via TC instead of a hard removal.
  15. i think he wants interspecies arcs. and I for one, approve of driving up racial tension.
  16. The only reason the construction borg exists is because of it's role in Malf, being the only module that can spawn the "Organic-to-Cyborg" machine with it's RCD.
  17. because thats an IPC with an MMI
  18. When it comes to voted captains, NT could just be vague about what actually happens when the SAT is activated. As where a real Captain would know "Yes this is an explosion" a voted captain could just be told, "This Nuclear Device solves targeted Station Problems, but can be tricky, use with care."
  19. Honestly 2 scouts sound better, just for team play.
  20. Yeah this seems like a solid idea, we could probably get this on the Wiki.
  21. If say the Bunker is a good way for he rest of Command to access it in emergencies, and this also far away enough for Antags to go “hm yes mild planning.”
  22. Hello this is very good, why is it not in the game?
  23. There are a million different ways to get to the surface if Command is smart enough to open maintenance, and the fact that all (normal) shuttles have to come through the surface of this giant asteroid is nice. I get the concerns, but there are solutions to most things between you and the shuttle.
  24. I’d like it if we took Bay12's approach, where both bar and kitchen have a table that is in the dining area,
  25. Could you please do the wield icon for the energy rifle as well, it’s so weird and ugly rn.
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