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Head Admins / Devs
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Everything posted by Arrow768

  1. Implemented here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6003 (The part with the balaclava for the uplink. The other stuff needs sprites. If you can get them, before the pr is merged, then send them to me and I can add another mask to the uplink)
  2. Implemented here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6002
  3. I concur with what has been said. Moving the Topic to the Archive.
  4. The ERT and the TCFL have access to the same chems. Because the ERT is powerful enough without standard access to the L6 SAW. If deployed by a somewhat skilled team it has the potential to fuck over any Antag (Group Antag or not) The argument "give ERT more powerful weapons so we can reduce their spawn chance" is flawed. The 50/50 split we have at the moment is fine. Both teams have their respective advantages and disadvantages.
  5. The associated pr has been closed and the branch deleted by the author. Therefore moving it to the archive
  6. Voting for dismissal, as the raised points have not been addressed by the OP
  7. As the OP agreed with the explanation given, I am moving this to the archive.
  8. Voting for dismissal. While it is an interesting idea, it removes a lot of the consequences for doing something that is against corporate regulations. Money, at the current point is not very important and people do not really care if they loose a few 100 credits. In addition, you fail to address what to do with someone who does not have sufficient money. If the only applicable sentence that would prevent characters from returning to the shift and causing further issues (for a time) is a HuT sentence, then this sentence will have to be applied much liberally than at the moment. Security needs a way to deal with constant troublemakers that does not involve throwing them into the permabrig after the first two offenses.
  9. The abuse of bugs is already punishable according to our rules: For something to be deemed a bug there need to be two things: It has been reported on Github. It has been deemed a bug by the developers. As it is quite possible that a certain mechanic is a feature and not a bug. If that has happened and you notice someone abusing this bug ingame, then it is upon you to report it to the administration. As there is nothing new in this suggestion, I am voting for dismissal.
  10. As mentioned on GitHub, I do not see an issue with this PR as it is just temporary and alternative (cheaper) snacks are available. The price increase might get people to actually figure out why it has been increased. Therefore it will be merged once lore is ready to move forward with the event.
  11. You've "seen" that ingame? It just unlocks other, free goods, not making all the goods free. You are incorrect here. It is possible to get all vendor items for free, you just have to be more creative about it.
  12. No longer relevant with the new forum system.
  13. Has been implemented. Moving to completed
  14. No longer relevant with the upgrade of the forum system. Moving to the archive
  15. As far as I know this has been implemented
  16. Has been implemented. moving to completed projects
  17. Voting for dismissal as the raised points have not been addressed
  18. Hm, quite disappointing. This looked like a pretty interesting rework. Moving it to the archive then. Feel free to ping staff in case you want to resurrect it.
  19. Voting for dismissal, as the OP has not explained what the goal of the suggestion is.
  20. You have explained the problem, but did not tell us what you want to achieve with this suggestion.
  21. Do you have a alternative option for a "fun and intuitive" mechanic that would add impact to cloning and prevent cloning from being a quick 3 minute procedure ?
  22. To address a few things. Monetizing PRs We are running a purely non-profit community. This also includes trying to post bounties for PRs or the removal of PRs. While this position might change some day for feature PRs in the form of a bounty system, something like that will never happen for revert PRs. At the current time, do not offer to pay money or try to accept money for a feature / revert PR. Change Cloning to have no traumas I do not want to argue if it was the intention of @LordFowl to nerf cloning with the brain trauma PR or if it was just a side effect. Ultimately it does not matter. I believe that the addition of brain traumas helped to bring a bit more of an impact to death in the game. As its no longer as simple as "put patient into cloning. wait 2 minutes. put them into cryo. wait 1 minute. release them.", which was a common issue before. As @LordFowl is working on further tweaks to the brain traumas and the interaction with cloning, I do not see a immediate need to change the way cloning works.
  23. I am not convinced either. We already have paramedics, emts and emergency physicians, who can (with coordination between these departments) fill in that role.
  24. Voting for dismissal. We already have that for some doors and it is annoying as is if certain people try to constantly open it when they dont have access to it.
  25. Archiving this topic as there has been no response in 48h.
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