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Everything posted by Arrow768
I´ll just move this to the archive, since we can already hand out lunchboxes in the kitchen
Well, maybe I am just misunderstanding what you are saying here, so I´ll just ask you directly. What would you like to come from this complaint that has not yet been addressed?
The main issue with the "deal" was that it was practically unenforceable by administrative staff due to the "above my paygrade issue" you mentioned, and therefore unfair as there was little that could be done without contacting the person that set the deal in place to confirm weather or not something has broken the rules or not, thereby making it unfair as fair administrative actions can no longer be dispensed in a time-sensitive manner. Weather the initial version of the deal (both get a ban if both engage each other) is fair or not is not really my concern as this deal has been set in place ~ 7 months ago and is no longer enforced / needed as there is no longer a reason to do so. Especially since the procedure change I recommended already contains a part that requires to determine if one or both parties are at fault and then apply administrative actions accordingly. Regarding ignoring history. With the new forum system, history is taken into account with the warning point system. (And can be taken into account easier for manual administrative actions). Ingame History is taken into account aswell via the use of notes. On Discord, taking the history into account is a bit of an issue since we do not have a note system and there are some issues with the bot that prevent strikes from being logged properly (however they can still be applied). A PR to fix the strike logging on discord is currently awaiting review and then it should work just fine. (Once the PR is merged it is just a matter of using the system and history will be taken into account aswell (full automatic). I do not see the point in arguing weather or not the punishment given back then was equal or not, as none of you are effected by it at the moment. To sum it up: We have systems in place to track the history of the infractions of a certain individual. Most of these tools have some level of automation to them (forum warnings, discord strikes) The discord strikes have been used irregular since 2018-03 due to a issue that resulted in insufficient logging and visibility, but a PR is up to fix that issue. A "deal" such as the one set in place between you and delta by garn should not happen again (due to the issues outlined above) instead standard administrative actions should be applied. Whatever happened with the lore team and fowl is out of the scope of this complaint and will not be discussed here, as there is another complaint about the same topic active at the moment. Things that I will discuss with the mins: More liberal application of discord strikes (after the bot is fixed) Longer delay until strikes / warnings expire on discord / the forums More steps in the automatic escalation based on warnings / strikes.
As ShameOnTurtles resigned a few days ago I reviewed this complaint (and will review the complaint against skull soonish) Garn already confirmed that the move to make a deal again was a wrong move and will just lead to PMs from people asking if said deal has been broken or not thereby making the enforcement of the deal in a time sensitive manner much more difficult. For the future I would recommend to, if both parties are at fault to warn both parties (if these issues occur on the forum that makes it even easier since escalating punishment is automatically applied based on previous warnings received) or ban them if there is sufficient reason (repeat offense + previous warnings) Should either one of the involved parties engage in behavior designed to antagonize the other party that behavior should be dealt with via the standard administrative channels (with escalating punishment) instead of having to contact a single person to verify weather or not said behavior breaks a established deal. If this procedure change is accepted as is by the Headmin for the administration team, then I do not see the need to take any further actions. Regarding Shevs GitHub ban: The ban was until appeal and has been appealed by Shev here: https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/10597-scheveningen-aurora3-repository-ban After the appeal there were no further incidents on GitHub , or the ban would have been reapplied. The purpose of the first action on a specific platform should never be to punish, but to correct behavior. Therefore it served its purpose as a correctional tool.
Alright, time for some stats (just for the humans): Since the start of 2019 a total of 10877 character-shifts have been played. Out of those 7332(67%) have been played by males and 3545 (32%) have been played by females. Since our total server population has a male-hang, the data has been normalised to a 50/50 distribution between males and females.
I have thought a bit about this and I do not believe that a hard gender based wage gap is a good idea to implement. We have to keep in mind that what is in accessible via the ATM is not necessarily the payment the person receives for the shift. In addition I believe that it is a given that there is a difference in gender discrimination between species. i.e. Unathi > Human > Skrell, which is not properly reflected in this PR. (It would not make sense for a female Skrell to receive less pay given they lack of differentiation between genders) However one thing that I could see being implemented is a slight preference for a certain gender in the job selection. For example: provide a slight bonus for females trying to ready up as chef / bartender / nurse / ... and a slight bonus for males trying to ready up as engineer, security officer, miner, ... But even the second option might not be needed. I am relatively sure that there is already a tendency for female chars to choose jobs that are traditionally done by women and for male chars to choose jobs that are traditionally done by men. (I can probs pull some stats about that)
Today i will... merge the pay gap PR
Also, the next question is what to do with the virology / chemistry lab. I also see a few options for that: Remove the virology lab from the sublevel, add a scaled down version of it to chemistry and use the loonie-den as containment for the virology-patients if we have them Move chemistry to the sublevel and combine it with the virology lab If you have another idea, let me know.
Alright, so there are a few options for the cloths: Give the Bio-Chemist and Pharmacist the gear from the Virologist Give the Bio-Chemist and Pharmacist the gear from the Chemist Give the Bio-Chemist the gear from the virologist and the Pharmacist the gear from the Chemist Get a new sprite set that is used by both the Bio-Chemist and the Virologist Poll is edited into the main post
I can see where you are coming from, but the maint tunnels arnt something that everyone should have unrestricted access to. (Since we have the maintenance access flag) I would also argue that security has no business running around in the tunnels on green, (since those are maintenence tunnels) but that is something for another topic.
I have to vote for dismissal on this one. You should coordinate with your coworkers / other departments for minor things such as this.
[2;bin 02/MAR/2019] Proper Resleeving Suggestion Thread
Arrow768 replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Archive
The thing is, at the moment we do not have any form of transhumanism in the game. The only species that has some sort of augmentability is the new unathi subspecies (and that isnt playable at the moment) I am definitely not saying that what has been suggested here should never be a thing but there should be a bit more development into that are than just "yeah, here you go. have what´s basically immortality". Before we go into the territory of immortality and the issues that come with it, we should look into "lighter" themes of trans-humanism. -
[2;bin 02/MAR/2019] Proper Resleeving Suggestion Thread
Arrow768 replied to Snakebittenn's topic in Archive
Seems like someone has taken inspiration from altered carbon. I don't believe that this will add much difficulty to cloning as the only thing that you have to do in addition to the process is remove the lance and plug it into the fresh clone. In fact, this would even allow medical to prepare clones so people could quickly receive a new body if they die and due to the concept of the neural lance, that could be any body they have laying around. A proper body can be supplied at any later date/time. I have to vote for dismissal due to a few issues: It does not add any difficulty to cloning, even has the possibility to make it easier (as explained above) The goal seems to be to allow Antags to more easily remove people from the round (which is not something that I agree with, as this should take some effort) It causes a whole slew of regulation issues (Is it really murder if you kill the sleeve and do not destroy the lance?) I do not believe we are ready for such a drastic step into trans-humanism (yet). -
[Dismissed] Stop people from abusing SSD rules
Arrow768 replied to GenericDave's topic in Rejected Policy
Moved to policy suggestions since this is primarily a question of rule enforcement / adaptation -
Restrict telescience teleportation to station levels
Arrow768 replied to Alberyk's topic in Discontinued Projects
As I mentioned in dev, I think it would be better to rework how the loot is distributed throughout the derelict. I would suggest the following approach to it: Remove the static loot (that is causing issues) from the Derelict Add a large number of random spawnpoints with a relatively low spawn chance OR Write a System that can dynamically select suitable spawnpoints for loot and spawn it I believe the Ability to teleport to and from the Derelict is a nice touch that can be kept if the more problematic loot is distributed. -
I have to address a few things mentioned here: From what I saw in the logs it has been handled, however we generally do not inform anyone except the offender about the punishment. The reason because I didn't immediately post an announcement about your retirement was because when I saw your PM about your retirement I didn't have the time to write a proper one. By the time I got home @Bygonehero already made that announcement. (Which is highly irregular)
Could you give us a list of what names you would like to replace and the name it should be replaced with.
The point of it is, that you do not have medical or engineering rigs running around with heavy combat gear such as laser cannons. If you wish to use a rig with a laser canon, you will have to acquire one that is capable of using heavy combat modules. It is easy enough to make them available via cargo.
To post some answers to some questions that have been asked on discord. How is the chance calculated ? Every 3 minutes, the chance to get a ERT is increased by 1% if the station is on green or yellow, 2% if it is on blue and 3% if it is on red (10% if its on delta) This chance is added to the base chance of 10% In addition the percentage of dead people and the percentage of antagonists (amongst the living ones) is taken into account. The more antags and the more dead, the higher the chance. These values are tweakable via config and the intention is to do so once this PR is live and it is actually possible to see how it plays out
The Tajara file has been added to the uplink a while ago. As it fulfils the requirements of the OP -> moving it to completed projects
allow the butcher's cleaver to go into the belt slot
Arrow768 replied to Butterrobber202's topic in Completed Projects
Implemented in: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6004