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Everything posted by Arrow768

  1. New Services: No, not yet Disabled Features: Reactions, Prefixes, Tags, Event Calender Design Change: Once we have a few designs that are in the closer selection I will make another post about it
  2. As most of you probably noticed we changed our forum system. All Users, Topics, Posts as well as private messages have been migrated. Design The design you see here is not final. It is just the default design the forum system came with. Over the coming weeks it will be replaced with a more suitable design. New Features The new Forum System has quite a few new features. However I had to disable quite a few of them following immediate abuse by certain community members. These Features will most likely be reactivated over the coming weeks with misuse resulting in warnings. External Services Our Wiki and our Web Interface relied heavily on the Forums for certain features. The Wiki has already been changed and it is possible to login with your forum username. The WI is still using the old forum database (you will be able to log into the WI with your old username/password). In the coming days it will be changed aswell. New Services The new forum system has certain capabilities that the old one does not have, therefore enabling us to provide new services to you. Some of those should be ready in the next weeks / months.
  3. As I mentioned in the discord announcement and multiple discussions: At the moment I do not see the need for this (or any other changes) as the first step to try and solve the current tsc issues is to increase the awareness that there are certain actions which we do not want to see as a recurring theme with tsc. In addition the mods and mins have been advised to keep an eye out for specific behavior and talk to the players about it, if it is noticed. Only if these actions turn out to have no effect, then mechanical solutions will be considered.
  4. Trial accepted. Moving to the archive
  5. It might be worth to reduce the time it takes to cuff someone if they are held with an aggressive grab by the time it normally takes to acquire that aggressive grab. This wouldn't put antags at a disadvantage, as the cuffing player already had to invest the time to get the aggressive grab and would allow them a few more chances to escape if cuffing player chooses to go for a grab before cuffing them. As long as the total time required to cuff someone isn't shorter with the new method I could see it being implemented. But generally cuffing is fine as is and we do not need a way to cuff someone faster. A slight note: If you have a person that is moving around which you want to cuff: Just grab them. If they resist, it is resisting arrest. Then you have the justification required to use your stun weapons to put them down and charge them with resisting. (But make sure to announce the intention to detain them before doing so)
  6. I have to vote for dismissal for exactly that reason. The resist mechanic isn't meant to be able to break out of your cuffs while in sight of security personnel. It is meant as a way to unrestrain yourself if you are forgotten somewhere. (Its also important to remember that certain species have certain advantages and disadvantages which make them more or less suitable for certain playstyles. If you wish to be able to break your cuffs in a obvious manner, then you should consider playing a unathi.) Security needs to have a reliable way to deal with people that resist-spam. The suggested implementation would effectively prevent that and reward people that resist spam while in sight of security personnel. The current mechanics are sufficient to allow antags to break out of cuffs if they are not actively monitored. One thing that I could see being implemented is a longer timer if you do it on the disarm intent and the big red "wiggle out of cuffs"- message being changed to a standard message that is only sent to the person standing directly next to the prisoner. However the currently suggested implementation in the OP is a nogo.
  7. The laws of the borgs can be changed, allowing them to self-destruct. Therefore I am voting for dismissal. People who intentionally (and repeatedly) use the self-destruct option on the console as borg should be punished according to our rules. And if its done because they want to see if it works, well. Curiosity killed the cat
  8. Has been implemented here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5489 Moving to completed Projects
  9. [mention]DronzTheWolf[/mention] can you send me the sprites via discord ?
  10. Voting for dismissal. The standard gasmasks are sufficient for security. However I am open to a sprite change if someone were to provide alternative sprites (that still serve the purpose of being face-concealing)
  11. I am going to consider this implemented as admins have the ability to spawn that. But it will be kept admin-spawn-only right now due to the well "very volitile nature" of that gamemode
  12. Implemented by: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5609
  13. Pretty much impelemented with the recent engineering reworks. Moving to completed projects
  14. Implemented here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5608
  15. Slot machines have been added by alb. Moving to completed projects
  16. Has been merged. Moving to completed Projects
  17. I am not really sure where this gui notice should be put. Any specific ideas ?
  18. Moving it to completed projects since it has been implemented
  19. Implemented here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5607
  20. Implemented here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5606
  21. I do agree that the damage the ion does to a IPC should be decreased and the stun should be increased. However, it should definitely be possible to kill an IPC if you empty a ion rifle into one. Or add two firemodes to the rifle. One which stuns a IPC and needs less charge and one that can kill a IPC, but needs more charge.
  22. Each species we have has certain advantages and disadvantages. And different species is more or less suitable for certain play-styles. As a IPC, it is much harder to play an offensive and highly visible antagonist than it is with a Unathi. But if you choose to play offensively as a IPC, then you have to accept the obvious choice that security is going to get the ion rifle. The alternative to this is quite simple. Alter your playstyle. Choose a stealthier and more subtle approach that will not give away who the antagonist is. For example by utilizing bombs in strategic locations or bio-weapons or explosive implants to force others to do your bidding. Or you could just remove the single ion rifle from the armory As mentioned by [mention]Itanimulli[/mention] the ion rifle has a very wide variety of other uses than to take down IPCs. It would be unreasonable to remove the ion rifle from the armory when there is a very wide range of situations where the usage of the ion rifle is applicable. Since we have another suggestion that aims to rework the interactions of IPC with the ion rifle, I am voting on dismissal here.
  23. Had a brief talk with [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention] about that suggestion. I believe [mention]BurgerBB[/mention] ´s implementation idea is pretty solid (if expanded a bit): All home-system specific items are added to the custom loadout (possibly a specific category). The loadout system is expanded to allow restrictions based on the home system. The loadout system is expanded to allow to specify if multiple restrictions should apply with a AND or a OR condition (i.e. if you need to be of the correct species and be from the correct home system or only one of those) If a player changes the home system of their char (or when a new char is created) the proper items for the home-system are selected. (Possibly with a item flag to mark them a default item for a home system / species. If a char spawns there is (obviously) a check to see if the char still has the correct home-system for the specific item
  24. This has effectively been implemented. Moving to completed projects.
  25. Over the course of a few months multiple clothing options have been added to the loadout. The large majority of those loadout options is something that the average person wears or brings to their workplace. However, at a certain point you have to ask yourself: "when is it to much" ? For me that point was reached, when we added yet another cloak with a questionable description to a department that already has a very wide array of loadout options. The question is, would you bring a piece of clothing to your indoor-workplace that is designed to protect you from the effects of the elements and wear it constantly while inside of the station ? Usually, the answer is no. It would get pretty warm pretty fast, especially if you have to perform exhausting tasks. Considering that we have a very large number of loadout options (~200+ after a very rough estimate) some of which can even be further customized I decided (after a quick discussion with Skull) to go the simple way of just removing them from the loadout, instead of developing a system that takes into account the body temperature, insulation of the suit and environmental temperature to calculate if the body temperature of a person should be increased and a stamina penality / increased hydration loss should occur. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5504
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