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Your SS13 confessions


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I powergame, I wear sunglasses to prevent flashes (because they are far to easy to obtain) and a webbing to store items since most security overlooks that slot. I also stand away from people unless my character knows them ICly and I trust them.


If I lose a limb and do not get cloned I replace it with a mechanical part until I am cloned again in a later round. If the situation of how I lost my limb is not canon I create a story for it.


Because of playing a near mute I usually only do security in extended.


I keep a list of players who are shit and give them a lot less leeway when robusting.


I prefer it when people are racist to my tajaran because it follows the lore.


My tajaran works within every sector. Security, civilian, science, engineering, the only one technically not within is any head position (including quarter master). While I'm combat/technically trained I reasoned most jobs rely on working with machines or do not require specialized training.


I get mildly rustled when I see any unathi or tajaran in a head position (including quarter master).


My tajaran is female but prefers male tajarans as mates. No females or xenospecies.


When working within robotics I always put a flash in my pocket, a backup flash in my webbing, sunglasses, and cut pair of insulated gloves from tech storage that are dyed a different color. I also have a fully stocked toolbelt/multitool with me but thats job required so I digress.


I wear certain colored gloves all the time, insulated and non-insulated so people don't think my colored gloves are out of place.


I partially don't want to post some of the above stuff because people will meta-game these facts.


Despite looking at the code and using some of the most meta/power gamey tactics I despise fighting or removing characters from the game unless they attack me first or are shit.


On the reverse side, if someone is shit I remove there character from the round permanately if possible.


If playing as the HoP and Ian is killed I wordlessly put my gun in my mouth and commit suicide on the spot. If Ian dies I do not deserve to live for failing my canine companion.


There is no hope for me :(

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When working within robotics I always put a flash in my pocket,-etc

I do that a lot as Roboticist as well even though I most likely shouldn't, I always treat Robotics as my personal fortress and must fend off all baldies and assistants that try to get inside when the door is opened.


As a consequence, I get severely twitchy when the other Roboticist leaves the hanger doors open and go back and forth with myself whether it'd be an in-character sort of thing to close the hanger.


I also feel inadequate and completely outclassed when someone starts pulling sentence long emotes even though emotes aren't everything.


One day I hope to do a character who actually has a real presence, and has IC friends, etc, instead of the RPless AFKing thing I do when I join.


I still prefer playing my ERT for RP purposes over all my other characters.


I don't really play SS13 or Aurora, half my game time is spent browsing the internet or playing some game without sound, something I need to fix sooner or later, otherwise I shouldn't bother.


I also despise "spooky" events, they get old to me and you can't really ICly talk to someone else about the stuff happening except that "it's so spoopy", whenever I see a Faithless my interest in the round withers away, I'd much rather be held for ransom by a bunch of clowns in HONKs.


I still don't play any antag other than Nuke Op.

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I'd much rather be held for ransom by a bunch of clowns in HONKs.


A ransom for bananas even.


New people on the server get under my skin a lot for some reason, in other games I'm fine with it but here I try to be helpful but I just end up irritated, though I wouldn't vent it in their faces of course.


I love being important but since I don't really play antags or have a head whitelist or even play security it comes rarely.


I'll roll my eyes and metagame whenever someone on radio is apparently a Muslim because they are never, ever, legitimate.


For that matter, I trust Chaplains on a scale lower than Assistants.


Nine times out of ten when I have to evacuate to an outpost while Alberyk kills the AI or some such I'll just quit because forced Chair RP is utterly terrible.


This leads to me trying to find excuses to stay on the station for as long as possible, because getting murdered by AI's, Nuke Ops, or Deathsquads strikes me as better then sitting around chairs for 10+ minutes doing precisely nothing.

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I always wonder if there are ghosts following and talking about the things that my characters do in dead chat.


My favorite way to kill someone is by harm-batoning them to death.


I dislike wizards a lot, and mostly when they are peaceful.


I think if we had summon gun as a spell for the wizard, this gamemode would be far better.


I hate when people leave or just take long breaks, I really wish that certain players didn't leave the server.

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When i am in science i powergame like a motherfucker, i build as manz weapons as i can and build so manz combat mechs you could swear i am building a army


When i am a wizard there is always a voice in my head to go HONK and take over the station


Just for one round i want to play as the clown


Please PLEASE! when i am a roboticist dont tease me with H.O.N.K boards! i might kill you...


When i am a nuke, i always want to be dank and name myself dank lord protector of dank's


After 4 years of playing this fucking game i still don't know how Atmos works. AND NO I DONT WANT TO LEARN DEAR GOD!


As a vampire i always have a sex slave, Top KeK


Most of the time, when talking to a antag i am always a click away from pulling out a weapon. Damn you Goon for teaching me this!


Richars is the most sexist and the largest asshole on this server...And i still love him somehow...

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After being told that I have competition in the form of Alberyk's Unathi nuke op, I secretly want to come and play a nuke op round with them as Zex and see who is the greater Slizard Op.

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  • 2 years later...

I emote fart on SSDs, usually with some amount of graphic description of the smell and taste.


My chef character scratches his ass and doesn't wash his hands, also coughs and spits on the food. Bon appa-tit mfs.


I judge RDs and scientists as incompetent who don't set-up a beaker rack next to the ChemDispenser, also who don't organize the research lab a certain way.


I'll use the circularness of science and medical to avoid people and responsibilities, even as command staff.


I know how telescience works and have spreadsheets for most servers, my main doesn't so I don't use it with them but have an alt where I go on telescience adventures and abduct Columbo because I love Alsatians.


I don't know the voice commands for the Lawgiver or even Columbo. :cry:


Everyone of my characters will generally pick up a crowbar because of HL's Gordon Freeman. Non-technical characters will also pick up a screwdriver, think it's a habit from stabbing people in the eyes on Yog even though I've never stabbed anyone in the eyes with one here in Aurora (yet).


I've got most routines down to the exact number of clicks with a deviation of lag-response. I am sad like that.


I have a list somewhere of everyone who's pointed at the "No Smoking" sign when I'm smoking. Y'all are judged as total fannies.


I never wear a bio-suit when dealing with slimes. I take my occasional glomps like a boss.


I've never done xenoarcheology, it's probably the only thing I actually know nothing or care about.


Like Richter, I'm a total vaurcaboo.


IPC RDs are awful. You can't change my mind.


My "Scottish accent" is generally how folks speak here, in Scotland, when we're trying to sound posh-er for Americans and the like.

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80% of the things I have posted here are outdated and have changed.

I tend to hate any character I make, after a while.

I tend to enjoy when everyone is being murdered despite its ganky nature. For this reason I sort of like cult.

I kind of feel like I should not have gotten half the whitelists I have, reading my old applications.

I do not consider myself to be very good at roleplaying for that matter, tbh.

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As a mod, I have joined the server before, looked up the round type with admin commands, seen it is a certain roundtype, and closed ss13.

I act like I know what I'm doing in Atmospherics but 90% of the time I don't.

The reason I play robots is because my personality is very static and boring, just like a robot.

I think about killing off my characters and starting anew at least once a month, but I never actually do it.

I am probably the least known moderator, and most of the time I'm okay with it.

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I find at least 75% of other players unbearable OOCly. The only reason I stuck around was because I know it's going to be worse elsewhere. I stay quiet and civil about it as best I can.


I can only do like three jobs without having the wiki open.


If a player says "snowflake" unironically, I instantly lose respect for them.


I think the lore is too restricive for xeno species. I am constantly worried people are WAITING to pounce and remove my whitelist if I don't make a cookie-cutter stereotype. I risk it anyway.


All my characters are gay or bi and you can't stop me. Yes even the xenos. While I am vocal about this, it is not their personality, or a "meme". People often imply it is. Those people are easy to piss off, and the reason I will keep being vocal about it.


I voted for crossfire once.


I am afraid to do new jobs or play antags because people are too cruel OOCly to people making mistakes.


I still don't know all the powers available to a ling.


I've gone back and edited this. S u r p r i s e


Antag gimmicks that rely on killing are more boring than spectating chairRP


I like the concept of ERP. I understand why the server will never allow it, and agree with it. If it wasn't banned, I would do it.


Sometimes I don't ready up, check the manifest, and pick characters based on what departments are missing jobs.


Related to that, I'm afraid to play jobs where there's already a character (Robotics, Chemistry) because I'm afraid of fucking up

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Good old revification of dead threads, fun.


I have interacted with over 40 vaurca characters, I liked 2.

I believe everyone who plays Borg or a Vaurca every single round is extremely bad at socializing and that's why it's so easy to act non-human.

Every time I see a miner who previously bragged about not giving research materials complaining about research not giving him upgrades I feel joy.

I have been gifted NSFW art of two characters so far. I bought one too.

I actually prefer dogs to cats, it's just that I found a funny cat video, used a picture from it as an avatar and people just assumed I love cats so I just go along with it.

I think every single civilian whinning about civilian not being included in events is a massive manbaby and should realize that you trade responsibilities for involvement. Coincidentally each time people bitch about involvement they forget to mention that engineering and medical are also the two most involved departments. Almost like it goes according to how many players play each department you fucking idiots.

I think if you disconnect because something in the game makes you "uncomfortable" you're a magnitude 10 earthquake pussy.

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Good old revification of dead threads, fun.


I have interacted with over 40 vaurca characters, I liked 2.

I believe everyone who plays Borg or a Vaurca every single round is extremely bad at socializing and that's why it's so easy to act non-human.

Every time I see a miner who previously bragged about not giving research materials complaining about research not giving him upgrades I feel joy.

I have been gifted NSFW art of two characters so far. I bought one too.

I actually prefer dogs to cats, it's just that I found a funny cat video, used a picture from it as an avatar and people just assumed I love cats so I just go along with it.

I think every single civilian whinning about civilian not being included in events is a massive manbaby and should realize that you trade responsibilities for involvement. Coincidentally each time people bitch about involvement they forget to mention that engineering and medical are also the two most involved departments. Almost like it goes according to how many players play each department you fucking idiots.

I think if you disconnect because something in the game makes you "uncomfortable" you're a magnitude 10 earthquake pussy.


I feel attacked by that last one :~;

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fuckin, i once made a tajaran character and roleplayed them rolling in the garbage. they were a trash-brown ruddy boy and this was like 3 years ago.

ALSO i once banned the wrong guy on accident and i didn't notice until someone told me

coalf made me rewrite this bcz i quote


CoalfToday at 12:35 PM

"I'm talented"

"I'm very talented"

"I have a big imagination"

"I have a lot of characters"

"Once I banned a guy on accident I guess"

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I used to ERP. It was pleasant.


I don't even like cats. They're okay at best I guess. My closest family members are all allergic except me, so I could never have them.


I get way more enjoyment out of lore writing and CCIA duties anymore than actually playing.


I save every single Tajara meme that I come across. The fact that people are even willing to make memes about the lore is crazy cool to me.


I never played a female character in my nearly 3 years of being here until last month.


Playing my favorite characters is weird because no one they were friends with are even around anymore. I made more new characters recently than ever before just to feel the freedom of a new character's clean slate to make new friends.


I'm wildly unrobust, but I want to play security as a police officer of sorts. The ensuing teammate salt for being the worst at Team Deathmatch always turns me off, but I tend to make for a slippery antagonist.


I take long breaks from writing my character story because I'm anxious about the quality of the content I put out with it.


I wish more people would DM me or even ping me in public with feedback.

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Good old revification of dead threads, fun.


I'm gay.

I'm gay.

I'm gay.

I'm gay.

I'm gay.

I'm gay.


Shocking revelations.

I hate you but I like you enough for it to turn into indefference.

Also you forgot "I didn't write my novel for like two years now" into it.

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