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About Hendricks

  • Birthday 17/08/2000

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  • Byond CKey

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Plasma Researcher

Plasma Researcher (22/37)

  1. This sounds great, I'd love to be able to claim a chair just like in my college days. Time to chad.
  2. Totally not bragging or anything I promise but I can sort the Warehouse in less than 20 minutes but thats only because it's the role I play the most, I also agree it does have a lot of useless stuff, I don't even bother with Service stuff I just pile it because absolutely no one will use any of it for then a single second. It's the only role I play q-q.
  3. I concur with King. It should be this deadly. Every firefight should be life or death.
  4. My second round in almost a year and I become a Merc. I was entirely unprepared.
  5. I hate the trolley and I have a forklift license in real life so I’d love to see this become a thing. Though it would kind of inert some good quick barricading items for events and such.
  6. That sounds truly awesome. And well needed too. Great work. I just have to get ingame.
  7. Hasn’t killed me for over a year. Plz ban.
  8. I hate wizard just as much as the next but this basically voids secret. Secret. A round type where you are 80% likely going to be disappointed regardless.
  9. I hate it, as a CT I'd use it to find Bounty crap. It'd take 4 minutes of my round and just break things up a little. You don't know how much 4 minutes means when you do the same each round.
  10. Like that octopus that can squeeze through any gap that fits its beak. I support. Squids don’t really have many tactical advantages apart from slippage bases shenanigans.
  11. See you later dude. Take care.
  12. I don’t know much about Cargo. But in my little experience I’ve never seen KA’s used as weapons. Also gun crates you can order need a head ID to unlock. So if anyone uses KA’s to get around that ahelp it. As for mindset in Cargo it is true there are a lot of newbies and shitters. But from what I’ve seen most people actually play relatively good characters. You occasionally get the idiots and they more often then not just Cryo.
  13. pee-eeww sweaty guwans
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