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Everything posted by niennab

  1. niennab

    clone commission

    From the album: Niennab's Character Art

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  2. niennab

    witch sketch

    From the album: Niennab's Character Art

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  3. niennab

    wizard sketch

    From the album: Niennab's Character Art

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  4. What I love most about NBT is how there feels like more opportunities for departments to engage with one another. A lot of the roles just generally feel 'cooler' as well, if that makes any sense. Incredible work, really. I meant to post this eons ago but I wanted to ask if cargo could have buttons on the walls to call their elevator up/down. As it stands, you can only move the elevator if you're on the floor that it's on. I can see about getting screenshots during another week just for visual clarity.
  5. Do not misconstrue what I have to say. Nowhere in response does it state that I expected to be let in on the private conversation. However, the issue stands that you failed to moderate a toxic person and had them present on the team long after what would be appropriate. Moreover allowing this person to stir conflict in the staff channels while you were online through inaction and without intervention was failing to address the issue. Your hypothetical doesn't work and changes the 'reversed roles' scenario you're presenting from sentence 1 to sentence 2. I didn't want to air your dirty laundry because the use of the word is either old, nichely understood as a slur, or seldom used on your part, but if you're looking for logs, then here. Note the 28 results. Although, before you misconstrue this point as well, this is an issue regarding your inability to take criticism, not the use of the slur. This is due to the conversation that transpired in June 2021* when I talked to you about it. In the end, I think all of the issues I have with your ability to moderate can be demonstrated in this portion here. You are falsely deciding what you consider to be the bulk of the conversation, or what you deem to be my perspective on the matter. If anything, I think this should be what is highlighted in why you aren't yet ready for this position. This is precisely what I saw during your previous tenure as lore deputy master and I am seeing it again here. I think with time, you could take on this position, but not yet. Take of it what you will, but I won't be responding further. My points can be viewed in this and the above posts.
  6. This person went above and beyond acceptable behavior that went largely unpunished and for far too long. You either had the habit of never weighing in on these matters in the appropriate channels or, another point of frustration, you would weigh in on conversations being had between two maintainers while failing to read on what was being discussed. Which meant that conversations had to back track or come to an abrupt stop in order to educate someone who should have read up on the conversation themselves. - Even in your example you acknowledge that your answers were half-baked and without clarification. Or are these two separate topics? I would not care if someone said I crashed and burned. I didn't want to get into your history of using slurs in the community however that, along with your response to my questions in your deputy thread is what I was addressing. If you need more examples, if someone asks you not to use a slur, you should not explode and claim that you are being attacked. It can be blatantly read in your application that I levied criticisms against you, using exact examples (how you handled barring stationbounds to IPCs), to which you either refused to answer or pretended the conversation was regarding something else. You had an opportunity to discuss what concerns I saw but instead you took to taking offense. As such, I saw everything I needed to see in order to make a judgment then.
  7. The work of a Lore Deputy Master requires a strong ability to moderate and manage the team. From what I saw of you while I was the Synthetic Maintainer, I'm not confident that you are ready for those responsibilities again. While you were the previous Lore Deputy Master, you failed to moderate a toxic person on the team. Moreover, criticisms levied against you prompt an explosive response where you believe that you are being attacked. You are a great writer and a creative person but the Lore Deputy Master is a management role that requires both a moderator and a team player. -1
  8. Generally I found the experience of antagonist command to be frustrating and I don't think I can endorse it coming back. One experience I can remember was where in Science nothing could get done because our Research Director went completely silent over radio while running off somewhere in maint. Nothing could be signed off on and when things went sour, there was no one with authority to generally get people to safety. I can only imagine how this would go for medical.
  9. I don't think there is a need for the species whitelists to be removed due to inactivity. Where command plays a crucial role in a round and can change the enjoyment for players, messing up on a species' lore can be easily rectified in game or via lore developers after the fact.
  10. I honestly thought this was already a rule. It's a fair one to add.
  11. My post details why I have -1'ed the application. Please stay on topic and do not spam the app.
  12. I am not talking about the loremaster position.
  13. I concur with the concerns brought up in the thread over the consolidation of power. Being the loremaster deputy as well as the maintainer of any species is a conflict of interest and should not be allowed and I would encourage those at the top to make concrete rules about staff having positions in multiple departments. There simply isn't enough regulations in place to address what could be unchecked authority and an abuse of power, no matter the state of the species' lore or the work involved. Equally, we should be encouraging players to take up positions on the staff team so to diversify the server's voice and give opportunities to those skilled and interested. I think you have the potential to be a great deputy loremaster, however if you aren't stepping down from Tajara lore I will have to put my vote at a -1.
  14. I think it's incredibly important for someone in the lore master positions to have good communication skills. Unfortunately from what I have seen of you in the official Discord's, you have a tendency to get off topic, aggressive, or make claims about the conversation while it's being held. Then, when push comes to shove, you claim everyone misunderstood one another. As such, I am not confident that you'd be appropriate for the position of Deputy Lore Master. The position of lore master and maintainer requires a moderator more than anything. -1
  15. I like this idea a lot and I think it'd add a lot more realism to the day to day. However I think the Vaurcan, IPC and AI/Stationbound language should be exempt from being selected unless you are that race due to the nature of how the language operates. It may be worth implementing it in the same way we allow certain races to have crossing languages if you have both whitelists as well.
  16. Personally, I think the argument of Unathi lore not pushing articles is an incredibly weak one. There is a lot of work to constantly be on top of as the maintainer. So much so that depending on the state of lore, desired projects, or if the staff member is an admin or not, running events or article events is a huge ask. It's a volunteer position and no where is it enforced that maintainers need to be pushing articles. If the server wants to see more of something, then we need more deputies to each team. Regardless, having worked with Haydizzle, I am confident that he has a level head, a creative mind, and would make a great Deputy Lore Maintainer. The issue of the previous team dynamic is that because the Lore Maintainer was generally unavailable, it meant that the Deputy had to take on the Lore Maintainer's duties and then some. With Caelphon at the head, I believe the work will be better distributed and be better off as a whole. Nevertheless, +1
  17. The biggest issue I see is how it can be misused by the players who have the availability to play 3 rounds a day. Even worse for those picking the more desired and consistently fought over jobs. As a result, these players are going to quickly acquire absurd amount of tokens and dominate anyone who is trying to get a leg up. I believe these changes would only make the issues surrounding Investigator worse.
  18. Honestly if there's the question of changing it, the sunglasses should be restricted to security and the HOS only. With the IC expectation that only security should be handling Flash's, why should anyone have eye protection for them? The only possible exception I could see to this being the Captain and maybe HoP.
  19. A snippet of some recent drawings.
  20. niennab

    clone sketches

    From the album: Niennab's Character Art

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  21. niennab

    character commission

    From the album: Niennab's Character Art

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  22. niennab

    Asari Commission

    From the album: Niennab's Character Art

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  23. I find this statement to be a gross misinterpretation of the series of events. Faye asked for clarification for why someone was chosen over another, stated why she thought Hugh was the better candidate and you took the question to be a personal attack with 0 justification and conducted yourself in a way that a lore deputy shouldn't. Throughout this exchange Faye also stressed that she meant no insult. I think Faye is nonetheless deserving of a trial.
  24. Thank you for your work and I wish you the best in your future endeavors!
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