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Everything posted by niennab

  1. Some recent commissions. As always, a big thank you to people who commission me for painted stuff.
  2. I've known Lain since joining the server and although our timezones don't tend to work out, I've always known them to be level headed, understanding, creative and an all around great person. I think that Lain has the skills neccessary to be apart of the moderator team and their work as human lore maintainer proves that ten fold. +1
  3. I like this a lot. Would you be open to having the output set to 140000 instead of 150000? Generally it's a good idea to have the input higher than the output so that it is effectively always charging once the breaker is switched.
  4. I support this. My biggest gripe with the RCON is how many button and subsequent keyboard inputs it takes to set it. I would love seeing either the numbers made optimal, the UI overhauled, or even both.
  5. Even before I got to know Sycmos personally, I could see that they were a fantastic writer. Their characters always felt alive, well thought out and personable. Whether the lore is expansive or a paragraph long, Sycmos is able to adapt and breathe life into their roleplay like no other. Their ability to expand upon what is given to them and generate incredible ideas makes them a wonderful candidate for the role. Ravna and the subsequent Lyod lore application are prime examples of their craft. Having worked along side and on occaision conferred with Sycmos on the CCIA team, they have always offered an abundance of help, patience and understanding that I am confident will transfer should they be taken on as the synthetic deputy. While I don't have any questions I wanted to give a big +1 to their application.
  6. I like the open space of the dance floor but we could do with simply having a different tileset so it has the vibe of an open space without the RGB lights or bring back the tree. Personally I'm not a fan of the weird long table in the center of the room.
  7. Personally I think a lot of the suggestions fall too much in line with LRP servers in the way that the server's races are boiled down to generic animals : cats, lizards, trees, frogs (aquarium) and washing machines and the general antagonistic nature behind the laws. Also, a lot of the suggested ion laws are Tajara focused whereas not everyone is going to be familiar with the nuance of Tajara lore. Beyond that, I think the below laws are problematic and more than likely going to make both parties uncomfortable. At best we're setting someone up to be ahelped and at worst, we're giving someone the right of way to be creepy. Personally I think the ion laws should be approached from a mindset of generating roleplay, not antagonism. An ion law can be disruptive while not being vindictive.
  8. BYOND Key: niennab Discord Username: Laowra#3847 Character Name: Z.I. Provenance Item Name: Double-Breasted Cropped Jacket Item Function(s): This item is a jacket, and should only be able to be worn on the suit slot. It should have a buttoned and unbuttoned state as well as the standard pocket slots of any jacket. It would be equally neat if this and the public variants below had reduced heat values but I understand if that’s not possible. Item Description: Styled after the latest fashion trends on Konyang, this hybrid leather and polyester mesh jacket was built with the planet’s humid climate in mind. This particular jacket appears to be emplematic of Konyang's stylings but hand-made, sporting a distinctive fur collar. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: While on duty, the jacket serves as something to throw on in between repairing the station. It also gives Provenance a more ‘off the clock’ appearance when not running from one fire to the next. However, and where I suspect most of its use will come from, while off duty, the jacket serves as a unique fashion item. How did your character obtain this item?: Ravna Surtaeva personally tanned the leather, bought the materials, and sewed the jacket for Provenance. The process has been slowly roleplayed out via the Relay’s lounge channel. If it needs to be said, Provenance has a few personal items that she stores in a locker acquired by one of her handler's, Jae-hwa Ryoo. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: Provenance, a displaced synthetic from Konyang, represents the fragility of an IPC’s place within the system and the losing battle so many of its kind are thrust into. Being the outdated synthetic in an oppressive megacorporation, Provenance is greatly shaped by and heavily relies on the crew around it. The design of the jacket is meant to be a fashion item but styled around the Konyang heat. For both synthetics and organics alike, the mesh design keeps the wearer cool in the humid climate. Equally, by Ravna making the jacket, it has taken on a mixed identity to the design. Ultimately the coat in her possession is meant to represent her withdrawal from Konyang, her ties to it, as well as the impact a multicultural ship has to offer. Below is more or less the concept and reference that went into the jacket’s design. Sprites: provenance.dmi Additional Comments: I tend to have a more, at least personally, liberal view on custom items and so with this jacket, I wanted to offer a few variants for public use on the server. Because a lot of the existing Konyang sprites are brightly coloured, I thought the designs may benefit from a more muted palette. Item Name: Double Breasted Konyang Jacket Type: Pale Beige Deep Black Iridescent Blue Item Description: Styled after the latest fashion trends on Konyang, this hybrid faux-leather and polyester mesh jacket was built with the planet’s humid climate in mind. Fluff Description: Only recently entering the larger Coalition scene, Konyanger fashion has taken the frontier by storm, owing to its unique blend of durability, waterproofing, and breathability. This innovation in clothing was only accomplished due to Konyanger fashion brands utilizing the fabrics and textiles unique to their planet.
  9. Hello! I wanted to request if a shutters button could be added to the command conference room, covering the windows highlighted below. Really just so carp don't interupt CCIA interviews. Alternatively it might be worth adding the same feature to the command bar.
  10. A sample of some recent commissions. I've been graced with a few painting commissions too.
  11. Lancer is an incredibly well-rounded, level headed and kind person that I would consider no one else more suitable than in the position of moderator. I am certain that his background as CCIA lead, both managing a team and dishing out character reprimands, and the moderator duties expected of him as the synthetic lore maintainer will easily transfer to being a server mod. +1
  12. I might not be as familiar with Xions but aren't they particularly weaker due to their ability to be in space without a cooler? I wouldn't think of them as needing to be removed but maybe I have the wrong impression of them. While I dont have a strong opinion either way, personally we should aim to punish the bad players, not removing three character archetypes within a department for everyone. Moreover it should be kept in mind that if we remove all industrials from security, then we'd be left with baselines, bishops and shells only, as zenghu are also barred from the department.
  13. I think this is an incredible suggestion and one that is more conductive to a heavy roleplaying environment. With it, what we might end up seeing is more of a willingness to explore, as there will be less of a reliance on every role on the station being filled. Moreover things like the shields being on to start will give security more wiggle room while also sparring service from having to leave their departments. Easily this suggestion nets a +1 from me. I try to get a round in every day but since the Horizon has entered Adhomaian space, I've only managed to touch down on an exoplanet once. It was a lot of fun but the current system really does rely on the stars aligning for it to happen. A change like this will offer more to the server that the present monotony simply doesn't permit. It may even solve the lull we're in. As is, Engineering has far too much game mechanic work assigned to it. If people wanted one reactor/engine on over the other, I imagine the Tesla is best kept off. I tend to see varied set ups with the Tesla whereas the SM is simply whether someone wants to be reasonable or push it to the limit. Unrelated as well but the more we're able to either set up telecomms, APCs or ways of generating energy on an exoplanet, we may also see engineering projects being put up in the same way Kadeem had the crew build the beginnings of a port during the last arc.
  14. The biggest piece of feedback I can give is that I think more love needs to be put into the maps we're making for these events. If a map is going to be as dangerous as these have been, players should have roughly 90% of the same tools found on the Horizon. As an example, one of the events had zero engineering or machinist related supplies. Which meant that after three IPCs took a step outside and were collectively electrocuted along with everyone else by a mob off screen, there was no feasible way to repair them. Equally in the same event there was a fax machine, but no paper. I can understand having a smaller set up but I find it hard to justify my character's willingness to join these expeditions when the SCC is under supplying the crew. Also I can't help but wonder if expeditionary events benefit from retaining station roles. Personally I found it to be next to impossible to know what was going on due to the radio chatter and wealth of players. Retaining departments would at least ease the burden in that the crew can rely on their respected command member and team. Moreover, I wonder if following authority goes out the window when everyone is off duty. In that the players then have a tenuous feeling of authority or seniority. This is just my best guess however. In the end, the arc was a good example of the more dangerous stories we can tell.
  15. TO: Logan Wright, Head of Security, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: Unforseen circumstances have prohibited further investigation into the matter. We however thank you for your due diligence and the submitted report. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 13-12:20-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2465 SIGN: L. Inzaghi
  16. TO: Marcus Zhao, Executive Officer, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: While we appreciate your due diligence as a member of SCC Horizon crew, due to similarities between this and another incident filed, we will be combining the reports at this time. -------------------- DTG: 13-10:20-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2465 SIGN: L. Inzaghi
  17. @Hunt Thanks for your reply and for looking into it. If it can't be done, I understand. I can imagine the difficulty in remapping an area while playing tetris with any nearby departments/maint/etc/etc. Overall I still think what you have is great and a huge improvement.
  18. I don't think we should lower the counter. In the few times I've played as traitor, even by hitting the ground running in executing my plans with little deviation to chat between characters, I still find myself racing against the clock. A lot of the off station antags take about 45 minutes to be seen at best and I think that in terms of organizing a group of people it's no fault of the players but simply an added feature of what is involved. What we'll likely see is less upgrades within Engineering and in Science, less of a willingness to execute expeditions or mining ventures as well as less antagonists readying up due to the increased difficulty of them hitting the ground fast. Also, people who complain about extended will always complain about it regardless of the timer. I get that people will feel like they should ride out a round and that it's tieing it up in a nice bow but no one has to. If you have to leave for whatever reason, the elevators are there. The server is likely in a 'lull' as of late due to school schedules and whatnot.
  19. I think the changes are overall great and I like how the PR has evolved since it's initial conception. Admittedly I'm a fan of the bar back room. It was used quite a bit and was able to vary in having either a relaxed lounge of seedy business energy to it but if there's no way of retaining it, I understand. I don't know if this would absolutely ruin the spaces around it and you'll have to excuse my poor photoshopping but I wonder if removing some stools and putting a couch there could have it retain that lounge feeling? I think that the stage room looks great. I like that the dance room could easily become a place for announcements and that characters eating can choose to sit at a table instead of the countertop.
  20. TO: Lillian O'Doyle, Research Director, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Commendation Report -------------------- BODY: Due to technical difficulties, this commendation report was not properly logged for consideration in a timely manner and suffered excessive delay in being acknowledged. We however cannot accept this commendation due to the blatant disregard of health and safety practices that are crucial to the continued success of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. Remember, an efficient ship is a healthy ship. -------------------- DTG: 07-12:30-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2465 SIGN: AMS
  21. I don't have an opinion for a majority of the changes however I always had the impression that the armory was farthest from the lobby to benefit antags. I don't know if we're benefitting antags by it being so near to the lobby.
  22. I don't know if I'm the odd one out here but I don't know if it's neccessary. As someone who joined in 2019, the server's history means very little to me beyond the stories about the most depraved people who have graced this community. I think writing an ooc history has more of a likelihood of just coming across as pandering to names forgotten or clique-y as well. Where does the history stop? Is it something that will need upkeep? What names will be omitted or what contributions will be highlighted over others? So on and so forth.
  23. Big agree. Characters with amputations aside, I found out that crutches don't work on a fairly chaotic round where I damaged my leg as an IPC. I wanted to use the crutch until things settled so I wouldn't stop falling but had to use the wheelchair instead.
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