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Everything posted by Butterrobber202

  1. I really don’t see what this adds, just make hunger not suck in general and let us eat when we want to.
  2. Please do not remove more snack machines, I like staying alive as a Vaurca. With the randomness of the venders now, sometimes only 1 K'ois Bar spawns per vending machine. And you need /roughly/ two per round if you bring a lunchbox.
  3. awaken, we still need some leg actuators
  4. Just some Xeno QOL buffs 1. Being able to shift-click to spit would be great 2. Eggs hatching when they detect nearby humanoid mobs 3. Night vision, please 4. A Queen Locator like CM has would be really cool 5. when Xenos get their face smashed in, they turn into 'Unknown' which is pretty gay considering we're a hivemind 6. Xenos really aren't a threat if you can stun lock them 7. I don't know if Xenos have resistances, but please give them like 35% brute resist.
  5. I’d say this would be good for Military weapons. So generally only Military trained personnel will use it.
  6. i'm big meme, I forgot to take a screenshot, fixed it
  7. BYOND Key: Butterrobber202 Character Names: Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yezzz Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I'm all about some hiveminds. I love reading, watching, and playing things about them. From the Queen Mother in the Ender's Game Seris, which now that I'm thinking about it has some pretty darn strong similarities to Vaurca. Other examples obviously include the Xenomorphs from the Alien(s) Franchise, and Stellaris Hiveminds. The Vaurca have a pretty unique take on Hiveminds as well, instead of it being a bunch of robots with basically connected Internet, or Ants with pheromone/Biological Based Hiveminds, its a mesh of the two. On top of that, it isn't just one large super-Hive, the hives are fragmented and each has a unique history, motivation, and personality. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The Obvious starter is that you have four creepy incest eyes, some insect carapace and some insect brains. The Vaurca playstyle is different in several ways, and branches off into trees. Step one is the Hive you belong to and if you are a Warrior or Worker, then if you are Bound or Unbound. That totals up to roughly 12 different playstyles based on those variables alone, not including personal backstory or job. A Brief Summary basically consists of: Character Name: Za'Akaix'Iok'C'thur Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs: What do you like about this character? Uh, well for starters I made him. He has what I believe to be an expansive backstory and a well founded education. I’ve kinda made him a blank slate for me to add on to as I get a feel for playing the race, because I’ve heard that Vaurca Playstyles can take a minute to get use to. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7.2/10 Notes: Zzend queen noodzz. Alot of the App is me just creative writing, and since there is abit of a void when it comes to early Vaurca Lives. And I know Iok is abit of blank slate, but I’m not fully confident in my knowledge of Individual Vaurca personalities yet, and want it to be shaped by the Station, and obviously by his Brood.
  8. >milk tea What kind of foreign heresy is this? There is one kind of tea and that’s Sweet Tea, if you have a problem with this take it up with my confederate flag and double barrel shotgun >
  9. He’s gonna flip when he finds that are some Ourea Unathi in the Station. Also Dronz is a fantastic RPer and need a big hard +1
  10. There is a sense of helplessness that is involved with playing Traitor AI, you don’t have anything like an uplink. Just your normal AI powers and a shitload of people willing to kill you if you step out of line
  11. My good brethren, even as the problems of bullying assault us on every side, I can not, in good faith and devotion to our server, allow myself to violate my ideals and convictions. That’s why I’m voting -1 on this Unathi Slut's app, and implore you to do the same.
  12. I support this, gives the AI an edge against rushers.
  13. Looooooooooook, sometimes gimmicks don’t work out. A Rage cage on a Merc round is pretty bad. It’s more suitable for a traitor kidnapping people and forcing them to fight. But the ideas usually /sound/ good in concept and I don’t think anyone should be punished for trying a gimmick. Note: I’m only defending the gimmick, the unrealistic return of the body is something that should be looked at.
  14. Space Carp were bioengineered as weapons, broke containment and here they are.
  15. I perfer our current layout, this just looks kinda funny and not really needed.
  16. I’m all for merging the roles again. Detective is really just some edgy meme that is used for powergaming most of the time.
  17. Gonna -1 this, you do have a habit of getting hit with something in-game and then suddenly a PR appears that weakens or at least changes that aspect of the game.
  18. oh yeah, I went in this assuming there is a way to void areas from the attack log logger.
  19. A New Area on the Centcomm Z-Level, its just a basic Thunderdome with a machine that randomly spawns weapons, and another machine that spawns medikits. Ghosts can spawn in here and just beat each other up for fun.
  20. Can I get uhhhhhhhhhh ATLAS card? So I can be a card carrying member.
  21. Just a thread on how to make good ATLAS Characters without being an edge lord, and some examples of not-so great characters. Discuss. This Message is sponsored by the ATLAS Party, please support Admiral Frost!
  22. can we see the gruesome stuff?
  23. 20 minutes sounds fair if there is a disable button included somewhere.
  24. Send a Tup Commando after me Fowl, DO IT anyways from what interactions I’ve had with Fowl I don’t see a reason why he shouldn’t be the loredev. +1
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