Hulked people do not have said overlay, bar the red eyes, anymore; This suggestion is therefore considered implemented/outdated.
Locking and archiving.
Currently, unless you are on harm intent or of the correct department, the holotape blocks you, therefore this suggestion is considered implemented.
Locking and archiving.
This borg module doesn't sound interesting to play, and I likewise don't see a reason for it to be worth implementing.
Seconding the vote for dismissal.
The shuttle doesn't exist anymore, you currently can only scuttle the ship, therefore this suggestion is considered outdated due to the premise it was made upon.
Locking and archiving.
We have in the current map not one but essentially two bars, one of which (the Cafeteria) can already make food, therefore this suggestion is considered essentially implemented.
Locking and archiving.
I don't think this adds much if anything in terms of gameplay in the current map, and a form can already be written up by the CMO or whoever for this use, therefore, seconding the vote for dismissal.