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Everything posted by Snakebittenn

  1. also I would like to denote that this is not a joke suggestion. except the uniforms.
  2. Let me boil it down real simple. We have an area in the bridge with about five command chairs, each having a little station with specific consoles. But, we have no people to staff it. Here's what we could do. Remove the AI (preferably, as with it they'd be redundant), and in its' place, we have 4-5 bridge assistants (5 if we want them to fill every chair, 4 if we want the Captain to man the center chair.) They will fill the void of the AI's previous functions, including relaying messages, watching things over cameras, using the various consoles (and menial tasks such as getting the Captain his very-specific coffee.). We could implement some more functions to their consoles, such as rudimentary control over airlocks or other machinery. We could also allow their holopad to call people without requiring anyone to pick up. As their former counterpart, they do not have any actual command over crew (except probably assistants, they are pretty much just secretaries getting experience), just functioning as an oversight/logistics role. Also, the bridge area could be shrunk a bit so that they could all communicate with each other verbally. Species restrictions can be spoken about as well as if it should require a whitelist (I don't believe so), uniforms can be spoken about but it'd be preferable if we directly ripped Kim, Sammie, and Vanessa's uniforms from Robotech (the uniforms are a joke for legal purposes. if we did tho there could be one with pants.)
  3. Why? Please explain why this needed to be done, and what experience you had while mining that led to this.
  4. This still does not really present a plan to change it.
  5. Thank you for the reply (and validating Abo's post in the process), Bygone. I don't really have anything else to say from this point, as these things are true, as spoken about previously (and I am deeply apologetic about them, especially the stress on you). As many things as I could say about it, none of them really matter, aside from politely asking for a chance at this position, to do and be better than I was previously. I really do feel I could do it.
  6. I would concur with VT. I want to know the flaws Yonnimer thinks there is, and what his plan is to fix them. Keeping things between yourselves won't help anything.
  7. It's implied, and even written a little, tha tthe Federation has a lot of froggy fingers in a lot of froggy pies, but this isn't exactly like.. Explored, outside of NanoTrasen/Zeng. So, where it makes sense, I will attempt to have the Federation's involvement (and of course how the Skrell there live) noted down and explored. Nothing spoileriffic thus far. Yes and no; I believe Skrell and synthetics in general are okay right now, though it would be sort of neat to explore the interactions between Contact Era Skrell and machines, as well as perhaps explore Jargon's views on cyborgs. I will be fleshing out telepathy in order to make it more actually useful. I have been working on implementing Nlom pings, and hopefully when I get in I can get around to making telepathy to other Skrell global (on the same station z's), and expand the range to non-Skrell a bit so that it isn't less useful than just going over and talking to them. Thanks for the questions! 1) The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men On a serious note, yes, sometimes I have been pretty stupid in attempting to establish the aesthetic of various things. Somewhy, it registers as something very important to my brain. This is a fair point, and small details contrasting with the big picture is not something I have thought of before. 2) I'll also admit here that early on in my tenure I had been exposed to the fact that I could help out other writers at will, and this has been a particularly nasty habit that I don't like to talk about. The amount of concrete writing (and not just brainstorming with Bygone/Jam) that I have done for Vaurca is quite sparse, though recently I have been planning a reasonably sized arc involving the Skrell (which I have had to put on hold for my own concerns over how this would fit in the Jargon economy.) I apologize for this, it is something I would definitely be reeling in except where it would make sense (the above thing with Margarineoutlaw202) 3) I fully and wholeheartedly respect the lore that has been added to the Skrell by VT and Sleepy previously, and I promise I have 0 interest in completely nuking anything that's there, unless the players really did want me to. I have never seriously worked to completely obliterate something the players enjoy (even if, to the bottom, I have used neglect instead.) 4) Ah, yes, NanoTrasen. I'll be frank. Yes, I do not enjoy NanoTrasen. I find it poorly-defined, not very well fleshed out, overly hinging on a McGuffin, and frankly I have been bored of it since I have been playing for 4 years and some change with it. However, the ties to NT that, say, the Zo'ra and Jargon have are very important, and while I don't really plan on making new connections to the megacorporation when I write except where it would truly be interesting, it's not in my plans to take away those ties, or marginalize the megacorporation through Skrell. A special thank you to you, Abo, for calling me out on these things and not letting them fester. Also thank you for liking my essay.
  8. Ckey/BYOND Username: ParadoxSpace Discord Name: ParadoxSpace#6294 Position Being Applied For: Skrell Lore Developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I have been Vaurca deputy for quite some time, and I was once IPC maintainer on Bay for quite some time. Examples of Past Work: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Venus I am particularly proud of this collaboration with @SamansaChan and a handful of lore-related PRs. Additional Comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X5emiQbIMr6ztNPlcybeQ3VyFRJP4R8rI3mG7oJCCOc/edit?usp=sharing Pls do not be afraid to ask questions.
  9. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of reading this. It's very unique, and fits very well into the lore. I'm REALLY liking how you touched on the Sol occupation, it shows that you have an excellent grasp of lore. Your other characters have always been a treat to engage with. +1
  10. Peacekeeper module is not a part of Security. It's its' own module.
  11. After internal discussion and reviewing of the logs and circumstances here, Alberyk and myself have come to a conclusion. While Rosetango's actions are lacking out of context, in the context of the AI Cynosure refusing to allow an engineer to do essentially standard roundstart setup, as well as taking a long time (from 06:38:32 to 06:58:23) to state laws when asked by two different crewmembers, the crew thinking of it as potentially being compromised is not egregious. It has also been poor play to go out of its' way to antagonize the engineer in question. We will be lifting Rosetango's ban, as an entire week was somewhat overkill for the circumstance. Three days would have sufficed, and it has been three days now. We will also be applying a note to BygoneHero's account for their play as Cynosure. Locking and archiving in 24 hours.
  12. I don't often find anything that's really Unathi, or anything that's really Autakh, or, even anything Veetek about Kalna except the way they're shaped. Both culturally and in their actions. This would be relatively passable if they were of the normal Unathi sort, but Autakh arrived less than a year ago. Sometimes it seems as if you pretty much just skimmed the lore (like, the entire lore), often I notice you missed very essential details about it when you go on in the relay. Sometimes your RP (atleast there) can trend towards the line of IC/OOC, and be really memey or immature, such as your recent hyperfixation on the phenomenon of throwing cucumbers behind a cat. I don't believe your character accurately portrays what they're meant to be, but I'm sure you have it in you to do a more serious character. I am pleased to hear that you have dialed back on playing an antagonist.
  13. You're not active at all in the Discord except very sparsely or when summoned, this is your tenth post on the forums. I don't know any of your characters besides your AI and borg, and nothing really about their personalities. I don't think you'd be a solid fit.
  14. Title. Secborgs contribute basically nothing to the average round, being often extremely sparse in roleplay and high in validhunting. Instead of solving 90000 potential bad borgs, all it takes is to just remove it, so that more constructive modules can be enjoyed. In relation to https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/6733
  15. Keloderm and Dex+ are the real threat. Tricordrazine is basically harmless.
  16. Firstly, this one. The bar signs being visible from the backroom was not my fault. It was never made clear that the barsign being visible there was an issue, easily assumed by pretty much anyone to be intentional. You attempted to shovel it on me, blame me for it being visible in that way, when it was not that way on the Exodus, not that way when numap first dropped, and certainly didn't become that way when I added a few new ones. As well, especially heinous to me, I did express interest, and put up a PR for fixing it, even if it was closed for being more than just a simple bugfix (and my other barsign deleted anyway despite the PR existing.) This reply borders on malicious. "I didn't attack you because of your name, I attacked you because you're you" is a horribly villainous response and I feel almost as insulted as I do about the original statement. I'm not even sure how this non-sequitur is relevant to the point. In the end, an apology would've been nice, then we could go our separate ways and preferably completely ignore that the other exists outside of a professional capacity in which I submit PR's, you perhaps review them, you may even merge them. I don't want to engage with you on any other basis unless it's required.
  17. I clarified *literally right after that log* that I was not referring to you. It was an off-handed comment about people I have previously engaged with that don't quite understand the concept of antagonists winning. 'I know this is a radical concept' was certainly snark, but I was not making any aimed statements at you. The least you could do is not crop that out. Also, you have not been innocent in our prior engagements either.
  18. ERT is not meant to be, or, well, should not at all be, a win button. It should not be a nigh unwinnable except through weird roshambo balance team of Power Rangers in hardsuits staffed by security ghosts that don't have to roleplay. NT ERT is only suited for game modes such as Crossfire where literally everything has gone to shit and there's no other hope for the station. TCFL can reasonably be seen on any game mode and the antagonists would have a fair shot at a good fight. Their equipment could use light tinkering, yes, as could their access, but their theme is fine. ERT is not a win button for Command, and are still obligated just like anyone else to roleplay. It just happens that they aren't designed to, unlike the Legion.
  19. I want to address you coming after me, or making snide comments about myself or the quality of my Pull Requests (especially when I am not even present), as well as even playfully dismissing peoples' opinions on things you have added. While I know I am often of an equal hand in these, sometimes I am not but it happens anyway.
  20. I don't think it's particularly fair for you to use an excerpt about me against me as evidence, then infer that my excerpt about you was stupid in the first place.
  21. Hello! A few months ago, we received a PR by the hands of Arrow that made ERT chances based off a few stats of the round, such as time it's been going, time spent on alert, etc. While this was a fine PR on paper, I believe that the chances of ERT are still far too high (I will politely request @Skull132 to give stats on this.) Why? TCFL, although underpowered to some, are better (to me) mechanically and thematically. They require actual tactics in order to solve problems, can't travel anywhere they please without having the crew help them (and, often, they help the crew in turn by donating them spare armor/blasters). Thematically, ERT are mostly faceless goons with the odd regular response trooper, while we actively encourage TCFL to have personality, and even to be seen on the station in the case of our 'Weekend Warriors.' They have more lore, better flavor, and an overall better theme. To what? I believe the chances of TCFL should sit comfortably around 75% or so, and the ERT 25% or so.
    I would genuinely rather we stop running this event and politely forget xenomorphs ever existed. Every. Single. Xenomorph event is the same exact formula. Sit in your department for 2 hours, barricading the place. Fear RP. Go home after the admin-sent team kills everything that has a carapace. Nobody ever has fun in these except engineers and Security, as well as whoever got to be part of the admin-sent team. Xenomorphs are, as well, dated code that nobody is interested in maintaining. Please stop running these.
  22. You certain $people was not just codespeak for "people"? I could swear it is, and if not, it could still be easily read as "paradox is not a person among the people wondering about said testmerge in this instance."
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