BYOND Key: Shadow7889
Character Names:
Species you are applying to play: Dionae
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Exempt ( But their bark will be lighter! )
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.
Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly I was pressured by Melaria to apply for Dionae. I've seen her play and others play as Dionae, and the conecpts that are possible are various and nearly endless. The idea of a collective of smaller beings forming one larger being and their need for light to survive is just different from what I'm used to as far as humans/unathi/ipcs go. They're also really great to be around ICly. I've met Undercity Fred a few times in game and I've always loved the concept of them. Can't remember who plays them, but top tier RP as a cook. My hope is that I can bring that same amount of RP and help the dionae community grow as well, and get more folks interested in playing them.
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionae are not a singular being. They are a collective of smaller beings that form a larger being, be it a standard cyclops form of Dionae or the massive Cetus which are considered to be as large as a moon. Each nymph or base form contributes to the greater form itself. This affects how they speak, act, or socialize. There are so many different ways dionae ' sing' as well. They have a multitude of different ways to speak and the idea of a whole religion based around Dionae is different from some human and alien concepts.
Character Name: A Collective of Tools and Stories.
Please provide a short backstory for this character: Screwdriver. Wrench. Crowbar. Wielder. Wirecutters. Multitool. Hammer. A greater sum than its parts started their little lives in the Queendom, in the wastes of Moghes, born in a garden by a clan of sinta who were capable engineers. Their seeds purchased by a trade of goods with a merchant, they were brought to life in the year 2452. As they grew, they were taught through blood contact with the women of the clan, and in doing so, learned how to build, create, destroy, and bring light into the universe. Through the same contact, they learned to hiss and speak with their creators, learning of Unathi Culture and how to show honor in all things. They even helped to soak and remove radation from the surrounding areas to keep the clan safe and healthy. As they grew, they yearned to see the universe even more and listen to the songs of other races besides the Unathi. With permission from the clan, they were permitted to hold contact with Hephestus Industries, and learned even more. Ten years later, they were granted their collective wish, to see the universe, share their experiences with others, and learn the stories of others. Boarding a merchant vessel in the year 2463, they headed for Tau Ceti, to begin work as a contractor on the NSS Aurora. Sadness of leaving Moghes behind was shadowed by the new things they would learn and the people they would meet.
What do you like about this character? Collective is a merge between Sinta and Dionae to me. Taking in the sinta culture, but keeping their passive nature was a struggle for them, but understood by their clan. They are very capable as an engineer.
How would you rate your role-playing ability? Probably a 7/10. I do pretty well.
Thanks for reading!