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Elena Raschnikova minus the suit that makes her look like a slut.

FYI, pic being taken in EVE Online, the cost of the suit is comparable to cost of NSS Aurora. Totally no buyer's remorse


My Avitar right now is Qwerty, not on my own PC so I don't have the larger image to upload. I did find my old photobucket, however. Derringer was made as a medieval/fantasy character originally played in a D&D game as a paladin (Who'd have thunk it?). He moved from RP/RPG to RP/RPG over the years. This is my only sci-fi adaption of the character, but this was his original art, he's been aged a bit and obviously dresses differently from back then. Also, I found this art like... almost twenty years ago, don't hate.



Sairis Helosi:



Ariana Eshlian:



Helosi and Eshlian look to be the same person, and I did in fact believe they were when I saw them in your sig.


They're not the same; It's mostly just the artist got a bit too similar in colors and I didn't think to mention it. Sairis' hair should be a bit more vibrant/ginger, Ariana's hair is an auburnish-brownish-red.

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