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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. It being a problem long before today doesn't make it not a problem. It is a problem. Ninjas who focus more on the roleplay than the action aspect are incredibly rare, because every aspect of the ninja kit promotes screwing with and fighting people. "But ninjas have this limitation too" is not necessarily true, due to the strength of Ctrl Arrow Keys and having the ability to turn thermal goggles on to see people through walls. What I mentioned is not bannable. It does not violate the rules to do that, otherwise ninjas would not have true invisibility. Maybe your take is the bad one.
  2. She did another one!
  3. Because keeping invisibility mechanics when we implement mechanics to have positional-based eyesight tilts this incredibly hard into ninja's favor. Having an invisible person sneak up behind you and brain you with a double barrel shotgun and then re-invis to do the same shtick again would not be fun to deal with. At least a traitor that does this has the merit of not being able to become 100% foolproof invisible and run away. I'm not saying "we can't have both." I'm just saying get rid of true invisibility while we're also at it with implementing vision cones, which is already a great mechanic from my experiences with it. I'm calling the oversight now before it becomes a legitimate "state of the game" problem later.
  4. I'm highly supportive of this because it gives a ton of roleplay opportunities. True it doesn't hand as much power to the player as much as the ninja suit by default but I find having interesting character concepts and a goal to execute on the station is so much better than having "literally everything" in an antagonist's toolbox. This is like as opposed to changeling which has literally 1 way to play and which is why its such a bad antagonist. Anyway this is not the thread for that, but this is the inverse! This is good! Extremely good! It enables the antagonist to do whatever and have fun with it! That is good! You are good, Kyres!
  5. Uh. Well, I suppose if we're going to keep this, which I hope we do, ninja invisibility needs to be nerfed massively so that it is only good in the dark and pretty much stands out very clearly in the light. Do something like stealth boy-esque graphics or just a shadow tracing if you want to keep it simple with minimal animations.
  6. Rats can hold their breath underwater for about 3 minutes. In your toilet, for example.

    1. KingOfThePing


      Cool rat facts

    2. Valkrae


      how can i subscribe to more cool rat facts

  7. I can attest to the applicant's human decency and willingness to take feedback in addition to otherwise being a good roleplayer, as well as being responsible and just with what is entailed with the expectations of the command whitelist. They've done a fine job and are many cuts above mediocrity. They're very consistent in their play and this is something I think is a welcome addition to the existing pool of command players.
  8. "Appreciable" is a neat word.

    1. Chada1


      Appreciative is better.

  9. I can verify at least half of these credentials. Valkrae, when he puts his mind to something, will git'erdun. Sorry that I don't have a massive paragraph of praise to throw onto the OP, though, this'll kinda have to do.
  10. "sO tHe MeTa HaS sEtTleD" opener aside, not particularly interested on going on a long diatribe about the various rounds I've experienced as citation for why bleeding out can be a problem for roleplay. So, I want to actually open this with: I have no issue with the concept of bleeding to death. It is a thing that should happen, for the most part, despite its generally anticlimactic nature of a death and its congruence as one of the most common forms of death with the brainmed version we have right now. It is an interesting and semi realistic form of sustaining damage and then subsequently dying from said wounds. However, (as you expected), I feel it is far too easy to bleed out and die to the rate at which bleedout occurs, and how exponentially deadly the possibility of bleeding out gets as your character gets more wounds opened up. Naturally, it will always be more effective in the short term to just target the head and either cut it off or deal enough lethal brain damage that this sort of thing is not an inherent problem that anyone should necessarily care about. But it is also very viable to be incredibly lazy and just shoot a non-IPC up with a bunch of bullets while focusing on no particular part of the body in particular, and you will still actually kill someone rather fast because the combination of pain, knockout and crippled limbs making it nearly impossible for one character who is rather wounded to drag their royally kicked ass to the medical bay, since it is far more likely they will reach the medical bay by themselves when the server inevitably OOMs before a round can normally conclude. In essence, I mostly believe "bleedout meta" is a bit overtuned and potentially unhealthy for the game. Sure, it's great that characters can die and all, but the way bleeding out works is that it is practically a guarantee of death if you're in a specific role that is expected to frontline against whatever threat exists, whether it is merc or security officer or whatever - because the moment cult swords or bullets or spears come into play, you might kill the other guy, but omae wa mou shindeiru as well. So why is it overtuned? Primarily because, well let's just flat out accept this: people die when they are killed, and dead characters don't roleplay nor directly generate roleplay, unlike living ones. A character that has to be hospitalized due to their injuries and cannot necessarily return to their work can still generate roleplay, though there is certainly a number of people who would rather die than be unable to be thrown back into the meatgrinder again. Of course, not being able to be given this option of taking a backstage role at all as the same character after being defeated is primarily the problem I'm getting at here. At present, bleedout meta views the inherent vessel that is a living character as extremely dispensible. It is an uncaring yet just system, it gives and takes from everyone equally. More crudely it takes an equally large sized shit on anyone and everyone who doesn't play a robot given the same situation. Most unexpectedly, this is far more brutal for the antagonist than it is for anyone else, since you can consider yourself pretty much fucked if you are playing a character that just committed terrorism against mostly innocent people. You either play to die or be sorely disappointed when you die not on your own terms. Again, since "bleeding out and taking too much brain damage to survive" is the most common form of death that people run across with their risky associated playstyles, playing antag is extremely rough right now when you don't have iron (or equivalent substitute) pills in your pocket all the time. Anyway, those are my points. I have literally no idea how to solve this issue entirely save for one small thing which would only address a small facet of the problem: Bleeding out in two body parts shouldn't double bleed out rate, just increase it by 20-25% or something, so that you don't go from "alive" to "immediately dead" in 5 seconds because someone got a viscerator grenade off on you. Which, by the way, are busted as fuck at killing single characters without a melee weapon that can oneshot them. Feedback and ideas are welcome. I've been perpetually at a loss lately with brainmed: I personally love it but also hate it a lot. It is something I appreciate as a workable system and yet it has some awful quirks sometimes that make surviving in this game more of a chore than it is a sort of "edge of your seat tension" thing.
  11. I can think of no other person who deserves this burden but Burrito Justice themselves. I can attest for their awesome, unbridled fury pertaining to dealing with bureaucratic errors and inaccuracies. This is the only person who I can trust for the job.
  12. digusting lizard

    1. Haydizzle


      Expect an IR on your desk by tomorrow morning.

  13. 2504
  14. Can we go five minutes without the essays? Fuck.

    1. Scheveningen


      Better yet, community paragraph jar. You gotta donate 5 cents to an Aurora-vetted charity anytime you write out a paragraph containing 4 sentences or more.

    2. Carver


      If that rule was instated you'd be retroactively bankrupting yourself.

    3. nonno_anselmo
  15. Ahhhhh not another fucking thread with word soup. Why does this always happen with discussing medical? Honestly all I care about is removing bloat alt titles while still keeping the inexperienced/GTR roles. I don't care about labels, all I care about is having a functional department that has incredibly clear cut standards on what the middlemen can or can't do. The game - and by extension every aspect of this game - needs to be accessible to ALL players and fairly easy to learn. Medical needs to be changed in such a way so that the department isn't cock and ball torture to play and comprehend the terminology commonly used in the department. This demand to conformity of a standard that the average player cannot be held to is largely what gatekeeps a good majority of decent players away from learning and playing medical, if not from the server as a whole.
  16. useless end game item replaced by good early game item. unquestionably a very good merc PR
  17. I meaaaaaaan just because you think a portion of the applicants don't read it and say they did read it doesn't necessarily justify you not reading it but being honest about not having read it, really. It's good that you didn't pull an easy fib about it (which shows you have some convictions and character at least), but I think it is still worth addressing that you should know what you're signing up for, no? Head of staff is very stressful to play and oftentimes is more simulated suffering and crisis management than it is fun if you aren't aware of how the shit can hit the fan. It's important to still read those guidelines and how to think on a basic level to do well with the role(s).
  18. +1, incredibly cool gamer and good roleplayer. Monday is one of the most degenerate officer characters I've ever seen played on a roleplaying server but I love them
  19. Some considerations: since they look rather insectoid, why not make the Vannatusks above part of a warrior class of upright nasty space bugs? Leaves more room for specialized NPC enemies to play around, and the nature of their spawn points can be adjusted around the defense and expansion of their primary hives and breeding grounds. Consider the Kwama from morrowind for instance: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Kwama_(Morrowind) Something that may also be interesting is making the integration of these nasty space upright space bugs into some exploitable interactive way so that the station can still exploit these buggers with some risk involved should the hive's reproductive organisms choose to breed the nastier Vannatusks shown above. I feel like if you wanna go with the theme of NPC enemies for miners to have to fight (or exploit for cargo's financial gain), go hard on this. Having merely big upright beefcake enemies that miners can't easily take down alone would be somewhat boring and would pretty much kill any reason for playing the job if there's no ostensible, rewarding reason to go very far from a mining airlock.
  20. People who call it "eridani federation" are numpties anyway since the full title of the state is "Eridani Corporate Federation" No offense if you're a self-identifying numptie
  21. easily handled by merging the companies involved into a new mega-friend-company, within the confines of eridani that is
  22. I like the premise of the initial suggestion but with a mild change instead: The Eridani Trade Company. Gives off those interesting, archaic East India Company vibes but in the fuuuuuuutuuuuure. considering how dystopic and mildly imperialistic the ECF already is it would be an appropriate reference and congruence to be drawn.
  23. This was the classic Kaed nerf that actually was quite good in hindsight. A diamond spear should not, ever, in any alternate or prime timeline, deal more damage in melee than an energy sword. Sucks to not be able to oneshot carp anymore, I'm sure, but spears were ridiculous and the fact they got their damage chopped in half was 100% deserved and is completely fair. Footmeta may be over but let's not bring that shit back since 45 damage per hit breaks bones instantly and that shit is NOT fair to any player at all since the armor system is as barebones as it gets with damage mitigation.
  24. Worth the change. It's a video game and it should be roughly playable, not literal compartmentalized suffering such as that real-world pharmacists have to contend with in terms of having to memorize extremely specific. We should not have to en-burden the developers of this game with the concept of having to do hours of painstaking research for subjects related to their projects just to satisfy an extremely specific number of individuals who get very upset when their immersions get mildly assaulted by a relative inaccuracy of video game logic vs. real world logic. In a world with space magic engines and a mcguffin energy resource it's surprising a sect of the community even cares this much about accurate pharmacology in a sci-fantasy roleplaying game. Don't forget the existence of psionics, which is essentially (cool!) space brain magic. This server is closer to StarCraft than Star Trek, really - it's that dystopic. Making chemicals sound like something they actually help or harm based on their naming structure is a hell of a lot better than what we have now. Psuedoscience (relative to our reality) in a video game never hurt anybody.
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