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Everything posted by Scheveningen


    1. wowzewow


      *Guile's theme starts playing*

  2. My only complaint is that the airlocks and windows/grille sprites don't suit this atm, but I'm sure that's in the process of being worked on rn.
  3. If there's space left, I'd like to attend.
  4. In-depth sexual/gender-based analysis of the concept in specific terms would probably do more harm to the discussion (and, probably, perceptions of each other as individuals) than actual good. So, I'll only go over broad stuff. To put this bluntly, I think this is an insignificant change, in the sense that it doesn't change up gameplay in any meaningful fashion and in the regards of roleplay, I don't think it's insignificant, but to some others they might disagree - but ultimately this isn't super roleplay influencing. But since on the flip side, this isn't a negatively significant proposal either, in that there's no harm that this change would do either. Short of whatever someone's delicate sensibilities are on this topic - but who cares what they think? This is a good idea at the end of the day. Some time ago I would've been ambivalent, but there's an argument to be made that androgyn characters are not represented particularly well at the moment through game mechanics, despite existing and being valid in real life. I support this change on that premise, though I'm not entirely certain as to whether this would apply for Unathi in particular, where sexual dimorphism is very severe. I would have to assume this would only apply for Skrell and humans. A suggestion to perhaps flesh this out a bit better and to avoid a problem down the line should this be pushed through: a descriptor field should be added so that biological/assigned sex is a thing, and separate from actual in-game gender. This would be ICly helpful for medical but probably not actually holding any usefulness in practice, but this is something that is done pragmatically speaking for actual medical practitioners. Distinction from "what is" and "how a person is presented" would be very helpful, but would be only something that is discerned through access to medical records.
  5. Strong +1 from me. They're really fun to interact with and keep a level head at all times.
  6. I am obligated to post this as this is a level 6 bruh moment. They are not intentionally built to lose, they are designed to provide intrigue and interesting situations to the crew. That is their function. The concept of winning and losing should not be on anyone's mind, this is a roleplay server, not the run of mill SS13 server.
  7. I accepted another separate shipment of 5 items (mistakenly, admittedly, I only clicked both once though) alongside a shipment of 15~ items, and then sent the shuttle. That's likely what happened.
  8. Data doesn't matter when this is what the code literally does, which proves it is fairly random, though with caveats to priority specifics: // New job giving system by Donkie // This will cause lots of more loops, but since it's only done once it shouldn't really matter much at all. // Hopefully this will add more randomness and fairness to job giving. // Loop through all levels from high to low var/list/shuffledoccupations = shuffle(occupations) // var/list/disabled_jobs = ticker.mode.disabled_jobs // So we can use .Find down below without a colon. for(var/level = 1 to 3) //Check the head jobs first each level CheckHeadPositions(level) // Loop through all unassigned players for(var/mob/abstract/new_player/player in unassigned) // Loop through all jobs for(var/datum/job/job in shuffledoccupations) // SHUFFLE ME BABY if(!job || (job.title in SSticker.mode.disabled_jobs) ) //11/2/16 continue if(jobban_isbanned(player, job.title)) Debug("DO isbanned failed, Player: [player], Job:[job.title]") continue // If the player wants that job on this level, then try give it to him. if(player.client.prefs.GetJobDepartment(job, level) & job.flag) // If the job isn't filled if((job.current_positions < job.spawn_positions) || job.spawn_positions == -1) Debug("DO pass, Player: [player], Level:[level], Job:[job.title]") AssignRole(player, job.title) unassigned -= player break In essence, the Low/Medium/High job preferences hold significance as anyone with a High Level job preference with a specific job will prefer to have that job considered first before being rolled through their other job preferences. Thus, if they fail to get that job, they're considered through their other medium priority jobs for that character as a fall back, as long as those medium priority jobs preference are set. If not, the person usually goes back to the lobby on this server. The job controller randomly chooses among the subgroups generated by the tiers of job preference. 1 = High 2 = Medium 3 = Low. Therefore, if there is only one person with Captain on High, they're guaranteed to get the job regardless of whomever has Captain on Medium or Low in the other categories. This is so individuals can dedicate themselves to "main" a role if it is not in major demand, but any degree of High Level job preference competitiveness over a single roll throws this "guarantee landing my desired job" into total flux. So, there is an individual, predictable aspect of this where it relies entirely upon a player to ready for a job in the first place. But when several individuals want the same job, that's when randomness is at play. Because there's only one slot, only one person of a set sample group can have it. Out of a group of say, 3 people who want (all three have high priority preference for it, and are readied) the captain slot, guess what that chance is? You do the math. Another thing is that theoretical probability != experimental probability. Flip a balanced coin 100 times, let it fall on your desk. How many times do you get heads and tails each? Supposedly, you should get 50/50 theoretically because it is a double-sided, balanced coin - in theory, right? Realistically, that won't always happen. Such as not getting that perfect 50/50 that you so wanted, but sometimes 52/48. Which is still *relatively close* to the theoretical posed, therefore the theory was still pretty damn good, it just couldn't account for whatever happened that made the two flips fluke out. The factors that matter at play are: 1. The requirement of someone to ready for a role. 2. If a person has a high priority role preference for a specific job, they are guaranteed to get that job over anyone else unless someone else readies in high priority preference for the same job. 3. A group of people who have high priority role preference for the same one-slot job are fairly chosen among the number of people who readied with the intent of that one job. 4. Role preference goes all the way down to secondary/tertiary/etc preferences, however many jobs you have flagged for medium/low preference, until you get that job. Note that you will always lose against other high priority preferences when you're filtering down to medium. 5. All of this only rolls once. Whatever you get is final, based on what the job controller system succeeded in giving you. Further, true, the odds are not totally even. They can't be even if the percentage chance of acquiring a contested role is an odd number.
  9. Opposed. It's been two months since last you applied and even then the recent ban history should speak to anyone that you have pretty major issues with escalating and communicating intent properly, to the point of straight up ganking as a result. Your attitude is another thing. "Arrogant" is the nicest way I can put it. It's pretty clear that in many cases, you get heated over specific subjects and will put people on blast for the smallest, insignificant details of things others do. This is stuff that can be attributed to you since years ago. Nevermind the accusations you make of other people being strictly authoritarian or fascistic when someone doesn't agree with you or you don't get your way or whatever. You cause trouble, to put it lightly. I also hear of recent, long and storied history of you not playing well with others, particularly with staff. Since this doesn't look to have really changed since I highly doubt anyone can change fundamental aspects of themselves in a mere two months, why should you hold command staff responsibility again?
  10. The cargo shuttle ETA should not take this long. The cargo shuttle should have a 10 minute maximum for large shipments and 2 minute minimum for smaller ones. It is a very stupid mechanic to be able to extend past into the half hour range for a single shipment of 20~ items to take this long to arrive to the station.
  11. What this suggestion doesn't want: Specific people by their ckey being flagged for the specific role they intend to join the round with. Not only is that not what I want, but it'd undo a lot of work previously to preserve a degree of player-character anonymity. Hopefully that's settled. What this suggestion does want: A list of roles in the lobby screen that is updated in (roughly) real time to show how many people are readying for the specific jobs that can be readied for at the beginning of the round. For example, if any 3 people in the round are readying for captain, everyone can see that role is being highly contested. Therefore, the 3 existing people who are readying for captain can make an alternative choice by unreadying for something else less contested or keeping their readied slot going. Why bother: Roundstart is a coinflip for many reasons. If you latejoin, you miss out on roundstart antag roles. By default every character is also set to "return to lobby" anyway if they don't get their primary slot if only one job is set to High. Arming the players with vague information as to how many people are readying for specific roles can also help people fill out "needs" of the round before it starts over "what I want to play" (wouldn't stop people from not caring anyway, but hey), and would also likely encourage people to actually join the round before it starts instead of only looking at the manifest after to decide if it's worth joining. Foresight for disadvantages: There is a minute possibility that some people, being armed with this particular information could dick around with it and be ever-so-slightly meanspirited. The biggest issues, however, is that inconveniencing another player in this way is hard to do if you don't know what character or role they intend to play precisely (hence the necessity to intentionally obfuscate who is playing what). One can only guess with predictions based off experience and knowledge of what a specific player knows how to do. It's equally hard to get caught weaponizing information in this way in bad faith but also hard to get any results from this in bad faith if you don't play every day, which by itself makes that person stick out. The problem with this theorized 'disadvantage' in the first place is that few people are really this petty or even care that much to deny roles to other players. So I don't really think this would be a problem, and this has more benefits than tangible downsides.
  12. Against it. The odds are already very even between two or three individuals competing for a single slot, and the chances of a single person getting their desired job is lowered dramatically with each person who intends to compete over it. There's no real need to get this formula any more complicated. A different person from the last round playing as captain for the next one does not necessarily guarantee that there'll be variety.
  13. +1. I believe you can be trusted to keep the silly stuff to a relative minimum, at the very least. I'm still going to stuff you into the cargo hold of the shuttle you stinky lizard main.
  14. Chief, this is as powerful as chloral hydrate (unnerfed) is on other servers. That means instant stun once it processes in your bloodstream. You're essentially dead and out of the round if that happens, as chlorophoride also mutes you and stops your heart.
  15. Everyone hated that.

  16. admins please pin this thread for eternity
  17. It will never happen.

  18. Reporting Personnel: Vira Bolivar Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Captain Game ID: b6j-daW4 Personnel Involved: Jake Jarvis, Offender, Security Officer TSR-4, Witness, Warden Ana Roh'hi'tin, Witness, CSI Secondary Witnesses: Juan Siganto, Minor Witness/Offender, Head of Security Time of Incident: 1700 Station Time Real Time: 6PM EST Location of Incident: NSS Aurora/Transfer Shuttle Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ x ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ x ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: A chef and a botanist was onboard the departures shuttle, one of which was open carrying a makeshift baseball bat slung over their back. I issued a direct order while the shuttle was in mid-transit to sit both the chef and the botanist down, and to confiscate the weapon. Officer Jarvis was the first to be openly defiant about this, proclaiming over communications that because the shuttle was in transit, they did not have to take orders from anyone due to being off-shift. When I corrected them that the chain of command still stood, they insisted that I should do it myself, failing to see that this matter was their job to do, to ensure employee safety even if it meant neutralizing other potentially dangerous employees. It was also the mistaken belief of the head of security at the time that security officers do not have enforcement capacity either on the Odin or on the transit shuttle, emergency or otherwise. There was little to no time to correct this. Submitted Evidence: Brief conversation regarding this matter was had over the command and security networks interchangeably at around 1700 station time, thereabouts. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: I was the station's captain. Actions taken: None, shuttle docked at the Odin before action could appropriately be undertaken. Additional Notes: Additionally, the employees who I demanded be seated in question ended up turning up with vital evidence pointing to a prior breaking and entering event that occurred on the NSS Aurora. Had the CSI not caught this detail, the two individuals would never have been brought to justice appropriately. TSR-4 was the only one who stepped up to the plate and detained both offenders. The slothfulness, in addition to the unfriendly attitude directed at me for deigning to give them a justifiable order, sums up the crux of the issue in this incident report.
  19. If you don't like it, either vote wizard or extended. Or don't vote. Can't affect you if you don't vote.
  20. Ckey/BYOND Username: Scheveningen Position Being Applied For: Human Lore Deputy Past Experiences/Knowledge: I was chiefly the first human lore developer, an unorthodox and disproportionately late concept at the given time, but something that ended up through successors to be much more than it initially was. Examples of Past Work: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Timeline_of_Humanity#Pre-Second_Space_Age Pretty much the start of the 1969 arc all the way down to 2037 was mostly my ideas in combination with Jackboot/Marlon at the given time. That was some years ago. Speaking of which, the 21st era was never truly finished and I never really got started on the 22nd century, as real life at the time ended up poaching me from being able to write what I felt was right for the Auroraverse without the stress and depression that inevitably is involved with having real life responsibilities. Additional Comments: mine writeup https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UOZYHD20oQqCGRu9gs8I-HdcNp1B3rUnYJlge8AnMT4/edit?usp=sharing
  21. Worth noting that if you like math, you'll notice sometimes there are 1:1:1=3 recipes and 1:1:1=2 recipes. You'll notice with the former that you can only make 15/30/45/etc portions... sometimes. If you don't mind 1-2 units of initial catalyst waste, you can make around 21 (7+7+7) units of what is necessary in order to minimize making excess amounts of a final product. This is useful when the 21 units you need are an intermediary catalyst for something else and you'd rather not make waste. In the terms of the latter, anything that is a 3=2 conversion should be managed in terms of your own expectations. What should be 30+30+30 = 90 ends up being 60 units in total.
  22. Only NKA kings here, chief. Get their dated communist ideals out of his house.

  23. Wizard was not objectively bad like malf AI was, so I do not see the merit of removing it. Geeves has a good bandaid PR up right now.
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