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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. As above. You're literally only appeasing assholes who want any excuse to not do their job, Arrow.
  2. That's an absolutely fucking terrible thing to take away from this. That has literally nothing to do with the QM and is not going to fix any of the issues with the QM, how shit cargo is to play compared to when we used the points system. The only person who can reign in security officers now is the HOS. I've always been an advocate that other heads of staff could order around officers so long as the order was reasonable and valid. Heads of staff abusing their authority can be charged under regulations for i214 (This is for any head of staff who abuses the power given to them, such as the Head of Personnel acting like a security officer in a non-emergency, the captain acting as if he is above the law, etc. Heads of Staff trying to order a different department or ignoring the captain also comes under this. Also covers anyone illegally promoting themselves, such as with a stolen ID.) Meaning it's already been a crime, but it's intentionally situational that heads of staff are faux-allowed to do it to give them flexibility in good-intentioned situations like emergencies or morally grey situations. Now you're taking away their flexibility, just because a minority of heads of staff whose whitelist should probably be stripped, is fucking up badly with the authority they're misusing? This is stupid. This is the equivalent of punishing an entire battalion with mandatory resilience training because 2 people killed themselves in the past year.
  3. No. You can always use :h regardless of what frequency you're set to. #antaglifehacks
  4. I know I promised my rework PR was supposed to happen awhile ago but I've been SICK for a couple weeks. I'm OK now. Since the past few days I investigated some weird shit regarding combat. Presently, the current state of the game and how the nuances of gunplay factors into that has gone completely unnoticed even by me for months. Only after doing a bunch of testing today during a couple of ongoing rounds as well as odd experiences from past rounds, have I noticed this. If you are moving while attempting to input something along the lines of shooting any firearm or energy armament, you will be massively penalized and your projectile will go way off target. This is normally pretty consistent with other shooter games where strafing/shooting will penalize your overall accuracy by a certain amount. The degree that this game does it, though, it's genuinely unmatched. Let me describe to you the only viable strategy is at the moment for working around this: 1. When preparing a shot, remain motionless. 2. Line up your shot and then fire. 3. Start moving/kiting back again. 4. Repeat, but keep in mind, never shoot while moving. To some people it seems as though this strategy benefits melee users a lot more than it does to the guy with the gun. This is absolutely untrue. Considering how easy it is to still follow the above formula and punish anyone stupid enough to rush the guy with a gun, nothing in particular has changed, but if you notice you're missing a lot, it's because you're moving way too much and need to sit still. Note that guns are generally bad at chasing people down in general who are already moving. If you don't have a scope on that thing, you shouldn't be trying to land any hits. What can melee users take away from this? Unfortunately, the advantage is still not really in your favor against a firearm user with the above strategy in mind and with a superior firearm than what weapon you have in your hands. Your strategies are as follows: 1. Flanking, or the usage of (non)human shields. 2. Usage of grenade or disruption tools to disable the use of firearms or the manipulation of said firearms in some way. 3. Rush in and hit someone with force gloves + melee weapon. Objectively inferior to other options because you don't get a guarantee to safety this way. 4. Usage of the object shield in conjunction with a one-handed melee weapon. Preferably something that deflects projectiles. Note you must be facing the punishment to reliably deflect it, and you can be killed by superior angling very easily. Unfortunately, none of the above really makes melee stand up well unless they start the confrontation having already closed the distance on the firearm user. Assuming equal skill, competency and cognizant of the advantages each side has of the firearm user and of the melee user, the firearm user almost always has the advantage of range, cover, suppression and safety over the advantages of reliable, nearly infinite applications of damage that come at a cost of safety and range and absolutely no relevant tactical environmental factors whatsoever. If you die to a ninja or someone with force gloves + esword it's because you misplayed from a combat standpoint, sorry, firearms are still better in many regards with how many objectives a firearm can accomplish. I will be removing force gloves pretty soon nonetheless for other reasons; such as how force gloves enable mediocre antag players to gank or otherwise effortlessly win confrontations against notably less robust players, which in turn makes overall gameplay enjoyment incredibly marginal. Because you can't interact with dead people, nor can you interact while dead. anyway, the tl;dr: Don't move while shooting, you will miss. Stay stationary for a brief second, shoot, and then move, then repeat. Stay robust, my friends.
  5. Yeah, Snoop will need some fire support. If the bad /tg/ crowd ever gets here we'll need some Catgirl Protection Teams to avoid undue death of catgirls. +1, for reasons stated above, Snoop has a pretty positive MO as far as things go for how they contribute as a player in the community. They are responsible ICly and do not tend to be combative innately. Samara Kaytam and Legatus are good names that I remember. Heck yeah dude. Super responsible choice.
  6. To clarify, I was present during this round, and Pennant came back to the robotics lab on my character's order (particularly because Alma thought it strange that Pennant was away for more than 5-10 minutes), and the rough summary of what Pennant told Alma was that the AI was giving it orders to not be able to complain. Alma thought on it for a moment and figured the AI to be incredibly cruel for what amounted to be no reason, she then gave an order for Pennant to belay said silly orders from the AI (anyone can do that, by the way, because the AI's rank and role is below that of the crew!). She later discovered the AI had turned on several intercoms across the station, stalking several characters during the round without said consent or any indicative instruction. At which point Alma broadcasted that the AI was doing this, the AI responded with this to Pennant: Which was cute, considering this was a solid reminder of the good old days of Bygone's terrible AI conduct. It's like he's learned nothing at all since a few years ago. What's up with that? Highlighting some things also because apparently there's a major misunderstanding and failure to properly interpret AI laws in good faith. Let's see what the code says about NT default laws. /******************** Nanotrasen/Malf ********************/ /datum/ai_laws/nanotrasen name = "NT Default" selectable = 1 /datum/ai_laws/nanotrasen/New() src.add_inherent_law("Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station from damage to the best of your abilities.") src.add_inherent_law("Serve: Serve [current_map.company_name] personnel to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.") src.add_inherent_law("Protect: Protect [current_map.company_name] personnel to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role.") src.add_inherent_law("Preserve: Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with your equipment.") ..() Strangely, I am not seeing the AI mentioned anywhere in these lawsets. I'm pretty sure also that the difference between being linked and unlinked is as simple as "In the absence of a crewmember giving you an order, the AI can also do so, but not at the detriment of being able to service the crew." All things considered, Bygone, you weren't able to do anything other than threaten another character and their player with OOC retribution because you weren't getting your way. It's incredible how many times you apparently got an admin involved because things weren't going your way, rather than something problematic actually happening.
  7. I agree, I self-enforce this by only playing my character in one role. This does lead to limited playtime with said character but I have numerous other options. Enforcing this will certainly lead to a lot of the playerbase groaning, but it's still job-hopping, even if it's a less offensive version of job-hopping. If you really must play your character, why not play visitor? There's currently a command staff character that hops between RD/captain. I hope people realize that it makes very little sense to jump between pay brackets.
  8. I don't really wanna say "give necro the boot please" because @Doc's got a great established contractor sec officer character from necropolis. I still agree with the assessment that Necropolis is redundant, though it may be worth it to give Necropolis additional expansions somehow.
  9. And lemme point out too that you have a history of behavior where you lose your cool and unload on some unsuspecting somebody who set your short fuse off. Remember 08/06/2019, that NT pet event? You flipped a lid at another Vaurca who wanted to get the bird axed (both of your characters had the impression that 'Kevin' was some kind of Vaurcean bird notorious for devouring other Vaurcae), and because the AI was monitoring the welfare of the bird (me), sec got on your case and the other Vaurca's based on what the other dude said. Now it's one thing to get ICly livid over a misunderstanding, it's a whole another thing to go after somebody like you did and both rage ICly and OOCly. You legitimately cannot separate IC and OOC nor are you capable of keeping your temper cool. Pennant was also not entirely at fault either. In the cases where they went against your orders, it's because Alma ordered Pennant to belay any of the sillier orders the AI gave them until the AI gave Pennant the last few instructions which amounted to, "stop socializing and go sit in a corner, because the "work" I'm having you do doesn't actually have to be done by you at all." Pennant sat in front of engineering interacting with no one for fifteen minutes that round because you ordered them to. After I realized how long Pennant went missing, Alma ordered him to return. And Pennant was valid for retroactively going against the AI's orders because orders by crewmembers override that of the AI. Oh, and to clarify another point, I never knew you were that AI until the round crashed. You have either little to no demonstration whatsoever of self-control and responsible use of power. You are incredibly restrictive and anti-roleplay when you play AI, and you do not accept any kind of resolution to an issue besides the expectation you attempt to force upon others. Nobody likes interacting with somebody who roleplays AI like a fascist.
  10. You did plenty of "harassing" on your side.
  11. -1. Hell no. You're repeating behavior that you've been synthbanned for.
  12. bullets will never split into shrapnel if armor fully blocks the blow the armor system is pretty simple. Rimworld uses a more complex version of it though it was based on dwarf fort's armor system. if, we say 100 armor versus bullet: 50% chance to fullblock, 50% chance to halfblock, 0% chance to take full damage likewise, 50 armor versus bullet 25% to fullblock, 25% to halfblock, 50% to take full damage 50 armor versus an AP bullet of 25 armorpen 12.5% fullblock, 12.5% halfblock, 75% full damage
  13. Slugs do not have good armor penetration whatsoever. They are low velocity munitions and are large projectiles. The opposite of which, constitutes as excellent at penetrating through armor. 5.56AP for example.
  14. Title. I'm kind of irked by the fact mod/admin staff to declare PAUSE, STOP, DON'T MOVE, DON'T DO ANYTHING, etc., because it disrupts roleplay flow and nothing is more awkward than having to stand still and alt-tab until mods/admins finish the ticket. My round, and by extension the round of anyone present at a situation that is "frozen", should not have to stop because of a ticket being opened. Mods/admins shouldn't be able to do this, the freeze verb should be used for dealing with griefers and nothing more as well.
  15. why use big words when small one do trick I don't really mind these outfits. I think they're better than what we have.
  16. wake up
    clear 13 notifications
    play exactly 1 round on the server and decide i lose desire to play another until next week
    pass out

    1. Lolziam


      Give him another notification


  17. +1 i love this, who could hate a face like that
  18. .50MG mounted weapons have probably undergone a lot of revisions since 400 years ago
  19. tl;dr: Rip off Polaris' Quality Control Ban policies to better moderate who gets to participate in the community or not. https://wiki.ss13polaris.com/index.php?title=Admin_Guide:_Quality_Control_Bans There's been a banwave recently of particularly toxic players not only on the main Aurora server but with the other Aurora affiliate servers, the NT Personal Terminal being a notable area under consideration. Stuff like this happens naturally of course, but on the main Aurora server you genuinely have to be trying to be an ass to get banned, meaning that any of the little interactions you have with other people tend to slide and get unnoticed, and oftentimes unreported because even the players feel like they won't get taken seriously for reporting something they think is too small/incomplete to report. Nonetheless, however, we've had people not only lately but also in the not-so-distant past that broke few rules but generally conducted themselves in pretty awful ways that should've copped a perma sooner rather than later. It's members of the community like that, that end up killing the enjoyment of the regular players here on the server. Pretty much every person here has experienced not wanting to join the server to play because they see a character name that is known to be attributed to a problematic community member. If we care at all as a community about being a high quality gameplay/roleplaying experience, I highly suggest the admins take inspiration from Polaris' QC bans and apply them as policy for outlier situations pertaining to problematic community members. It's understandable to want to enforce the rules like an altruist because it makes an admin feel morally good and justified about themselves, but altruism for one shouldn't be exercised at the expense of everyone else's enjoyment. Preserving a friendly, constructive, high-quality roleplaying venue should be considered the top priority. Bigots, trolls and selfish individuals have no place here and they should be shown the opportunity to go find other servers that cater to their lower standards.
  20. hopcurity is also an incredibly notorious phenomenon on other servers. putting the HOP in charge of the sec will end up in hop characters having military background to recuse themselves whenever they directly face off against antagonists, their subordinates in turn having roughly the same background because there's nothing that specifically says they can't have that. entire suggestion needs to be sent back to the drawing board cus this ain't it chief
  21. "let's double the numbers of the security force and act like the bureaucratic differences won't lead to valid-killing happening anyway", is the entire premise that this suggestion is built on. super weak mouthfeel. sec as an entity designed to defend the station from antagonists needs less presence, not more of it. -1
  22. An icelance rifle is not a personal defense weapon, it's more like a home defense weapon. A laser sword is not really one either, considering its role is cemented in IC military circles as a highly lethal, concealable weapon for assassination or charging the front lines. A ceremonial mace would be interesting for the Unathi consular, something along these lines? Only suggesting a mace because swords are a little too commonplace and a sword for the Unathi consular would be washed out given the over-prevalence of ceremonial blades. Alb has ideas already for taj consulars so I won't make any suggestions.
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