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Everything posted by Rushodan

  1. Alternatively: Oh there is dangerous crap in maint, lets send someone on a sweep to collect it before it might get passed around and misused. Unlike other departments with a 'set up' phase, security does not really have one other than getting their stuff from their locker. Lets stop accusing security mains of having bad intentions because you don't like something they do. Besides, the warehouse always has infinitely more useful stuff than maint, so if you are an antag perhaps hit there first.
  2. TO: Moxie Maksell, Mechatronic Engineer, NSS Aurora FROM: Sasha Reyes, CCIA, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: An Investigation has been conducted regarding the incident, and appropriate action(s) has been taken. The matter is now considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 05-22:48-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2461 SIGN: S. Reyes
  3. Killing can be important to drive a round, it should be easy, but dying should also be easy as well. People moan at security players for charging with a baton and demanding batons to be nerfed, but why is that even a thing? If I am a merc with an AR and I fire a few rounds into someone they should be stopped in their tracks. Firefights should be fast paced and dangerous - not "well I can take a good number of shots before running off for magic healing juice." I had a round, recently where a warden was lying on a bed with multiple gunshot wounds. They had murdered my tator partner so it was going to be part of the round where I manage to get our revenge for that person and continue escalating (trying to frame the AI for a person nearly dying earlier in the round). I typed out putting my shotgun against his head and pulling the trigger...two slugs to the head later and he pops up, one tap disarmed me and then shot me in the hand...causing me to drop my other tools. After executing me on the ground the warden gets spammed with meds and has no chance in dying. It was very frustrating and completely shattered any kind of immersion present. A few things needs to happen imo: - Medication needs to be less powerful - either needing more to achieve something or/and making it act far slower. - Some things require surgery as a default. Overdosing bicard to fix internal bleeding just feels a bit too easy. Splinting should render that arm/leg unusable (but stops the bone from jostling around, so stabilizes for movement - Shrapnel should cause infections / toxins over time so it cannot be ignored. Perhaps in IPCs shrapnel causes sparking (falling over / dropping something). - Getting shot in the head or torso without protection should make you drop from pain. Armor would negate this to some extend to prevent mercs/sec from getting dabbed on by one guy with a gun. Painkillers could negate this to some effect. - Food shouldn't help you regain blood. At least not enough to make you negate the effects of severe blood loss. Healing ten percent over like, thirty minutes? Sure. Currently gunfights feel as if they don't really have consequences and I rarely die, even when on the 'frontlines' so to speak. I know as soon as I see that crit message I can run away and get help with very little consequences. Just my two cents - but I always enjoyed a harder experience.
  4. Really like this: Having ghost roles that allow for some survivor or defenders of an away site would be great for interaction, could even bring them back for 'study'.
  5. There's no point to this change other than 'I don't like it'. Interacting with other contractors / as a contractor is pretty fun in my opinion and departments being contracted out is something that happens in real life. It's fine to not like it, people don't like it in real life either and yet it still happens. As with 'station secrets' being leaked out - what is to stop sci contractors from leaking info or even NT workers from giving away information? Anything that would apply to an NT worker can easily apply to an NI or Heph contractor, as they would have to sign a contract before operating on station. Hard -1 here
  6. TO: Moxie Maksell, Mechatronic Engineer, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Sasha Reyes (shodan43893). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 27-18:04-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  7. Its immersion breaking. I don't want a security department that looks like it is a bunch of college students doing a private security social event. We need to step away from memes, this would only lead to memes and nothing constructive.
  8. I can say with confidence that every interaction I have had with this player since their return, on an IC and OOC level has been extremely pleasant. I would give them a chance within CCIA. Although some parts of the app could be a little longer the base content is all there! +1
  9. Get a profile picture you nerd.

  10. I feel like J-ERT doesn't accomplish what I am trying to achieve with this suggestion - my understanding is that they just clean up huge messes. This does raise a possible modification to the idea however, expand J-ERT with the suggestions above so they can deal with all kinds of biological issues. (Orange is also better than purple!)
  11. Response to a bit of discord feedback, leaving it here to avoid redundancy: How often will it be called - surely it is pointless? Is it something we are going to be calling more often than regular ERT? No. However I feel as if it could be a nice addition to improve the feel of some round types - especially when zombie style rounds happen. Ignoring event rounds however, I will list a few applicable situations where this type of ERT could be called: -Pandemics medical fail to contain. -Spiders security fail to eradicate. -Koiz sci fail to contain. -Engine explosions, combined with engineering ERT. -When lings turn into their abominations - if they kill a whole bunch of stuff and cannot be contained. -General non-combat emergencies where there is a biological threat.
  12. Alright - NanoTrasen and their research stations can be a horribly dangerous place - black koiz, bio-weapons, super diseases and more! Our current selection of emergency responders are not really suited to deal with any of these problems so this suggestion is to create a new breed of ERT, one that has the gear to cope with such threats. Hazard-Emergency Response Team. The suits: Unlike the combat focused ERTs, I would like to give them a voidsuit that is similar to the atmospherics voidsuits, meaning they have the ability to withstand high pressures/temperatures as well as keep out contaminants and radiation. Think of them like a futuristic space NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) suit. They would offer less protection against other kinds of threats however, as a trade off. A merc with an AR would probably wipe the floor with one of these guys. For color scheme I would go bright yellow or orange, like the radiation suits with black accents. The equipment: - Hazard barrier: Think of it like an advanced version of the inflatable barrier - able to block everything the H-ERT suits can, but with a longer deploy time. Can be used to keep an area air-tight but ideally used for creating safe zones / checkpoints. Resistant to fire damage. The door would be a variant of the airtight flaps - allowing passage of people, but not atmospherics. - Mk21 Incinerator: Basically a flame thrower! Shoots out a line of flames that vanish after 5 seconds, possibly up to 4 tiles straight. Used to clean up areas that have some sort of bio-hazard, such as mass koiz spores or diseased areas. The limited range means they are not really intended for a gunfight. - Thermal Grenades: A grenade with a 5 second fuse that can be used to clear out a pocket of infestation. Perhaps a spider nest that has been made in the janitor's closet and would be too dangerous to move in to flame. - Mk22 Scanning Unit: Takes 3 seconds to fully scan a person, reports if they are infected with anything, such as koiz spores, perhaps the zombie disease (unsure of how that mechanic works) or anything else. Determines entry into a safe zone. - MK23 NBC Body Bag: A bright yellow bag with orange warnings on it - used to deal with infected corpses. Marked for cremation by one of the station's units. - Automatic .45: Reserve side arm in case of emergency - I don't want the H-ERT stuck in case of flamer unit failure or in case they get forced into a fight - they need a backup. - MK24 Harness: A belt for storing the gear listed here. Fits the scanning unit, fuel tanks, grenades and barriers. Backpack will be taken up by a large air tank, while the suit will store the flame unit. Thanks for reading this quick idea, I am looking forward to seeing what you guys think of this! Quick note to say this is just a first draft, so any suggestions, improvements or anything like that will be appreciated. Oh and the MK- names are just placeholders, leaving that open to whatever people think is best.
  13. I love all of the suggestions here, really think they will help a malf build a story. The only thing I think really needs to stay though are the APC explosions. I tried to talk with people and come to a peaceful resolution on a malf round before, only to have them completely ignore me and continue smashing cameras, trying to rush my core etc. The way I actually managed to make them stop, listen, and talk was enacting one of my threats - blowing up an APC near someone actively destroying my equipment. Without the APCs they would have been easily able to rush my core and kill me.
  14. // Closed at the approval of the original creator.
  15. TO: Malik Hejaz, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora FROM: Daniel Robinson, CCIA Appeals Processing, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: M. Hejaz Appeal Denied _______________________________ Body: After a lengthy investigation, a review of all pieces of evidence against you, examination of CCTV footage and a conversation with the Internal Affairs team, we have to deny the appeal at this time. NanoTrasen must ensure the safety of its employees and we cannot be confident that this issue will not repeat itself. We hope you find suitable employment within a different company. ________________________________ DTG: 16-16:43-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461 SIGN: Robinson
  16. TO: Malik Hejaz, Xenobiologist, NSS Aurora FROM: Daniel Robinson, CCIA Appeals Processing, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: Appeal Receipt Confirmation -------------------- BODY: Your appeal for the following incident is currently being reviewed: Case ID: 24610810 MHejaz_CRivers Handling Agent: Sasha Reyes If necessary, you will be contacted by the office of the CCIA Bureau Supervisor to discuss the resolution applied to this incident. You remain obligated to comply with previous CCIA decisions while this appeal is being processed. -------------------- DTG: 16-16:43-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2461 SIGN: Robinson
  17. Without giving a turbo long post about ups and downs I will warn you that this comes from someone who isn't super clued up on the Vaurca lore and therefore I might have the wrong idea. Apologies if this is the case. But I honestly love them. The first time I ran into them on the station it was a positive experience. The second time I ran into them it was positive. And so on. They are pretty cool and interesting looking, really add some diversity into the spites we have without looking 'bad' (see what the security discord thinks of the shield resprites if you want an example of bad). So long as the players know combat is a no-go (as it should be for all consulars). Then I couldn't find a personal reason to remove them. I'd actually push for some more stuff LIKE them with other races. Cool, interesting stuff that might help people take an interest or stick around.
  18. TO: Uriel J. Evans, Captain, NSS Aurora FROM: CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Sasha Reyes (shodan43893) You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 09-18:44-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2461 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  19. I actually really like this idea as a replacement for cloning, perhaps even give it to research to help department co-ordination (although this isn't an essential suggestion). Having a hard time limit on the time it takes to be revived would stop a lot of the fuckery and people not taking consequences for actions seriously. There wouldn't be 'well I got cloned on the odin' because it wouldn't be possible. This suggestion actually deals a lot of cloning's problems while still providing a 'fair' opportunity to get back into the round. Making the rev-juice hard but not impossible to make would be a good limiting factor on it, meaning that when disasters occur med/res will have to prioritize who gets the juice and who has to suck it up. Mass cloning wouldn't be a thing anymore either, however a competent research/med team would still be able to bring back a lot of people if a whole bunch of the juice was made. Finally yes, rejuv sickness is something I love the idea of and would totally support. Weaker muscles and blurry vision that slowly goes away as you 'wake up' from the sickness, with little messages in the text box that say how weak you feel and how you need to sit down would be a great addition. If someone charges back into combat with these it would certainly be bwoinkable. Brain damage that causes traumas would be the one thing that should stay if it happened, lets say from being shot in the head, leaving the psych with things to do mechanically still.
  20. TO: Malik Hejaz, Xenoarchaeologist, NSS Aurora FROM: CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: An Investigation has been conducted regarding the incident, and appropriate action(s) has been taken. The matter is now considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 25-15:48-TAU CETI STANDARD-08-2461 SIGN: S. Reyes
  21. Sophie Rifler Feedback Thread 2 - Sophie Hawkins Redemption Arc: Hello everyone, time to revive a really old thread from the past so I can see if people are liking the changes made to the character. Before any of my ISD buddies make any comments I am going to preface this with a statement. I GOT RID OF THE SKIRT, STOP ASKING ME. With that out of the way, if anyone has some feedback for what is arguably my main character I would love to hear it. Always looking to improve. EDIT: I know this is in the wrong subforum, its a really old post and I think the forum's structure might have changed over the years.
  22. Okay, I had a think and I agree with it being fine if the cadet is dropped.
  23. The only issue I have with this currently is the number of slots. Five scouts is more than the number of officers that are supposed to be covering the main station and every floor of it. I don't feel as if the scout cadet and ranger roles are needed, as to be honest if you want someone in EVA with a bigger gun call in your security department. Ideally we want to be working together more, so if the scouts see something they can't handle an officer or two can be sent EVA to assist. I'd turn it down to 1/2 scouts plus their leader. They have their mobility equipment and light weaponry, as well as the other gear listed in the suggestion. Security have cadets if people want to learn the basics of the game in a safe environment (non-eva and without holes to get ganked by), as well as all the other department training roles. We don't need more training roles.
  24. As an addition to this excellent point raised by @Nantei , if helmets give a suggestion that people should be on the front line then using this logic we should take them away from captain and HoP (as well as anyone else that has them). We won't, because its a silly idea. The head is important and needs protecting. There is no reason why the HoS shouldn't have magboots to stop the snagging from EVA, and a helmet to stop someone one hitting them in the head.
  25. I have only had positive experiences with this person. However they seem to actually think they are a catgirl ooc so maybe when we whitelist them send them some support. +1
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