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Everything posted by AmoryBlaine

  1. Very fun Antag RP experience with them. I think that them interacting with their hostages enough to then taunt friends of said hostages is quite nice. I don't know if that's means they're Head material, but they do seem to RP well enough.
  2. Eleanor Shen is a favourite of mine. Good character!
  3. I really like the character Aella Quinn. Very good character to share the round with, very useful Officer. Worthy is very capable- by my standards- to be a Head of Staff. t. Daniel Carmichael
  4. This would be nice to have if you swallowed something bad and are trying to purge your stomach. 10/10 would like to see- given that dipshits don't vomit like crazy everywhere I go.
  5. Driecg is a really good RP'er. I enjoy my rounds with him. +1
  6. I like him. I've only really seen him around a few times but the character seems like he'd fit the bill of Research Director. I hope he makes the cut.
  7. I RP with Qimul-Omal Tju'Yullra a lot and I have to say they are one of my favourite characters by far- overall, not just amongst Skrell. I think ClearThoughts would be quite good at RPing an IPC.
  8. I like him so far. I've not had any bad experiences with him. He's a good kitty.
  9. He seems good. Carmichael likes him.
  10. Latham-- My favorite Director of Research. Guarding them while they did a live surgical examination on a slime-person was the most fun I'd had in awhile. And she knows of my affinity for slime-girls. Viatorem-- I don't know why, but even with lack of any interaction he just irks me. Not sure why, so I got to get to talking to him. Lawrenson-- Another good Officer, I like them. Not that I have had any specific interactions.
  11. He's a good Commander, a regular on my hours so I see him a lot. Nothing bad about him that I can see. Only bad interactions have been initiated by myself while under stress. Overall competent and reliable.
  12. I like him as Sec Officer. They're reliable and don't cause a lot of shit.
  13. I like them. Good Officer, very nice attitude, very pleasant to be on shift with. I also copied their style and started wearing the alternate Security uniform.
  14. Less so now, but as a Perma-Sec player I can tell you that at the beginning of July, and late June we had a massive influx of shitters. We had at least six repeat greytiders who kept returning round after round after round. I think they banned most already though. Why do you think removing assistants is going to fix this? Do you want them to start joining into roles like engineering and science? He asked how bad our greytide issue was, I told him what I've experienced. I didn't say removing Assistants is going to fix anything.
  15. Less so now, but as a Perma-Sec player I can tell you that at the beginning of July, and late June we had a massive influx of shitters. We had at least six repeat greytiders who kept returning round after round after round. I think they banned most already though.
  16. One of my favorite Heads of Staff. He's a good reliable character.
  17. I like Leonce. He's a class-act when it comes to Security and he's one of Daniel Carmichael's friends.
  18. A Security regular. Very by the books and worthy of making his way up the ladder to HoS.
  19. I've always found that the purple and yellow of the miner uniform was less than appealing to the eyes. Seeing as there already exists another clothing piece called ' workman outfit' that is essentially the same design but more brown and gritty-looking I think this would be a better choice for the department. It's a purely aesthetic suggestion.
  20. Good player, takes initiative. Would enjoy seeing them as HoS.
  21. You're late. They're already removed on the new map.
  22. A very dedicated and reliable Security Officer. His use of paperwork is also notable. I'd very much so like to see him as Commander.
  23. They're good. I like them as Warden; dedicated and reliable. I also like the brash actions she takes; she seems to always be ready to fight someone over something.
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