Hi. I'm probably not going to involve myself in this past this one post, but I played Wxkri and I'm here to clear up some misconceptions:
-I did not speak over Hivenet as I died. Infact, I spoke to Yahir and asked them not to kill me because I had no stamina to disarm and Wxkri doesn't have much combat knowledge past planning beforehand and general analysis.
(For future cases relating to bug murder) Hivenet is monitored and logged. Do people gloss over this and usually forget it? It's a lot easier to search for clues on the Aurora's Hivenet logs though than say Biesel, because Biesel has millions of vaurcae
-The last words I said on radio was on the Medical frequency, I said "Rezzearch..." to at least notify people where I was. This is how Cheshire got to the scene, they saw my bloodstained lunchbox and the incredibly lengthy blood trail that went to an airlock they couldn't access
-I had my sensors enabled while I was getting murdered. I set it to Tracking Beacon. If anything most likely happened, Bear might've turned them off and OOCly forgot since the round was almost a month ago now though I have a relatively good memory for stuff like this
I don't want to sound biased, but objectively speaking- if you consider maintenance and the PDA messages, the signs point to Yahir being the culprit icly. Ok, that's my piece. If you weren't fully sure before, this has the rest of the stuff.