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Everything posted by GreenBoi

  1. I'd echo what Prate said and also say narcolepsy shouldn't be in there...though if someone unironically picks it and gets mad they get drowsy and sleep every ten minutes, that's on them. (I think it'd be better if Narcolepsy just had you constantly drowsy & increase sleep/KO time)
  2. I experienced this recently. Drank a full 20u of Sedantian Firestorm (80 strength bugdrink) and then 15u Coldgate (20 strength bugdrink- plan was a ghetto 100) and I literally didn't feel anything. I got a single "You feel buzzed." message and nothing after. I think there was a nerf to how much alcohol affects you, but it should not be impossible to become drunk with a literal 80-strength drink mixed with a 20-strength for essentially 100-strength alcohol.
  3. Hi. I'm probably not going to involve myself in this past this one post, but I played Wxkri and I'm here to clear up some misconceptions: -I did not speak over Hivenet as I died. Infact, I spoke to Yahir and asked them not to kill me because I had no stamina to disarm and Wxkri doesn't have much combat knowledge past planning beforehand and general analysis. (For future cases relating to bug murder) Hivenet is monitored and logged. Do people gloss over this and usually forget it? It's a lot easier to search for clues on the Aurora's Hivenet logs though than say Biesel, because Biesel has millions of vaurcae -The last words I said on radio was on the Medical frequency, I said "Rezzearch..." to at least notify people where I was. This is how Cheshire got to the scene, they saw my bloodstained lunchbox and the incredibly lengthy blood trail that went to an airlock they couldn't access -I had my sensors enabled while I was getting murdered. I set it to Tracking Beacon. If anything most likely happened, Bear might've turned them off and OOCly forgot since the round was almost a month ago now though I have a relatively good memory for stuff like this I don't want to sound biased, but objectively speaking- if you consider maintenance and the PDA messages, the signs point to Yahir being the culprit icly. Ok, that's my piece. If you weren't fully sure before, this has the rest of the stuff.
  4. I forgot I had to explain why No, because we don't need big rat people, they wouldn't fit and it'd be pretty meme to add them. Also, I don't think we're likely going to get any new species at all for a long while.
  5. Wiki says Unathi have plantigrade apparently....
  6. No one's asking for an Offworlder exception to the background requirements, they're just saying "these guys have existed as long as space travel, why can't they be Captain" I don't see any reason to differ from my first statement- also, I'm going to smash against Paradox's statement with "Tajara are actually fast, this is a combat advantage for Security." Offworlders aren't fast at all, and can only go normal speed with supplements and artificial aid- while a Tajara could run to avoid what would physically hurt or brutalize them easily, an Offworlder fucking can't and is still weak enough to fall apart easily in actual combat. They would only realistically be investigative-roles (not even Warden since if the prisoner can easily beat the warden physically, they could walk into the armory and steal weapons).
  7. Burns and organ damage fuck you up a lot worse than they should. I've been shocked by an electropack-rigged crate and then somehow get organ failure about ten minutes later...but this might just be something iffy- this did happen a few weeks ago. Toxins, I think, would be my most consistent issue. It easily leads to organ damage and the threshold seems a bit too low. Not related to firearms, but definitely related to lethality.
  8. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Venus Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): Venus is the powerhouse of Sol How will this be reflected on-station? I'll be honest, it probably won't be able to be reflected onto the station all that well besides a few Solarians not being used to phoron-based power Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists? It establishes that NT's phoron in Sol is used less for power and more for special phoron-locked things, and also shows more that Sol had a stable source before phoron. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore? Too big and important to stay a headcanon. This gives a steady boost to Idris within Sol. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not forsee? Yeah sure, kinda expected and necessary. or else we'd still have ATLAS Long Description: All in this doc The basis of this is that Venus' atmosphere and planetary conditions are great for energy-harvesting, if you know what you're doing. I was considering either this, as a functioning powerhouse-planet or talking about old and abandoned oil-rigs on Titan.
  9. Enjoyable event series, but here's my critique: And to Resi and the people related to the spoiler'd text, those are probably some harsh words, but they're legitimate and I wasn't kidding when I said I felt like one of the only people at times. This is coming from someone who participated or observed in the events since Day 1, AND before it was cool.
  10. Custom Event Info already displays automatically when joining or relogging iirc
  11. Yeah, I was gonna talk about this/make a bug report about this before. Cool.
  12. I know why this feature was removed, but it's caused more aggravation than help. Mercs who use it have no idea how their message came out as or if someone else made an announcement with it, nor do Ninjas or anyone that uses it before they get to the station. Ghosts also don't know what the hell the announcements have said if they were on a different zlevel. If people not on the station zlevel don't have to see it, they'll deduce that from their circumstances, otherwise raiders/mercs will just use the 'its intercepted' excuse, which is pretty plausible given their headsets.
  13. NT doesn't do it out of some dumb stupid shallow-racist thing. They do it because of the actual chance of an accident. I'd say Offworlders shouldn't be any form of Security besides Wardens, Detectives, and CSI. I'm fine for them being CEs and Captain- CE hardsuits auto-splint broken bones so you can just say they use the suit to help them walk steadily and at a decent pace. No reason for Offworlders not to be Captain; not combat-based at all which is the only real issue for Offworlders. HoS is very sketchy though because while they don't have to be frontlining and are very often tacticians and backline strategists irl, they need to be able to stand their own at least, even if they aren't perfect at combat. Offworlders would icly, be able to get their bones cracked from a simple dislocation so I don't see why they'd be let in as this or why any Offworlder who cares about their life would go as this role.
  14. Quick PSA: The 'Me' emote is mainly for visible emotes and don't show up on radio or when blind. The Say "!" emote is audible and shows up on radio, but not for the deaf. Use these creatively and not stupidly. 

    1. Cnaym


      say "!giggles.

      me "slowly nods.

    2. Carver


      Surprisingly useful information, I'd assumed all emotes were 'audible' and "!" was a spaghetti addition to allow emoting over headsets.

    3. Pratepresidenten


      ^ is the opposite of !, if you dont feel like using f4 or the command bar

  15. Ok, I don't think that many people actually liked the maintenance access-changes, and I personally want it all reverted. There's so little maintenance access now, which is kinda shit because it defeats some of the reasons it was added. Mainly the fact that Antagonists cannot abuse the fact most people lack maint access that well because most antags are CREW-ANTAGS and they DON'T HAVE THE ACCESS. Alternatively, they can hack but if they leave IDscan cut for them to escape- that allows others to follow them. I'm in belief it should be fully reverted, so Security isn't literally unable to touch any antag that closes a maint door without whining to Command, and so that other roles have maint access that doesn't suck (A good portion of maint is considered 'general maint' so being restricted to dept-only maint sucks a lot more than you'd expect). Also for this partially because I hate how Assistants got maint access for about a month, and then it got removed straight after because of this little meme. I probably haven't written this in the best way, but this thread is more for people voicing their opinions on this being reverted than anything else. Happy begging.
  16. Raiders spawn with two guns, so you can't have them spawn w/ a backpack. They can already get backpacks by going to the station, but this just saves time. Give them some rngspawn bags and duffels in the shuttle, and boom. One QoL done.
  17. I did the math and not having shoes on cuts you tiles-per-second movement speed by 25%. Zeng-frames get cut from 3.33333t/s to 2.5/s and it's worse for everyone else. This should not be a thing anymore. It's just annoying given that some people just don't want to or care about shoes ergo robots, vaurcae, and some dirty guwans.
  18. It should work like how Polymorph does now where they change back if you hit them again.
  19. This is called "shooting it with missiles and cardox" Mechs are implausible at melee, you do not want people getting anywhere close to the cockpit or to damage your legs. They would really just be walking missile racks, like the old Durand.
  20. No. Too many ninjas for a good gimmick, and too much potential for dumb mayhem from three unstoppable weeaboos.
  21. Thank you, I've had a similar issue with this, which is why I also want this addressed.
  22. It's not based on the red wire, it's based on the red light, which happens to only be disabled/enabled from cutting & mending or pulsing. Antags can already hack vendors for free items by being smart and using remote signallers or by choosing to play a game heavily in their favor (there's 5 wires, and only one of them shocks). Most vendors affected won't even benefit an antag.
  23. RnD isn't cargo. Asking them for nanopaste and parts isn't much of interaction, it's a chore to get things done fast. Most of RnD is using the destructive analyzer and fiddling with whatever meme they can afford to get their hands on. If someone prints without you knowing, it's not really the end of the world unless they used a shit ton of mats. I see this as a non-issue and would rather have a more accessible protolathe.
  24. The shutdown one sounds cooler and less of an issue than it flinging around objects, I'd be fine for it if you can easily fix it as an engineer or whatever. Maybe one of those currently useless lights in the vendors (I think just cyan) is the lockdown one.
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