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Everything posted by GreenBoi

  1. I think it shouldd simply be based on the importance of the content at hand. A majority, or the important parts of a species' history would fall under this- as well as any change to any caste system or even drastically changing the populations of an essential group within a species.
  2. I've seen these posts before, and I just don't get it. How can you be underpowered when you're the literal blankslate? You are not strong, but you are not weak- humans are what we base off other species' stats off for the fluttery idea that is balancing combat. If you consider humans are underpowered, then vaurcae shouldn't exist because they will die to anything- bullets being brute-based doesn't mean jackshit when it can still cause cuts and cause you to bleed to death. Lasers are fucking WMDs that delete your existence (I can only imagine the horrors from when lasers were 2 instead of 1.5 for Ka). The only reason humans seem 'weak' is because they don't have any quirks or tricks up their sleeves- which is intended. No, you can't speak telepathically or entire a shared dream- no, you can't detach your own hand to use as a scout and no, you can't sprint across the entire station and promptly lose your stamina in 5 seconds. There's no problem with this because, again- humans are the vanilla experience and race. I think the reason this keeps coming up is because some humie mains feel left out of having any species 'quirk'- or feel weak against an alien in their element. The OPs who aren't humie mains usually feel a lack of substance mechanically when they go from playing skrell or IPC to vanilla humans. What's forgotten is that if a human is getting stepped on in an encounter, it's not exclusive. Other species would also have a hard time in that situation. And about augments- that mystical document you keep using as a point was just a proposal. Proposals are not official until put in- do you know what else is a proposal? Bio-shells, almost every suggestion on the forums are...because they're ideas thought of, to be put in the game- but they're not confirmed and can be changed.
  3. This is the same thing, but it now requires a different role and also makes CSIs have a harder time altogether. I don't see a reason to elongating the process past "it's fast rn" If a poison was meant to be lethal, it'd be fast-acting or stacked with others to kill the person. If there's enough time to identify the chemical, counteract its effects, and fix the organs- it is not an effective strategy anyways.
  4. Jellyfish jelly is just jellyfish nut.
  5. The reason they aren't open is because it was extremely boring to play one when there's no expedition- you don't DO anything and you jut waste the slot unless a rare occurrence happens and there IS an expedition.
  6. I'd like having multiple loadouts for characters- like bay has, but reducing the pointcost is the most important one. There are some items that should not cost any points, like the headphones and silver locket. The former is literally useles and while the latter can store a photo- it's not much of a popular pick.
  7. Isn't it just C+?
  8. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): System/Faction, I guess Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): You do not spark productivity nor profits, how blue dyed! How will this be reflected on-station? It could inspire certain behaviors in Eridanians station-wide, in how they work with their colleagues and how they treat others/how Command would be thinking. Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists? It shows how inherently hostile of an environment the Federation is for both Dregs and Suits; they both have to fight some exploitative force. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore? It's small, but would make a notable impact in the exact feel for how an actual Eridanian workplace would be, and how their work would affect life. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not foresee? Yep, though I don't expect any massive changes in the future since this fits Eri pretty well already. Long Description: notes or something: I know people will think I researched China for this, but I really just moderately-exaggerated current corp-privacy practices. If you want to get the full vibe and feel of repscores, imagine the following: It's your ten-minute break, you've been fucking starving! You go to the vending machine and swipe for a soda and quick mealpack. You take your time to eat and enjoy this and overstay you break by about eight minutes, but you don't think anyone noticed since you were kinda alone in your place. You do this a few more times since you don't have enough money to get filling food past soypackets. A day or two later, you go to order and you see all these small snacks, but no real mealpacks. You're disappointed since they were quick but more filling than these stupid cheap snacks. Turns out the option for mealpacks were made digitally unavailable to you by drone, and off the menu for your shifts- because the camera saw you eating past your break and calculated that the packs took too long to eat and cut into productivity.
  9. Library also can't be turned on unless there's a Librarian (literally never), or you dismantle the window.
  10. Just bluegrab them normally and move, you get a slowdown but it doesn't worsen their wounds.
  11. That's good. Fire alarms are meant to be red anyways, so you can easily find them in a panic- which is actually pretty useful ingame too since fie usually spreads fast (if it isn't, you have enough time to extinguish it).
  12. What's so bad about letting the role be easy to kill? The main difficulty of murdering someone is the fact that they'll be dark from radio- which is super suspicious when it's someone in Security, and they're still on-manifest. The challenge of this murder is not in the actual process, but in the repercussions as people know the detective is mysteriously gone and are going to be more cautious. If they had a revolver, all that would mean is that antags would try to KO them/make their weapon inaccessible to avoid the threat altogether.
  13. These aren't exactly new issues. Like Matt said- this is literally just natural from newbies playing antag, which always happens since there'll always be a guy that wants to try out the roles. I literally was this type of person for several months, so the antag drafting has nothing to really do with it. Besides, we've had antag drafting before and no one seemed to mind then (almost like people don't care until you tell them something exists). The most we could do is add a little note in the vote menu that voting makes you eligible for antags in that mode.
  14. I don't think this would make sense. The ions affect an AI's laws- which IPCs don't have, and this would make IPC commandheads a liability. When AIs get an Ion Law- that does not override any of their other laws, which means you will still be safe. At worst, the AI will try to convince you into doing something completely ridiculous; at best, it will do nothing because the two laws conflict. If an IPC got an Ion Law, literally what WOULD stop it? No laws would be inplace to inhibit their nonsense, and if you have no roboticist- they're kind of stuck that way.
  15. As much as I prefer there being no Research Contractors (literally the purpose and most sensitive part of the entire station), this is probably the closest we can have to that dream. The corps are not buddy-buddy with eachother and are always planning to grow through whatever means necesary. Just because they partner up or send contractos doesn't mean they're not still at each other's throats. Allowing contractors into more than two departments allows for nothing but easier espionage. Can you imagine how easy it is for Hephaestus to transport data or materials? They literally have agents in Cargo, Research, and Engineering- it'd be easy as fuck. Got to restrict their power somehow.
  16. There should be a guaranteed artifact spawn on the Xenoarch zlevel- it is excruciatingly difficult to play when you have to start traversing zlevels. The spacesuit should also not slow you down as much- it makes you as slow as a G1 for absolutely no reason. The emergency softsuits in oxyclosets are almost better than them- but literally every other type of voidsuit is better, why can't they just let you walk at normal speed ffs- or something like 1.8, they're not really armored. The easiest way I can see helping move up equipment would be through the usage of hovermechs, but having to ask for one to be made just for zlevel-travel to not be complete ass sucks the fun away. This just reminds me how annoying Xenoarchaeology is.
  17. I don't see what the issue is. What's so bad about just getting a stun revolver or something taser-like? If you already don't validhunt as Detective- you're probably not going to try and kill a person anyways, and it's not like a taser can't buy you as much self-defense by slowing down your opponent. Yes, it's not as effective as shooting a guy and causing him to break a bone- which forces them to back off or eventually be formally arrested and incarcerated, but there's also the fact that a Detective, hypothetically, should not be in a lot of trouble to begin with combat-wise. You aren't high-priority for take-out by assassins or anything and forensic details can be messed with without doing something as super-suspicious as literal murder. When I was antagging in 2018, I was more afraid of the Detective than Officers- they were on par with Wardens and the HoS because I was afraid they'd blast me to total oblivion if we went in combat. I still fucking feel that way whenever I antag once a month and that's so stupid. Stun Revolvers are fine.
  18. I think I will attend since I haven't done any coding in so long, I've forgotten literally everything and I want to know so I can read code better and not see learning more about the languages as a daunting task.
  19. Makes sense as the miners are working in a cloud chock-full of anomalies and unknown items, it'd be worst to not supply them with something that would tell them if there's anything anomalous.
  20. Here's the problem: We say "the aim isn't to win," but there kind of IS a set endgoal for any given antagonist? I think validhunting's definition of "play-to-win" is just there to easily describe what it is to people who don't know if they're doing it, the actual definition for our circumstances is most closer to "playing to win in classical SS13 terms, without any thought for something else" Antags will win sometimes, and that's ok- the antag actually winning is pretty rare on this server and that kind of sucks, so they're occasionally being given access to some tools that will help them reach their self-made goals easier. You can make interesting scenarios with-or-without winning, but winning shouldn't be tossed out the table: What is very ironic is that people are fine with Security winning, but whenever antagonists win consistently- that's when people begin proposing nerfs or saying it's broken/unablanced/OP because it deviates from the norm so it MUST be broken.
  21. An emergency armory for the crew would slowly encourages and rewards more validhunty behavior overall. And, as Aticius commented- it would throw the typical arrangement and defense of the game out of the way. Every server has some form of Security for a reason and so long as antagonists and events exists- so would Security.
  22. Oh yeah, stun revolvers are a lot better....assuming they don't actually stun easily- but they're still a better option, and prevent ez-valids.
  23. I'm all for this, but if people want to have a sidearm as Detective- it should be a taser. Detectives having any pistol that's lethal without being a proper officer is pretty goddamn dangerous by itself, but a taser is harder to abuse besides the rare chance of it causing cardiac arrest.
  24. This was actually proposed as a project earlier- but all you'd have to do for it is to make it toggleable to turn it off so it's an opt-in thing, preventing meta for those who don't want to be known.
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